path: root/swedish/News
diff options
authorAndreas Rönnquist <gusnan@debian.org>2023-07-22 20:18:28 +0200
committerAndreas Rönnquist <gusnan@debian.org>2023-07-22 20:18:28 +0200
commit959b20279f33808892035d038d73755d848f4d33 (patch)
tree218b5780c606d2939d9ea22f1ba93656b26b2e4d /swedish/News
parent1f51232f1964140bbf71ecfd1fc7bdcbd252e744 (diff)
(sv) News/2023/20230722 - Initial Swedish translation
Diffstat (limited to 'swedish/News')
1 files changed, 243 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/swedish/News/2023/20230722.wml b/swedish/News/2023/20230722.wml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1bc60d33480
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swedish/News/2023/20230722.wml
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="1f51232f1964140bbf71ecfd1fc7bdcbd252e744"
+<define-tag pagetitle>Uppdaterad Debian 12; 12.1 utgiven</define-tag>
+<define-tag release_date>2023-07-22</define-tag>
+#use wml::debian::news
+<define-tag release>12</define-tag>
+<define-tag codename>bookworm</define-tag>
+<define-tag revision>12.1</define-tag>
+<define-tag dsa>
+ <tr><td align="center"><a href="$(HOME)/security/%0/dsa-%1">DSA-%1</a></td>
+ <td align="center"><:
+ my @p = ();
+ for my $p (split (/,\s*/, "%2")) {
+ push (@p, sprintf ('<a href="https://packages.debian.org/src:%s">%s</a>', $p, $p));
+ }
+ print join (", ", @p);
+<define-tag correction>
+ <tr><td><a href="https://packages.debian.org/src:%0">%0</a></td> <td>%1</td></tr>
+<define-tag srcpkg><a href="https://packages.debian.org/src:%0">%0</a></define-tag>
+<p>Debianprojektet presenterar stolt sin första uppdatering till dess
+stabila utgåva Debian <release> (med kodnamnet <q><codename></q>).
+Denna punktutgåva lägger huvudsakligen till rättningar för säkerhetsproblem,
+tillsammans med ytterligare rättningar för allvarliga problem. Säkerhetsbulletiner
+har redan publicerats separat och refereras när de finns tillgängliga.</p>
+<p>Vänligen notera att punktutgåvan inte innebär en ny version av Debian
+<release> utan endast uppdaterar några av de inkluderade paketen. Det behövs
+inte kastas bort gamla media av <q><codename></q>. Efter installationen
+kan paket uppgraderas till de aktuella versionerna genom att använda en uppdaterad
+<p>De som frekvent installerar uppdateringar från security.debian.org kommer inte att behöva
+uppdatera många paket, och de flesta av sådana uppdateringar finns
+inkluderade i punktutgåvan.</p>
+<p>Nya installationsavbildningar kommer snart att finnas tillgängliga på de vanliga platserna.</p>
+<p>En uppgradering av en existerande installation till denna revision kan utföras genom att
+peka pakethanteringssystemet på en av Debians många HTTP-speglingar.
+En utförlig lista på speglingar finns på:</p>
+<div class="center">
+ <a href="$(HOME)/mirror/list">https://www.debian.org/mirror/list</a>
+<h2>Blandade felrättningar</h2>
+<p>Denna uppdatering av den stabila utgåvan lägger till några viktiga felrättningar till följande paket:</p>
+<table border=0>
+<tr><th>Paket</th> <th>Orsak</th></tr>
+<correction aide "Properly handle creating the system user; fix child directory processing on equal match">
+<correction autofs "Fix hang when using Kerberos-authenticated LDAP">
+<correction ayatana-indicator-datetime "Fix playing of custom alarm sounds">
+<correction base-files "Update for the 12.1 point release">
+<correction bepasty "Fix rendering of text uploads">
+<correction boost1.81 "Add missing dependency on libboost-json1.81.0 to libboost-json1.81-dev">
+<correction bup "Correctly restore POSIX ACLs">
+<correction context "Enable socket in ConTeXt mtxrun">
+<correction cpdb-libs "Fix a buffer overflow vulnerability [CVE-2023-34095]">
+<correction cpp-httplib "Fix CRLF injection issue [CVE-2023-26130]">
+<correction crowdsec "Fix default acquis.yaml to also include the journalctl datasource, limited to the ssh.service unit, making sure acquisition works even without the traditional auth.log file; make sure an invalid datasource doesn't make the engine error out">
+<correction cups "Security fixes: use-after-free [CVE-2023-34241]; heap buffer overflow [CVE-2023-32324]">
+<correction cvs "Configure full path to ssh">
+<correction dbus "New upstream stable release; fix denial of service issue [CVE-2023-34969]; stop trying to take DPKG_ROOT into account, restoring copying of systemd's /etc/machine-id in preference to creating an entirely new machine ID">
+<correction debian-installer "Increase Linux kernel ABI to 6.1.0-10; rebuild against proposed-updates">
+<correction debian-installer-netboot-images "Rebuild against proposed-updates">
+<correction desktop-base "Remove emerald alternatives on package uninstallation">
+<correction dh-python "Re-introduce Breaks+Replaces on python2 needed to help apt in some upgrade scenarios">
+<correction dkms "Add Breaks against obsolete, incompatible *-dkms packages">
+<correction dnf "Fix default DNF const PYTHON_INSTALL_DIR">
+<correction dpdk "New upstream stable release">
+<correction exim4 "Fix argument parsing for ${run } expansion; fix ${srs_encode ..} returning incorrect result every 1024 days">
+<correction fai "Fix IP address lifetime">
+<correction glibc "Fix a buffer overflow in gmon; fix a deadlock in getaddrinfo (__check_pf) with deferred cancellation; fix y2038 support in strftime on 32-bit architectures; fix corner case parsing of /etc/gshadow which can return bad pointers, causing segfaults in applications; fix a deadlock in system() when called concurrently from multiple threads; cdefs: limit definition of fortification macros to __FORTIFY_LEVEL &gt; 0 to support old C90 compilers">
+<correction gnome-control-center "New upstream bugfix release">
+<correction gnome-maps "New upstream bugfix release">
+<correction gnome-shell "New upstream bugfix release">
+<correction gnome-software "New upstream release; memory leak fixes">
+<correction gosa "Silence PHP 8.2 deprecation warnings; fix missing template in default theme; fix table styling; fix use of debugLevel &gt; 0">
+<correction groonga "Fix documentation links">
+<correction guestfs-tools "Security update [CVE-2022-2211]">
+<correction indent "Restore the ROUND_UP macro and adjust the initial buffer size">
+<correction installation-guide "Enable Indonesian translation">
+<correction kanboard "Fix malicious injection of HTML tags into DOM [CVE-2023-32685]; fix parameter-based indirect object referencing leading to private file exposure [CVE-2023-33956]; fix missing access controls [CVE-2023-33968, CVE-2023-33970]; fix stored XSS in Task External Link functionality [CVE-2023-33969]">
+<correction kf5-messagelib "Search also for subkeys">
+<correction libmatekbd "Fix memory leaks">
+<correction libnginx-mod-http-modsecurity "Binary rebuild with pcre2">
+<correction libreoffice "New upstream bugfix release">
+<correction libreswan "Fix potential denial-of-service issue [CVE-2023-30570]">
+<correction libxml2 "Fix NULL pointer dereference issue [CVE-2022-2309]">
+<correction linux "New upstream stable release; netfilter: nf_tables: do not ignore genmask when looking up chain by id [CVE-2023-31248], prevent OOB access in nft_byteorder_eval [CVE-2023-35001]">
+<correction linux-signed-amd64 "New upstream stable release; netfilter: nf_tables: do not ignore genmask when looking up chain by id [CVE-2023-31248], prevent OOB access in nft_byteorder_eval [CVE-2023-35001]">
+<correction linux-signed-arm64 "New upstream stable release; netfilter: nf_tables: do not ignore genmask when looking up chain by id [CVE-2023-31248], prevent OOB access in nft_byteorder_eval [CVE-2023-35001]">
+<correction linux-signed-i386 "New upstream stable release; netfilter: nf_tables: do not ignore genmask when looking up chain by id [CVE-2023-31248], prevent OOB access in nft_byteorder_eval [CVE-2023-35001]">
+<correction mailman3 "Drop redundant cron job; handle ordering of services when MariaDB is present">
+<correction marco "Show correct window title when owned by superuser">
+<correction mate-control-center "Fix several memory leaks">
+<correction mate-power-manager "Fix several memory leaks">
+<correction mate-session-manager "Fix several memory leaks; allow clutter backends other than x11">
+<correction multipath-tools "Hide underlying paths from LVM; prevent initial service failure on new installations">
+<correction mutter "New upstream bugfix release">
+<correction network-manager-strongswan "Build editor component with GTK 4 support">
+<correction nfdump "Return success when starting; fix segfault in option parsing">
+<correction nftables "Fix regression in set listing format">
+<correction node-openpgp-seek-bzip "Correct installation of files in seek-bzip package">
+<correction node-tough-cookie "Fix prototype pollution issue [CVE-2023-26136]">
+<correction node-undici "Security fixes: protect <q>Host</q> HTTP header from CLRF injection [CVE-2023-23936]; potential ReDoS on Headers.set and Headers.append [CVE-2023-24807]">
+<correction node-webpack "Security fix (cross-realm objects) [CVE-2023-28154]">
+<correction nvidia-cuda-toolkit "Update bundled openjdk-8-jre">
+<correction nvidia-graphics-drivers "New upstream stable release; security fixes [CVE-2023-25515 CVE-2023-25516]">
+<correction nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla "New upstream stable release; security fixes [CVE-2023-25515 CVE-2023-25516]">
+<correction nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-470 "New upstream stable release; security fixes [CVE-2023-25515 CVE-2023-25516]">
+<correction nvidia-modprobe "New upstream bugfix release">
+<correction nvidia-open-gpu-kernel-modules "New upstream stable release; security fixes [CVE-2023-25515 CVE-2023-25516]">
+<correction nvidia-support "Add Breaks against incompatible packages from bullseye">
+<correction onionshare "Fix installation of desktop furniture">
+<correction openvpn "Fix memory leak and dangling pointer (possible crash vector)">
+<correction pacemaker "Fix regression in the resource scheduler">
+<correction postfix "New upstream bugfix release; fix <q>postfix set-permissions</q>">
+<correction proftpd-dfsg "Do not enable inetd-style socket at installation">
+<correction qemu "New upstream stable release; fix USB devices not being available to XEN HVM domUs; 9pfs: prevent opening special files [CVE-2023-2861]; fix reentrancy issues in the LSI controller [CVE-2023-0330]">
+<correction request-tracker5 "Fix links to documentation">
+<correction rime-cantonese "Sort words and characters by frequency">
+<correction rime-luna-pinyin "Install missing pinyin schema data">
+<correction samba "New upstream stable release; ensure manpages are generated during build; enable ability to store kerberos tickets in kernel keyring; fix build issues on armel and mipsel; fix windows logon/trust issues with 2023-07 windows updates">
+<correction schleuder-cli "Security fix (value escaping)">
+<correction smarty4 "Fix arbitrary code execution issue [CVE-2023-28447]">
+<correction spip "Various security issues; security fix (authentication data filtering)">
+<correction sra-sdk "Fix installation of files in libngs-java">
+<correction sudo "Fix event log format">
+<correction systemd "New upstream bugfix release">
+<correction tang "Fix race condition when creating/rotating keys [CVE-2023-1672]">
+<correction texlive-bin "Disable socket in luatex by default [CVE-2023-32668]; make installable on i386">
+<correction unixodbc "Add Breaks+Replaces against odbcinst1debian1">
+<correction usb.ids "Update included data">
+<correction vm "Disable byte compilation">
+<correction vte2.91 "New upstream bugfix release">
+<correction xerial-sqlite-jdbc "Use a UUID for connection ID [CVE-2023-32697]">
+<correction yajl "Memory leak security fix; fix denial of service issue [CVE-2017-16516], integer overflow issue [CVE-2022-24795]">
+<p>Denna revision lägger till följande säkerhetsuppdateringar till den stabila utgåvan.
+Säkerhetsgruppen har redan släppt bulletiner för alla dessa
+<table border=0>
+<tr><th>Bulletin-ID</th> <th>Paket</th></tr>
+<dsa 2023 5423 thunderbird>
+<dsa 2023 5425 php8.2>
+<dsa 2023 5427 webkit2gtk>
+<dsa 2023 5428 chromium>
+<dsa 2023 5429 wireshark>
+<dsa 2023 5430 openjdk-17>
+<dsa 2023 5432 xmltooling>
+<dsa 2023 5433 libx11>
+<dsa 2023 5434 minidlna>
+<dsa 2023 5435 trafficserver>
+<dsa 2023 5436 hsqldb1.8.0>
+<dsa 2023 5437 hsqldb>
+<dsa 2023 5439 bind9>
+<dsa 2023 5440 chromium>
+<dsa 2023 5443 gst-plugins-base1.0>
+<dsa 2023 5444 gst-plugins-bad1.0>
+<dsa 2023 5445 gst-plugins-good1.0>
+<dsa 2023 5446 ghostscript>
+<dsa 2023 5447 mediawiki>
+<dsa 2023 5448 linux-signed-amd64>
+<dsa 2023 5448 linux-signed-arm64>
+<dsa 2023 5448 linux-signed-i386>
+<dsa 2023 5448 linux>
+<dsa 2023 5449 webkit2gtk>
+<dsa 2023 5450 firefox-esr>
+<dsa 2023 5451 thunderbird>
+<p>Installeraren har uppdaterats för att inkludera rättningarna som har inkluderats i den
+stabila utgåvan med denna punktutgåva.</p>
+<p>Den fullständiga listan på paket som har förändrats i denna revision:</p>
+<div class="center">
+ <url "https://deb.debian.org/debian/dists/<downcase <codename>>/ChangeLog">
+<p>Den aktuella stabila utgåvan:</p>
+<div class="center">
+ <url "https://deb.debian.org/debian/dists/stable/">
+<p>Föreslagna uppdateringar till den stabila utgåvan:</p>
+<div class="center">
+ <url "https://deb.debian.org/debian/dists/proposed-updates">
+<p>Information om den stabila utgåvan (versionsfakta, kända problem osv.):</p>
+<div class="center">
+ <a
+ href="$(HOME)/releases/stable/">https://www.debian.org/releases/stable/</a>
+<p>Säkerhetsbulletiner och information:</p>
+<div class="center">
+ <a href="$(HOME)/security/">https://www.debian.org/security/</a>
+<h2>Om Debian</h2>
+<p>Debianprojektet är en grupp utvecklare av Fri mjukvara som
+donerar sin tid och kraft för att producera det helt
+fria operativsystemet Debian.</p>
+<p>För ytterligare information, vänligen besök Debians webbplats på
+<a href="$(HOME)/">https://www.debian.org/</a>, skicka e-post till
+&lt;press@debian.org&gt;, eller kontakta gruppen för stabila utgåvor på

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