path: root/functions/ical_parser.php
diff options
authorWesley Miaw <josuah@users.sourceforge.net>2005-10-30 01:32:44 +0000
committerWesley Miaw <josuah@users.sourceforge.net>2005-10-30 01:32:44 +0000
commitfc81f9ebde033c58f729f392dba7914112d40720 (patch)
tree949f1a56d5a6de5695d93eb6c01adc3f24907c4f /functions/ical_parser.php
parent966c67f92d14beaf7f6a2ba3386a8e6953cf9eb3 (diff)
Added support for recursively searching for calendars in your
$calendar_path and the new iCal calendar repository structure. The calendars are still referenced by calendar name, so all URLs are unchanged. Refactored the date parsing code out of ical_parser.php and into date_functions.php. Minor logic changes to the parser to correctly populate the TODO date and time values. Refactored the calendar name code into a new getCalendarName() function, since calendar names may no longer be determined solely by filename if using an iCal repository. Template code updated to match. Added calls to stripslashes() for calendar text data, such as the summaries and descriptions. Also put stripslashes() into people data, since people's names may contain escaped characters.
Diffstat (limited to 'functions/ical_parser.php')
1 files changed, 25 insertions, 194 deletions
diff --git a/functions/ical_parser.php b/functions/ical_parser.php
index 5086e07..60ca5c9 100644
--- a/functions/ical_parser.php
+++ b/functions/ical_parser.php
@@ -99,8 +99,7 @@ $calnumber = 1;
foreach ($cal_filelist as $filename) {
// Find the real name of the calendar.
- $actual_calname = str_replace($calendar_path, '', $filename);
- $actual_calname = str_replace('/', '', str_replace('.ics', '', $actual_calname));
+ $actual_calname = getCalendarName($filename);
if ($parse_file) {
@@ -805,101 +804,17 @@ foreach ($cal_filelist as $filename) {
// Start VTODO Parsing
case 'DUE':
- $data = str_replace ('/softwarestudio.org/Olson_20011030_5/', '', $data);
- $zulu_time = false;
- if (substr($data,-1) == 'Z') $zulu_time = true;
- $data = str_replace('T', '', $data);
- $data = str_replace('Z', '', $data);
- if (preg_match("/^DUE;VALUE=DATE/i", $field)) {
- $allday_start = $data;
- $start_date = $allday_start;
- $start_unixtime = strtotime($data);
- $due_date = date('Ymd', $start_unixtime);
- } else {
- if (preg_match("/^DUE;TZID=/i", $field)) {
- $tz_tmp = explode('=', $field);
- $tz_due = $tz_tmp[1];
- unset($tz_tmp);
- } elseif ($zulu_time) {
- $tz_due = 'GMT';
- }
- ereg ('([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{0,2})([0-9]{0,2})', $data, $regs);
- $due_date = $regs[1] . $regs[2] . $regs[3];
- $due_time = $regs[4] . $regs[5];
- $start_unixtime = mktime($regs[4], $regs[5], 0, $regs[2], $regs[3], $regs[1]);
- $dlst = date('I', $start_unixtime);
- $server_offset_tmp = chooseOffset($start_unixtime);
- if (isset($tz_due)) {
- if (array_key_exists($tz_due, $tz_array)) {
- $offset_tmp = $tz_array[$tz_due][$dlst];
- } else {
- $offset_tmp = '+0000';
- }
- } elseif (isset($calendar_tz)) {
- if (array_key_exists($calendar_tz, $tz_array)) {
- $offset_tmp = $tz_array[$calendar_tz][$dlst];
- } else {
- $offset_tmp = '+0000';
- }
- } else {
- $offset_tmp = $server_offset_tmp;
- }
- $start_unixtime = calcTime($offset_tmp, $server_offset_tmp, $start_unixtime);
- $due_date = date('Ymd', $start_unixtime);
- $due_time = date('Hi', $start_unixtime);
- unset($server_offset_tmp);
- }
+ $datetime = extractDateTime($data, $property, $field);
+ $due_date = $datetime[1];
+ $due_time = $datetime[2];
- $data = str_replace ('/softwarestudio.org/Olson_20011030_5/', '', $data);
- $zulu_time = false;
- if (substr($data,-1) == 'Z') $zulu_time = true;
- $data = str_replace('T', '', $data);
- $data = str_replace('Z', '', $data);
- if (preg_match("/^COMPLETED;VALUE=DATE/i", $field)) {
- $allday_start = $data;
- $start_date = $allday_start;
- } else {
- if (preg_match("/^COMPLETED;TZID=/i", $field)) {
- $tz_tmp = explode('=', $field);
- $tz_completed = $tz_tmp[1];
- unset($tz_tmp);
- } elseif ($zulu_time) {
- $tz_completed = 'GMT';
- }
- ereg ('([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{0,2})([0-9]{0,2})', $data, $regs);
- $completed_date = $regs[1] . $regs[2] . $regs[3];
- $completed_time = $regs[4] . $regs[5];
- $start_unixtime = mktime($regs[4], $regs[5], 0, $regs[2], $regs[3], $regs[1]);
- $dlst = date('I', $start_unixtime);
- $server_offset_tmp = chooseOffset($start_unixtime);
- if (isset($tz_completed)) {
- if (array_key_exists($tz_completed, $tz_array)) {
- $offset_tmp = $tz_array[$tz_completed][$dlst];
- } else {
- $offset_tmp = '+0000';
- }
- } elseif (isset($calendar_tz)) {
- if (array_key_exists($calendar_tz, $tz_array)) {
- $offset_tmp = $tz_array[$calendar_tz][$dlst];
- } else {
- $offset_tmp = '+0000';
- }
- } else {
- $offset_tmp = $server_offset_tmp;
- }
- $start_unixtime = calcTime($offset_tmp, $server_offset_tmp, $start_unixtime);
- $completed_date = date('Ymd', $start_unixtime);
- $completed_time = date('Hi', $start_unixtime);
- unset($server_offset_tmp);
- }
- break;
+ $datetime = extractDateTime($data, $property, $field);
+ $completed_date = $datetime[1];
+ $completed_time = $datetime[2];
+ break;
case 'PRIORITY':
$vtodo_priority = "$data";
@@ -914,111 +829,24 @@ foreach ($cal_filelist as $filename) {
$vtodo_categories = "$data";
- break;
+ break;
// End VTODO Parsing
case 'DTSTART':
- $data = str_replace ('/softwarestudio.org/Olson_20011030_5/', '', $data);
- $zulu_time = false;
- if (substr($data,-1) == 'Z') $zulu_time = true;
- $data = str_replace('T', '', $data);
- $data = str_replace('Z', '', $data);
- $field = str_replace(';VALUE=DATE-TIME', '', $field);
- if ((preg_match("/^DTSTART;VALUE=DATE/i", $field)) || (ereg ('^([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$', $data))) {
- ereg ('([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})', $data, $dtstart_check);
- if ($dtstart_check[1] < 1970) {
- $data = '1971'.$dtstart_check[2].$dtstart_check[3];
- }
- $allday_start = $data;
- $start_date = $allday_start;
- $start_unixtime = strtotime($data);
- } else {
- if (preg_match("/^DTSTART;TZID=/i", $field)) {
- $tz_tmp = explode('=', $field);
- $tz_dtstart = $tz_tmp[1];
- unset($tz_tmp);
- } elseif ($zulu_time) {
- $tz_dtstart = 'GMT';
- }
- preg_match ('/([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{0,2})([0-9]{0,2})/', $data, $regs);
- if ($regs[1] < 1970) {
- $regs[1] = '1971';
- }
- $start_date = $regs[1] . $regs[2] . $regs[3];
- $start_time = $regs[4] . $regs[5];
- $start_unixtime = mktime($regs[4], $regs[5], 0, $regs[2], $regs[3], $regs[1]);
- $dlst = date('I', $start_unixtime);
- $server_offset_tmp = chooseOffset($start_unixtime);
- if (isset($tz_dtstart)) {
- if (array_key_exists($tz_dtstart, $tz_array)) {
- $offset_tmp = $tz_array[$tz_dtstart][$dlst];
- } else {
- $offset_tmp = '+0000';
- }
- } elseif (isset($calendar_tz)) {
- if (array_key_exists($calendar_tz, $tz_array)) {
- $offset_tmp = $tz_array[$calendar_tz][$dlst];
- } else {
- $offset_tmp = '+0000';
- }
- } else {
- $offset_tmp = $server_offset_tmp;
- }
- $start_unixtime = calcTime($offset_tmp, $server_offset_tmp, $start_unixtime);
- $start_date = date('Ymd', $start_unixtime);
- $start_time = date('Hi', $start_unixtime);
- unset($server_offset_tmp, $offset_tmp, $tz_dtstart);
- }
+ $datetime = extractDateTime($data, $property, $field);
+ $start_unixtime = $datetime[0];
+ $start_date = $datetime[1];
+ $start_time = $datetime[2];
+ $allday_start = $datetime[3];
case 'DTEND':
- $data = str_replace ('/softwarestudio.org/Olson_20011030_5/', '', $data);
- $zulu_time = false;
- if (substr($data,-1) == 'Z') $zulu_time = true;
- $data = str_replace('T', '', $data);
- $data = str_replace('Z', '', $data);
- $field = str_replace(';VALUE=DATE-TIME', '', $field);
- if (preg_match("/^DTEND;VALUE=DATE/i", $field)) {
- preg_match ('/([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})/', $data, $dtend_check);
- if ($dtend_check[1] < 1970) {
- $data = '1971'.$dtend_check[2].$dtend_check[3];
- }
- $allday_end = $data;
- } else {
- if (preg_match("/^DTEND;TZID=/i", $field)) {
- $tz_tmp = explode('=', $field);
- $tz_dtend = $tz_tmp[1];
- unset($tz_tmp);
- } elseif ($zulu_time) {
- $tz_dtend = 'GMT';
- }
- preg_match ('/([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{0,2})([0-9]{0,2})/', $data, $regs);
- if ($regs[1] < 1970) {
- $regs[1] = '1971';
- }
- $end_date = $regs[1] . $regs[2] . $regs[3];
- $end_time = $regs[4] . $regs[5];
- $end_unixtime = mktime($regs[4], $regs[5], 0, $regs[2], $regs[3], $regs[1]);
- $dlst = date('I', $end_unixtime);
- $server_offset_tmp = chooseOffset($end_unixtime);
- if (isset($tz_dtend)) {
- $offset_tmp = $tz_array[$tz_dtend][$dlst];
- } elseif (isset($calendar_tz)) {
- $offset_tmp = $tz_array[$calendar_tz][$dlst];
- } else {
- $offset_tmp = $server_offset_tmp;
- }
- $end_unixtime = calcTime($offset_tmp, $server_offset_tmp, $end_unixtime);
- $end_date = date('Ymd', $end_unixtime);
- $end_time = date('Hi', $end_unixtime);
- unset($server_offset_tmp, $offset_tmp, $tz_dtend);
- }
+ $datetime = extractDateTime($data, $property, $field);
+ $end_unixtime = $datetime[0];
+ $end_date = $datetime[1];
+ $end_time = $datetime[2];
+ $allday_end = $datetime[3];
case 'EXDATE':
@@ -1042,6 +870,7 @@ foreach ($cal_filelist as $filename) {
$data = str_replace("\\t", "&nbsp;", $data);
$data = str_replace("\\r", "<br />", $data);
$data = str_replace('$', '&#36;', $data);
+ $data = stripslashes($data);
$data = htmlentities(urlencode($data));
if ($valarm_set == FALSE) {
$summary = $data;
@@ -1055,6 +884,7 @@ foreach ($cal_filelist as $filename) {
$data = str_replace("\\t", "&nbsp;", $data);
$data = str_replace("\\r", "<br />", $data);
$data = str_replace('$', '&#36;', $data);
+ $data = stripslashes($data);
$data = htmlentities(urlencode($data));
if ($valarm_set == FALSE) {
$description = $data;
@@ -1141,17 +971,18 @@ foreach ($cal_filelist as $filename) {
case 'ATTENDEE':
$field = str_replace("ATTENDEE;CN=", "", $field);
$data = str_replace ("mailto:", "", $data);
- $attendee[] = array ('name' => $field, 'email' => $data);
+ $attendee[] = array ('name' => stripslashes($field), 'email' => stripslashes($data));
$field = str_replace("ORGANIZER;CN=", "", $field);
$data = str_replace ("mailto:", "", $data);
- $organizer[] = array ('name' => $field, 'email' => $data);
+ $organizer[] = array ('name' => stripslashes($field), 'email' => stripslashes($data));
case 'LOCATION':
$data = str_replace("\\n", "<br />", $data);
$data = str_replace("\\t", "&nbsp;", $data);
$data = str_replace("\\r", "<br />", $data);
+ $data = stripslashes($data);
$location = $data;
case 'URL':

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