path: root/korean/News
diff options
authorSebul <sebuls@gmail.com>2020-10-02 21:24:51 +0900
committerSebul <sebuls@gmail.com>2020-10-02 21:24:51 +0900
commit090dd25aca1a231508219f54e2e09b8b4155def4 (patch)
treeafdafd07c1039e269024e9ab82c33ba905a9a37f /korean/News
parent50ad3fc7bbc2374a162161e57898952b6ea2c98c (diff)
debian 10.6
Diffstat (limited to 'korean/News')
1 files changed, 205 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/korean/News/2020/20200926.wml b/korean/News/2020/20200926.wml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e78b28746ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/korean/News/2020/20200926.wml
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="cc3aa11466129a6224ab33a305a554cb8d65f63c" maintainer="Sebul" mindelta="-1"
+<define-tag pagetitle>데비안 10 업데이트: 10.6 나옴</define-tag>
+<define-tag release_date>2020-09-26</define-tag>
+#use wml::debian::news
+<define-tag release>10</define-tag>
+<define-tag codename>buster</define-tag>
+<define-tag revision>10.6</define-tag>
+<define-tag dsa>
+ <tr><td align="center"><a href="$(HOME)/security/%0/dsa-%1">DSA-%1</a></td>
+ <td align="center"><:
+ my @p = ();
+ for my $p (split (/,\s*/, "%2")) {
+ push (@p, sprintf ('<a href="https://packages.debian.org/src:%s">%s</a>', $p, $p));
+ }
+ print join (", ", @p);
+<define-tag correction>
+ <tr><td><a href="https://packages.debian.org/src:%0">%0</a></td> <td>%1</td></tr>
+<define-tag srcpkg><a href="https://packages.debian.org/src:%0">%0</a></define-tag>
+<p>데비안 프로젝트는 안정 배포판 데비안 <release> (코드명 <q><codename></q>)의 6번째 업데이트를 알리게 되어 기쁩니다.
+이 포인트 릴리스는 심각한 문제 조치 및 보안 이슈 수정을 주로 포함합니다.
+보안 권고는 이미 개별적으로 알렸으며 가능한 곳에서 참조됩니다.</p>
+<p>포인트 릴리스는 데비안 <release> 새 버전을 만드는 것이 아니며 포함된 일부 패키지만 업데이트함을 주의하세요.
+옛 <q><codename></q> 미디어를 버릴 필요 없습니다. 설치 후, 패키지는 최신 데이안 미러에서 현재 버전으로 업그레이드 할 수 있습니다.
+<p>security.debian.org의 업데이트를 자주 설치하는 사람은 패키지를 많이 업데이트하지 않아도 되며,
+해당 업데이트는 대부분 포인트 릴리스에 들어 있습니다.</p>
+<p>새 설치 위치는 정규 위치에 곧 공개될 겁니다.</p>
+<p>패키지 관리 시스템이 수많은 데비안 HTTP 미러 중 하나를 가리키게 해서 기존 설치를 이 개정판으로 업그레이드할 수 있습니다.
+포괄적인 미러 서버 목록은 아래에 있습니다:</p>
+<div class="center">
+ <a href="$(HOME)/mirror/list">https://www.debian.org/mirror/list</a>
+<h2>여러가지 버그 고침</h2>
+<p>이 안정 업데이트는 다음 패키지에 몇 중요한 수정을 더했습니다:</p>
+<p>Note that, due to build issues, the updates for the cargo, rustc and rustc-bindgen packages are currently not available for the <q>armel</q> architecture.
+They may be added at a later date if the issues are resolved.</p>
+<table border=0>
+<tr><th>패키지</th> <th>까닭</th></tr>
+<correction arch-test "Fix detection of s390x sometimes failing">
+<correction asterisk "Fix crash when negotiating for T.38 with a declined stream [CVE-2019-15297], <q>SIP request can change address of a SIP peer</q> [CVE-2019-18790], <q>AMI user could execute system commands</q> [CVE-2019-18610], segfault in pjsip show history with IPv6 peers">
+<correction bacula "Fix <q>oversized digest strings allow a malicious client to cause a heap overflow in the director's memory</q> [CVE-2020-11061]">
+<correction base-files "Update /etc/debian_version for the point release">
+<correction calamares-settings-debian "Disable displaymanager module">
+<correction cargo "New upstream release, to support upcoming Firefox ESR versions">
+<correction chocolate-doom "Fix missing validation [CVE-2020-14983]">
+<correction chrony "Prevent symlink race when writing to the PID file [CVE-2020-14367]; fix temperature reading">
+<correction debian-installer "Update Linux ABI to 4.19.0-11">
+<correction debian-installer-netboot-images "Rebuild against proposed-updates">
+<correction diaspora-installer "Use --frozen option to bundle install to use upstream Gemfile.lock; don't exclude Gemfile.lock during upgrades; don't overwrite config/oidc_key.pem during upgrades; make config/schedule.yml writeable">
+<correction dojo "Fix prototype pollution in deepCopy method [CVE-2020-5258] and in jqMix method [CVE-2020-5259]">
+<correction dovecot "Fix dsync sieve filter sync regression; fix handling of getpwent result in userdb-passwd">
+<correction facter "Change Google GCE Metadata endpoint from <q>v1beta1</q> to <q>v1</q>">
+<correction gnome-maps "Fix an issue with misaligned shape layer rendering">
+<correction gnome-shell "LoginDialog: Reset auth prompt on VT switch before fade in [CVE-2020-17489]">
+<correction gnome-weather "Prevent a crash when the configured set of locations are invalid">
+<correction grunt "Use safeLoad when loading YAML files [CVE-2020-7729]">
+<correction gssdp "New upstream stable release">
+<correction gupnp "New upstream stable release; prevent the <q>CallStranger</q> attack [CVE-2020-12695]; require GSSDP 1.0.5">
+<correction haproxy "logrotate.conf: use rsyslog helper instead of SysV init script; reject messages where <q>chunked</q> is missing from Transfer-Encoding [CVE-2019-18277]">
+<correction icinga2 "Fix symlink attack [CVE-2020-14004]">
+<correction incron "Fix cleanup of zombie processes">
+<correction inetutils "Fix remote code execution issue [CVE-2020-10188]">
+<correction libcommons-compress-java "Fix denial of service issue [CVE-2019-12402]">
+<correction libdbi-perl "Fix memory corruption in XS functions when Perl stack is reallocated [CVE-2020-14392]; fix a buffer overflow on an overlong DBD class name [CVE-2020-14393]; fix a NULL profile dereference in dbi_profile() [CVE-2019-20919]">
+<correction libvncserver "libvncclient: bail out if UNIX socket name would overflow [CVE-2019-20839]; fix pointer aliasing/alignment issue [CVE-2020-14399]; limit max textchat size [CVE-2020-14405]; libvncserver: add missing NULL pointer checks [CVE-2020-14397]; fix pointer aliasing/alignment issue [CVE-2020-14400]; scale: cast to 64 bit before shifting [CVE-2020-14401]; prevent OOB accesses [CVE-2020-14402 CVE-2020-14403 CVE-2020-14404]">
+<correction libx11 "Fix integer overflows [CVE-2020-14344 CVE-2020-14363]">
+<correction lighttpd "Backport several usability and security fixes">
+<correction linux "New upstream stable release; increase ABI to 11">
+<correction linux-latest "Update for -11 Linux kernel ABI">
+<correction linux-signed-amd64 "New upstream stable release">
+<correction linux-signed-arm64 "New upstream stable release">
+<correction linux-signed-i386 "New upstream stable release">
+<correction llvm-toolchain-7 "New upstream release, to support upcoming Firefox ESR versions; fix bugs affecting rustc build">
+<correction lucene-solr "Fix security issue in DataImportHandler configuration handling [CVE-2019-0193]">
+<correction milkytracker "Fix heap overflow [CVE-2019-14464], stack overflow [CVE-2019-14496], heap overflow [CVE-2019-14497], use after free [CVE-2020-15569]">
+<correction node-bl "Fix over-read vulnerability [CVE-2020-8244]">
+<correction node-elliptic "Prevent malleability and overflows [CVE-2020-13822]">
+<correction node-mysql "Add localInfile option to control LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE [CVE-2019-14939]">
+<correction node-url-parse "Fix insufficient validation and sanitization of user input [CVE-2020-8124]">
+<correction npm "Don't show password in logs [CVE-2020-15095]">
+<correction orocos-kdl "Remove explicit inclusion of default include path, fixing issues with cmake &lt; 3.16">
+<correction postgresql-11 "New upstream stable release; set a secure search_path in logical replication walsenders and apply workers [CVE-2020-14349]; make contrib modules' installation scripts more secure [CVE-2020-14350]">
+<correction postgresql-common "Don't drop plpgsql before testing extensions">
+<correction pyzmq "Asyncio: wait for POLLOUT on sender in can_connect">
+<correction qt4-x11 "Fix buffer overflow in XBM parser [CVE-2020-17507]">
+<correction qtbase-opensource-src "Fix buffer overflow in XBM parser [CVE-2020-17507]; fix clipboard breaking when timer wraps after 50 days">
+<correction ros-actionlib "Load YAML safely [CVE-2020-10289]">
+<correction rustc "New upstream release, to support upcoming Firefox ESR versions">
+<correction rust-cbindgen "New upstream release, to support upcoming Firefox ESR versions">
+<correction ruby-ronn "Fix handling of UTF-8 content in manpages">
+<correction s390-tools "Hardcode perl dependency instead of using ${perl:Depends}, fixing installation under debootstrap">
+<h2>보안 업데이트</h2>
+<p>This revision adds the following security updates to the stable release.
+The Security Team has already released an advisory for each of these
+<table border=0>
+<tr><th>권고 ID</th> <th>패키지</th></tr>
+<dsa 2020 4662 openjdk-11>
+<dsa 2020 4734 openjdk-11>
+<dsa 2020 4736 firefox-esr>
+<dsa 2020 4737 xrdp>
+<dsa 2020 4738 ark>
+<dsa 2020 4739 webkit2gtk>
+<dsa 2020 4740 thunderbird>
+<dsa 2020 4741 json-c>
+<dsa 2020 4742 firejail>
+<dsa 2020 4743 ruby-kramdown>
+<dsa 2020 4744 roundcube>
+<dsa 2020 4745 dovecot>
+<dsa 2020 4746 net-snmp>
+<dsa 2020 4747 icingaweb2>
+<dsa 2020 4748 ghostscript>
+<dsa 2020 4749 firefox-esr>
+<dsa 2020 4750 nginx>
+<dsa 2020 4751 squid>
+<dsa 2020 4752 bind9>
+<dsa 2020 4753 mupdf>
+<dsa 2020 4754 thunderbird>
+<dsa 2020 4755 openexr>
+<dsa 2020 4756 lilypond>
+<dsa 2020 4757 apache2>
+<dsa 2020 4758 xorg-server>
+<dsa 2020 4759 ark>
+<dsa 2020 4760 qemu>
+<dsa 2020 4761 zeromq3>
+<dsa 2020 4762 lemonldap-ng>
+<dsa 2020 4763 teeworlds>
+<dsa 2020 4764 inspircd>
+<dsa 2020 4765 modsecurity>
+<h2>데비안 설치관리자</h2>
+<p>설치 관리자는 포인트 릴리스에서 안정 릴리스와 합쳐진 수정 사항을 포함하도록 업데이트 되었습니다.
+<p>이 리비전에서 바뀐 패키지 목록:</p>
+<div class="center">
+ <url "http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/<downcase <codename>>/ChangeLog">
+<p>현재 안정 배포:</p>
+<div class="center">
+ <url "http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/stable/">
+<p>Proposed updates to the stable distribution:</p>
+<div class="center">
+ <url "http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/proposed-updates">
+<p>stable distribution information (release notes, errata etc.):</p>
+<div class="center">
+ <a
+ href="$(HOME)/releases/stable/">https://www.debian.org/releases/stable/</a>
+<p>Security announcements and information:</p>
+<div class="center">
+ <a href="$(HOME)/security/">https://www.debian.org/security/</a>
+<p>The Debian Project is an association of Free Software developers who
+volunteer their time and effort in order to produce the completely
+free operating system Debian.</p>
+<h2>연락처 정보</h2>
+<p>For further information, please visit the Debian web pages at
+<a href="$(HOME)/">https://www.debian.org/</a>, send mail to
+&lt;press@debian.org&gt;, or contact the stable release team at

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