diff options
authorChad Little <clittle@users.sourceforge.net>2003-02-18 21:19:16 +0000
committerChad Little <clittle@users.sourceforge.net>2003-02-18 21:19:16 +0000
commitb01e77a22a64a37c8566b1efbec310a7073b8f7e (patch)
parent106095812c22f2a875a486437f362569396fcbdb (diff)
Added Catalan and Traditional Chinese to project.
3 files changed, 322 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/config.inc.php b/config.inc.php
index 68751cd..46caa0d 100644
--- a/config.inc.php
+++ b/config.inc.php
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-// Configuration file for PHP iCalendar 0.9
+// Configuration file for PHP iCalendar 0.9.1
// To set values, change the text between the single quotes
// Follow instructions to the right for detailed information
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ $style_sheet = 'silver'; // Themes support - silver, red, green, orange, gr
$default_view = 'day'; // Default view for calendars = 'day', 'week', 'month', 'year'
$minical_view = 'current'; // Where do the mini-calendars go when clicked? = 'day', 'week', 'month', 'current'
$default_cal = 'School'; // Exact filename of calendar without .ics
-$language = 'English'; // Language support - 'English', 'Polish', 'German', 'French', 'Dutch', 'Danish', 'Italian', 'Japanese', 'Norwegian', 'Spanish', 'Swedish', 'Portuguese'
+$language = 'English'; // Language support - 'English', 'Polish', 'German', 'French', 'Dutch', 'Danish', 'Italian', 'Japanese', 'Norwegian', 'Spanish', 'Swedish', 'Portuguese', 'Catalan', 'Traditional_Chinese'
$week_start_day = 'Sunday'; // Day of the week your week starts on
$day_start = '0700'; // Start time for day grid
$gridLength = '15'; // Grid distance in minutes for day view, multiples of 15 preferred
diff --git a/languages/catalan.inc.php b/languages/catalan.inc.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdefdd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/languages/catalan.inc.php
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+// Catalan language include
+// For version 0.9 PHP iCalendar
+// Translation by Oriol Ferrer Mesia; (tm05788@salleurl.edu)
+$day_lang = "Dia";
+$week_lang = "Setmana";
+$month_lang = "Mes";
+$year_lang = "Any";
+$calendar_lang = "Calendari";
+$next_day_lang = "Dia seg&uuml;ent";
+$next_month_lang = "Mes seg&uuml;ent";
+$next_week_lang = "Setmana seg&uuml;ent";
+$next_year_lang = "Any seg&uuml;ent";
+$last_day_lang = "Dia anterior";
+$last_month_lang = "Mes anterior";
+$last_week_lang = "Setmana anterior";
+$last_year_lang = "Any anterior";
+$subscribe_lang = "Subscriure";
+$download_lang = "Descarregar";
+$powered_by_lang = "Powered by";
+$version_lang = "0.9";
+$event_lang = 'Event';
+$event_start_lang = 'Inici';
+$event_end_lang = 'Fi';
+$this_months_lang = 'Events d\'aquest mes';
+$date_lang = 'Data';
+$summary_lang = 'Descripci&oacute;';
+$all_day_lang = 'Event diario';
+$notes_lang = 'Notes';
+$this_years_lang = 'Events d\'aquest any';
+$today_lang = 'Avui';
+$this_week_lang = 'Aquesta setmana';
+$this_month_lang = 'Aquesta mes';
+$jump_lang = 'Anar a';
+$tomorrows_lang = 'Events de dem&agrave;';
+$goday_lang = 'Anar a Avui';
+$goweek_lang = 'Anar a aquesta Setmana';
+$gomonth_lang = 'Anar a aquest Mes';
+$goyear_lang = 'Anar a aquest Any';
+$search_lang = 'Buscar'; // the verb
+$results_lang = 'Resultats de la cerca';
+$query_lang = 'Consulta: '; // will be followed by the search query
+$no_results_lang = 'No s\'ha trobat cap event';
+$goprint_lang = 'Format d\'impressi&oacute;';
+$time_lang = 'Hora';
+$summary_lang = 'Resum';
+$description_lang = 'Descripci&oacute;';
+$this_site_is_lang = 'Aquesta p&agrave;gina &eacute;s';
+$no_events_day_lang = 'No hi ha events per a avui.';
+$no_events_week_lang = 'No hi ha events per a aquesta setmana.';
+$no_events_month_lang = 'No hi ha events per a aquest mes.';
+$rss_day_date = 'g:i A'; // Lists just the time
+$rss_week_date = '%e de %b'; // Lists just the day
+$rss_month_date = '%e de %b'; // Lists just the day
+$rss_language = 'en-us';
+// new in 0.9 ----------------------
+$search_took_lang = 'La cerca ha trigat %s segons';
+$recurring_event_lang = 'Event peri&ograve;dic';
+$exception_lang = 'Excepci&oacute;';
+$no_query_lang = 'Sense consulta';
+$preferences_lang = 'Prefer&egrave;ncies';
+$printer_lang = 'Impressora';
+$select_lang_lang = 'Esculli el seu idioma per defecte:';
+$select_cal_lang = 'Esculli el seu calendari per defecte:';
+$select_view_lang = 'Esculli la seva vista per defecte:';
+$select_time_lang = 'Esculli la seva hora d\'inici per defecte:';
+$select_day_lang = 'Esculli el seu dia inicial de la setmana:';
+$select_style_lang = 'Esculli el seu estil per defecte:';
+$set_prefs_lang = 'Guardar prefer&egrave;ncies';
+$completed_date_lang = 'Finalitzat a';
+$completed_lang = 'Finalitzat';
+$created_lang = 'Creat:';
+$due_lang = 'Fins:';
+$priority_lang = 'Prioritat:';
+$priority_high_lang = 'Alta';
+$priority_low_lang = 'Baixa';
+$priority_medium_lang = 'Mitjana';
+$priority_none_lang = 'Cap';
+$status_lang = 'Estat:';
+$todo_lang = 'Pendent';
+$unfinished_lang = 'Sense acabar';
+// $format_recur, items enclosed in % will be substituted with variables
+$format_recur_lang['delimiter'] = ', '; // ie, 'one, two, three'
+$format_recur_lang['yearly'] = array('any','anys'); // for these, put singular
+$format_recur_lang['monthly'] = array('mes','mesos'); // and plural forms
+$format_recur_lang['weekly'] = array('setmana','setmanes'); // these will be %freq%
+$format_recur_lang['daily'] = array('dia','dies'); // in the replacement below
+$format_recur_lang['hourly'] = array('hora','hores');
+$format_recur_lang['minutely'] = array('minut','minuts');
+$format_recur_lang['secondly'] = array('segon','segons');
+$format_recur_lang['start'] = 'Cada %int% %freq% %for%'; // ie, 'Every 1 day until January 4' or 'Every 1 day for a count of 5'
+$format_recur_lang['until'] = 'fins al %date%'; // ie, 'until January 4'
+$format_recur_lang['count'] = '%int% vegades'; // ie, 'for 5 times'
+$format_recur_lang['bymonth'] = 'Durant els mesos: %list%'; // ie, 'In months: January, February, March'
+$format_recur_lang['bymonthday'] = 'Durant els dies: %list%'; // ie, 'On dates: 1, 2, 3, 4'
+$format_recur_lang['byday'] = 'Durant els dies de la setmana: %list%'; // ie, 'On days: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs'
+// ---------------------------------
+$daysofweek_lang = array ('Diumenge','Dilluns','Dimarts','Dimecres','Dijous','Divendres','Dissabte');
+$daysofweekshort_lang = array ('Dium','Dil','Dima','Dime','Dij','Div','Dis');
+$daysofweekreallyshort_lang = array ('D','L','M','X','J','V','S');
+$monthsofyear_lang = array ('Gener','Febrer','Mar&ccedil;','Abril','Maig','Juny','Juliol','Agost','Setembre','Octubre','Novembre','Desembre');
+$monthsofyearshort_lang = array ('Gen','Feb','Mar','Abr','Mai','Jun','Jul','Ago','Sep','Oct','Nov','Des');
+// For time formatting, check out: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php
+$timeFormat = 'G:i';
+$timeFormat_small = 'G:i';
+// For date formatting, see note below
+$dateFormat_day = '%A, %e de %B';
+$dateFormat_week = '%e de %B';
+$dateFormat_week_list = '%a, %e de %b';
+$dateFormat_week_jump = '%e de %e';
+$dateFormat_month = '%B de %Y';
+$dateFormat_month_list = '%A, %e de %B';
+Notes about dateFormat_*
+ The pieces are similar to that of the PHP function strftime(),
+ however only the following is supported at this time:
+ %A - the full week day name as specified in $daysofweek_lang
+ %a - the shortened week day name as specified in $daysofweekshort_lang
+ %B - the full month name as specified in $monthsofyear_lang
+ %b - the shortened month name as specified in $monthsofyearshort_lang
+ %e - the day of the month as a decimal number (1 to 31)
+ %Y - the 4-digit year
+ If this causes problems with representing your language accurately, let
+ us know. We will be happy to modify this if needed.
+// Error messages - %s will be replaced with a variable
+$error_title_lang = 'Error!';
+$error_window_lang = 'Hi ha hagut error!';
+$error_calendar_lang = 'L\'error s\'ha produ&iuml;t mentre es processava el calendari "%s".';
+$error_path_lang = 'Incapa&ccedil; d\'obrir: "%s"';
+$error_back_lang = 'Per favor, utilitzi el bot&oacute; "endarrera" per a tornar.';
+$error_remotecal_lang = 'Aquest servidor bloqueja calendaris remots que no han estat acceptats.';
+$error_restrictedcal_lang = 'Ha intentat arribar a un calendari que t&eacute; l\'acc&eacute;s restringit.';
+$error_invalidcal_lang = 'Fitxer de calendari inv&agrave;lid. Per favor, provi un altre calendari.';
diff --git a/languages/traditional_chinese.inc.php b/languages/traditional_chinese.inc.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c84e8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/languages/traditional_chinese.inc.php
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+// Trad. Chinese language include
+// For version 0.9 PHP iCalendar
+// Translation by Kevin Fyure (digdog@mac.com)
+// Submit new translations to chad@chadsdomain.com
+$day_lang = '日';
+$week_lang = '週';
+$month_lang = '月';
+$year_lang = '年';
+$calendar_lang = '行事曆';
+$next_day_lang = '明天';
+$next_month_lang = '下個月';
+$next_week_lang = '下週';
+$next_year_lang = '明年';
+$last_day_lang = '昨天';
+$last_month_lang = '上個月';
+$last_week_lang = '上週';
+$last_year_lang = '去年';
+$subscribe_lang = '訂閱';
+$download_lang = '下載';
+$powered_by_lang = 'Powered by';
+$event_lang = '事件';
+$event_start_lang = '開始時間';
+$event_end_lang = '結束時間';
+$this_months_lang = '本月事件';
+$date_lang = '日期';
+$summary_lang = '主題';
+$all_day_lang = '整日事件';
+$notes_lang = '附註';
+$this_years_lang = '今年的事件';
+$today_lang = '今天';
+$this_week_lang = '本週';
+$this_month_lang = '本月';
+$jump_lang = '移至';
+$tomorrows_lang = '明天的事件';
+$goday_lang = '今天的行事曆';
+$goweek_lang = '本週的行事曆';
+$gomonth_lang = '本月的行事曆';
+$goyear_lang = '今年的行事曆';
+$search_lang = '搜尋'; // the verb
+$results_lang = '搜尋結果';
+$query_lang = '查尋'; // will be followed by the search query
+$no_results_lang = '沒有找到相關的事件';
+$goprint_lang = '友善列印';
+$time_lang = '時間';
+$summary_lang = '主題';
+$description_lang = '附註';
+$this_site_is_lang = '本站是';
+$no_events_day_lang = '今天沒有任何事件';
+$no_events_week_lang = '本週沒有任何事件';
+$no_events_month_lang = '本月沒有任何事件';
+$rss_day_date = 'g:i A'; // Lists just the time
+$rss_week_date = '%b %e 日'; // Lists just the day
+$rss_month_date = '%b %e 日'; // Lists just the day
+$rss_language = 'zh-tw';
+// new in 0.9 ----------------------
+$search_took_lang = '本次搜尋花廢 %s 秒';
+$recurring_event_lang = '重複事件';
+$exception_lang = '例外';
+$no_query_lang = '沒有查尋資料';
+$preferences_lang = '偏好設定';
+$printer_lang = '友善列印';
+$select_lang_lang = '請選擇預設的語系:';
+$select_cal_lang = '請選擇預設的行事曆:';
+$select_view_lang = '請選擇預設的顯示方式:';
+$select_time_lang = '請選擇預設的開始時間:';
+$select_day_lang = '請選擇預設的每週第一天:';
+$select_style_lang = '請選擇預設的主題界面:';
+$set_prefs_lang = '儲存設定';
+$completed_date_lang = '完成於';
+$completed_lang = '已完成';
+$created_lang = '建立日期:';
+$due_lang = '到期日:';
+$priority_lang = '重要性:';
+$priority_high_lang = '很重要';
+$priority_low_lang = '不重要';
+$priority_medium_lang = '重要';
+$priority_none_lang = '無';
+$status_lang = '狀態:';
+$todo_lang = '待辦事項';
+$unfinished_lang = '尚未完成';
+// - navigation
+$back_lang = '回去';
+$next_lang = '下一頁';
+$prev_lang = '前一頁';
+$day_view_lang = '按日顯示';
+$week_view_lang = '按週顯示';
+$month_view_lang = '按月顯示';
+$year_view_lang = '按年顯示';
+// $format_recur, items enclosed in % will be substituted with variables
+$format_recur_lang['delimiter'] = ', '; // ie, 'one, two, three'
+$format_recur_lang['yearly'] = array('年','年'); // for these, put singular
+$format_recur_lang['monthly'] = array('月','月'); // and plural forms
+$format_recur_lang['weekly'] = array('週','週'); // these will be %freq%
+$format_recur_lang['daily'] = array('日','日'); // in the replacement below
+$format_recur_lang['hourly'] = array('時','小時');
+$format_recur_lang['minutely'] = array('分','分鐘');
+$format_recur_lang['secondly'] = array('秒','秒');
+$format_recur_lang['start'] = '%freq% 每 %int% %for%'; // ie, 'Every 1 day until January 4' or 'Every 1 day for a count of 5'
+$format_recur_lang['until'] = '到 %date% 之前'; // ie, 'until January 4'
+$format_recur_lang['count'] = '%int% 次'; // ie, 'for 5 times'
+$format_recur_lang['bymonth'] = '於這幾月: %list%'; // ie, 'In months: January, February, March'
+$format_recur_lang['bymonthday'] = '於這幾號: %list%'; // ie, 'On dates: 1, 2, 3, 4'
+$format_recur_lang['byday'] = '於這幾天: %list%'; // ie, 'On days: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs'
+// ---------------------------------
+$daysofweek_lang = array ('星期日','星期一','星期二','星期三','星期四','星期五','星期六');
+$daysofweekshort_lang = array ('週日','週一','週二','週三','週四','週五','週六');
+$daysofweekreallyshort_lang = array ('日','一','二','三','四','五','六');
+$monthsofyear_lang = array ('一月','二月','三月','四月','五月','六月','七月','八月','九月','十月','十一月','十二月');
+$monthsofyearshort_lang = array ('一月','二月','三月','四月','五月','六月','七月','八月','九月','十月','十一月','十二月');
+// For time formatting, check out: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php
+$timeFormat = 'g:i A';
+$timeFormat_small = 'g:i';
+// For date formatting, see note below
+$dateFormat_day = '%A, %B %e 日';
+$dateFormat_week = '%B %e 日';
+$dateFormat_week_list = '%a, %b%e日';
+$dateFormat_week_jump = '%b %e 日';
+$dateFormat_month = '%Y 年 %B';
+$dateFormat_month_list = '%A, %B %e 日';
+Notes about dateFormat_*
+ The pieces are similar to that of the PHP function strftime(),
+ however only the following is supported at this time:
+ %A - the full week day name as specified in $daysofweek_lang
+ %a - the shortened week day name as specified in $daysofweekshort_lang
+ %B - the full month name as specified in $monthsofyear_lang
+ %b - the shortened month name as specified in $monthsofyearshort_lang
+ %e - the day of the month as a decimal number (1 to 31)
+ %Y - the 4-digit year
+ If this causes problems with representing your language accurately, let
+ us know. We will be happy to modify this if needed.
+// Error messages - %s will be replaced with a variable
+$error_title_lang = '錯誤!';
+$error_window_lang = '有錯誤發生!';
+$error_calendar_lang = '處理行事曆 "%s" 時發生此錯誤。';
+$error_path_lang = '無法開啟此路徑: "%s"';
+$error_back_lang = '請使用 "回去" 按鈕退回.';
+$error_remotecal_lang = '本伺服器會擋掉未經審核的遠端行事曆。';
+$error_restrictedcal_lang = '您試圖存取被本伺服器限制使用的行事曆。';
+$error_invalidcal_lang = '錯誤的行事曆檔案。請換一個行事曆試試。';

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