path: root/rss
diff options
authorJim Hu <jimhu@users.sourceforge.net>2005-02-13 17:48:50 +0000
committerJim Hu <jimhu@users.sourceforge.net>2005-02-13 17:48:50 +0000
commit9853c72b020f4092663db5a61389b472a7ea4441 (patch)
treeba920b0a2c83a10a9d2dac9afe1a92e02ac40318 /rss
parent64ea7f7fad6aa0370d909f9b3b3ca193c49d6fca (diff)
changes to rss.php to allow feeding a range of dates, and to use a single XML generation routine for all feeds. XML generation needs work, but it works for me.
Diffstat (limited to 'rss')
1 files changed, 112 insertions, 132 deletions
diff --git a/rss/rss.php b/rss/rss.php
index 5d1c4b3..4bd457c 100644
--- a/rss/rss.php
+++ b/rss/rss.php
@@ -1,36 +1,84 @@
+* Modified from phpicalendar 2.0a distribution by Jim Hu
+* philosophical changes
+* - instead of having separate generators, use a date range for all views (done)
+* - change the rss generation method to conform to standards(not done)
+* PHP note: #@ is error control operator to suppress execution halt on error
+* - used below to deal with undef?
define('BASE', '../');
if ($enable_rss != 'yes') {
- exit(error('RSS is not available for this installation.', $cal, '../'));
+ die ("RSS feeds are not enabled on this site.");
-if (empty($default_path)) {
- if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) || strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) == 'on' ) {
- $default_path = 'https://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].':'.$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'].substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],0,strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],'/rss/'));
- } else {
- $default_path = 'http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].':'.$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'].substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],0,strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],'/rss/'));
- }
-} else {
- $default_path = $default_path.'rss/';
+$default_path = 'http://'.$HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SERVER_NAME'].':'.$HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SERVER_PORT'].substr($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF'],0,strpos($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF'],'/rss/'));
+//set the range of days to return based on the view chosen
+$rssview = $_GET['rssview'];
+if (!$getdate){$getdate = date("Ymd");}
-$start_week_time = strtotime(dateOfWeek($getdate, $week_start_day));
-$end_week_time = $start_week_time + (6 * 25 * 60 * 60);
-$start_week = localizeDate($dateFormat_week, $start_week_time);
-$end_week = localizeDate($dateFormat_week, $end_week_time);
+switch ($rssview){
+ case 'day':
+ $fromdate = $getdate;
+ $todate = $getdate;
+ $theview = $day_lang;
+ break;
+ case 'month':
$parse_month = date ("Ym", strtotime($getdate));
-$rssview = $_GET['rssview'];
+ $fromdate = ($parse_month *100) + 1;
+ $nextmonth = ($parse_month +1) * 100; #should give the 0th day of following month
+ $todate = date('Ymd',strtotime($nextmonth));
+ $theview = date('M Y',strtotime($fromdate));
+ break;
+ case 'daysfrom':
+ $fromdate = $getdate;
+ $todate = $getdate + $_GET['days'];
+ #print "from:$fromdate to: $todate<br>";
+ $theview = $_GET['days']." days from ".date('n/d/Y',strtotime($fromdate));
+ break;
+ case 'daysto':
+ $todate = $getdate;
+ $fromdate = $getdate - $_GET['days'];
+ #print "from:$fromdate to: $todate<br>";
+ $theview = $_GET['days']." days before ".date('n/d/Y',strtotime($todate));
+ break;
+ case 'range':
+ $fromdate = $_GET['from'];
+ $todate = $_GET['to'];
+ $theview = date('n/d/Y',strtotime($fromdate)).'-'.date('n/d/Y',strtotime($todate));
+ break;
+ default:
+ #default to week
+ $fromdate = dateOfWeek($getdate, $week_start_day);
+ $todate = $fromdate + 6;
+ $theview = $lang['l_week']." of ".date('n/d/Y',strtotime($fromdate));
+//Set calendar or calendar directory name for feed
+//Note that this depends on other modifications I've made to
+//allow phpicalendar to use calendar subdirectories - see bbs
$cal_displayname = str_replace("32", " ", $cal);
-$events_week = 0;
-$view_path = $default_path.$rss_view.'.php';
+ $temp = explode("/",$calendar_path);
+ $cal_displayname = str_replace("32"," ",ucfirst(array_pop($temp)));
+$events_count = 0;
// calculate a value for Last Modified and ETag
-$cal = urldecode($cal);
-$filemod = @filemtime("$calendar_path/$cal.ics");
-$filemodtime = @date("r", $filemod);
+ $filemod = filemtime("$calendar_path");
+ $filemod = filemtime("$calendar_path/$cal.ics");
+$filemodtime = date("r", $filemod);
//send relevant headers
header ("Last-Modified: $filemodtime");
@@ -45,143 +93,75 @@ if ( ($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'] == $filemodtime) || ($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_
-if ($rssview == "day") {
- $theview = $lang['l_day'];
-} elseif ($rssview == "week") {
- $theview = $lang['l_week'];
-} elseif ($rssview == "month") {
- $theview = $lang['l_month'];
+//If client needs new feed - make the header
$rss = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"."\n";
$rss .= '<!DOCTYPE rss PUBLIC "-//Netscape Communications//DTD RSS 0.91//EN" "http://my.netscape.com/publish/formats/rss-0.91.dtd">'."\n";
$rss .= '<rss version="0.91">'."\n";
$rss .= '<channel>'."\n";
$rss .= '<title>'.$cal_displayname.' - '.$theview.'</title>'."\n";
-$rss .= '<link>'.htmlspecialchars ($view_path).'</link>'."\n";
+$rss .= '<link>'.htmlspecialchars ("$default_path").'</link>'."\n";
$rss .= '<description>'.$cal_displayname.' '.$lang['l_calendar'].' - '.$theview.'</description>'."\n";
$rss .= '<language>'.$rss_language.'</language>'."\n";
-$rss .= '<copyright>Copyright 2004, '.htmlspecialchars ("$default_path").'</copyright>'."\n";
+$rss .= '<copyright>Copyright '.date(Y).', '.htmlspecialchars ("$default_path").'</copyright>'."\n";
+//generate the items
+$numdays = $todate - $fromdate;
+$thisdate = $fromdate; # start at beginning of date range,
+ # note that usage of $thisdate is different from distribution
+ # I use it as a date, dist uses it as a time
+$i = 0; #day counter
-if ($rssview == 'day') {
- if (isset($master_array[($getdate)]) && sizeof($master_array[($getdate)]) > 0) {
- foreach ($master_array[("$getdate")] as $event_times) {
+ do {
+ $dayofweek = localizeDate ("%a %b %e %Y", strtotime($thisdate));
+ if (isset($master_array[($thisdate)]) && sizeof($master_array[($thisdate)]) > 0) {
+ foreach ($master_array[("$thisdate")] as $event_times) {
foreach ($event_times as $val) {
- $event_start = @$val["event_start"];
- $event_start = date ($timeFormat, @strtotime ("$event_start"));
+ if(!$val["event_start"]){
+ $event_start = "all day";
+ }else{
+ $event_start = @$val["event_start"];
+ $event_start = date ($timeFormat, @strtotime ("$event_start"));
+ }
$event_text = stripslashes(urldecode($val["event_text"]));
$event_text = strip_tags($event_text, '<b><i><u>');
- $event_text = word_wrap($event_text, 21, $tomorrows_events_lines);
- $description = stripslashes(urldecode($val["description"]));
- $description = strip_tags($description, '<b><i><u>');
- $rss_title = htmlspecialchars ("$event_start $event_text");
- $rss_link = htmlspecialchars ("$default_path/day.php?getdate=$getdate&cal=$cal");
- $rss_description = htmlspecialchars ("$description");
+ $event_text = str_replace("& ","&amp;", $event_text);
+ #uncomment for shorter event text with ...
+ # $event_text = word_wrap($event_text, 21, $tomorrows_events_lines);
+ $description = stripslashes(urldecode($val["description"]));
+ $description = strip_tags($description, '<b><i><u>');
+ $rss_title = htmlspecialchars ("$dayofweek: $event_text");
+ $rss_link = htmlspecialchars ("$default_path/day.php?getdate=$getdate&cal=$cal&cpath=$cpath");
+ $rss_description = htmlspecialchars ("$dayofweek $event_start: $description");
$rss .= '<item>'."\n";
+ $rss .= '<event_start>'.$event_start.'</event_start>'."\n";
$rss .= '<title>'.$rss_title.'</title>'."\n";
+ $rss .= '<seminardate>'.$dayofweek.'</seminardate>'."\n";
+ $rss .= '<seminarspeaker>'.$event_text.'</seminarspeaker>'."\n";
+ $rss .= '<seminartitle>'.$description.'</seminartitle>'."\n";
+ $rss .= '<tagged>'.$val["description"].'</tagged>'."\n";
+ $rss .= '<seminarhost>'.$val['attendee'].'</seminarhost>'."\n";
+ $rss .= '<organizer>'.$val['organizer'].'</organizer>'."\n";
+ $rss .= '<status>'.$val['status'].'</status>'."\n";
$rss .= '<link>'.$rss_link.'</link>'."\n";
$rss .= '<description>'.$rss_description.'</description>'."\n";
+ $rss .= '<location>'.$val['location'].'</location>';
$rss .= '</item>'."\n";
- $events_week++;
+ $events_count++;
- if ($events_week < 1) {
+ if (($events_count < 1) && ($i == $numdays)) {
$rss .= '<item>'."\n";
- $rss .= '<title>'.$lang['l_no_events_day'].'</title>'."\n";
+ $rss .= '<title>No events found</title>'."\n";
$rss .= '<link>'.htmlspecialchars ("$default_path").'</link>'."\n";
$rss .= '</item>'."\n";
-$thisdate = $start_week_time;
-$i = 0;
-if ($rssview == "week") {
- do {
- $getdate = date("Ymd", $thisdate);
- $dayofweek = strtotime ($getdate);
- $dayofweek = localizeDate ($dateFormat_day, $dayofweek);
- if (isset($master_array[($getdate)]) && sizeof($master_array[($getdate)]) > 0) {
- foreach ($master_array[("$getdate")] as $event_times) {
- foreach ($event_times as $val) {
- $event_start = @$val["event_start"];
- $event_start = date ($timeFormat, @strtotime ("$event_start"));
- $event_text = stripslashes(urldecode($val["event_text"]));
- $event_text = strip_tags($event_text, '<b><i><u>');
- $event_text = word_wrap($event_text, 21, $tomorrows_events_lines);
- $description = stripslashes(urldecode($val["description"]));
- $description = strip_tags($description, '<b><i><u>');
- $rss_title = htmlspecialchars ("$dayofweek: $event_text");
- $rss_link = htmlspecialchars ("$default_path/day.php?getdate=$getdate&cal=$cal");
- $rss_description = htmlspecialchars ("$dayofweek $event_start: $event_text - $description");
- $rss .= '<item>'."\n";
- $rss .= '<title>'.$rss_title.'</title>'."\n";
- $rss .= '<link>'.$rss_link.'</link>'."\n";
- $rss .= '<description>'.$rss_description.'</description>'."\n";
- $rss .= '</item>'."\n";
- $events_week++;
- }
- }
- }
- if (($events_week < 1) && ($i == 6)) {
- $rss .= '<item>'."\n";
- $rss .= '<title>'.$lang['l_no_events_week'].'</title>'."\n";
- $rss .= '<link>'.htmlspecialchars ("$default_path").'</link>'."\n";
- $rss .= '</item>'."\n";
- }
- $thisdate = ($thisdate + (25 * 60 * 60));
+ $thisdate++;
- } while ($i < 7);
-if ($rssview == "month") {
- foreach($master_array as $key => $new_val2) {
- // Pull out only this months
- ereg ("([0-9]{6})([0-9]{2})", $key, $regs);
- if ($regs[1] == $parse_month) {
- $getdate = $key;
- $dayofmonth = strtotime ($getdate);
- $dayofmonth = localizeDate ($dateFormat_day, $dayofmonth);
- // Pull out each day
- foreach ($new_val2 as $new_val) {
- // Pull out each time
- foreach ($new_val as $new_key2 => $val) {
- if ($val["event_text"]) {
- $event_start = @$val["event_start"];
- $event_start = date ($timeFormat, @strtotime ("$event_start"));
- $event_text = stripslashes(urldecode($val["event_text"]));
- $event_text = strip_tags($event_text, '<b><i><u>');
- $event_text = word_wrap($event_text, 21, $tomorrows_events_lines);
- $description = stripslashes(urldecode($val["description"]));
- $description = strip_tags($description, '<b><i><u>');
- $rss_title = htmlspecialchars ("$dayofmonth: $event_text");
- $rss_link = htmlspecialchars ("$default_path/day.php?getdate=$getdate&cal=$cal");
- $rss_description = htmlspecialchars ("$dayofmonth $event_start: $event_text - $description");
- $rss .= '<item>'."\n";
- $rss .= '<title>'.$rss_title.'</title>'."\n";
- $rss .= '<link>'.$rss_link.'</link>'."\n";
- $rss .= '<description>'.$rss_description.'</description>'."\n";
- $rss .= '</item>'."\n";
- $events_week++;
- }
- if ($events_week < 1) {
- $rss .= '<item>'."\n";
- $rss .= '<title>'.$lang['no_events_month'].'</title>'."\n";
- $rss .= '<link>'.htmlspecialchars ("$default_path").'</link>'."\n";
- $rss .= '</item>'."\n";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ } while ($i <= $numdays);
$rss .= '</channel>'."\n";
$rss .= '</rss>'."\n";

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