path: root/korean
diff options
authorSebul <sebuls@gmail.com>2022-11-20 15:34:42 +0900
committerSebul <sebuls@gmail.com>2022-11-20 15:34:42 +0900
commit52f2c12c07ea4bd597249d381c47b556479acf19 (patch)
tree477d6b47c539d894da27eeba1d126b7ef7e5c466 /korean
parent2b86cabf6df4b649fe69c3461bcf33ed9ebe06c5 (diff)
ko. reportbug
Diffstat (limited to 'korean')
1 files changed, 509 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/korean/Bugs/Reporting.wml b/korean/Bugs/Reporting.wml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..77fecc25718
--- /dev/null
+++ b/korean/Bugs/Reporting.wml
@@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
+#use wml::debian::template title="Debian BTS - reporting bugs" NOHEADER=yes NOCOPYRIGHT=true
+#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="d2f23dedea7ef17add18a4b0acb68520c6677264" maintainer="Sebul" mindelta="-1"
+<h1>reportbug를 써서 데비안 버그를 보고하는 방법</h1>
+<a name="reportbug"></a>
+<p>데비안에서 우리는
+프로그램을 써서 버그를 보고하는 것을 강력히 권합니다.</p>
+reportbug는 기본으로 대부분의 시스템에 설치됩니다.
+그것이 가능하지 않아면, 패키지 관리 도구를 써서 설치할 수 있습니다.
+reportbug는 메뉴의 시스템 섹션 또는 명령행에서 <code>reportbug</code>를 실행하여 시작할 수 있습니다.
+<p>버그 리포팅 절차를 단계적으로 알려줄 겁니다.</p>
+reportbug의 대화형 프롬프트에서 해결할 수 없는 질문이 있으면,
+아래 문서의 나머지 부분을 참조하거나 <a
+href="mailto:debian-user@lists.debian.org">데비안 사용자 메일링 리스트</a>에 문의할 수 있습니다.
+<h1>이메일을 사용하여 Debian에서 버그를 보고하는 방법(및 고급 reportbug 사용)</h1>
+<h2>버그 보고 <strong>전</strong>에 주의할 중요한 것</h2>
+<a name="whatpackage"></a>
+<h3>버그 리포트가 무슨 패키지에 있나요?</h3>
+버그 보고서가 어떤 패키지에 대해 제출되어야 하는지 알아야 합니다.
+이 정보를 찾는 방법에 대한 자세한 내용은 <a href="#findpkgver">이 예</a>를 보세오.
+(이 정보를 사용하여 <a href="#filedalready">버그 보고서가 이미 제출되었는지</a> 확인합니다.)
+<p>버그리포트를 어느 패키지에 할 지 모르면,
+이메일을 <a href="mailto:debian-user@lists.debian.org">데비안 사용자 메일링 리스트</a>에 보내서 조언을 요청하세요.</p>
+<p>만약 당신의 문제가 단지 하나의 패키지가 아니라 일부 일반적인 데비안 서비스와 관련이 있다면, 대신 우리에게 메시지를 전달하는 데 사용할 수 있는 몇 개의 <a href="pseudo-packages">pseudo-packages</a>유사 패키지</a> 또는 심지어 <a href="../MailingLists/">mailing lists</a>메일링 리스트</a>가 있습니다.</p>
+<a name="filedalready"></a>
+<h3>버그 리포트가 이미 제출되었나요?</h3>
+<p>You should check to see if your bug report has already been filed
+before submitting it. You can see which bugs have been filed in
+a specific package using the
+<a href="./#pkgreport">package option of the bug search form</a>.
+If there is an existing bug report #<var>&lt;number&gt;</var>,
+you should submit your comments by sending e-mail to
+<var>&lt;number&gt;</var>@bugs.debian.org instead of reporting a
+new bug.</p>
+<h3>여러 버그에 대해 여러 보고서 보내기</h3>
+<p>Please don't report multiple unrelated bugs &mdash; especially ones in
+different packages &mdash; in a single bug report.</p>
+<h3>버그를 업스트림에 보내지 마세요</h3>
+만약 당신이 데비안에서 버그를 제출한다면,
+그 버그가 데비안에만 존재할 가능성이 있기 때문에,
+당신 자신이 업스트림 소프트웨어 관리자에게 복사본을 보내지 마세요.
+필요한 경우 패키지의 관리자가 버그를 업스트림으로 전달합니다</p>
+<h2>e-mail 통해 버그 리포트 보내기</h2>
+<p>You can report bugs in Debian by sending an e-mail to
+<a href="mailto:submit@bugs.debian.org"><code>submit@bugs.debian.org</code></a>
+with a special format described below. <code>reportbug</code> (<a
+href="#reportbug">see above</a>) will properly format the e-mails for you;
+please use it!</p>
+<p>Like any e-mail you should include a clear, descriptive
+<code>Subject</code> line in your main mail header. The subject you
+give will be used as the initial bug title in the tracking system, so
+please try to make it informative!</p>
+<p>If you'd like to send a copy of your bug report to additional recipients
+(such as mailing lists), you shouldn't use the usual e-mail headers, but
+<a href="#xcc">a different method, described below</a>.</p>
+<h3><a name="pseudoheader">Pseudo-headers</a></h3>
+<p>The first part of the bug report are the pseudo-headers which contain
+information about what package and version your bug report applies to.
+The first line of the message body has to include a pseudo-header.
+It should say:</p>
+Package: &lt;packagename&gt;
+<p>Replace <code>&lt;packagename&gt;</code> with the <a href="#whatpackage">name of the package</a> which
+has the bug.</p>
+<p>The second line of the message should say:</p>
+Version: &lt;packageversion&gt;
+<p>Replace <code>&lt;packageversion&gt;</code> with the version of the package.
+Please don't include any text here other than the version itself, as the
+bug tracking system relies on this field to work out which releases are
+affected by the bug.</p>
+<p>You need to supply a correct <code>Package</code> line in the
+pseudo-header in order for the bug tracking system to deliver the message
+to the package's maintainer. See <a href="#findpkgver">this example</a> for
+information on how to find this information.</p>
+<p>For other valid pseudo-headers, see <a
+href="#additionalpseudoheaders">Additional pseudo-headers</a></p>
+<h3>The body of the report</h3>
+<p>Please include in your report:</p>
+<li>The <em>exact</em> and <em>complete</em> text of any error
+messages printed or logged. This is very important!</li>
+<li>Exactly what you typed or did to demonstrate the problem.</li>
+<li>A description of the incorrect behavior: exactly what behavior
+you were expecting, and what you observed. A transcript of an
+example session is a good way of showing this.</li>
+<li>A suggested fix, or even a patch, if you have one.</li>
+<li>Details of the configuration of the program with the problem.
+Include the complete text of its configuration files.</li>
+<li>The versions of any packages on which the buggy package depends.</li>
+<li>What kernel version you're using (type <code>uname -a</code>), your
+shared C library (type <code>ls -l /lib/*/libc.so.6</code> or
+<code>apt show libc6 | grep ^Version</code>), and any other details about
+your Debian system, if it seems appropriate. For example, if you had a
+problem with a Perl script, you would want to provide the version of the
+`perl' binary (type <code>perl -v</code> or <code>dpkg -s perl | grep
+<li>Appropriate details of the hardware in your system. If you're
+reporting a problem with a device driver please list <em>all</em> the
+hardware in your system, as problems are often caused by IRQ and I/O
+address conflicts.</li>
+<li>If you have <a
+ installed the output of
+ <code>reportbug --template -T none -s none -S normal -b --list-cc
+ none -q &lt;package&gt;</code>
+will also be useful, as it contains the output of maintainer specific
+scripts and version information.</li>
+<p>Include any detail that seems relevant &mdash; you are in very little danger
+of making your report too long by including too much information. If
+they are small, please include in your report any files you were using
+to reproduce the problem. (If they are large, consider making them
+available on a publicly available website if possible.)</p>
+<p>For more advice on how to help the developers solve your problem,
+please read <a href="https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/bugs.html">
+How to Report Bugs Effectively</a>.</p>
+<h2><a name="example">버그 리포트 예시</a></h2>
+<p>A bug report with header and pseudo-header looks something like this:</p>
+ To: submit@bugs.debian.org
+ From: diligent@testing.linux.org
+ Subject: Hello says `goodbye'
+ Package: hello
+ Version: 1.3-16
+ When I invoke `hello' without arguments from an ordinary shell
+ prompt it prints `goodbye', rather than the expected `hello, world'.
+ Here is a transcript:
+ $ hello
+ goodbye
+ $ /usr/bin/hello
+ goodbye
+ $
+ I suggest that the output string, in hello.c, be corrected.
+ I am using Debian GNU/Linux 2.2, kernel 2.2.17-pre-patch-13
+ and libc6 2.1.3-10.
+<h2><a name="xcc">버그 리포트 사본을 다른 주소에 보내기</a></h2>
+<p>Sometimes it is necessary to send a copy of a bug report to somewhere
+else besides <code>debian-bugs-dist</code> and the package maintainer,
+which is where they are normally sent.</p>
+<p>You could do this by CC'ing your bug report to the other address(es),
+but then the other copies would not have the bug report number put in
+the <code>Reply-To</code> field and the <code>Subject</code> line.
+When the recipients reply they will probably preserve the
+<code>submit@bugs.debian.org</code> entry in the header and have their
+message filed as a new bug report. This leads to many duplicated
+<p>The <em>right</em> way to do this is to use the
+<code>X-Debbugs-CC</code> header. Add a line like this to your
+message's mail header:</p>
+ X-Debbugs-CC: other-list@cosmic.edu
+<p>This will cause the bug tracking system to send a copy of your report
+to the address(es) in the <code>X-Debbugs-CC</code> line as well as to
+<p>If you want to send copies to more than one address, add them
+comma-separated in only one <code>X-Debbugs-CC</code> line.</p>
+<p>Avoid sending such copies to the addresses of other bug reports, as
+they will be caught by the checks that prevent mail loops. There is
+relatively little point in using <code>X-Debbugs-CC</code> for this
+anyway, as the bug number added by that mechanism will just be replaced
+by a new one; use an ordinary <code>CC</code> header instead.</p>
+<p>This feature can often be combined usefully with mailing
+<code>quiet</code> &mdash; see below.</p>
+<a name="additionalpseudoheaders"></a>
+<h1>Additional Pseudoheaders</h1>
+<h2><a name="severities">Severity levels</a></h2>
+<p>If a report is of a particularly serious bug, or is merely a feature
+request, you can set the severity level of the bug as you report
+it. This is not required however, and the package maintainer will assign an
+appropriate severity level to your report even if you do not (or pick
+the wrong severity).</p>
+<p>To assign a severity level, put a line like this one in the
+<a href="#pseudoheader">pseudo-header</a>:</p>
+Severity: &lt;<var>severity</var>&gt;
+<p>Replace &lt;<var>severity</var>&gt; with one of the available severity
+levels, as described in the
+<a href="Developer#severities">advanced documentation</a>.</p>
+<h2><a name="tags">Assigning tags</a></h2>
+<p>You can set tags on a bug as you are reporting it. For example, if
+you are including a patch with your bug report, you may wish to set the
+<code>patch</code> tag. This is not required, however, and the developers
+will set tags on your report as and when it is appropriate.</p>
+<p>To set tags, put a line like this one in the
+<a href="#pseudoheader">pseudo-header</a>:</p>
+Tags: &lt;<var>tags</var>&gt;
+<p>Replace &lt;<var>tags</var>&gt; with one or more of the available tags,
+as described in the
+<a href="Developer#tags">advanced documentation</a>.
+Separate multiple tags with commas, spaces, or both.</p>
+User: &lt;<var>username</var>&gt;
+Usertags: &lt;<var>usertags</var>&gt;
+<p>Replace &lt;<var>usertags</var>&gt; with one or more usertags.
+Separate multiple tags with commas, spaces, or both. If you specify a
+&lt;<var>username</var>&gt;, that user's tags will be set. Otherwise,
+the e-mail address of the sender will be used as the username.</p>
+<p>You can set usertags for multiple users at bug submission time by
+including multiple User pseudo-headers; each Usertags pseudo-header
+sets the usertags for the preceding User pseudo-header. This is especially
+useful for setting usertags for a team with multiple users, setting
+usertags for multiple teams, or setting the
+<a href="https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Debbugs/ArchitectureTags">architecture usertags</a>
+for bugs affecting multiple architectures.
+User: &lt;<var>first-username</var>&gt;
+Usertags: &lt;<var>first-username usertags</var>&gt;
+User: &lt;<var>second-username</var>&gt;
+Usertags: &lt;<var>second-username usertags</var>&gt;
+<h2>Setting Forwarded</h2>
+Forwarded: <var>foo@example.com</var>
+will mark the newly submitted bug as forwarded to foo@example.com. See
+<a href="Developer#forward">Recording that you have passed on a bug
+report</a> in the developers' documentation for details.
+<h2>Claiming ownership</h2>
+Owner: <var>foo@example.com</var>
+will indicate that foo@example.com is now responsible for fixing this
+bug. See <a href="Developer#owner">Changing bug ownership</a> in the
+developers' documentation for details.
+<h2>Source Package</h2>
+Source: <var>foopackage</var>
+the equivalent of <code>Package:</code> for bugs present in the source
+package of foopackage; for most bugs in most packages you don't want
+to use this option.
+<h2><a name="control">Control Commands</a></h2>
+Control: <var>control commands</var>
+Allows for any of the commands which must be sent to
+<code>control@bugs.debian.org</code> to work when sent to <code>submit@bugs.debian.org</code> or
+<code>nnn@bugs.debian.org</code>. -1 initially refers to the current
+ bug (that is, the bug created by a mail to submit@ or the bug
+ messaged with nnn@). Please see <a href="server-control">the
+ server control documentation</a> for more information on the
+ control commands which are valid.</p>
+<p>For example, the following pseudoheader in a message sent
+ to <code>12345@bugs.debian.org</code>:</p>
+Control: retitle -1 this is the title
+Control: severity -1 normal
+Control: summary -1 0
+Control: forwarded -1 https://bugs.debian.org/nnn
+<p>would cause 12345 to be retitled, its severity changed, summary set,
+and marked as forwarded.</p>
+<h2>X-Debbugs- headers</h2>
+<p>Finally, if your
+<acronym title="Mail User Agent" lang="en">MUA</acronym>
+doesn't allow you to edit the headers, you can
+set the various <code>X-Debbugs-</code> headers in the
+<a href="#pseudoheader">pseudo-headers</a>.</p>
+<h1>추가 정보</h1>
+<h2>Different submission addresses (minor or mass bug reports)</h2>
+<p>If a bug report is minor, for example, a documentation typo or a trivial
+build problem, please adjust the severity appropriately and send it to
+<code>maintonly@bugs.debian.org</code> instead of <code>submit@bugs.debian.org</code>.
+<code>maintonly</code> will forward the report to the package maintainer
+only, it won't forward it to the BTS mailing lists.</p>
+<p>If you're submitting many reports at once, you should definitely use
+<code>maintonly@bugs.debian.org</code> so that you don't cause too much redundant
+traffic on the BTS mailing lists. Before submitting many similar bugs you
+may also want to post a summary on <code>debian-bugs-dist</code>.</p>
+<p>If wish to report a bug to the bug tracking system that's already been
+sent to the maintainer, you can use <code>quiet@bugs.debian.org</code>. Bugs sent to
+<code>quiet@bugs.debian.org</code> will not be forwarded anywhere, only filed.</p>
+<p>When you use different submission addresses, the bug tracking system will
+set the <code>Reply-To</code> of any forwarded message so that the replies
+will by default be processed in the same way as the original report. That
+means that, for example, replies to <code>maintonly</code> will go to
+<var>nnn</var><code>-maintonly@bugs.debian.org</code> instead of
+<var>nnn</var><code>@bugs.debian.org</code>, unless of course one overrides this
+<p>Normally, the bug tracking system will return an acknowledgement to you
+by e-mail when you report a new bug or submit additional information to an
+existing bug. If you want to suppress this acknowledgement, include an
+<code>X-Debbugs-No-Ack</code> header or pseudoheader in your e-mail
+(the contents of this header do not matter). If you report a new bug
+with this header, you will need to check the web interface yourself to
+find the bug number.</p>
+<p>Note that this header will not suppress acknowledgements from the
+<code>control@bugs.debian.org</code> mailserver, since those acknowledgements may
+contain error messages which should be read and acted upon.</p>
+<h2>Spamfighting and missing mail</h2>
+<p>The bug tracking system implements a rather extensive set of rules
+ designed to make sure that spam does not make it through the BTS.
+ While we try to minimize the number of false positives, they do
+ occur. If you suspect your mail has triggered a false positive, feel
+ free to contact <code>owner@bugs.debian.org</code> for assistance.
+ Another common cause of mail not making it through to the BTS is
+ utilizing addresses which match procmail's FROM_DAEMON, which
+ includes mail from addresses like <code>mail@foobar.com</code>. If
+ you suspect your mail matches FROM_DAEMON,
+ see <a href="https://manpages.debian.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=procmailrc">procmailrc(5)</a>
+ to verify, and then resend the mail using an address which does not
+ match FROM_DAEMON.</p>
+<h2>알려지지 않은 패키지에 버그 리포트</h2>
+<p>If the bug tracking system doesn't know who the maintainer of the
+relevant package is it will forward the report to
+<code>debian-bugs-dist</code> even if <code>maintonly</code> was used.</p>
+<p>When sending to <code>maintonly@bugs.debian.org</code> or
+<var>nnn</var><code>-maintonly@bugs.debian.org</code> you should make sure that
+the bug report is assigned to the right package, by putting a correct
+<code>Package</code> at the top of an original submission of a report,
+or by using <A href="server-control">the
+<code>control@bugs.debian.org</code> service</A> to (re)assign the report
+<h2><a name="findpkgver">Using <code>dpkg</code> to find the package and
+version for the report</a></h2>
+<p>When using <code>reportbug</code> to report a bug in a command, say
+<code>grep</code>, the following will automatically select the right package
+and let you write the report right away: <code>reportbug --file $(which
+<p>You can also find out which package installed it by using <code>dpkg
+--search</code>. You can find out which version of a package you have
+installed by using <code>dpkg --list</code> or <code>dpkg --status</code>.
+<p>For example:</p>
+$ which apt-get
+$ type apt-get
+apt-get is /usr/bin/apt-get
+$ dpkg --search /usr/bin/apt-get
+apt: /usr/bin/apt-get
+$ dpkg --list apt
+| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
+|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
+||/ Name Version Description
+ii apt 0.3.19 Advanced front-end for dpkg
+$ dpkg --status apt
+Package: apt
+Status: install ok installed
+Priority: standard
+Section: base
+Installed-Size: 1391
+Maintainer: APT Development Team &lt;deity@lists.debian.org&gt;
+Version: 0.3.19
+Replaces: deity, libapt-pkg-doc (&lt;&lt; 0.3.7), libapt-pkg-dev (&lt;&lt; 0.3.7)
+Provides: libapt-pkg2.7
+Depends: libapt-pkg2.7, libc6 (&gt;= 2.1.2), libstdc++2.10
+Suggests: dpkg-dev
+Conflicts: deity
+Description: Advanced front-end for dpkg
+ This is Debian's next generation front-end for the dpkg package manager.
+ It provides the apt-get utility and APT dselect method that provides a
+ simpler, safer way to install and upgrade packages.
+ .
+ APT features complete installation ordering, multiple source capability
+ and several other unique features, see the Users Guide in
+ /usr/doc/apt/guide.text.gz
+<a name="otherusefulcommands"></a>
+<h2>다른 쓸모 있는 명령 및 패키지</h2>
+The <kbd>querybts</kbd> tool, available from the same package as
+<a href="https://packages.debian.org/stable/utils/reportbug">reportbug</a>,
+provides a convenient text-based interface to the bug tracking system.</p>
+<p>Emacs users can also use the debian-bug command provided by the
+<code><a href="https://packages.debian.org/stable/utils/debian-el">\
+debian-el</a></code> package. When called with <kbd>M-x
+debian-bug</kbd>, it will ask for all necessary information in a
+similar way to <code>reportbug</code>.</p>
+<hr />
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