path: root/ical_parser.php
diff options
authorjwangen <jwangen>2002-10-03 05:41:40 +0000
committerjwangen <jwangen>2002-10-03 05:41:40 +0000
commitb1563901b07c57d0957a760296c12431637c2bb0 (patch)
treee95801a3b379bb103c4f0b9a52a8e529c26aa0a2 /ical_parser.php
parentb89e74abfa385495d22f36aeed4c83e3f962a3d6 (diff)
Moved init.inc.php and ical_parser into the functions directory
Diffstat (limited to 'ical_parser.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 657 deletions
diff --git a/ical_parser.php b/ical_parser.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 74ac113..0000000
--- a/ical_parser.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,657 +0,0 @@
-// note from Jared: the _time suffix has been applied to all variables
-// that are timestamps to distinguish between them and Ymd format
-// I did not change other variables to use this convention yet
-// I started commenting the line above where $master_array gets written to
-// I did this because I kept scrolling through looking for them so I decided to mark them
-$fillTime = $day_start;
-$day_array = array ();
-while ($fillTime != "2400") {
- array_push ($day_array, $fillTime);
- ereg ("([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})", $fillTime, $dTime);
- $fill_h = $dTime[1];
- $fill_min = $dTime[2];
- $fill_min = sprintf("%02d", $fill_min + $gridLength);
- if ($fill_min == 60) {
- $fill_h = sprintf("%02d", ($fill_h + 1));
- $fill_min = "00";
- }
- $fillTime = $fill_h . $fill_min;
-// what date we want to get data for (for day calendar)
-if (!$getdate) $getdate = date("Ymd");
-ereg ("([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})", $getdate, $day_array2);
-$this_day = $day_array2[3];
-$this_month = $day_array2[2];
-$this_year = $day_array2[1];
-// Start the session
-//if (($aYear != $this_year) || ($use_sessions != "yes") || (!is_array($aArray))) {
-//echo "not using sessions";
-// open the iCal file, read it into a string
-$fp = @fopen($filename, "r");
-$contents = @fread ($fp, filesize ($filename));
-@fclose ($fp);
-// turn that string into an array
-$contents = ereg_replace("\n ", "", $contents);
-$contents = split ("\n", $contents);
-// auxiliary array for determining overlaps of events
-$overlap_array = array ();
-// parse our new array
-foreach($contents as $line) {
- if (strstr($line, "BEGIN:VEVENT")) {
- $start_time = "";
- $end_time = "";
- $start_date = "";
- $end_date = "";
- $summary = "";
- $allday_start = "";
- $allday_end = "";
- $start = "";
- $end = "";
- $the_duration = "";
- $beginning = "";
- $rrule_array = "";
- $start_of_vevent = "";
- $end_of_vevent = "";
- $interval = "";
- $number = "";
- $except_dates = array();
- $except_times = array();
- $first_duration = TRUE;
- $bymonthday = "";
- $byday = "";
- $count = 1000000;
- $description = "";
- } elseif (strstr($line, "END:VEVENT")) {
- // Clean out \n's and other slashes
- $summary = str_replace("\\n", "<br>", $summary);
- $summary = stripslashes($summary);
- $description = str_replace("\\n", "<br>", $description);
- $mArray_begin = mktime (0,0,0,1,1,$this_year);
- $mArray_end = mktime (0,0,0,1,10,($this_year + 1));
- if ($start_time != "") {
- ereg ("([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})", $start_time, $time);
- ereg ("([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})", $end_time, $time2);
- $length = ($time2[1]*60+$time2[2]) - ($time[1]*60+$time[2]);
- $drawKey = drawEventTimes($start_time, $end_time);
- ereg ("([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})", $drawKey["draw_start"], $time3);
- $hour = $time3[1];
- $minute = $time3[2];
- }
- // Handling of the all day events
-// to go back to old allday way, add to this if--> && ($rrule_array == "")
- if (($allday_start != "")) {
- $start = strtotime("$allday_start");
- $end = strtotime("$allday_end");
- if (($end > $mArray_begin) && ($end < $mArray_end)) {
- while ($start != $end) {
- $start_date = date("Ymd", $start);
- $master_array[($start_date)][("-1")][]= array ("event_text" => "$summary", "description" => $description);
- $start = strtotime("+1 day", $start);
- }
- }
- }
- // Handling of the recurring events, RRULE
- // This will be quite a bit of work, thats for sure.
- if (is_array($rrule_array)) {
- if ($allday_start != "") {
- $rrule_array["START_DAY"] = $allday_start;
- $rrule_array["END_DAY"] = $allday_end;
- $rrule_array["END"] = "end";
- $recur_start = $allday_start;
- $start_date = $allday_start;
- $diff_allday_days = dayCompare($allday_end, $allday_start);
- } else {
- $rrule_array["START_DATE"] = $start_date;
- $rrule_array["START_TIME"] = $start_time;
- $rrule_array["END_TIME"] = $end_time;
- $rrule_array["END"] = "end";
- }
- //print_r($rrule_array);
- foreach ($rrule_array as $key => $val) {
- if ($key == "FREQ") {
- if ($val == "YEARLY") {
- $interval = "yyyy";
- } elseif ($val == "MONTHLY") {
- $interval = "m";
- } elseif ($val == "WEEKLY") {
- $interval = "ww";
- } elseif ($val == "DAILY") {
- $interval = "d";
- } elseif ($val == "HOURLY") {
- $interval = "h";
- } elseif ($val == "MINUTELY") {
- $interval = "n";
- } elseif ($val == "SECONDLY") {
- $interval = "s";
- }
- } elseif ($key == "COUNT") {
- $count = $val;
- } elseif ($key == "UNTIL") {
- $until = ereg_replace("T", "", $val);
- ereg ("([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{0,2})([0-9]{0,2})", $until, $regs);
- $year = $regs[1];
- $month = $regs[2];
- $day = $regs[3];
- $until = strtotime("$year$month$day");
- } elseif ($key == "INTERVAL") {
- $number = $val;
- } elseif ($key == "BYSECOND") {
- $bysecond = $val;
- $bysecond = split (",", $bysecond);
- } elseif ($key == "BYMINUTE") {
- $byminute = $val;
- $byminute = split (",", $byminute);
- } elseif ($key == "BYHOUR") {
- $byhour = $val;
- $byhour = split (",", $byhour);
- } elseif ($key == "BYDAY") {
- $byday = $val;
- $byday = split (",", $byday);
- } elseif ($key == "BYMONTHDAY") {
- $bymonthday = $val;
- $bymonthday = split (",", $bymonthday);
- //print_r ($bymonthday);
- } elseif ($key == "BYYEARDAY") {
- $byyearday = $val;
- $byyearday = split (",", $byyearday);
- } elseif ($key == "BYWEEKNO") {
- $byweekno = $val;
- $byweekno = split (",", $byweekno);
- } elseif ($key == "BYMONTH") {
- $bymonth = $val;
- $bymonth = split (",", $bymonth);
- } elseif ($key == "BYSETPOS") {
- $bysetpos = $val;
- } elseif ($key == "WKST") {
- $wkst = $val;
- } elseif ($key == "END") {
-// to go back to old allday way, uncomment this set
- /*
- if ($allday_start != "") {
- // Since we hit the end of the RRULE array, lets do something.
- // Below handles yearly, montly, weekly, daily all-day events.
- // $start_of_vevent is the date the recurring event starts.
- // $end_of_vevent is the date the recurring event stops.
- // $count and $count_to check for the COUNT feature
- // $until checks for the UNTIL feature, makes sure we don't recur past it.
- $start_of_vevent = strtotime("$allday_start");
- $end_of_vevent = strtotime("$allday_end");
- $count_to = 0;
- if (!$until) $until = $mArray_end;
- if ($start_of_vevent < $mArray_end) {
- do {
- // This steps through each day of a multiple all-day event and adds to master array
- // Every all day event should pass through here at least once if its recurring.
- $start = $start_of_vevent;
- $end = $end_of_vevent;
- while ($start != $end) {
- $start_date = date("Ymd", $start);
- if (($end > $mArray_begin) && ($end < $mArray_end)) {
- $master_array[($start_date)][("-1")][]= array ("event_text" => "$summary", "description" => $description);
- }
- $start = strtotime("+1 day", $start);
- }
- $start_of_vevent = DateAdd ($interval, $number, $start_of_vevent);
- $end_of_vevent = DateAdd ($interval, $number, $end_of_vevent);
- $count_to++;
- } while (($start_of_vevent < $mArray_end) && ($count != $count_to) && ($start_of_vevent < $until));
- }
- // Let's take care of recurring events that are not all day events
- // DAILY and WEEKLY recurrences seem to work fine. Need feedback.
- // Known bug, doesn't look at UNTIL or COUNT yet.
- } else {
- */
- // again, $parse_to_year is set to January 10 of the upcoming year
- $parse_to_year_time = mktime(0,0,0,1,10,($this_year + 1));
- $start_date_time = strtotime($start_date);
- $this_month_start_time = strtotime("$this_year-$this_month-01");
- $start_range_time = strtotime("-1 month -2 day", $this_month_start_time);
- $end_range_time = strtotime("+2 month +2 day", $this_month_start_time);
- // NOTE: This part not in use for the time being. We are choosing to fill out 3 months time.
- // depending on which view we're looking at, we do one month or one week
- // one day is more difficult, I think, so I wrapped that into the week. We'll have to
- // add another case for "year" once that's added.
- /*
- if ($current_view == "month") {
- $start_range_time = strtotime("$this_year-$this_month-01");
- $end_range_time = strtotime("+1 month +1 week", $start_range_time);
- } else {
- $start_range_time = strtotime(dateOfWeek($getdate, $week_start_day));
- $end_range_time = strtotime("+1 week", $start_range_time);
- }
- */
- // if $until isn't set yet, we set it to the end of our range we're looking at
- if (!$until) $until = $end_range_time;
- $end_date_time = $until;
- // If the $end_range_time is less than the $start_date_time, or $start_range_time is greater
- // than $end_date_time, we may as well forget the whole thing
- // It doesn't do us any good to spend time adding data we aren't even looking at
- // this will prevent the year view from taking way longer than it needs to
- if ($end_range_time >= $start_date_time && $start_range_time <= $end_date_time) {
- // if the beginning of our range is less than the start of the item, we may as well set it equal to it
- if ($start_range_time < $start_date_time) $start_range_time = $start_date_time;
- if ($end_range_time > $end_date_time) $end_range_time = $end_date_time;
- // initialze the time we will increment
- $next_range_time = $start_range_time;
- $count_to = 0;
- // start at the $start_range and go until we hit the end of our range.
- while (($next_range_time >= $start_range_time) && ($next_range_time <= $end_range_time) && ($count_to != $count)) {
- // handling WEEKLY events here
- if ($rrule_array["FREQ"] == "WEEKLY") {
- // use weekCompare to see if we even have this event this week
- $diff_weeks = weekCompare(date("Ymd",$next_range_time), $start_date);
- if ($diff_weeks < $count) {
- if ($week_diff % $number == 0) {
- $interval = $number;
- // loop through the days on which this event happens
- foreach($byday as $day) {
- // use my fancy little function to get the date of each day
- $day = two2threeCharDays($day);
- $next_date = dateOfWeek(date("Ymd", $next_range_time),$day);
- $next_date_time = strtotime($next_date);
- if (($next_date_time > $start_date_time) && ($next_date_time <= $end_date_time) && ($count_to != $count) && !in_array($next_date, $except_dates)) {
- // add it to the array if it passes inspection, it allows the first time to be
- // written by the master data writer (hence the > instead of >=) otherwise we can special case these
- // before, the first one would get entered twice and show up twice
- // $next_date can fall up to a week behind $next_range_time because of how dateOfWeek works
- // so we have to check this again. It uses $except_dates so it doesn't add to $master_array
- // on days that have been deleted by the user
- if ($allday_start != "") {
- $start_time = $next_date_time;
- $end_time = strtotime("+$diff_allday_days days", $next_date_time);
- while ($start_time < $end_time) {
- $start_date2 = date("Ymd", $start_time);
- $master_array[($start_date2)][("-1")][]= array ("event_text" => "$summary", "description" => $description);
- $start_time = strtotime("+1 day", $start_time);
- }
- } else {
-// check for overlapping events
- $nbrOfOverlaps = checkOverlap();
-// writes to $master array here
- $master_array[($next_date)][($hour.$minute)][] = array ("event_start" => $start_time, "event_text" => $summary, "event_end" => $end_time, "event_length" => $length, "event_overlap" => $nbrOfOverlaps, "description" => $description);
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- $interval = 1;
- }
- $next_range_time = strtotime("+$interval week", $next_range_time);
- } else {
- // end the loop because we aren't going to write this event anyway
- $count_to = $count;
- }
- // handling DAILY events here
- } elseif ($rrule_array["FREQ"] == "DAILY") {
- // use dayCompare to see if we even have this event this day
- $diff_days = dayCompare(date("Ymd",$next_range_time), $start_date);
- if ($diff_days < $count) {
- if ($diff_days % $number == 0) {
- $interval = $number;
- $next_date = date("Ymd", $next_range_time);
- $next_date_time = strtotime($next_date);
- if (($next_date_time > $start_date_time) && ($next_date_time <= $end_date_time) && ($count_to != $count) && !in_array($next_date, $except_dates)) {
- if ($allday_start != "") {
- $start_time = $next_date_time;
- $end_time = strtotime("+$diff_allday_days days", $next_date_time);
- while ($start_time < $end_time) {
- $start_date2 = date("Ymd", $start_time);
- $master_array[($start_date2)][("-1")][]= array ("event_text" => "$summary", "description" => $description);
- $start_time = strtotime("+1 day", $start_time);
- }
- } else {
-// check for overlapping events
- $nbrOfOverlaps = checkOverlap();
-// writes to $master array here
- $master_array[($next_date)][($hour.$minute)][] = array ("event_start" => $start_time, "event_text" => $summary, "event_end" => $end_time, "event_length" => $length, "event_overlap" => $nbrOfOverlaps, "description" => $description);
- }
- }
- } else {
- $interval = 1;
- }
- $next_range_time = strtotime("+$interval day", $next_range_time);
- } else {
- // end the loop because we aren't going to write this event anyway
- $count_to = $count;
- }
- // handling MONTHLY events here
- } elseif ($rrule_array["FREQ"] == "MONTHLY") {
- $next_range_time = strtotime(date("Y-m-01", $next_range_time));
- // use monthCompare to see if we even have this event this month
- $diff_months = monthCompare(date("Ymd",$next_range_time), $start_date);
- if ($diff_months < $count) {
- if ($diff_months % $number == 0) {
- $interval = $number;
- // month has two cases, either $bymonthday or $byday
- if (is_array($bymonthday)) {
- // loop through the days on which this event happens
- foreach($bymonthday as $day) {
- if ($day != "0") {
- $next_date_time = strtotime(date("Y-m-",$next_range_time).$day);
- $next_date = date("Ymd", $next_date_time);
- if (($next_date_time > $start_date_time) && ($next_date_time <= $end_date_time) && ($count_to != $count) && !in_array($next_date, $except_dates)) {
- if ($allday_start != "") {
- $start_time = $next_date_time;
- $end_time = strtotime("+$diff_allday_days days", $next_date_time);
- while ($start_time < $end_time) {
- $start_date2 = date("Ymd", $start_time);
- $master_array[($start_date2)][("-1")][]= array ("event_text" => "$summary", "description" => $description);
- $start_time = strtotime("+1 day", $start_time);
- }
- } else {
-// check for overlapping events
- $nbrOfOverlaps = checkOverlap();
-// writes to $master array here
- $master_array[($next_date)][($hour.$minute)][] = array ("event_start" => $start_time, "event_text" => $summary, "event_end" => $end_time, "event_length" => $length, "event_overlap" => $nbrOfOverlaps, "description" => $description);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // our other case
- } else {
- // loop through the days on which this event happens
- foreach($byday as $day) {
- ereg ("([0-9]{1})([A-Z]{2})", $day, $byday_arr);
- $nth = $byday_arr[1]-1;
- $on_day = two2threeCharDays($byday_arr[2]);
- $next_date_time = strtotime("$on_day +$nth week", $next_range_time);
- $next_date = date("Ymd", $next_date_time);
- if (($next_date_time > $start_date_time) && ($next_date_time <= $end_date_time) && ($count_to != $count) && !in_array($next_date, $except_dates)) {
- if ($allday_start != "") {
- $start_time = $next_date_time;
- $end_time = strtotime("+$diff_allday_days days", $next_date_time);
- while ($start_time < $end_time) {
- $start_date2 = date("Ymd", $start_time);
- $master_array[($start_date2)][("-1")][]= array ("event_text" => "$summary", "description" => $description);
- $start_time = strtotime("+1 day", $start_time);
- }
- } else {
-// check for overlapping events
- $nbrOfOverlaps = checkOverlap();
-// writes to $master array here
- $master_array[($next_date)][($hour.$minute)][] = array ("event_start" => $start_time, "event_text" => $summary, "event_end" => $end_time, "event_length" => $length, "event_overlap" => $nbrOfOverlaps, "description" => $description);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- $interval = 1;
- }
- $next_range_time = strtotime("+$interval month", $next_range_time);
- } else {
- // end the loop because we aren't going to write this event anyway
- $count_to = $count;
- }
- // handle yearly events
- } elseif ($rrule_array["FREQ"] == "YEARLY") {
- // use yearCompare to see if we even have this event this year
- $the_month_day = date("d", $start_date_time);
- $diff_years = yearCompare(date("Ymd",$next_range_time), $start_date);
- if ($diff_years < $count) {
- if ($diff_years % $number == 0) {
- foreach($bymonth as $month) {
- if (is_array($byday)) {
- $next_range_time = strtotime("$this_year-$month-01");
- foreach($byday as $day) {
- ereg ("([0-9]{1})([A-Z]{2})", $day, $byday_arr);
- $nth = $byday_arr[1]-1;
- $on_day = two2threeCharDays($byday_arr[2]);
- $next_date_time = strtotime("$on_day +$nth week", $next_range_time);
- }
- } else {
- $next_date_time = strtotime("$this_year-$month-$the_month_day", $next_range_time);
- }
- if (($next_date_time > $start_date_time) && ($next_date_time <= $end_date_time) && ($count_to != $count) && !in_array($next_date, $except_dates)) {
- if ($allday_start != "") {
- $start_time = $next_date_time;
- $end_time = strtotime("+$diff_allday_days days", $next_date_time);
- while ($start_time < $end_time) {
- $start_date2 = date("Ymd", $start_time);
- $master_array[($start_date2)][("-1")][]= array ("event_text" => "$summary", "description" => $description);
- $start_time = strtotime("+1 day", $start_time);
- }
- } else {
-// check for overlapping events
- $nbrOfOverlaps = checkOverlap();
-// writes to $master array here
- $master_array[($next_date)][($hour.$minute)][] = array ("event_start" => $start_time, "event_text" => $summary, "event_end" => $end_time, "event_length" => $length, "event_overlap" => $nbrOfOverlaps, "description" => $description);
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- $interval = 1;
- }
- $next_range_time = strtotime("+$interval year", $next_range_time);
- } else {
- // end the loop because we aren't going to write this event anyway
- $count_to = $count;
- }
- // anything else we need to end the loop
- } else {
- $next_range_time = $end_range_time + 100;
- $count_to = $count;
- }
- }
-// to go back to old allday way, uncomment this bracket
- // }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Let's write all the data to the master array
- if (($start_time != "") && ($allday_start == "")) {
-// check for overlapping events
- $nbrOfOverlaps = checkOverlap();
-// writes to $master array here
- $master_array[($start_date)][($hour.$minute)][] = array ("event_start" => $start_time, "event_text" => $summary, "event_end" => $end_time, "event_length" => $length, "event_overlap" => $nbrOfOverlaps, "description" => $description);
- }
- } else {
- $field = "";
- $data = "";
- sscanf($line, "%[^:]:%[^\n]", &$field, &$data);
- if(strstr($field, "DTSTART;TZID")) {
- $data = ereg_replace("T", "", $data);
- ereg ("([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{0,2})([0-9]{0,2})", $data, $regs);
- $year = $regs[1];
- $month = $regs[2];
- $day = $regs[3];
- $hour = $regs[4];
- $minute = $regs[5];
- $start_date = $year . $month . $day;
- $start_time = $hour . $minute;
- } elseif (strstr($field, "DTEND;TZID")) {
- $data = ereg_replace("T", "", $data);
- ereg ("([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{0,2})([0-9]{0,2})", $data, $regs);
- $year = $regs[1];
- $month = $regs[2];
- $day = $regs[3];
- $hour = $regs[4];
- $minute = $regs[5];
- $end_date = $year . $month . $day;
- $end_time = $hour . $minute;
- } elseif (strstr($field, "EXDATE;TZID")) {
- $data = ereg_replace("T", "", $data);
- ereg ("([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{0,2})([0-9]{0,2})", $data, $regs);
- $year = $regs[1];
- $month = $regs[2];
- $day = $regs[3];
- $hour = $regs[4];
- $minute = $regs[5];
- $except_dates[] = $year . $month . $day;
- $except_times[] = $hour . $minute;
- } elseif (strstr($field, "SUMMARY")) {
- $summary = $data;
- } elseif (strstr($field, "DESCRIPTION")) {
- $description = $data;
- } elseif (strstr($field, "X-WR-CALNAME")) {
- $calendar_name = $data;
- } elseif (strstr($field, "DTSTART;VALUE=DATE")) {
- $allday_start = $data;
- // echo "$allday_start";
- } elseif (strstr($field, "DTEND;VALUE=DATE")) {
- $allday_end = $data;
- } elseif (strstr($field, "DURATION")) {
- if (($first_duration = TRUE) && (!strstr($field, "=DURATION"))) {
- ereg ("^P([0-9]{1,2})?([W,D]{0,1})?(T)?([0-9]{1,2})?(H)?([0-9]{1,2})?(M)?([0-9]{1,2})?(S)?", $data, $duration);
- if ($duration[2] = "W") {
- $weeks = $duration[1];
- } else {
- $days = $duration[1];
- }
- $hours = $duration[4];
- $minutes = $duration[6];
- $seconds = $duration[8];
- $the_duration = ($weeks * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7) + ($days * 60 * 60 * 24) + ($hours * 60 * 60) + ($minutes * 60) + ($seconds);
- $beginning = (strtotime($start_time) + $the_duration);
- $end_time = date ("Hi", $beginning);
- $first_duration = FALSE;
- }
- } elseif (strstr($field, "RRULE")) {
- $data = ereg_replace ("RRULE:", "", $data);
- $rrule = split (";", $data);
- foreach ($rrule as $recur) {
- ereg ("(.*)=(.*)", $recur, $regs);
- $rrule_array[$regs[1]] = $regs[2];
- }
- } elseif (strstr($field, "ATTENDEE")) {
- $attendee = $data;
- // echo "$attendee";
- }
- }
-// Sort the array by absolute date.
-if (is_array($master_array)) {
- ksort($master_array);
- reset($master_array);
- // sort the sub (day) arrays so the times are in order
- foreach (array_keys($master_array) as $k) {
- if (is_array($master_array[$k])) {
- ksort($master_array[$k]);
- reset($master_array[$k]);
- }
- }
-// Store information in the session
-/*if ($use_sessions == "yes") {
- session_start();
- session_register( "aArray", "aYear", "aLanguage", "aCalendar" );
- $aArray = $master_array;
- $aYear = $this_year;
- $aLanguage = $language;
- $aCalendar = $cal;
-// End the session
-//If you want to see the values in the arrays, uncomment below.
-//print "<pre>";
-//print "</pre>";
-?> \ No newline at end of file

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