path: root/languages
diff options
authorChad Little <clittle@users.sourceforge.net>2004-10-02 01:23:52 +0000
committerChad Little <clittle@users.sourceforge.net>2004-10-02 01:23:52 +0000
commit2c6bbb96bdc200518e557fb5906a11b0fb942c39 (patch)
treeb501a9ad989003855bb7c819617aad08e4b6f8bd /languages
parentc1fbbe12f28cfd57889b123e3d9390995ab0d10d (diff)
Admin adds.
Diffstat (limited to 'languages')
1 files changed, 202 insertions, 195 deletions
diff --git a/languages/portuguese.inc.php b/languages/portuguese.inc.php
index 34be7f6..e10fa00 100644
--- a/languages/portuguese.inc.php
+++ b/languages/portuguese.inc.php
@@ -1,195 +1,202 @@
-// Portuguese language include
-// For version 1.0 PHP iCalendar
-// Translation by Rui Costa (ruicosta@ubi.pt)
-// Submit new translations to chad@chadsdomain.com
-$day_lang = 'Dia';
-$week_lang = 'Semana';
-$month_lang = 'Mes';
-$year_lang = 'Ano';
-$calendar_lang = 'Calendario';
-$next_day_lang = 'Dia seguinte';
-$next_month_lang = 'Mes seguinte';
-$next_week_lang = 'Proxima semana';
-$next_year_lang = 'Ano Seguinte';
-$last_day_lang = 'Dia anterior';
-$last_month_lang = 'Mes anterior';
-$last_week_lang = 'Semana anterior';
-$last_year_lang = 'Ano anterior';
-$subscribe_lang = 'Assinar';
-$download_lang = 'Download';
-$powered_by_lang = 'Powered by';
-$event_lang = 'Evento';
-$event_start_lang = 'Hora de inicio';
-$event_end_lang = 'Hora de fim';
-$this_months_lang = 'Registos para deste mes';
-$date_lang = 'Data';
-$summary_lang = 'Sumario';
-$all_day_lang = 'Todo dia';
-$notes_lang = 'Notas';
-$this_years_lang = 'Registos deste ano';
-$today_lang = 'Hoje';
-$this_week_lang = 'Esta semana';
-$this_month_lang = 'Este mes';
-$jump_lang = 'Ir para';
-$tomorrows_lang = 'Registos para amanha';
-$goday_lang = 'Ver Hoje';
-$goweek_lang = 'Ver esta semana';
-$gomonth_lang = 'Ver este mes';
-$goyear_lang = 'Ver este ano';
-$search_lang = 'Procurar'; // the verb
-$results_lang = 'Resultados da pesquisa';
-$query_lang = 'Pesquisa por: '; // will be followed by the search query
-$no_results_lang = 'Nao foram encontrados registos';
-$goprint_lang = 'Versao para Imprimir';
-$time_lang = 'Hora';
-$summary_lang = 'Resumo';
-$description_lang = 'Descricao';
-$this_site_is_lang = 'Este site e';
-$no_events_day_lang = 'Nao existem registos para hoje.';
-$no_events_week_lang = 'Nao existem registos para esta semana.';
-$no_events_month_lang = 'Nao existem registos para este mes.';
-$rss_day_date = 'g:i A'; // Lists just the time
-$rss_week_date = '%e %b'; // Lists just the day
-$rss_month_date = '%e %b'; // Lists just the day
-$search_took_lang = 'A procura demorou %s segundos';
-$recurring_event_lang = 'Evento de retorno';
-$exception_lang = 'Excecao';
-$no_query_lang = 'Nenhuma procura dada';
-$preferences_lang = 'Preferencias';
-$printer_lang = 'Impressora';
-$select_lang_lang = 'Escolha a sua linguagem por defeito:';
-$select_cal_lang = 'Escolha o seu calendário base:';
-$select_view_lang = 'Selecione a sua vista por defeito :';
-$select_time_lang = 'Selecione a sua hora de inicio:';
-$select_day_lang = 'Selecione o seu dia de inicio da semana:';
-$select_style_lang = 'Selecione o seu estilo por defeito:';
-$set_prefs_lang = 'Ajuste preferencias';
-$completed_date_lang = 'Terminado em';
-$completed_lang = 'Terminado';
-$created_lang = 'Criado:';
-$due_lang = 'Devido:';
-$priority_lang = 'Prioridade:';
-$priority_high_lang = 'Elevada';
-$priority_low_lang = 'Baixa';
-$priority_medium_lang = 'Media';
-$priority_none_lang = 'Nenhum';
-$status_lang = 'Status:';
-$todo_lang = 'Itens a fazer';
-$unfinished_lang = 'Por terminar';
-$prefs_set_lang = 'A suas preferencias foram aplicadas.';
-$prefs_unset_lang = 'Preferencias retiradas. Alteracoes aparecerao nas proxinas paginas.';
-$unset_prefs_lang = 'Retirar preferencias:';
-$organizer_lang = 'Organizer';
-$attendee_lang = 'Attendee';
-$status_lang = 'Status';
-$location_lang = 'Location';
-$admin_header_lang = 'PHP iCalendar Administration';
-$username_lang = 'Username';
-$password_lang = 'Password';
-$login_lang = 'Login';
-$invalid_login_lang = 'Wrong username or password.';
-$addupdate_cal_lang = 'Add or Update a Calendar';
-$addupdate_desc_lang = 'Add a calendar by uploading a new file. Update a calendar by uploading a file of the same name.';
-$delete_cal_lang = 'Delete a Calendar';
-$logout_lang = 'Logout';
-$cal_file_lang = 'Calendar File';
-$php_error_lang = 'PHP Error';
-$upload_error_gen_lang = 'There was a problem with your upload.';
-$upload_error_lang[0] = 'There was a problem with your upload.';
-$upload_error_lang[1] = 'The file you are trying to upload is too big.';
-$upload_error_lang[2] = 'The file you are trying to upload is too big.';
-$upload_error_lang[3] = 'The file you are trying upload was only partially uploaded.';
-$upload_error_lang[4] = 'You must select a file for upload.';
-$upload_error_type_lang = 'Only .ics files may be uploaded.';
-$copy_error_lang = 'Failed to copy file';
-$delete_error_lang = 'Failed to delete file';
-$delete_success_lang = 'was deleted successfully.';
-$action_success_lang = 'Your action was successful.';
-$submit_lang = 'Submit';
-$delete_lang = 'Delete';
-// ----- New for 1.0
-$all_cal_comb_lang = 'All calendars combined';
-// - navigation
-$back_lang = 'Anterior';
-$next_lang = 'Seguinte';
-$prev_lang = 'Ver ';
-$day_view_lang = 'Ver Dia';
-$week_view_lang = 'Ver Semana';
-$month_view_lang = 'Ver Mes';
-$year_view_lang = 'Ver Ano';
-// ---------------------------------
-// $format_recur, items enclosed in % will be substituted with variables
-$format_recur_lang['delimiter'] = ', '; // ie, 'one, two, three'
-$format_recur_lang['yearly'] = array('ano','anos'); // for these, put singular
-$format_recur_lang['monthly'] = array('mes','meses'); // and plural forms
-$format_recur_lang['weekly'] = array('semana','semanas'); // these will be %freq%
-$format_recur_lang['daily'] = array('dia','dias'); // in the replacement below
-$format_recur_lang['hourly'] = array('hora','horas');
-$format_recur_lang['minutely'] = array('minuto','minutos');
-$format_recur_lang['secondly'] = array('segundo','segundos');
-$format_recur_lang['start'] = 'Todos %int% %freq% %for%'; // ie, 'Every 1 day until January 4' or 'Every 1 day for a count of 5'
-$format_recur_lang['until'] = 'ate %date%'; // ie, 'until January 4'
-$format_recur_lang['count'] = 'para repetir %int%'; // ie, 'for 5 times'
-$format_recur_lang['bymonth'] = 'Nos meses: %list%'; // ie, 'In months: January, February, March'
-$format_recur_lang['bymonthday'] = 'Nas datas: %list%'; // ie, 'On dates: 1, 2, 3, 4'
-$format_recur_lang['byday'] = 'Nos dias: %list%'; // ie, 'On days: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs'
-// ---------------------------------
-$daysofweek_lang = array ('Domingo','Segunda','Terca','Quarta','Quinta','Sexta','Sabado');
-$daysofweekshort_lang = array ('Dom','Seg','Ter','Qua','Qui','Sex','Sab');
-$daysofweekreallyshort_lang = array ('D','S','T','Q','Q','S','S');
-$monthsofyear_lang = array ('Janeiro','Fevereiro','Marco','Abril','Maio','Junho','Julho','Agosto','Setembro','Outubro','Novembro','Dezembro');
-$monthsofyearshort_lang = array ('Jan','Fev','Mar','Abr','Mai','Jun','Jul','Ago','Set','Out','Nov','Dez');
-// For time formatting, check out: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php
-$timeFormat = 'g:i A';
-$timeFormat_small = 'g:i';
-// For date formatting, see note below
-$dateFormat_day = '%A,%e %B';
-$dateFormat_week = '%e %B';
-$dateFormat_week_list = '%a, %e %b';
-$dateFormat_week_jump = '%e %b';
-$dateFormat_month = '%B %Y';
-$dateFormat_month_list = '%A, %e %B';
-Notes about dateFormat_*
- The pieces are similar to that of the PHP function strftime(),
- however only the following is supported at this time:
- %A - the full week day name as specified in $daysofweek_lang
- %a - the shortened week day name as specified in $daysofweekshort_lang
- %B - the full month name as specified in $monthsofyear_lang
- %b - the shortened month name as specified in $monthsofyearshort_lang
- %e - the day of the month as a decimal number (1 to 31)
- %Y - the 4-digit year
- If this causes problems with representing your language accurately, let
- us know. We will be happy to modify this if needed.
-// Error messages - %s will be replaced with a variable
-$error_title_lang = 'Erro!';
-$error_window_lang = 'Aconteceu um erro!';
-$error_calendar_lang = 'O calendario "%s" estava a ser processado quando ocorreu este erro.';
-$error_path_lang = 'Não foi possivel abrir: "%s"';
-$error_back_lang = 'Por favor use o botao de "Back" para voltar.';
-$error_remotecal_lang = 'Este servidor bloqueia calendarios remotos que nao foram aprovados.';
-$error_restrictedcal_lang = 'Tentou aceder a um calendario onde e restricto o acesso neste servidor.';
-$error_invalidcal_lang = 'Ficheiro de calendario invalido. Por favor tente usar outro claendario.';
+// Portuguese language include
+// For version 2.0 PHP iCalendar
+// Translation by David Morgado (dcrmorgado@yahoo.com)
+// Based on Translation by Wilton, Bennet (suporte@bennetworks.com.br)
+// 21-sep-2004 13:06 PM GMT
+// Submit new translations to chad@chadsdomain.com
+$lang['l_day'] = 'Dia';
+$lang['l_week'] = 'Semana';
+$lang['l_month'] = 'M&ecirc;s';
+$lang['l_year'] = 'Ano';
+$lang['l_calendar'] = 'Calend&aacute;rio';
+$lang['l_next_day'] = 'Dia seguinte';
+$lang['l_next_month'] = 'M&ecirc;s seguinte';
+$lang['l_next_week'] = 'Pr&oacute;xima semana';
+$lang['l_next_year'] = 'Ano Seguinte';
+$lang['l_last_day'] = 'Dia anterior';
+$lang['l_last_month'] = 'M&ecirc;s anterior';
+$lang['l_last_week'] = 'Semana anterior';
+$lang['l_last_year'] = 'Ano anterior';
+$lang['l_subscribe'] = 'Assinar';
+$lang['l_download'] = 'Download';
+$lang['l_powered_by'] = 'Powered by';
+$lang['l_event'] = 'Registo';
+$lang['l_event_start'] = 'Hora de in&iacute;cio';
+$lang['l_event_end'] = 'Hora de fim';
+$lang['l_this_months'] = 'Registos deste m&ecirc;s';
+$lang['l_date'] = 'Data';
+$lang['l_summary'] = 'Sum&aacute;rio';
+$lang['l_all_day'] = 'Todo o Dia';
+$lang['l_notes'] = 'Notas';
+$lang['l_this_years'] = 'Registos deste ano';
+$lang['l_today'] = 'Hoje';
+$lang['l_this_week'] = 'Esta semana';
+$lang['l_this_month'] = 'Este m&ecirc;s';
+$lang['l_jump'] = 'Ir para';
+$lang['l_tomorrows'] = 'Registos para amanh&atilde;';
+$lang['l_goday'] = 'Ir para Hoje';
+$lang['l_goweek'] = 'Ir para esta Semana';
+$lang['l_gomonth'] = 'Ir para este M&ecirc;s';
+$lang['l_goyear'] = 'Ir para este Ano';
+$lang['l_search'] = 'Buscar'; // the verb
+$lang['l_results'] = 'Buscar Resultados';
+$lang['l_query'] = 'Quest&atilde;o: '; // will be followed by the search query
+$lang['l_no_results'] = 'Registos n&atilde;o encontrados';
+$lang['l_goprint'] = 'Vers&atilde;o para imprimir';
+$lang['l_time'] = 'Hora';
+$lang['l_summary'] = 'Resumo';
+$lang['l_description'] = 'Descri&ccedil;&atilde;o';
+$lang['l_this_site_is'] = 'Esse site &eacute;';
+$lang['l_no_events_day'] = 'N&atilde;o h&aacute; eventos para hoje.';
+$lang['l_no_events_week'] = 'N&atilde;o h&aacute; eventos para esta semana.';
+$lang['l_no_events_month'] = 'N&atilde;o h&aacute; eventos para esse m&ecirc;s.';
+$lang['l_rss_day_date'] = 'g:i A'; // Lists just the time
+$lang['l_rss_week_date'] = '%b %e'; // Lists just the day
+$lang['l_rss_month_date'] = '%b %e'; // Lists just the day
+$lang['l_rsslanguage'] = 'en-us';
+$lang['l_search_took'] = 'Search took %s seconds';
+$lang['l_recurring_event'] = 'Recurring event';
+$lang['l_exception'] = 'Exception';
+$lang['l_no_query'] = 'No query given';
+$lang['l_preferences'] = 'Op&ccedil;&otilde;es';
+$lang['l_printer'] = 'Printer';
+$lang['l_select_lang'] = 'Select your default language:';
+$lang['l_select_cal'] = 'Select your default calendar:';
+$lang['l_select_view'] = 'Select your default view:';
+$lang['l_select_time'] = 'Select your default start time:';
+$lang['l_select_day'] = 'Select your default start day of week:';
+$lang['l_select_style'] = 'Select your default style:';
+$lang['l_set_prefs'] = 'Set preferences';
+$lang['l_completed_date'] = 'Completed on';
+$lang['l_completed'] = 'Completed';
+$lang['l_created'] = 'Created:';
+$lang['l_due'] = 'Due:';
+$lang['l_priority'] = 'Priority:';
+$lang['l_priority_high'] = 'High';
+$lang['l_priority_low'] = 'Low';
+$lang['l_priority_medium'] = 'Medium';
+$lang['l_priority_none'] = 'None';
+$lang['l_status'] = 'Estado:';
+$lang['l_todo'] = 'To do items';
+$lang['l_unfinished'] = 'Unfinished';
+$lang['l_prefs_set'] = 'Your preferences have been set.';
+$lang['l_prefs_unset'] = 'Preferences unset. Changes will take place next page load.';
+$lang['l_unset_prefs'] = 'Unset preferences:';
+$lang['l_organizer'] = 'Organizer';
+$lang['l_attendee'] = 'Attendee';
+$lang['l_status'] = 'Estado';
+$lang['l_location'] = 'Local';
+$lang['l_admin_header'] = 'PHP iCalendar Administration';
+$lang['l_username'] = 'Username';
+$lang['l_password'] = 'Password';
+$lang['l_login'] = 'Login';
+$lang['l_invalid_login'] = 'Wrong username or password.';
+$lang['l_addupdate_cal'] = 'Add or Update a Calendar';
+$lang['l_addupdate_desc'] = 'Add a calendar by uploading a new file. Update a calendar by uploading a file of the same name.';
+$lang['l_delete_cal'] = 'Delete a Calendar';
+$lang['l_logout'] = 'Logout';
+$lang['l_cal_file'] = 'Calendar File';
+$lang['l_php_error'] = 'PHP Error';
+$lang['l_upload_error_gen'] = 'There was a problem with your upload.';
+$lang['l_upload_error'][0] = 'There was a problem with your upload.';
+$lang['l_upload_error'][1] = 'The file you are trying to upload is too big.';
+$lang['l_upload_error'][2] = 'The file you are trying to upload is too big.';
+$lang['l_upload_error'][3] = 'The file you are trying upload was only partially uploaded.';
+$lang['l_upload_error'][4] = 'You must select a file for upload.';
+$lang['l_upload_error_type'] = 'Only .ics files may be uploaded.';
+$lang['l_copy_error'] = 'Failed to copy file';
+$lang['l_delete_error'] = 'Failed to delete file';
+$lang['l_delete_success'] = 'was deleted successfully.';
+$lang['l_action_success'] = 'Your action was successful.';
+$lang['l_submit'] = 'Enviar';
+$lang['l_delete'] = 'Apagar';
+$all_cal_comb_lang = 'Todos Juntos';
+// New for 2.0
+$lang['l_legend'] = 'Legenda';
+$lang['l_admin_subhead'] = 'Manage your calendars from this page';
+$lang['l_prefs_subhead'] = 'Sets a cookie for visiting this site';
+$lang['l_rss_info'] = 'RSS Information';
+$lang['l_rss_subhead'] = 'Basic RSS feeds available for each calendar';
+$lang['l_rss_notenabled'] = 'RSS is not enabled on this site';
+// - navigation
+$lang['l_back'] = 'Back';
+$lang['l_next'] = 'Next';
+$lang['l_prev'] = 'Prev';
+$lang['l_day_view'] = 'Day View';
+$lang['l_week_view'] = 'Week View';
+$lang['l_month_view'] = 'Month View';
+$lang['l_year_view'] = 'Year View';
+// ---------------------------------
+// $format_recur, items enclosed in % will be substituted with variables
+$format_recur_lang['delimiter'] = ', '; // ie, 'one, two, three'
+$format_recur_lang['yearly'] = array('year','years'); // for these, put singular
+$format_recur_lang['monthly'] = array('month','months'); // and plural forms
+$format_recur_lang['weekly'] = array('week','weeks'); // these will be %freq%
+$format_recur_lang['daily'] = array('day','days'); // in the replacement below
+$format_recur_lang['hourly'] = array('hour','hours');
+$format_recur_lang['minutely'] = array('minute','minutes');
+$format_recur_lang['secondly'] = array('second','seconds');
+$format_recur_lang['start'] = 'Every %int% %freq% %for%'; // ie, 'Every 1 day until January 4' or 'Every 1 day for a count of 5'
+$format_recur_lang['until'] = 'until %date%'; // ie, 'until January 4'
+$format_recur_lang['count'] = 'for a count of %int%'; // ie, 'for 5 times'
+$format_recur_lang['bymonth'] = 'In months: %list%'; // ie, 'In months: January, February, March'
+$format_recur_lang['bymonthday'] = 'On dates: %list%'; // ie, 'On dates: 1, 2, 3, 4'
+$format_recur_lang['byday'] = 'On days: %list%'; // ie, 'On days: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs'
+// ---------------------------------
+$daysofweek_lang = array ('Domingo','Segunda','Ter&ccedil;a','Quarta','Quinta','Sexta','S&aacute;bado');
+$daysofweekshort_lang = array ('Dom','Seg','Ter','Qua','Qui','Sex','Sáb');
+$daysofweekreallyshort_lang = array ('D','S','T','Q','Q','S','S');
+$monthsofyear_lang = array ('Janeiro','Fevereiro','Março','Abril','Maio','Junho','Julho','Agosto','Setembro','Outubro','Novembro','Dezembro');
+$monthsofyearshort_lang = array ('Jan','Fev','Mar','Abr','Mai','Jun','Jul','Ago','Set','Out','Nov','Dez');
+// For time formatting, check out: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php
+$timeFormat = 'G:i';
+$timeFormat_small = 'G:i';
+// For date formatting, see note below
+$dateFormat_day = '%A, %e %B';
+$dateFormat_week = '%e %B';
+$dateFormat_week_list = '%a, %e %b';
+$dateFormat_week_jump = '%e %b';
+$dateFormat_month = '%B %Y';
+$dateFormat_month_list = '%A, %e %B';
+Notes about dateFormat_*
+ The pieces are similar to that of the PHP function strftime(),
+ however only the following is supported at this time:
+ %A - the full week day name as specified in $daysofweek_lang
+ %a - the shortened week day name as specified in $daysofweekshort_lang
+ %B - the full month name as specified in $monthsofyear_lang
+ %b - the shortened month name as specified in $monthsofyearshort_lang
+ %e - the day of the month as a decimal number (1 to 31)
+ %Y - the 4-digit year
+ If this causes problems with representing your language accurately, let
+ us know. We will be happy to modify this if needed.
+// Error messages - %s will be replaced with a variable
+$lang['l_error_title'] = 'Erro!';
+$lang['l_error_window'] = 'Aconteceu um erro!';
+$lang['l_error_calendar'] = 'O calend&aacute;rio "%s" estava sendo processado quando ocorreu este erro.';
+$lang['l_error_path'] = 'N&atilde;o foi poss&iacute;vel abrir: "%s"';
+$lang['l_error_back'] = 'Por favor use o bot&atilde;o de "Back" para voltar.';
+$lang['l_error_remotecal'] = 'Este servidor bloqueia calend&aacute;rios remotos que nao foram aprovados.';
+$lang['l_error_restrictedcal'] = 'Tentou acessar um calend&aacute;rio o qual &eacute; restrito o acesso neste servidor.';
+$lang['l_error_invalidcal'] = 'Arquivo de calend&aacute;rio inv&aacute;lido. Por favor tente usar outro calend&aacute;rio.';

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