path: root/greek/devel
diff options
authorThomas Lange <lange@debian.org>2021-08-04 23:16:46 +0200
committerThomas Lange <lange@debian.org>2021-08-04 23:16:46 +0200
commite8aa781280c79de2eba5ade05b186885ec0da5bc (patch)
tree08de80fe68f0aeefdb1cdf4e821739b006d3d21c /greek/devel
parentf48858e7f6e2293ae0f9439f5b9b5ceec5306fab (diff)
remove translations of debian-jr
Diffstat (limited to 'greek/devel')
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 474 deletions
diff --git a/greek/devel/debian-jr/Makefile b/greek/devel/debian-jr/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index c26323c0c92..00000000000
--- a/greek/devel/debian-jr/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-include $(subst webwml/greek,webwml/english,$(CURDIR))/Makefile
diff --git a/greek/devel/debian-jr/compchannel_article.wml b/greek/devel/debian-jr/compchannel_article.wml
deleted file mode 100644
index 26168044b64..00000000000
--- a/greek/devel/debian-jr/compchannel_article.wml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-#use wml::debian::template title="Debian Jr. Computer Channel article"
-#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="b8114b588961778dbd04974c1464a2f388a90c28" maintainer="galaxico"
-The following translation by the Debian Jr. Project of this <a
-article</a> (in German) by Susanne Reininger is posted here with
-permission from G+J Computer Channel GmbH.
-<H2>A Linux for the Young</H2>
-<i>The free operating system Linux should gain
-entry into children's rooms - that is what certainly the initiators of
-three projects wish. But whether Linux fits that simply into "children's
-shoes" in the minds of the committed developers is
-By Susanne Reininger
- "Daddy, is this Linux game also available for Windows 95 -- it
-would look better there, wouldn't it?", nine-year-old Victoria asked
-her father nervously. That hurt the Debian developer Ben Armstrong in two
-ways: as a committed advocate of the Open Source idea he is one of the
-initiators of the "Debian Jr. Project" which aims to make the Linux based
-Debian operating system more friendly for kids. Besides, he wants to pass
-on his beliefs of "free software for all" to his children because he
-classifies the alternatives as "too restrictive and just
-unacceptable". "Whether I like it or not, Windows is much easier for kids
-than Linux is" Armstrong had to admit. "Why can't Linux be more fun for
-kids? I want to develop a desktop for kids where they can start toys,
-games and educational software with a few mouseclicks"
-describes Armstrong in his vision of the Debian Jr. Project.
-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The project is not visible to the public yet and is
-situated in the "internal phase" in which Armstrong exchanges ideas and
-tips with other Debian developers in his spare time about how Linux-based
-desktop-functions and applications which are suitable for children could look
-in a <a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-jr/">mailing list</a>
-{translator's note: this is not true anymore: there is
-<a href="$(HOME)/devel/debian-jr/">an official
-website</a>}. "This is not about reinventing a user interface but about
-selecting applications we think children can cope with best." says
-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The central question is: "What exactly is it
-that makes computers attractive to kids?". Therefore you must keep your
-eyes and ears open and look unobtrusively over the kids' shoulders when
-they sit at the computer.
-Without this focus you get lost in abstract questions believes the
-Debian developer. Not only is desktop-arrangement debated, but also
-child-proofing applications so that kids are not limited, but
-rather are encouraged to find their own solutions - "even if it
-breaks sometimes".
-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Besides the Debian Jr. Project there are two more
-developer initiatives which want to enthuse kids to use Linux playfully,
-an operating system which is hard for many average users to understand.
-One of them is "Linux for Kids" which launched
-their own <a href="http://www.linuxforkids.com">website</a>.
-It wants to give publicity to the open operating system as a platform
-for learning and edutainment software. "Our target group is kids under
-the age of ten" says Chris Ellec, the operator of the website. But so
-far, Linux for Kids serves mainly as a software forum for parents and
-teachers who are looking for programs for the young at home or for
-teaching. "We hope that we become also a contact point for kids soon"
-says Ellec.
-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Chris Ellec and some friends wanted to adapt
-some old 486es for deployment in an elementary school. Through his long
-experience with Linux he installed the free operating system on the
-"good old boxes". But then he discovered that there were barely any
-educational programs and games. So he collected existing software from
-the net and encouraged some programmer friends to develop appropriate
-applications. Thus, step by step the software forum grew from five
-up to more than 60 programs. Under seven categories, games like
-"Tuxracer", a 3D ski race, city simulation "Lincity", a multilanguage
-translator for Japanese and educational programs can be downloaded. In
-February a collection of the best
-programs on CD-ROM came out, the proceeds of which go towards
-operation of the site. A review system and feedback from users should
-be added soon. The
-initiators or "Linux for Kids" work closely together with
-<a href="http://www.seul.org/edu/">SEUL/Edu (Simple End User
-Linux)</a> a discussion group of parents, teachers and students who want
-to deploy Linux as a learning aid.
-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Linux-mascot Tux has already become a cuddly
-toy for children's rooms - now it just has to manage the jump to the
-child's computer desktop.
-&copy; by G+J Computer Channel GmbH
diff --git a/greek/devel/debian-jr/index.wml b/greek/devel/debian-jr/index.wml
deleted file mode 100644
index ddde399fb7c..00000000000
--- a/greek/devel/debian-jr/index.wml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,324 +0,0 @@
-#use wml::debian::template title="Debian Jr. Project"
-#use wml::debian::recent_list
-#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="57a14bfef0c9aaf307769f8b27eeeb7b17d7f20e" maintainer="galaxico"
-<H2>Debian for children from 1 to 99</H2>
-This is a <a href="https://wiki.debian.org/DebianPureBlends">Debian Pure Blend</a>
-(in short Blend). Our goal is to make Debian an OS that children
-of all ages will want to use. Our initial focus will be on producing something
-for children up to age 8. Once we have accomplished this, our next target age
-range is 7 to 12. By the time children reach their teens, they should be
-comfortable with using Debian without any special modifications.
-<P><:= get_recent_list('News/$(CUR_YEAR)', '6',
-'$(ENGLISHDIR)/devel/debian-jr', '', '\d+\w*' ) :>
-<P>For older news items see the <A href="$(HOME)/devel/debian-jr/News/"
->Debian Jr. News Page</a>.</p>
-<li>Linux Magazine (UK) interviews the Debian Jr. project leader in
-the September 2001 issue.
-<li>A <a href="compchannel_article">computerchannel.de article</a> about
-Debian Jr.</li>
-<li><a href="https://www.gnu.org/brave-gnu-world/issue-23">Brave
-GNU World writeup</a></li>
-<H3>Email List</H3>
-Debian has set up an email list for this group. You can subscribe to it from
-the <A href="$(HOME)/MailingLists/subscribe">Mailing List
-subscription page</A> or read the
-<A href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-jr/">mail archives</A>.
-<H3>IRC Channel</H3>
-We have a realtime discussion channel, #debian-jr on irc.debian.org.
-<H3>Community Site</H3>
-We now have a <a href="https://debianjr.alioth.debian.org/">Debian Jr.
-community site</a> on <a href="https://alioth.debian.org/">Alioth</a>
-where developers and users alike are encouraged to contribute to
-the Debian Jr. project.
-<H3>What can I do to help?</H3>
-We would be interested to hear what you think Debian Jr. could be
-doing, particularly if you'd like to help make it happen.
-The <a href="https://packages.debian.org/junior-doc">junior-doc</a> package
-contains the <a href="https://people.debian.org/~synrg/junior-doc/quickguide/">Quick
-Guide</a>, the current development version of which is linked here.
-and <a
->Text</a> formats are also available.
-This document will guide you through the simple installation process. If
-you are installing Debian for the first time, you will first want to look
-at the <a href="$(HOME)/releases/stable/installmanual">Installation
-<H3>Packages in Debian Jr.</H3>
-Debian Pure Blends are creating <a
-href="https://blends.debian.org/junior/tasks/">overviews over the
-packages</a> in which are interesting for the target user group.
-<li>To propose a change to any of the Debian Jr. metapackages, file a bug against
-the appropriate junior-* package.</li>
-<li>To propose a new metapackage, make your case for it on the
-Debian Jr. <a href="mailto:debian-jr@lists.debian.org">mailing
-<li>To propose a new package to add to Debian, and subsequently to
-Debian Jr., either file an <a
-href="$(HOME)/devel/wnpp/">ITP</a> (intent to package) if you are
-packaging it yourself, or an <a href="$(HOME)/devel/wnpp/">RFP</a>
-(request for package) against the <a
-href="https://bugs.debian.org/wnpp">WNPP</a> (Work-Needing and
-Prospective Packages) list in Debian's bug database. Please let
-our <a href="mailto:debian-jr@lists.debian.org">mailing
-list</a> know about any outstanding wishlists you have on the WNPP
-for prospective Debian Jr. packages.</li>
-<LI>If you have found a package in Debian that could be
-included in Debian Jr., but needs work to be suitable for
-children, please file a bug against the package at <a
-href="https://bugs.debian.org">bugs.debian.org</a> describing
-the problem and proposing a solution. Once the
-bug has been closed, make a request to include the package in
-Debian Jr. as described above. Again, let us know on the
-<a href="mailto:debian-jr@lists.debian.org">mailing list</a>
-about any outstanding bugs you have filed of this nature.</li>
-<table border="0" cellspacing="10" cellpadding="4">
-<tr><td colspan="2"><p>
-While Debian Jr. works with many other projects within Debian
-to varying degrees, a couple of them have special significance to us.
-<li>The first is <a href="https://cdd.alioth.debian.org/">Debian-custom</a>, with
-which we are developing the concept of <a
-href="https://wiki.debian.org/CustomDebian">Custom Debian Distributions</a>. We
-host our development activity here, and discuss issues common to all CDDs on
-their <a href="mailto:debian-custom@lists.debian.org">mailing list</a>.</li>
-<li>The second is <a
-href="https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu">DebianEdu</a>, which not only does work
-related to our own, but also is a driving force behind the development of CDDs.</li>
-<tr><td colspan="2"><p>
-The most important peer project of Debian Jr. outside of Debian
-is the <a href="http://www.osef.org/">Open Source Education
-Foundation (OSEF)</a>. For years, OSEF has provided us with
-resources, encouragement and inspiration. We now have a
-seat on the board, and are committed to collaborating with them
-on various projects that will involve our work.
-While developing Debian for use in schools is not the primary focus of
-our working group, it is inescapably something on which our work will
-touch. Those who have a part in raising children naturally care about
-their education. We therefore share the vision with those who are
-working to make free software take root and grow in our schools.
-Thus, we are proud to be a <a
-href="http://www.schoolforge.net/">Schoolforge</a> member.
-<a href="http://www.schoolforge.net/"><img src="member80.png"
-alt="Schoolforge Member"></a>
-<tr><td colspan="2"><p>
-We are a Friend
-project of <a href="http://www.tux4kids.com/">Tux4Kids</a> which
-provides some great packages for Debian Jr.
-<H3>Debian Jr. Goals</H3>
-<H4>Making Debian desirable to children</H4>
-The primary goal of the Debian Jr. project is to make Debian an OS our
-children <i>want</i> to run. This involves some sensitivity to the
-needs of children as expressed by the children themselves. As parents,
-developers, older siblings, sys admins, we need to keep our ears and
-eyes open and discover what it is that makes computers desirable to
-children. Without this focus, we can easily get sidetracked trying to
-achieve abstract goals like "user friendliness", "simplicity", "low
-maintenance", or "robustness" that, while they are certainly laudable
-goals for Debian as a whole, are too broad for addressing the specific
-needs and wants of children.
-<H4>Working with other child-oriented free software projects</H4>
-Other projects already exist (e.g. <a href="http://www.seul.org/edu/"
->SEUL/edu</a> and Kids Games) that have goals which overlap and
-dovetail with our own.
-Rather than duplicate their effort, we need to work with these groups to
-ensure that Debian makes the best use of their work, and makes
-contributions back to those efforts of our own. Debian Jr. should stay
-focused on (but not limited to) Debian-specific goals. Individuals from
-Debian Jr. are encouraged to join these other groups as time and interest
-Naturally, children have different needs and wants from adults in the
-applications they choose to run. Some of these will be games, while
-others will be word processors, text editors, "paint" programs, and the
-like. The goal is to identify the highest quality applications
-available within Debian that are suitable for children, add to that
-number by packaging ones not yet in Debian, and ensure that the chosen
-applications are kept in a well-maintained state. One implementation
-goal is to provide meta packages to make installing groups of "child
-friendly" applications easier for the sys admin. Another is to improve
-our packages in ways that particularly matter for children, which
-could be as simple as filling in holes in the documentation, or could be
-more complex, involving work with the upstream authors.
-<H4>Childproofing and account management</H4>
-The idea here is not to necessarily to implement tough security measures.
-That is beyond our mandate. The goal is simply to provide
-sys admins with documentation and tools for setting up their
-systems so that their naturally curious child users will not "break" their
-accounts, soak up all system resources, or otherwise do things that
-require constant sys admin intervention. This is a more of a concern for
-child users than adults, as they tend to explore and deliberately push the
-system to the limits just to see what happens. The messes that result can
-be at once both amusing and frustrating. This goal is about keeping your
-sanity (and sense of humor) as a child's sys admin.
-<H4>Learning to use the computer</H4>
-The "Childproofing" goal needs to be balanced with the goal of <i>allowing</i>
-children to try things (and yes, break things) and find solutions to their
-problems. Learning to use the keyboard, GUI, shell, and computer
-languages are all things that parents and children alike need some tips to
-help get them headed in the right direction.
-<H4>User interface</H4>
-Discover and implement both GUI and text-based interfaces that work well
-for and are attractive to children. The idea is not to re-invent the user
-interface, but to add value to existing tools and packages (window
-managers, menu system and so forth) by providing some convenient
-pre-selected configurations that we find work best for children.
-<H4>Family guidance</H4>
-Give parents (and in some cases, older siblings) the tools to help their
-children (or siblings) learn about computers and to put reasonable
-limits on their access, guiding them towards independent use of the
-computer as they mature. For example, many parents will be concerned
-about regulating Internet use to protect their children until they reach
-a suitable age to deal with mature content. The important thing to
-remember is that the parents will chose what they think is best for
-their children. The Debian Jr. group does not make this judgement, but
-is there to help provide the tools and documentation to help the parents
-with these decisions. That being said, I think this goal should focus
-more on the "guidance" aspect than restriction, as the former is a
-positive activity while the latter is negative.
-<H4>Children's System</H4>
-While our first goal as children's sys admins will probably be to set up
-the children with
-accounts on our own systems and populate it with applications that they
-enjoy, there comes a time when we contemplate getting them their own
-system. The most ambitious realization of this goal might be a Debian
-software equivalent of the "toy" computers currently on the market:
-brightly colored, decal-covered systems pre-loaded with software
-appealing to children of a specific age range. It
-is important to keep in perspective that this would still be a Debian
-system, not some fork from the Debian distribution. It is a perfectly
-achievable goal through the Debian package management system (via meta
-packages, for example) and should not require a fork in development to
-produce a special Debian "children's edition".
-There are lots of excellent applications out there designed for or
-appealing to children that we wish
-would be ported to Linux. We can help move the process along by first,
-demonstrating that Debian is a viable platform for children by the work of
-this project, and second, by our individual and collective efforts to
-petition software vendors and authors to make ports of their products
-for Linux. If they can be convinced to make their software
-<a href="$(HOME)/social_contract#guidelines">DFSG free</a>
-at the same time, so much the better.
-While English may be the "universal" language, not all children speak it
-as their mother tongue. And while internationalization should be a goal
-of Debian itself, language problems are amplified when dealing with children.
-Children will not want to use Debian if support for their language is not
-there, and will find it more comfortable to use other OS's where language
-support is better. Therefore, we do need to keep this in mind.
-<H4>Marketing &amp; PR</H4>
-Once we have something to show for this project, and indeed even in the
-formative stages of this project, we are being watched by the eyes of
-the world (I have already received one private email from a member of
-the press). We will necessarily want to work with press@debian.org to
-get the word out and to help give Debian and this project the kind of
-exposure we want. I know many of us as developers are oblivious to such
-concerns, or even loath to be involved with such things, but if we don't
-keep this goal in mind from the outset, we're giving up this role to
-others who may not understand or accurately represent what we're about.
diff --git a/greek/devel/debian-jr/jobs.wml b/greek/devel/debian-jr/jobs.wml
deleted file mode 100644
index ca2950fab41..00000000000
--- a/greek/devel/debian-jr/jobs.wml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-#use wml::debian::template title="Debian Jr. Jobs"
-#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="572445c4e984548ff493fb061c947af8f4e4abc2" maintainer="galaxico"
-See <a href="https://debianjr.alioth.debian.org/wiki/pmwiki.php?n=Main.HowCanIHelp">HowCanIHelp</a> at
-the <a href="https://debianjr.alioth.debian.org/">Debian Jr. community site</a>.
diff --git a/greek/devel/debian-jr/packaged.wml b/greek/devel/debian-jr/packaged.wml
deleted file mode 100644
index eca7c5f8667..00000000000
--- a/greek/devel/debian-jr/packaged.wml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-#use wml::debian::template title="Already packaged for Debian Jr."
-#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/devel/debian-jr/packaged.tags"
-#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="7a1d930a6d320a958fe1229cba759c7e4e3def80" maintainer="galaxico"
-This list and the comments attached are the personal opinion of the Debian
-Jr. developers, and don't represent a formal pronouncement by Debian on
-their suitability for children. The age range for this list is age 8
-and under, although some of the more complex programs require help
-from an older person.
-<P> The initial list and comments have been drawn up from packages list
-members have tried with their children and they like. More will be added
-as we look more systematically at Debian. Because the lists are
-manually maintained, they are more than likely out of date. Please
-email any submissions to <a href="mailto:synrg@debian.org">synrg@debian.org</a>
-and I will have them updated.
-<H3>In Debian</H3>
-<:= multi_include ('$(ENGLISHDIR)/devel/debian-jr/packaged', 'packaged') :>
-<H3>In non-free or contrib</H3>
-These packages are not a part of Debian or Debian Jr. We list them
-here for reference because there is no suitable alternative in Debian
-<:= multi_include ('$(ENGLISHDIR)/devel/debian-jr/packaged-non-free', 'packaged-non-free') :>

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