path: root/bin/incremental-git-filterbranch
diff options
authorMichele Locati <michele@locati.it>2018-03-15 18:36:04 +0100
committerMichele Locati <michele@locati.it>2018-03-15 18:36:04 +0100
commit30bf11d417eb0d65cb3620e44afe4efb8c7a1d09 (patch)
tree00588f51459a5cb2fe9258bd229717192f6c6854 /bin/incremental-git-filterbranch
parentd07138f8e7001fc4e497510dcf1ac432725ae6c0 (diff)
Remove useless .sh file extension
Diffstat (limited to 'bin/incremental-git-filterbranch')
1 files changed, 796 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/incremental-git-filterbranch b/bin/incremental-git-filterbranch
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..eb24b0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/incremental-git-filterbranch
@@ -0,0 +1,796 @@
+# Wrapper for git-filter-branch so that we can use it in an incremental
+# way.
+# Copyright (c) Michele Locati, 2018
+# MIT license
+# https://github.com/mlocati/incremental-git-filter-branch/blob/master/LICENSE
+# Exit immediately if a pipeline, a list, or a compound command, exits with a non-zero status.
+set -o errexit
+# Treat unset variables and parameters other than the special parameters "@" and "*" as an error when performing parameter expansion.
+set -o nounset
+# Set the Internal Field Separator
+# Exit with 1.
+# Arguments:
+# $1: the message to be printed
+die () {
+ printf '%s\n' "${1}">&2
+ exit 1
+# Print the usage and exit.
+# Arguments:
+# $1 [optional]: if specified, a short usage message will be printed and we'll exit with 1;
+# if not specified: a full syntax will be printed and we'll exit with 0
+usage () {
+ if test $# -eq 1
+ then
+ printf '%s\n\n%s\n' "${1}" "Type ${0} --help to get help">&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ printf '%s' "Usage:
+${0} [-h | --help] [--workdir <workdirpath>]
+ [--branch-whitelist <whitelist>] [--branch-blacklist <blacklist>]
+ [--tag-whitelist <whitelist>] [--tag-blacklist <blacklist>]
+ [--tags-plan (visited|all|none)]
+ [--tags-max-history-lookup <depth>]
+ [--no-hardlinks] [--no-atomic] [--no-lock] [--]
+ <sourcerepository> <filter> <destinationrepository>
+ Apply git filter-branch in an incremental way
+--workdir workdirpath
+ set the path to the directory where the temporary local repositories are created.
+ By default, we'll use a directory named temp in the current directory.
+--branch-whitelist <whitelist>
+ a whitespace-separated list of branches to be included in the process.
+ Multiple options can be specified.
+ By default, all branches will be processed.
+--branch-blacklist <blacklist>
+ a whitespace-separated list of branches to be excluded from the process.
+ Multiple options can be specified.
+ By default, all branches will be processed.
+ Blacklisted branches take the precedence over whitelisted ones.
+--tag-whitelist <whitelist>
+ a whitespace-separated list of tags to be included in the process.
+ Multiple options can be specified.
+--tag-blacklist <blacklist>
+ a whitespace-separated list of tags to be excluded from the process.
+ Multiple options can be specified.
+ Blacklisted tags take the precedence over whitelisted ones.
+ how tags should be processed. This can be one of these values:
+ visited: process only the tags visited (default)
+ none: do not process any tag
+ all: process all tags
+ limit the depth when looking for best matched filtered commit when --tags-plan is 'all'.
+ By default this value is 20.
+ Do not create hard links (useful for file systems that don't support it).
+ Do not use an atomic transaction when pushing to the destination repository.
+ Do not acquire an exclusive lock (useful for systems that don't have flock(1)).
+ The URL or path to the source repository.
+ The list of parameters to be passed to the git filter-branch command.
+ The URL or path to the destination repository.
+You can prefix branch/tag names in both whitelists and blacklists with 'rx:': in this case a regular expression check will be performed.
+For instance: --branch-whitelist 'master rx:release\\/\\d+(\\.\\d+)*' will match 'master' and 'release/1.1'
+ exit 0
+# Parse the command arguments and exits in case of errors.
+# Arguments:
+# $@: all the command line parameters
+readParameters () {
+ WORK_DIRECTORY="$(pwd)/temp"
+ TAGS_PLAN='visited'
+ ATOMIC='--atomic'
+ NO_LOCK=''
+ while :
+ do
+ if test $# -lt 1
+ then
+ usage 'Not enough arguments'
+ fi
+ readParameters_currentArgument="${1}"
+ case "${readParameters_currentArgument}" in
+ --)
+ shift 1
+ break
+ ;;
+ -h|--help)
+ usage
+ ;;
+ --workdir)
+ if test $# -lt 2
+ then
+ usage 'Not enough arguments'
+ fi
+ if test -z "${WORK_DIRECTORY}"
+ then
+ die 'The working directory option is empty'
+ fi
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ --branch-whitelist)
+ if test $# -lt 2
+ then
+ usage 'Not enough arguments'
+ fi
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ --branch-blacklist)
+ if test $# -lt 2
+ then
+ usage 'Not enough arguments'
+ fi
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ --tag-whitelist)
+ if test $# -lt 2
+ then
+ usage 'Not enough arguments'
+ fi
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ --tag-blacklist)
+ if test $# -lt 2
+ then
+ usage 'Not enough arguments'
+ fi
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ --tags-plan)
+ if test $# -lt 2
+ then
+ usage 'Not enough arguments'
+ fi
+ case "${2}" in
+ 'all')
+ TAGS_PLAN='all'
+ ;;
+ 'visited')
+ TAGS_PLAN='visited'
+ ;;
+ 'none')
+ ;;
+ *)
+ usage "Invalid value of the ${readParameters_currentArgument} option"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ --tags-max-history-lookup)
+ if test $# -lt 2
+ then
+ usage 'Not enough arguments'
+ fi
+ then
+ usage "Value of ${readParameters_currentArgument} should be numeric"
+ fi
+ then
+ usage "Value of ${readParameters_currentArgument} should be greater than 0"
+ fi
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ --no-hardlinks)
+ NO_HARDLINKS='--no-hardlinks'
+ shift 1
+ ;;
+ --no-atomic)
+ ATOMIC='--no-atomic'
+ shift 1
+ ;;
+ --no-lock)
+ NO_LOCK='yes'
+ shift 1
+ ;;
+ -*)
+ usage "Unknown option: ${readParameters_currentArgument}"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ break
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ if test -z "${TAGS_PLAN}"
+ then
+ if test -n "${TAG_WHITELIST}" -o -n "${TAG_BLACKLIST}"
+ then
+ die "You can't use --tag-whitelist or --tag-blacklist when you specify '--tags-plan none'"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if test $# -lt 3
+ then
+ usage 'Not enough arguments'
+ fi
+ if test $# -gt 3
+ then
+ usage 'Too many arguments'
+ fi
+ if test -z "${SOURCE_REPOSITORY_URL}"
+ then
+ die 'The source repository location is empty.'
+ fi
+ FILTER="${2}"
+ if test -z "${FILTER}"
+ then
+ die 'The filter is empty.'
+ fi
+ checkFilter ${FILTER}
+ then
+ die 'The destination repository location is empty.'
+ fi
+# Check if a string is a directory. If so, return its absolute path, otherwise the string itself.
+# Arguments:
+# $1: the string to be checked
+# Output:
+# The absolute path (if found), or $1
+absolutizePath () {
+ if test -d "${1}"
+ then
+ printf '%s' "$(cd "${1}" && pwd)"
+ else
+ printf '%s' "${1}"
+ fi
+# Check the contents of the <filter> argument and die in case of errors.
+# Arguments:
+# $@: all parts of the filter
+checkFilter () {
+ checkFilter_some=0
+ while test $# -ge 1
+ do
+ checkFilter_some=1
+ checkFilter_optName="${1}"
+ shift 1
+ case "${checkFilter_optName}" in
+ --setup)
+ if test $# -lt 1
+ then
+ die "Invalid syntax in filter (${checkFilter_optName} without command)"
+ fi
+ shift 1
+ ;;
+ --tag-name-filter)
+ die "You can't use --tag-name-filter (it's handled automatically)"
+ ;;
+ --*-filter)
+ if test $# -lt 1
+ then
+ die "Invalid syntax in filter (${checkFilter_optName} without command)"
+ fi
+ shift 1
+ ;;
+ --prune-empty)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ die "Invalid syntax in filter (unknown option: ${checkFilter_optName})"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ if test ${checkFilter_some} -lt 1
+ then
+ die 'The filter is empty.'
+ fi
+# Check that the system has the required commands, and exit in case of problems.
+checkEnvironment () {
+ if test -z "${NO_LOCK}"
+ then
+ if ! command -v flock >/dev/null
+ then
+ die 'The flock command is not available. You may want to use --no-lock option to avoid using it (but no concurrency check will be performed).'
+ fi
+ fi
+ for checkEnvironment_command in git sed grep md5sum
+ do
+ if ! command -v "${checkEnvironment_command}" >/dev/null
+ then
+ die "The required ${checkEnvironment_command} command is not available."
+ fi
+ done
+ checkEnvironment_vMin='2.15.0'
+ checkEnvironment_vCur=$(git --version | cut -d ' ' -f3)
+ checkEnvironment_vWork=$(printf '%s\n%s' "${checkEnvironment_vCur}" "${checkEnvironment_vMin}" | sort -t '.' -n -k1,1 -k2,2 -k3,3 -k4,4 | head -n 1)
+ if test "${checkEnvironment_vWork}" != "${checkEnvironment_vMin}"
+ then
+ die "This script requires git ${checkEnvironment_vMin} (you have git ${checkEnvironment_vWork})."
+ fi
+# Initialize the working directory and associated variables, and exit in case of problems.
+initializeEnvironment () {
+ if ! test -d "${WORK_DIRECTORY}"
+ then
+ mkdir --parents -- "${WORK_DIRECTORY}" || die "Failed to create the working directory ${WORK_DIRECTORY}"
+ fi
+ WORK_DIRECTORY=$(absolutizePath "${WORK_DIRECTORY}")
+# Acquire a lock (if allowed by options): we'll return from this function once the lock has been acquired
+acquireLock () {
+ if test -z "${NO_LOCK}"
+ then
+ exec 9>"${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}.lock"
+ while :
+ do
+ if flock --exclusive --timeout 3 9
+ then
+ break
+ fi
+ echo 'Lock detected... Waiting that it becomes available...'
+ done
+ fi
+# Create or update the mirror of the source repository.
+prepareLocalSourceRepository () {
+ prepareLocalSourceRepository_haveToCreateMirror=1
+ if test -f "${SOURCE_REPOSITORY_DIR}/config"
+ then
+ echo '# Updating source repository'
+ if git -C "${SOURCE_REPOSITORY_DIR}" remote update --prune
+ then
+ prepareLocalSourceRepository_haveToCreateMirror=0
+ fi
+ fi
+ if test ${prepareLocalSourceRepository_haveToCreateMirror} -eq 1
+ then
+ echo '# Cloning source repository'
+ fi
+# Store in the SOURCE_BRANCHES variable the list of the branches in the source repository.
+# Exit if no branch can be found.
+getSourceRepositoryBranches () {
+ echo '# Listing source branches'
+ # List all branches and takes only the part after "refs/heads/", and store them in the SOURCE_BRANCHES variable
+ SOURCE_BRANCHES=$(git -C "${SOURCE_REPOSITORY_DIR}" show-ref --heads | sed -E 's:^.*?refs/heads/::')
+ if test -z "${SOURCE_BRANCHES}"
+ then
+ die 'Failed to retrieve branch list'
+ fi
+# Get the tags that exist in a specific branch of the source repository.
+# Arguments:
+# $1: the branch name
+# Output:
+# The list of tags (one per line)
+getSourceRepositoryTagsInBranch () {
+ git -C "${SOURCE_REPOSITORY_DIR}" tag --list --merged "refs/heads/${1}" 2>/dev/null || true
+# Get the list of all the tags that exist in a repository.
+# Arguments:
+# $1: the directory of the repository
+# Output:
+# The list of tags (one per line)
+getTagList () {
+ # List all tags and takes only the part after "refs/heads/"
+ git -C "${1}" show-ref --tags | sed -E 's:^.*?refs/tags/::' || true
+# Check if a string is in a white/black list.
+# Arguments:
+# $1: the string to be checked
+# $2: the white/black list
+# Return:
+# 0 (true): if the string is in the list
+# 1 (false): if the string is not in the list
+stringInList () {
+ for stringInList_listItem in ${2}
+ do
+ if test -n "${stringInList_listItem}"
+ then
+ case "${stringInList_listItem}" in
+ rx:*)
+ stringInList_substring=$(printf '%s' "${stringInList_listItem}" | cut -c4-)
+ if printf '%s' "${1}" | grep -Eq "^${stringInList_substring}$"
+ then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ if test "${1}" = "${stringInList_listItem}"
+ then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ done
+ return 1
+# Check if a string satisfies whitelist and blacklist checks.
+# Arguments:
+# $1: the string to be checked
+# $2: the whitelist
+# $3: the blacklist
+# Return:
+# 0 (true): if the string satisfies the criteria
+# 1 (false): if the string does not satisfy the criteria
+stringPassesLists () {
+ if stringInList "${1}" "${3}"
+ then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if test -z "${2}"
+ then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ if stringInList "${1}" "${2}"
+ then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ return 1
+# Store in the WORK_BRANCHES variable the list of the branches to be processed (checking the white/black lists).
+# Die if no branch can be found.
+getBranchesToProcess () {
+ echo '# Determining the branches to be processed'
+ for getBranchesToProcess_branch in ${SOURCE_BRANCHES}
+ do
+ if stringPassesLists "${getBranchesToProcess_branch}" "${BRANCH_WHITELIST}" "${BRANCH_BLACKLIST}"
+ then
+ WORK_BRANCHES="${WORK_BRANCHES} ${getBranchesToProcess_branch}"
+ fi
+ done
+ if test -z "${WORK_BRANCHES}"
+ then
+ die 'None of the source branches passes the whitelist/blacklist filter'
+ fi
+# Create the worker repository (if it does not already exist)
+prepareWorkerRepository () {
+ prepareWorkerRepository_haveToCreateRepo=1
+ if test -f "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}/.git/config"
+ then
+ echo '# Checking working repository'
+ if git -C "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}" rev-parse --git-dir >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ then
+ prepareWorkerRepository_haveToCreateRepo=0
+ fi
+ fi
+ if test ${prepareWorkerRepository_haveToCreateRepo} -eq 1
+ then
+ echo '# Creating working repository'
+ echo '# Adding mirror source repository to working repository'
+ git clone ${NO_HARDLINKS} --local --origin source "${SOURCE_REPOSITORY_DIR}" "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}"
+ echo '# Adding destination repository to working repository'
+ if ! git -C "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}" remote add destination "${DESTINATION_REPOSITORY_URL}"
+ then
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo '# Fetching data from cloned destination repository'
+ if ! git -C "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}" fetch --prune destination
+ then
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+# Process a branch, fetching it from the mirror of the source repository.
+# Any relevat tag will also be processed.
+# Arguments:
+# $1: the name of the branch to work with
+processBranch () {
+ echo ' - fetching'
+ git -C "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}" fetch --quiet --tags source "${1}"
+ echo ' - checking-out'
+ git -C "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}" checkout --quiet --force -B "filter-branch/source/${1}" "remotes/source/${1}"
+ echo ' - determining delta'
+ processBranch_range="filter-branch/result/${1}"
+ processBranch_last=$(git -C "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}" show-ref -s "refs/heads/filter-branch/filtered/${1}" || true)
+ if test -n "${processBranch_last}"
+ then
+ processBranch_range="${processBranch_last}..${processBranch_range}"
+ fi
+ processBranch_fetchHead=$(git -C "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}" rev-parse FETCH_HEAD)
+ if test "${processBranch_last}" = "${processBranch_fetchHead}"
+ then
+ echo ' - nothing new, skipping'
+ else
+ echo ' - initializing filter'
+ rm -f "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}/.git/refs/filter-branch/originals/${1}/refs/heads/filter-branch/result/${1}"
+ git -C "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}" branch --force "filter-branch/result/${1}" FETCH_HEAD
+ rm -rf "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}.filter-branch"
+ echo " - filtering commits"
+ processBranch_tags=''
+ if test -z "${TAGS_PLAN}"
+ then
+ processBranch_tags=''
+ else
+ processBranch_tags=$(getSourceRepositoryTagsInBranch "${1}")
+ fi
+ if test -z "${processBranch_tags}"
+ then
+ processBranch_tagNameFilter=''
+ else
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2016
+ processBranch_tagNameFilter='read -r tag; printf "filter-branch/converted-tags/%s" "${tag}"'
+ fi
+ rm -rf "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}.map"
+ exec 3>&1
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+ if processBranch_stdErr=$(git -C "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}" filter-branch \
+ ${FILTER} \
+ --remap-to-ancestor \
+ --tag-name-filter "${processBranch_tagNameFilter}" \
+ -d "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}.filter-branch" \
+ --original "refs/filter-branch/originals/${1}" \
+ --state-branch "refs/filter-branch/state" \
+ --force \
+ -- "${processBranch_range}" \
+ 1>&3 2>&1 | tee /dev/stderr
+ )
+ then
+ processBranch_rc=0
+ else
+ processBranch_rc=1
+ fi
+ exec 3>&-
+ if test "${processBranch_rc}" -ne 0
+ then
+ if test -n "${processBranch_stdErr##*Found nothing to rewrite*}"
+ then
+ die 'git failed'
+ fi
+ else
+ if test "${TAGS_PLAN}" = 'all' -a -n "${processBranch_tags}"
+ then
+ if ! processBranchTag_availableTags="$(git -C "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}" tag --list | grep -E '^filter-branch/converted-tags/' | sed -E 's:^filter-branch/converted-tags/::')"
+ then
+ processBranchTag_availableTags=''
+ fi
+ for processBranch_tag in ${processBranch_tags}
+ do
+ if ! itemInList "${processBranch_tag}" "${processBranchTag_availableTags}"
+ then
+ if stringPassesLists "${processBranch_tag}" "${TAG_WHITELIST}" "${TAG_BLACKLIST}"
+ then
+ processNotConvertedTag "${processBranch_tag}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ fi
+ echo " - storing state"
+ git -C "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}" branch -f "filter-branch/filtered/${1}" FETCH_HEAD
+ fi
+# Print the SHA-1 hash of the tag of the work repository (if found).
+# Arguments:
+# $1: the name of the tag
+# Output:
+# The SHA-1 of the tag, or nothing if the tag does not exist
+getWorkingTagHash () {
+ git -C "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}" rev-list -n 1 "refs/tags/${1}" 2>/dev/null || true
+# Print the SHA-1 hash of the nearest translated commit corresponding to a specific original commit.
+# Arguments:
+# $1: the SHA-1 hash of the original commit
+# $2: the allowed history depth
+# Output:
+# The SHA-1 hash of the translated commit (if it can be found within $2 depth), or nothing otherwise
+# Return:
+# 0 (true): if the translated commit has been found (and printed)
+# 1 (false): if the translated commit couldn't be found
+getTranslatedNearestCommitHash () {
+ if test "${2}" -lt 1 -o -z "${PROCESS_TAGS_VISITEDHASHES##* ${1} *}"
+ then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if getTranslatedNearestCommitHash_v="$(grep -E "^${1}:" "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}.map")"
+ then
+ printf '%s' "${getTranslatedNearestCommitHash_v#${1}:}"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ for getTranslatedNearestCommitHash_v in $(git -C "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}" rev-list --parents -n 1 "${1}")
+ do
+ if test "${getTranslatedNearestCommitHash_v}" != "${1}"
+ then
+ if getTranslatedNearestCommitHash "${getTranslatedNearestCommitHash_v}" "$(( $2 - 1))"
+ then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ return 1
+# Tries to create a new translated tag, associating it to the nearest translated commit
+# Arguments:
+# $1: the name of the tag to be translated
+processNotConvertedTag () {
+ printf ' - remapping tag %s\n' "${1}"
+ processNotConvertedTag_tagOriginalHash="$(getWorkingTagHash "${1}")"
+ if test -z "${processNotConvertedTag_tagOriginalHash}"
+ then
+ printf 'Failed to get hash of tag %s\n' "${1}">&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if test ! -f "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}.map"
+ then
+ git -C "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}" show refs/filter-branch/state:filter.map >"${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}.map"
+ fi
+ if processNotConvertedTag_commitHash="$(getTranslatedNearestCommitHash "${processNotConvertedTag_tagOriginalHash}" "${PROCESS_TAGS_MAXHISTORYLOOKUP}")"
+ then
+ printf '%s -> filter-branch/converted-tags/%s (%s -> %s)\n' "${1}" "${1}" "${processNotConvertedTag_tagOriginalHash}" "${processNotConvertedTag_commitHash}"
+ git -C "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}" tag --force "filter-branch/converted-tags/${1}" "${processNotConvertedTag_commitHash}"
+ else
+ printf 'Failed to map tag %s\n' "${1}">&2
+ fi
+# Process all the branches listed in the WORK_BRANCHES variable, and push the result to the destination repository.
+processBranches () {
+ processBranches_pushRefSpec=''
+ for processBranches_branch in ${WORK_BRANCHES}
+ do
+ echo "# Processing branch ${processBranches_branch}"
+ processBranch "${processBranches_branch}"
+ processBranches_pushRefSpec="${processBranches_pushRefSpec} filter-branch/result/${processBranches_branch}:${processBranches_branch}"
+ done
+ if test -n "${TAGS_PLAN}"
+ then
+ echo '# Listing source tags'
+ processBranches_sourceTags=$(getTagList "${SOURCE_REPOSITORY_DIR}")
+ echo '# Determining destination tags'
+ for processBranches_sourceTag in ${processBranches_sourceTags}
+ do
+ if stringPassesLists "${processBranches_sourceTag}" "${TAG_WHITELIST}" "${TAG_BLACKLIST}"
+ then
+ processBranches_rewrittenTag="filter-branch/converted-tags/${processBranches_sourceTag}"
+ if git -C "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}" rev-list --max-count=0 "${processBranches_rewrittenTag}" 2>/dev/null
+ then
+ processBranches_pushRefSpec="${processBranches_pushRefSpec} ${processBranches_rewrittenTag}:${processBranches_sourceTag}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ echo "# Pushing to destination repository"
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+ git -C "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}" push --quiet --force ${ATOMIC} destination ${processBranches_pushRefSpec}
+# Calculate the MD5 hash of a string.
+# Arguments:
+# $1: the string for which you want the MD5 hash
+# Output:
+# The MD5-1 hash of $1
+md5 () {
+ printf '%s' "${1}" | md5sum | sed -E 's: .*$::'
+# Check if a string is in a list (separated by spaces, tabs or new lines)
+# Arguments:
+# $1: the string
+# $2: the list of strings
+# Return:
+# 0 (true): $1 is in $2
+# 1 (false): $1 is not in $2
+itemInList () {
+ for itemInList_item in ${2}
+ do
+ if test "${1}" = "${itemInList_item}"
+ then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ done
+ return 1
+readParameters "$@"
+echo "All done."

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