path: root/ical_parser.php
diff options
authorChad Little <clittle@users.sourceforge.net>2002-09-15 17:06:13 +0000
committerChad Little <clittle@users.sourceforge.net>2002-09-15 17:06:13 +0000
commitdfac045645f0c3e29d17947f7a44522d86e3218b (patch)
tree4c1e332747190b0269a70c02dd205e34c8a0d9d6 /ical_parser.php
parentf8a003b6838dd184f4b4d23ebce36fedc3fcdf7b (diff)
*** empty log message ***
Diffstat (limited to 'ical_parser.php')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/ical_parser.php b/ical_parser.php
index e085442..b345f95 100644
--- a/ical_parser.php
+++ b/ical_parser.php
@@ -1 +1 @@
-<? include "config.inc.php"; include "functions/date_add.php"; $day_array = array ("0700", "0730", "0800", "0830", "0900", "0930", "1000", "1030", "1100", "1130", "1200", "1230", "1300", "1330", "1400", "1430", "1500", "1530", "1600", "1630", "1700", "1730", "1800", "1830", "1900", "1930", "2000", "2030", "2100", "2130", "2200", "2230", "2300", "2330"); // what date we want to get data for (for day calendar) if (!$getdate) $getdate = date("Ymd"); ereg ("([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})", $getdate, $day_array2); $this_day = $day_array2[3]; $this_month = $day_array2[2]; $this_year = $day_array2[1]; // open the iCal file, read it into a string $fp = @fopen($filename, "r"); $contents = @fread ($fp, filesize ($filename)); @fclose ($fp); // turn that string into an array $contents = ereg_replace("\n ", "", $contents); $contents = split ("\n", $contents); // parse our new array foreach($contents as $line) { if (strstr($line, "BEGIN:VEVENT")) { $start_time = ""; $end_time = ""; $summary = ""; $allday_start = ""; $allday_end = ""; $start = ""; $end = ""; $the_duration = ""; $beginning = ""; $rrule_array = ""; } elseif (strstr($line, "END:VEVENT")) { //echo "<b>Start</b> $start_time <b>End</B> $end_time <b>Summary</b> $summary<br>\n"; if ($start_time != "") { ereg ("([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})", $start_time, $time); $hour = $time[1]; $minute = $time[2]; if ($minute < 15) { $minute = "00"; } elseif ($minute >=15 && $minute < 45) { $minute = "30"; } elseif ($minute >= 45) { $hour = sprintf("%.02d", ($hour + 1)); $minute = "00"; } ereg ("([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})", $end_time, $time2); $length = round((($time2[1]*60+$time2[2]) - ($time[1]*60+$time[2]))/30); } // Handling of the all day events if (($allday_start != "") && ($rrule_array == "")) { $start = strtotime("$allday_start"); $end = strtotime("$allday_end"); do { $start_date = date("Ymd", $start); $master_array[($start_date)][("0001")]["event_text"][] = "$summary"; $i++; $start = ($start + (24*3600)); } while ($start != $end); } // Handling of the recurring events, RRULE // This will be quite a bit of work, thats for sure. if (is_array($rrule_array)) { if ($allday_start != "") { $rrule_array["START_DAY"] = $allday_start; $rrule_array["END_DAY"] = $allday_end; $rrule_array["END"] = "end"; $recur_start = $allday_start; } else { $rrule_array["START_DATE"] = $start_date; $rrule_array["START_TIME"] = $start_time; $rrule_array["END_TIME"] = $end_time; $rrule_array["END"] = "end"; } //print_r($rrule_array); foreach ($rrule_array as $key => $val) { if ($key == "FREQ") { if ($val == "YEARLY") { $interval = "yyyy"; } elseif ($val == "MONTHLY") { $interval = "m"; } elseif ($val == "WEEKLY") { $interval = "ww"; } elseif ($val == "DAILY") { $interval = "d"; } elseif ($val == "HOURLY") { $interval = "h"; } elseif ($val == "MINUTELY") { $interval = "n"; } elseif ($val == "SECONDLY") { $interval = "s"; } } elseif ($key == "COUNT") { $count = $val; } elseif ($key == "UNTIL") { $until = $val; } elseif ($key == "INTERVAL") { $number = $val; } elseif ($key == "BYSECOND") { $bysecond = $val; } elseif ($key == "BYMINUTE") { $byminute = $val; } elseif ($key == "BYHOUR") { $byhour = $val; } elseif ($key == "BYDAY") { $byday = $val; } elseif ($key == "BYMONTHDAY") { $bymonthday = $val; } elseif ($key == "BYYEARDAY") { $byyearday = $val; } elseif ($key == "BYWEEKNO") { $byweekno = $val; } elseif ($key == "BYMONTH") { $bymonth = $val; } elseif ($key == "BYSETPOS") { $bysetpos = $val; } elseif ($key == "WKST") { $wkst = $val; } elseif ($key == "END") { // Since we hit the end of the RRULE array, lets do something. $recur_year = date("Y", strtotime("$allday_start")); $date = strtotime("$allday_start"); $end_date = strtotime("$allday_end"); if (($this_year != $recur_year) && ($this_year > $recur_year)) { do { $date = DateAdd ($interval, $number, $date); $end_date = DateAdd ($interval, $number, $end_date); $recur_year = date ("Y", $date); //echo "$this_year:$recur_year "; } while (($this_year != $recur_year) && ($this_year > $recur_year)); $allday_start = date ("Ymd", $date); $allday_end = date ("Ymd", $end_date); //echo "$allday_start, $allday_end"; } //echo "$interval - $number - $date - $recur_year - $this_year - $next<br>\n"; if ($allday_start != "") { $start = strtotime("$allday_start"); $end = strtotime("$allday_end"); do { $start_date = date("Ymd", $start); $check_year = date("Y", $start); // Only write the current year if ($this_year == $check_year) { $master_array[($start_date)][("0001")]["event_text"][] = "$summary"; } $start = ($start + (24*3600)); } while ($start != $end); } else { $master_array[($start_date)][($hour.$minute)][] = array ("event_start" => $start_time, "event_text" => $summary, "event_end" => $end_time, "event_length" => $length); } } } } // Let's write all the data to the master array if ($start_time != "") { $master_array[($start_date)][($hour.$minute)][] = array ("event_start" => $start_time, "event_text" => $summary, "event_end" => $end_time, "event_length" => $length); } } else { $field = ""; $data = ""; sscanf($line, "%[^:]:%[^\n]", &$field, &$data); if(strstr($field, "DTSTART;TZID")) { $data = ereg_replace("T", "", $data); ereg ("([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{0,2})([0-9]{0,2})", $data, $regs); $year = $regs[1]; $month = $regs[2]; $day = $regs[3]; $hour = $regs[4]; $minute = $regs[5]; $start_date = $year . $month . $day; $start_time = $hour . $minute; } elseif (strstr($field, "DTEND;TZID")) { $data = ereg_replace("T", "", $data); ereg ("([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{0,2})([0-9]{0,2})", $data, $regs); $year = $regs[1]; $month = $regs[2]; $day = $regs[3]; $hour = $regs[4]; $minute = $regs[5]; $end_day = $year . $month . $day; $end_time = $hour . $minute; } elseif (strstr($field, "SUMMARY")) { $summary = $data; } elseif (strstr($field, "X-WR-CALNAME")) { $calendar_name = $data; } elseif (strstr($field, "DTSTART;VALUE=DATE")) { $allday_start = $data; // echo "$allday_start"; } elseif (strstr($field, "DTEND;VALUE=DATE")) { $allday_end = $data; } elseif (strstr($field, "DURATION")) { ereg ("^P([0-9]{1,2})?([W,D]{0,1})?(T)?([0-9]{1,2})?(H)?([0-9]{1,2})?(M)?([0-9]{1,2})?(S)?", $data, $duration); if ($durartion[2] = "W") { $weeks = $durartion[1]; } else { $days = $durartion[1]; } $hours = $duration[4]; $minutes = $duration[6]; $seconds = $duration[8]; $the_duration = ($weeks * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7) + ($days * 60 * 60 * 24) + ($hours * 60 * 60) + ($minutes * 60) + ($seconds); $beginning = (strtotime($start_time) + $the_duration); $end_time = date ("Hi", $beginning); } elseif (strstr($field, "RRULE")) { // $data = "RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;INTERVAL=2;BYMONTH=1;BYDAY=SU;BYHOUR=8,9;BYMINUTE=30"; $data = ereg_replace ("RRULE:", "", $data); $rrule = split (";", $data); foreach ($rrule as $recur) { ereg ("(.*)=(.*)", $recur, $regs); $rrule_array[$regs[1]] = $regs[2]; } } elseif (strstr($field, "ATTENDEE")) { $attendee = $data; // echo "$attendee"; } } } // If you want to see the values in the arrays, uncomment below. // print_r($master_array); // print_r($day_array); // print_r($rrule); ?> \ No newline at end of file
+<? include "config.inc.php"; include "functions/date_add.php"; $day_array = array ("0700", "0730", "0800", "0830", "0900", "0930", "1000", "1030", "1100", "1130", "1200", "1230", "1300", "1330", "1400", "1430", "1500", "1530", "1600", "1630", "1700", "1730", "1800", "1830", "1900", "1930", "2000", "2030", "2100", "2130", "2200", "2230", "2300", "2330"); // what date we want to get data for (for day calendar) if (!$getdate) $getdate = date("Ymd"); ereg ("([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})", $getdate, $day_array2); $this_day = $day_array2[3]; $this_month = $day_array2[2]; $this_year = $day_array2[1]; // open the iCal file, read it into a string $fp = @fopen($filename, "r"); $contents = @fread ($fp, filesize ($filename)); @fclose ($fp); // turn that string into an array $contents = ereg_replace("\n ", "", $contents); $contents = split ("\n", $contents); // parse our new array foreach($contents as $line) { if (strstr($line, "BEGIN:VEVENT")) { $start_time = ""; $end_time = ""; $summary = ""; $allday_start = ""; $allday_end = ""; $start = ""; $end = ""; $the_duration = ""; $beginning = ""; $rrule_array = ""; } elseif (strstr($line, "END:VEVENT")) { //echo "<b>Start</b> $start_time <b>End</B> $end_time <b>Summary</b> $summary<br>\n"; if ($start_time != "") { ereg ("([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})", $start_time, $time); $hour = $time[1]; $minute = $time[2]; if ($minute < 15) { $minute = "00"; } elseif ($minute >=15 && $minute < 45) { $minute = "30"; } elseif ($minute >= 45) { $hour = sprintf("%.02d", ($hour + 1)); $minute = "00"; } ereg ("([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})", $end_time, $time2); $length = round((($time2[1]*60+$time2[2]) - ($time[1]*60+$time[2]))/30); } // Handling of the all day events if (($allday_start != "") && ($rrule_array == "")) { $start = strtotime("$allday_start"); $end = strtotime("$allday_end"); do { $start_date = date("Ymd", $start); $master_array[($start_date)][("0001")]["event_text"][] = "$summary"; $i++; $start = ($start + (24*3600)); } while ($start != $end); } // Handling of the recurring events, RRULE // This will be quite a bit of work, thats for sure. if (is_array($rrule_array)) { if ($allday_start != "") { $rrule_array["START_DAY"] = $allday_start; $rrule_array["END_DAY"] = $allday_end; $rrule_array["END"] = "end"; $recur_start = $allday_start; } else { $rrule_array["START_DATE"] = $start_date; $rrule_array["START_TIME"] = $start_time; $rrule_array["END_TIME"] = $end_time; $rrule_array["END"] = "end"; } //print_r($rrule_array); foreach ($rrule_array as $key => $val) { if ($key == "FREQ") { if ($val == "YEARLY") { $interval = "yyyy"; } elseif ($val == "MONTHLY") { $interval = "m"; } elseif ($val == "WEEKLY") { $interval = "ww"; } elseif ($val == "DAILY") { $interval = "d"; } elseif ($val == "HOURLY") { $interval = "h"; } elseif ($val == "MINUTELY") { $interval = "n"; } elseif ($val == "SECONDLY") { $interval = "s"; } } elseif ($key == "COUNT") { $count = $val; } elseif ($key == "UNTIL") { $until = $val; } elseif ($key == "INTERVAL") { $number = $val; } elseif ($key == "BYSECOND") { $bysecond = $val; } elseif ($key == "BYMINUTE") { $byminute = $val; } elseif ($key == "BYHOUR") { $byhour = $val; } elseif ($key == "BYDAY") { $byday = $val; } elseif ($key == "BYMONTHDAY") { $bymonthday = $val; } elseif ($key == "BYYEARDAY") { $byyearday = $val; } elseif ($key == "BYWEEKNO") { $byweekno = $val; } elseif ($key == "BYMONTH") { $bymonth = $val; } elseif ($key == "BYSETPOS") { $bysetpos = $val; } elseif ($key == "WKST") { $wkst = $val; } elseif ($key == "END") { // Since we hit the end of the RRULE array, lets do something. $recur_year = date("Y", strtotime("$allday_start")); $date = strtotime("$allday_start"); $end_date = strtotime("$allday_end"); if (($this_year != $recur_year) && ($this_year > $recur_year)) { do { $date = DateAdd ($interval, $number, $date); $end_date = DateAdd ($interval, $number, $end_date); $recur_year = date ("Y", $date); //echo "$this_year:$recur_year "; } while (($this_year != $recur_year) && ($this_year > $recur_year)); $allday_start = date ("Ymd", $date); $allday_end = date ("Ymd", $end_date); //echo "$allday_start, $allday_end"; } //echo "$interval - $number - $date - $recur_year - $this_year - $next<br>\n"; if ($allday_start != "") { $start = strtotime("$allday_start"); $end = strtotime("$allday_end"); do { $start_date = date("Ymd", $start); $check_year = date("Y", $start); // Only write the current year if ($this_year == $check_year) { $master_array[($start_date)][("0001")]["event_text"][] = "$summary"; } $start = ($start + (24*3600)); } while ($start != $end); } else { $master_array[($start_date)][($hour.$minute)][] = array ("event_start" => $start_time, "event_text" => $summary, "event_end" => $end_time, "event_length" => $length); } } } } // Let's write all the data to the master array if ($start_time != "") { $master_array[($start_date)][($hour.$minute)][] = array ("event_start" => $start_time, "event_text" => $summary, "event_end" => $end_time, "event_length" => $length); } } else { $field = ""; $data = ""; sscanf($line, "%[^:]:%[^\n]", &$field, &$data); if(strstr($field, "DTSTART;TZID")) { $data = ereg_replace("T", "", $data); ereg ("([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{0,2})([0-9]{0,2})", $data, $regs); $year = $regs[1]; $month = $regs[2]; $day = $regs[3]; $hour = $regs[4]; $minute = $regs[5]; $start_date = $year . $month . $day; $start_time = $hour . $minute; } elseif (strstr($field, "DTEND;TZID")) { $data = ereg_replace("T", "", $data); ereg ("([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{0,2})([0-9]{0,2})", $data, $regs); $year = $regs[1]; $month = $regs[2]; $day = $regs[3]; $hour = $regs[4]; $minute = $regs[5]; $end_day = $year . $month . $day; $end_time = $hour . $minute; } elseif (strstr($field, "SUMMARY")) { $summary = $data; } elseif (strstr($field, "X-WR-CALNAME")) { $calendar_name = $data; } elseif (strstr($field, "DTSTART;VALUE=DATE")) { $allday_start = $data; // echo "$allday_start"; } elseif (strstr($field, "DTEND;VALUE=DATE")) { $allday_end = $data; } elseif (strstr($field, "DURATION")) { ereg ("^P([0-9]{1,2})?([W,D]{0,1})?(T)?([0-9]{1,2})?(H)?([0-9]{1,2})?(M)?([0-9]{1,2})?(S)?", $data, $duration); if ($durartion[2] = "W") { $weeks = $durartion[1]; } else { $days = $durartion[1]; } $hours = $duration[4]; $minutes = $duration[6]; $seconds = $duration[8]; $the_duration = ($weeks * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7) + ($days * 60 * 60 * 24) + ($hours * 60 * 60) + ($minutes * 60) + ($seconds); $beginning = (strtotime($start_time) + $the_duration); $end_time = date ("Hi", $beginning); } elseif (strstr($field, "RRULE")) { // $data = "RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;INTERVAL=2;BYMONTH=1;BYDAY=SU;BYHOUR=8,9;BYMINUTE=30"; $data = ereg_replace ("RRULE:", "", $data); $rrule = split (";", $data); foreach ($rrule as $recur) { ereg ("(.*)=(.*)", $recur, $regs); $rrule_array[$regs[1]] = $regs[2]; } } elseif (strstr($field, "ATTENDEE")) { $attendee = $data; // echo "$attendee"; } } } ksort($master_array); reset($master_array); // If you want to see the values in the arrays, uncomment below. // print_r($master_array); // print_r($day_array); // print_r($rrule); ?> \ No newline at end of file

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