path: root/indonesian/mirror
diff options
authorLaura Arjona Reina <larjona>2017-03-13 15:04:42 +0000
committerLaura Arjona Reina <larjona>2017-03-13 15:04:42 +0000
commit684121bf922fe74836bb723ad4258ff25c5f2f7a (patch)
tree93131ce6fc4e5c71eaf0cc27058911ac690702e5 /indonesian/mirror
parente6ec6a4c4543caaf23c3b426be9c8caa86af49a7 (diff)
remove old and unneeded files from mirror folder
CVS version numbers indonesian/mirror/anonftpsync: 1.2 -> 1.3(DEAD) indonesian/mirror/ftpsync.conf: 1.1 -> 1.2(DEAD) indonesian/mirror/mirror_list.pl: 1.3 -> 1.4(DEAD)
Diffstat (limited to 'indonesian/mirror')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 2087 deletions
diff --git a/indonesian/mirror/anonftpsync b/indonesian/mirror/anonftpsync
deleted file mode 100755
index 0e1a5f30bae..00000000000
--- a/indonesian/mirror/anonftpsync
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-set -e
-# This script originates from https://www.debian.org/mirror/anonftpsync
-# CVS: cvs.debian.org:/cvs/webwml - webwml/english/mirror/anonftpsync
-# Version: $Id$
-# Note: You MUST have rsync 2.6.4 or newer, which is available in sarge
-# and all newer Debian releases, or at http://rsync.samba.org/
-# Don't forget:
-# chmod u+x anonftpsync
-# Set the variables below to fit your site. You can then use cron to have
-# this script run daily to automatically update your copy of the archive.
-# TO is the destination for the base of the Debian mirror directory
-# (the dir that holds dists/ and ls-lR).
-# (mandatory)
-# RSYNC_HOST is the site you have chosen from the mirrors file.
-# (https://www.debian.org/mirror/list-full)
-# (mandatory)
-# RSYNC_DIR is the directory given in the "Packages over rsync:" line of
-# the mirrors file for the site you have chosen to mirror.
-# (mandatory)
-# LOGDIR is the directory where the logs will be written to
-# (mandatory)
-# ARCH_EXCLUDE can be used to exclude a complete architecture from
-# mirrorring. Please use as space seperated list.
-# Possible values are:
-# alpha, amd64, arm, armel, hppa, hurd-i386, i386, ia64, m68k, mipsel, mips, powerpc, s390, sh and sparc
-# There is one special value: source
-# This is not an architecture but will exclude all source code in /pool
-# eg.
-# ARCH_EXCLUDE="alpha arm armel hppa hurd-i386 ia64 m68k mipsel mips s390 sparc"
-# With a blank ARCH_EXCLUDE you will mirror all available architectures
-# (optional)
-# EXCLUDE is a list of parameters listing patterns that rsync will exclude, in
-# addition to the architectures excluded by ARCH_EXCLUDE.
-# Use ARCH_EXCLUDE to exclude specific architectures or all sources
-# --exclude stable, testing, unstable options DON'T remove the packages of
-# the given distribution. If you want do so, use debmirror instead.
-# The following example would exclude mostly everything:
-# --exclude stable/ --exclude testing/ --exclude unstable/ \
-# --exclude source/ \
-# --exclude *.orig.tar.gz --exclude *.diff.gz --exclude *.dsc \
-# --exclude /contrib/ --exclude /non-free/ \
-# "
-# With a blank EXCLUDE you will mirror the entire archive, except the
-# architectures excluded by ARCH_EXCLUDE.
-# (optional)
-# MAILTO is the address to send logfiles to;
-# if it is not defined, no mail will be sent
-# (optional)
-# LOCK_TIMEOUT is a timeout in minutes. Defaults to 360 (6 hours).
-# This program creates a lock to ensure that only one copy
-# of it is mirroring any one archive at any one time.
-# Locks held for longer than the timeout are broken, unless
-# a running rsync process appears to be connected to $RSYNC_HOST.
-# You may establish the connection via a web proxy by setting the environment
-# variable RSYNC_PROXY to a hostname:port pair pointing to your web proxy. Note
-# that your web proxy’s configuration must support proxy connections to port 873.
-# There should be no need to edit anything below this point, unless there
-# are problems.
-# If you are accessing a rsync server/module which is password-protected,
-# uncomment the following lines (and edit the other file).
-# . ftpsync.conf
-# Check for some environment variables
-if [ -z "$TO" ] || [ -z "$RSYNC_HOST" ] || [ -z "$RSYNC_DIR" ] || [ -z "$LOGDIR" ]; then
- echo "One of the following variables seems to be empty:"
- exit 2
-# Note: on some non-Debian systems, hostname doesn't accept -f option.
-# If that's the case on your system, make sure hostname prints the full
-# hostname, and remove the -f option. If there's no hostname command,
-# explicitly replace `hostname -f` with the hostname.
-HOSTNAME=`hostname -f`
-# The hostname must match the "Site" field written in the list of mirrors.
-# If hostname doesn't returns the correct value, fill and uncomment below
-# HOSTNAME=mirror.domain.tld
-# The temp directory used by rsync --delay-updates is not
-# world-readable remotely. It must be excluded to avoid errors.
-TMP_EXCLUDE="--exclude .~tmp~/"
-# Exclude architectures defined in $ARCH_EXCLUDE
-for ARCH in $ARCH_EXCLUDE; do
- --exclude binary-$ARCH/ \
- --exclude disks-$ARCH/ \
- --exclude installer-$ARCH/ \
- --exclude Contents-$ARCH.gz \
- --exclude Contents-$ARCH.diff/ \
- --exclude arch-$ARCH.files \
- --exclude arch-$ARCH.list.gz \
- --exclude *_$ARCH.deb \
- --exclude *_$ARCH.udeb "
- if [ "$ARCH" = "source" ]; then
- --exclude source/ \
- --exclude *.tar.gz \
- --exclude *.diff.gz \
- --exclude *.dsc "
- fi
-# Logfile
-# optionally, use the rsync module name in the log file name:
-# LOGFILE=$LOGDIR/$(echo $RSYNC_DIR | tr / _)-mirror.log
-# LOGFILE=$LOGDIR/${RSYNC_DIR/\//_}-mirror.log
-# Get in the right directory and set the umask to be group writable
-cd $HOME
-umask 002
-# If we are running mirror script for the first time, create the
-# destination directory and the trace directory underneath it
-if [ ! -d "${TO}/project/trace/" ]; then
- mkdir -p ${TO}/project/trace
-# Check to see if another sync is in progress
-if [ -f "$LOCK" ]; then
-# Note: this requires the findutils find; for other finds, adjust as necessary
- if [ "`find $LOCK -maxdepth 1 -cmin -$LOCK_TIMEOUT`" = "" ]; then
-# Note: this requires the procps ps; for other ps', adjust as necessary
- if ps ax | grep '[r]'sync | grep -q $RSYNC_HOST; then
- echo "stale lock found, but a rsync is still running, aiee!"
- exit 1
- else
- echo "stale lock found (not accessed in the last $LOCK_TIMEOUT minutes), forcing update!"
- rm -f $LOCK
- fi
- else
- echo "current lock file exists, unable to start rsync!"
- exit 1
- fi
-touch $LOCK
-# Note: on some non-Debian systems, trap doesn't accept "exit" as signal
-# specification. If that's the case on your system, try using "0".
-trap "rm -f $LOCK" exit
-set +e
-# First sync /pool
-rsync --recursive --links --hard-links --times \
- --verbose \
- --timeout=3600 \
- $RSYNC_HOST::$RSYNC_DIR/pool/ $TO/pool/ >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
-if [ "$result" = 0 ]; then
- # Now sync the remaining stuff
- rsync --recursive --links --hard-links --times \
- --verbose \
- --delay-updates --delete-after \
- --timeout=3600 \
- --exclude "Archive-Update-in-Progress-${HOSTNAME}" \
- --exclude "project/trace/${HOSTNAME}" \
- LANG=C date -u > "${TO}/project/trace/${HOSTNAME}"
- echo "ERROR: Help, something weird happened" | tee -a $LOGFILE
- echo "mirroring /pool exited with exitcode" $result | tee -a $LOGFILE
-if [ -n "$MAILTO" ]; then
- mail -s "debian archive synced" $MAILTO < $LOGFILE
-savelog $LOGFILE >/dev/null
-rm $LOCK
diff --git a/indonesian/mirror/ftpsync.conf b/indonesian/mirror/ftpsync.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index aa61cff14a3..00000000000
--- a/indonesian/mirror/ftpsync.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# Set the variables below to fit your site.
-# RSYNC_USER is the username given you by the upstream mirror
-# RSYNC_PASSWORD is the password given you by the upstream mirror
-# Remember to set the permissions on this file to make the password
-# moderately secret, e.g. by running: chmod 600 ftpsync.conf
diff --git a/indonesian/mirror/mirror_list.pl b/indonesian/mirror/mirror_list.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index d1773fd559b..00000000000
--- a/indonesian/mirror/mirror_list.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1842 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# mirror_list.pl -- generate various Debian mirror lists
-# Copyright (C) 1998 James Treacy
-# Copyright (C) 2000-2002, 2007-2008 Josip Rodin
-# Copyright (C) 2005 Joey Hess
-use strict;
-require 5.001;
-my @filter_arches=qw(); # Architectures not to list.
-my $officialsiteregex = q{^ftp\d?(?:\.wa)?\...\.debian\.org$};
-my $internalsiteregex = q{^((ftp|www|security|volatile|backports)-master|ftp)\.debian\.org$};
-use Getopt::Long;
-my ($mirror_source, $output_type, $help);
-my %opthash = (
- "mirror|m=s" => \$mirror_source,
- "type|t=s" => \$output_type,
- "help|h!" => \$help,
- );
-Getopt::Long::config('no_getopt_compat', 'no_auto_abbrev');
-GetOptions(%opthash) or die "error parsing options";
-$output_type = 'html' if (! defined $output_type);
-$mirror_source = 'Mirrors.masterlist' if (! defined $mirror_source);
-my $last_modify = gmtime((stat($mirror_source))[9]);
-my (@mirror, %countries, %countries_sorted, %countries_sponsors, %longest);
-my ($count, $nonuscount, $volatilecount, $cdimagecount, $backportscount);
-my (%code_of_country, %plain_name_of_country);
-my %includedsites;
-my $globalsite;
-sub process_line {
- my ($line) = @_;
- my $field = '';
- if ($line =~ /^Site:\s*(.+)\s*$/i) {
- my $site = $1;
- $globalsite = $site;
- $count++;
- unless ($site =~ /$internalsiteregex/) {
- if (!defined($longest{site}) || length($site) > $longest{site}) {
- $longest{site} = length($site);
-# warn "increasing longest site to " . length($site) . " because of " . $site . "\n";
- }
- }
- $mirror[$count-1]{site} = $site;
- return;
- }
- elsif ($line =~ /^Alias(?:es)?:\s*(.+)\s*$/is) {
- push @{ $mirror[$count-1]{aliases} }, $_ foreach (split("\n", $1));
- }
- elsif ($line =~ /^(\w+)-architecture:\s*(.+)\s*$/i && length $2) {
- my $key = "$1"."-architecture";
- my @arches=split(' ', $2);
- foreach my $f (@filter_arches) {
- @arches=grep { ! /^$f$/ } @arches;
- }
- if (! @arches) {
- # Mirror only carries filtered architectures.
- $mirror[$count-1]{filtered}=1;
- }
- foreach my $f (@filter_arches) {
- @arches=grep { ! /^\!$f$/ } @arches;
- }
- if (@arches) {
- $mirror[$count-1]{$key}=\@arches;
- }
- }
- elsif ($line =~ /^([\w-]+-upstream):\s*(.+)\s*$/s) {
- $field = lc $1;
- # no need for this private data in the %mirror hash
- if ($field !~ /^x-/) {
- $mirror[$count-1]{$field} = $2;
- }
- }
- elsif ($line=~ /^((Archive|NonUS|Security|WWW|CDimage|Jigdo|Old|Volatile|Backports)-(\w*)):\s*(.*)\s*$/i) {
- my $type = lc $1;
- my $value = $4;
- $mirror[$count-1]{method}{$type} = $value;
- if (!defined($longest{$type}) || length($value) > $longest{$type}) {
- $longest{$type} = length($value);
-# warn "increasing longest $type to " . length($value) . " because of " . $value . " at " . $globalsite . "\n" if (defined($type) && $type =~ /archive-(f|ht)tp/);
- }
- }
- elsif ($line =~ /^Includes:\s*(.+)\s*$/i) {
- push @{ $mirror[$count-1]{includes} }, $_ foreach (split(" ", $1));
- }
- elsif ($line =~ /^Sponsor:\s*(.+)\s*$/i) {
- push @{ $mirror[$count-1]{sponsor} }, $1;
- }
- elsif ($line =~ /^([\w-]+):\s*(.+)\s*$/s) {
- $field = lc $1;
- my $value = $2;
- # no need for all private data in the %mirror hash
- # XXX modified to include x-archive-architecture because
- # the nsupdate thingy needs it for included-in sites - another
- # possible solution would be to convert those particular ones to
- # e.g. <somethingelse>-archive-architecture?
- if ($field !~ /^x-/ || $field =~ /^x-archive-architecture/) {
- $mirror[$count-1]{$field} = $value;
- }
- if ($field eq 'country') {
- if ($value =~ /^(\w\w) (.+)$/) {
- $code_of_country{$value} = $1;
- $plain_name_of_country{$value} = $2;
- } else {
- die "strangely formatted Country field value: $value";
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- die "Error: incorrect line format\n\"$line\"\n";
- }
-sub aptlines {
- foreach my $country (sort keys %countries) {
- print "\n$country\n";
- print "-" x length($country); # underline
- print "\n";
- foreach my $id (@{ $countries{$country} }) {
- my $archcomm="";
- if ($mirror[$id]{'Archive-architecture'}) {
- $archcomm=" # ".join(" ", sort @{$mirror[$id]{'Archive-architecture'}})."\n";
- }
- if (defined $mirror[$id]{method}{'archive-ftp'}) {
- print "deb ftp://$mirror[$id]{site}$mirror[$id]{method}{'archive-ftp'} stable main contrib non-free$archcomm\n";
- }
- if (defined $mirror[$id]{method}{'nonus-ftp'}) {
- print "deb ftp://$mirror[$id]{site}$mirror[$id]{method}{'nonus-ftp'} stable/non-US main contrib non-free$archcomm\n";
- }
- if (defined $mirror[$id]{method}{'archive-http'}) {
- print "deb http://$mirror[$id]{site}$mirror[$id]{method}{'archive-http'} stable main contrib non-free$archcomm\n";
- }
- if (defined $mirror[$id]{method}{'nonus-http'}) {
- print "deb http://$mirror[$id]{site}$mirror[$id]{method}{'nonus-http'} stable/non-US main contrib non-free$archcomm\n";
- }
- print "\n";
- }
- }
-sub secondary_mirrors {
- # TODO make the text version not have such long lines.
- my $format = shift;
- die "must get format for secondary_mirrors()" unless $format;
- my $html = 1 if ($format eq 'html');
- my $text = 1 if ($format eq 'text');
- my $wml = 1 if ($format eq 'wml');
- my $formatstring;
- if ($html || $text) {
- print "<h2 align=\"center\">" if $html;
- print "\n\n " if $text;
- print "Secondary mirrors of the Debian archive";
- print "\n ---------------------------------------\n\n" if $text;
- print "</h2>\n\n" if $html;
- if ($html) {
- print <<END;
-<table border="0" class="center">
- <th>Host name</th>
- <th>FTP</th>
- <th>HTTP</th>
- <th>Architectures</th>
- } else {
- my $formatstring = "%-$longest{site}s %-$longest{'archive-ftp'}s%-$longest{'archive-http'}s%s\n";
- printf $formatstring, "HOST NAME", "FTP", "HTTP", "ARCHITECTURES";
- printf $formatstring, "---------", "---", "----", "-------------";
- }
- } elsif ($wml) {
- print "<perl>\n";
- }
- foreach my $country (sort keys %countries) {
- my $countryplain = $plain_name_of_country{$country};
- my $countrycode = $code_of_country{$country};
- my %our_mirrors;
- foreach my $id (@{ $countries{$country} }) {
- if (defined $mirror[$id]{method}{'archive-ftp'} ||
- defined $mirror[$id]{method}{'archive-http'}) {
- $our_mirrors{$id} = 1;
- }
- }
- next unless (keys %our_mirrors);
- print "\n";
- if ($html) {
- print "<tr><td colspan=4><hr size=1></td></tr>\n";
- print "<tr><td colspan=4><big><strong>$country</strong></big></td></tr>\n";
- } elsif ($text) {
- print "$country";
- }
- print "\n";
- if ($text) {
- print "-" x length($country); # underline
- print "\n";
- }
- foreach my $id (@{ $countries_sorted{$country} }) {
- next unless (defined $mirror[$id]{method}{'archive-ftp'} or defined $mirror[$id]{method}{'archive-http'});
- my $aliaslist;
- if (exists $mirror[$id]{'aliases'}) {
- if (exists $mirror[$id]{includes}) {
- $aliaslist .= " (";
- my @tmparray = @{$mirror[$id]{includes}};
- my $notalldone = $#tmparray + 1;
-SUBSITE: foreach my $subsite (@{ $mirror[$id]{includes} }) {
- # this is basically a sanity check
- my $subsite_id;
-SUBSITEID: foreach my $mid (0 .. $#mirror) {
- if ($mirror[$mid]{site} eq $subsite) {
- $subsite_id = $mid;
- }
- }
- die $subsite ." included in " . $mirror[$id]{site} . " does not exist\n" unless defined $subsite_id; # must be an error
- # this prints the canonical name of the included site rather than its reference - should be in sync, but might actually vary
- $aliaslist .= $mirror[$subsite_id]{site};
- $notalldone--;
- $aliaslist .= ", " if ($notalldone);
- }
- $aliaslist .= ")";
- } else {
- # we want to display aliases in the main list for official mirrors
- # but for others, it's just clutter, so skip them
- if ($mirror[$id]{site} =~ /$officialsiteregex/) {
- my $truename = @{$mirror[$id]{'aliases'}}[0];
- if ($truename =~ /^ftp.+\.debian\.org$/) {
- $truename = @{$mirror[$id]{'aliases'}}[1];
- }
- $aliaslist .= " (" . $truename . ")";
- }
- }
- }
- if ($html) {
- print "<tr>\n";
- print "<td valign=top>$mirror[$id]{site}";
- print "<br>$aliaslist" if ($aliaslist);
- print "</td>\n";
- } elsif ($text) {
- my $formatstring = "%-$longest{site}s ";
- printf $formatstring, $mirror[$id]{site};
- }
- if (defined $mirror[$id]{method}{'archive-ftp'}) {
- my $rest = $longest{'archive-ftp'} - length($mirror[$id]{method}{'archive-ftp'});
- if ($html) {
- print <<END;
-<td valign=top><a href="ftp://$mirror[$id]{site}$mirror[$id]{method}{'archive-ftp'}">$mirror[$id]{method}{'archive-ftp'}</a></td>
- } elsif ($text) {
- my $formatstring = "%s%${rest}s";
- printf $formatstring, $mirror[$id]{method}{'archive-ftp'}, '';
- } elsif ($wml) {
- print <<EOF;
- push \@{ \$secondaries{"<${countrycode}c>"}{"$mirror[$id]{site}"} },
- "<a href=\\\"ftp://$mirror[$id]{site}$mirror[$id]{method}{'archive-ftp'}\\\">$mirror[$id]{method}{'archive-ftp'}</a>";
- }
- } else {
- if ($html) {
- print "<td></td>\n";
- } elsif ($text) {
- my $formatstring = "%-$longest{'archive-ftp'}s";
- printf $formatstring, " ";
- } elsif ($wml) {
- print <<EOF;
- push \@{ \$secondaries{"<${countrycode}c>"}{"$mirror[$id]{site}"} },
- "";
- }
- }
- if (defined $mirror[$id]{method}{'archive-http'}) {
- my $rest = $longest{'archive-http'} - length($mirror[$id]{method}{'archive-http'});
- if ($html) {
- print <<END;
-<td valign=top><a href="http://$mirror[$id]{site}$mirror[$id]{method}{'archive-http'}">$mirror[$id]{method}{'archive-http'}</a></td>
- } elsif ($text) {
- my $formatstring = "%s%${rest}s";
- printf $formatstring, $mirror[$id]{method}{'archive-http'}, '';
- } elsif ($wml) {
- print <<EOF;
- push \@{ \$secondaries{"<${countrycode}c>"}{"$mirror[$id]{site}"} },
- "<a href=\\\"http://$mirror[$id]{site}$mirror[$id]{method}{'archive-http'}\\\">$mirror[$id]{method}{'archive-http'}</a>";
- }
- } else {
- if ($html) {
- print "<td></td>\n";
- } elsif ($text) {
- my $formatstring = "%-$longest{'archive-http'}s";
- printf $formatstring, " ";
- } elsif ($wml) {
- print <<EOF;
- push \@{ \$secondaries{"<${countrycode}c>"}{"$mirror[$id]{site}"} },
- "";
- }
- }
- my $archlistsorted = join(" ", sort @{$mirror[$id]{'Archive-architecture'}});
- if ($html) {
- print "<td valign=top><small><small>$archlistsorted</small></small></td>\n";
- } elsif ($text) {
- print $archlistsorted;
- print "\n";
- } elsif ($wml) {
- print <<EOF;
- push \@{ \$secondaries{"<${countrycode}c>"}{"$mirror[$id]{site}"} },
- "$archlistsorted";
- }
- if ($aliaslist) {
- if ($text) {
- print $aliaslist . "\n";
- } elsif ($wml) {
- print <<EOF;
- push \@{ \$secondaries{"<${countrycode}c>"}{"$mirror[$id]{site}"} },
- "$aliaslist";
- }
- }
- if ($html) {
- print "</tr>\n";
- }
- }
- }
- if ($wml) {
- # in our WML templates there is a langcmp comparison method,
- # which sorts alphabetically depending on the language
- print <<EOF;
-my \%sawcountry = {};
-foreach my \$country (sort langcmp keys \%secondaries) {
- unless (\$sawcountry{\$country}) {
- print <<EOM;
-<tr><td colspan="4"><hr style="height:1"></td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan="4"><big><strong>\$country</strong></big></td></tr>
- }
- \$sawcountry{\$country} = 1;
- sub officialfirst {
- (\$b =~ /^ftp\\d?(?:\\.wa)?\\...\\.debian\\.org\$/) <=> (\$a =~ /^ftp\\d?(?:\\.wa)?\\...\\.debian\\.org\$/)
- ||
- \$a cmp \$b;
- }
- foreach my \$countrysite (sort officialfirst keys \%{\$secondaries{\$country}}) {
- my \@elems = \@{\$secondaries{\$country}{\$countrysite}};
- print <<EOM;
- <td valign="top"><code>\$countrysite</code>
- if (\$elems[3]) {
- my \$extraname = \$elems[3];
- \$extraname =~ s% %\&nbsp\;\&nbsp\;%;
- print <<EOM;
- }
- print <<EOM;
- </td>
- <td valign="top">\$elems[0]</td>
- <td valign="top">\$elems[1]</td>
- <td valign="top"><small><small>\$elems[2]</small></small></td>
- }
- }
- print "</table>\n" if ($html);
-sub intro {
- my $format = shift;
- die "must get format for intro()" unless $format;
- my $html = 1 if ($format eq 'html');
- my $text = 1 if ($format eq 'text');
- print "<h1 align=\"center\">" if $html;
- print " " if $text;
- print "Debian worldwide mirror sites";
- print "</h1>" if $html;
- print "\n -----------------------------\n" if $text;
- print "\n";
- print "<p>" if $html;
- print "Debian is distributed (";
- print $html ? "<em>mirrored</em>" : "mirrored";
- print ") on hundreds of servers on the Internet.\n";
- print <<END;
-Using a nearby server will probably speed up your download, and also
-reduce the load on our central servers and on the Internet as a whole.
- print "<p>" if $html;
- print <<END;
-Debian mirrors can be primary and secondary. The definitions are as follows:
- if ($html) {
- print <<END;
- <blockquote>
- A <strong>primary mirror</strong> site has good bandwidth, is available 24 hours a day,
- and has an easy to remember name of the form ftp.&lt;country&gt;.debian.org.
- <br>
- } else {
- print <<END;
- A primary mirror site has good bandwidth, is available 24 hours a day,
- and has an easy to remember name of the form ftp.<country>.debian.org.
- }
- print <<END;
- They are all automatically updated whenever there are updates to
- the Debian archive.
- print " </blockquote>\n" if $html;
- if ($html) {
- print <<END;
- <blockquote>
- A <strong>secondary mirror</strong> site may have restrictions on what they mirror (due to
- } else {
- print <<END;
- A secondary mirror site may have restrictions on what they mirror (due to
- }
- print <<END;
- space restrictions). Just because a site is secondary doesn't necessarily
- mean it'll be any slower or less up to date than a primary site.
- print " </blockquote>\n" if $html;
- print "<p>" if $html;
- print <<END;
-Use the site closest to you for the fastest downloads possible whether it is
- if ($html) {
- print "
-a primary or secondary site. The program
-<a href=\"https://packages.debian.org/stable/net/netselect\">
-<em>netselect</em></a> can be used to\n";
- } else {
- print "a primary or secondary site. The program `netselect' can be used to\n";
- }
- print <<END;
-determine the site with the least latency; use a download program such as
- if ($html) {
- print "
-<a href=\"https://packages.debian.org/stable/web/wget\">
-<em>wget</em></a> or
-<a href=\"https://packages.debian.org/stable/net/rsync\">
-<em>rsync</em></a> for determining the site with the most throughput.\n";
- } else {
- print "`wget' or `rsync' for determining the site with the most throughput.\n";
- }
- print <<END;
-Note that geographic proximity often isn't the most important factor for
-determining which machine will serve you best.
- print "<p>" if $html;
- print "The authoritative copy of the following list can always be found at:\n";
- print "<a href=\"https://www.debian.org/mirror/list\">" if $html;
- print " https://www.debian.org/mirror/list";
- print "</a>.<br>" if $html;
- print "\n";
- print <<END;
-If you know of any mirrors that are missing from this list,
-please have the site maintainer fill out the form at:
- print "<a href=\"https://www.debian.org/mirror/submit\">" if $html;
- print " https://www.debian.org/mirror/submit";
- print "</a>.<br>" if $html;
- print "\n";
- print <<END;
-Everything else you want to know about Debian mirrors:
- print "<a href=\"https://www.debian.org/mirror/\">" if $html;
- print " https://www.debian.org/mirror/";
- print "</a>.<br>" if $html;
- print "\n";
-sub primary_mirrors {
- my $format = shift;
- die "must get format for primary_mirrors()" unless $format;
- my $html = 1 if ($format eq 'html');
- my $text = 1 if ($format eq 'text');
- my $wml = 1 if ($format eq 'wml');
- my %primaries = ();
- if ($html) {
- print <<END;
-<h2 class="center">Primary Debian mirror sites</h2>
-<table border="0" class="center">
- <th>Country</th>
- <th>Site</th>
- <th>Architectures</th>
- } elsif ($text) {
- print <<END;
- Primary Debian mirror sites
- ---------------------------
- Country Site Debian archive Architectures
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- } elsif ($wml) {
- print <<END;
- }
- foreach my $country (sort keys %countries) {
- foreach my $id (sort @{ $countries{$country} }) {
- next unless ($mirror[$id]{site} =~ /$officialsiteregex/);
- my $countryplain = $plain_name_of_country{$country};
- my $countrycode = $code_of_country{$country};
- unless (exists $mirror[$id]{method}{'archive-http'}) {
- die "official mirror " . $mirror[$id]{site} . " does not have archive-http?!";
- }
- my $arches = join(" ", sort @{$mirror[$id]{'Archive-architecture'}});
- if ($html) {
- $countryplain =~ s/ /&nbsp;/;
- print <<END;
- <td>$countryplain</td>
- <td><a href="http://$mirror[$id]{site}$mirror[$id]{method}{'archive-http'}">$mirror[$id]{site}$mirror[$id]{method}{'archive-http'}</a></td>
- <td><small><small>$arches</small></small></td>
- } elsif ($text) {
- printf " %-14s %-20s %-14s %s\n", $countryplain, $mirror[$id]{site}, $mirror[$id]{method}{'archive-http'}, $arches;
- } elsif ($wml) {
- # this creates a hash of with keys like <DEc>
- # later this gets expanded by WML into forms like
- # Germany or Deutschland
- # the next-level key is the site name, because countries
- # can have more than one site
- print <<EOF;
- push \@{ \$primaries{"<${countrycode}c>"}{"$mirror[$id]{site}"} },
- (
- "$mirror[$id]{method}{'archive-http'}",
- "$arches",
- );
- }
- }
- }
- if ($wml) {
- # in our WML templates there is a langcmp comparison method,
- # which sorts alphabetically depending on the language
- print <<EOF;
-foreach my \$country (sort langcmp keys \%primaries) {
- foreach my \$countrysite (sort keys \%{\$primaries{\$country}}) {
- my \@elems = \@{\$primaries{\$country}{\$countrysite}};
- print <<EOM;
- <td>\$country</td>
- <td><a href="http://\$countrysite\$elems[0]">\$countrysite\$elems[0]</a></td>
- <td><small><small>\$elems[1]</small></small></td>
- }
- }
- print "</table>\n" if ($html);
-# meant to be output into a file which is then included into a .wml file
-# and processed by WML
-sub primary_mirror_sponsors {
- print <<END;
-<tr><td colspan="3"><hr></td></tr>
- foreach my $country (sort keys %countries) {
- foreach my $id (sort @{ $countries{$country} }) {
- next unless ($mirror[$id]{site} =~ /$officialsiteregex/);
- my $countrycode = $code_of_country{$country};
- print <<END;
- <td><${countrycode}c></td>
- <td><a href="http://$mirror[$id]{site}$mirror[$id]{method}{'archive-http'}">$mirror[$id]{site}</a></td>
- <td>
- if (exists $mirror[$id]{includes}) {
- my $numsubsites = @{ $mirror[$id]{includes} };
- my $snum = 0;
- foreach my $subsite (@{ $mirror[$id]{includes} }) {
- # XXX Note this is a little bit wrong; if there is more than one id
- # for a subsite, it just takes the first one. This problem
- # could occur if a subsite begins mirroring some other arch,
- # like amd64.
- my $subsite_id;
- foreach my $mid (0..$#mirror) {
- if ($mirror[$mid]{site} eq $subsite) {
- $subsite_id=$mid;
- last;
- }
- }
- die "can't find $subsite, wtf?!" unless defined $subsite_id; # must be an error
- die "can't find sponsor for $subsite, wtf?!" unless defined $mirror[$subsite_id]{sponsor}; # must be an error
- my $numsponsors = @{ $mirror[$subsite_id]{sponsor} };
- my $num = 0;
- my ($sponsorname, $sponsorurl);
- foreach my $sponsor (@{ $mirror[$subsite_id]{sponsor} }) {
- if ($sponsor =~ /^(.+) (http:.*)$/) {
- $sponsorname = $1;
- $sponsorurl = $2;
- } else {
- die "can't find sponsor URL for sponsor $sponsor of $subsite";
- }
- $sponsorname =~ s/&(\s+)/&amp;$1/g;
- print "<a href=\"$sponsorurl\">$sponsorname</a>";
- $num++;
- print ", " unless ($num >= $numsponsors);
- }
- $snum++;
- print ", " unless ($snum >= $numsubsites);
- }
- } else {
- die "$mirror[$id]{site} has no sponsor\n" unless exists $mirror[$id]{sponsor}; # must be an error
- my $numsponsors = @{ $mirror[$id]{sponsor} };
- my $num = 0;
- my ($sponsorname, $sponsorurl);
- foreach my $sponsor (@{ $mirror[$id]{sponsor} }) {
- if ($sponsor =~ /^(.+) (http:.*)$/) {
- $sponsorname = $1;
- $sponsorurl = $2;
- } else {
- die "can't find sponsor URL for sponsor $sponsor of $mirror[$id]{site}";
- }
- $sponsorname =~ s/&(\s+)/&amp;$1/g;
- print "<a href=\"$sponsorurl\">$sponsorname</a>";
- $num++;
- print ", " unless ($num >= $numsponsors);
- }
- }
- print <<END;
- </td>
- }
- }
- print "</table>\n";
-# meant to be output into a file which is then included into a .wml file
-# and processed by WML
-sub mirror_sponsors {
- print <<END;
-<tr><td colspan="3"><hr></td></tr>
- foreach my $country (sort keys %countries) {
- foreach my $id (sort @{ $countries_sponsors{$country} }) {
- # sites which have Includes don't have to have Sponsor, the included ones
- # have it; and those are looped over separately anyway, so no need to repeat
- next if (exists $mirror[$id]{includes});
- my $countrycode = $code_of_country{$country};
- print <<END;
- <td>${countrycode} <${countrycode}c></td>
- <td>$mirror[$id]{site}
- if (exists $mirror[$id]{'included-in'}) {
- print "<br>(";
- print join (", ", @{ $mirror[$id]{'included-in'} });
- print ")";
- }
- print <<END;
- </td>
- <td>
- my $numsponsors = @{ $mirror[$id]{sponsor} };
- my $num = 0;
- my ($sponsorname, $sponsorurl);
- foreach my $sponsor (@{ $mirror[$id]{sponsor} }) {
- if ($sponsor =~ /^(.+) (http:.*)$/) {
- $sponsorname = $1;
- $sponsorurl = $2;
- } else {
- die "can't find sponsor URL for sponsor $sponsor of $mirror[$id]{site}";
- }
- $sponsorname =~ s/&(\s+)/&amp;$1/g;
- print "<a href=\"$sponsorurl\">$sponsorname</a>";
- $num++;
- print ",\n" unless ($num >= $numsponsors);
- }
- print "\n";
- print <<END;
- </td>
- }
- }
-# meant to be output into a file which is then included into a .wml file
-# and processed by WML
-sub cdimage_mirrors($) {
- my $which = shift;
- die unless $which;
- print "#use wml::debian::languages\n\n<perl>\nmy \@cdmirrors = (\n";
- foreach my $country (keys %countries) {
- foreach my $id (sort @{ $countries{$country} }) {
- my $countrycode = $code_of_country{$country};
- if ($which eq "httpftp") {
- if (defined $mirror[$id]{method}{'cdimage-ftp'} ||
- defined $mirror[$id]{method}{'cdimage-http'}) {
- print " '<${countrycode}c>: $mirror[$id]{site}:";
- if (defined $mirror[$id]{method}{'cdimage-ftp'}) {
- print qq( <a href="ftp://$mirror[$id]{site}$mirror[$id]{method}{'cdimage-ftp'}">FTP</a>);
- }
- if (defined $mirror[$id]{method}{'cdimage-http'}) {
- print qq( <a href="http://$mirror[$id]{site}$mirror[$id]{method}{'cdimage-http'}">HTTP</a>);
- }
- print "',\n";
- }
- } elsif ($which eq "rsync") {
- if (defined $mirror[$id]{method}{'cdimage-rsync'}) {
- print qq( '<${countrycode}c>: $mirror[$id]{site}: <span class="cdrsync">rsync $mirror[$id]{site}\:\:$mirror[$id]{method}{'cdimage-rsync'}</span>',\n);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- print ");\n\n";
- # Write some code to sort the list alphabetically (the ordering is
- # language-dependent)
- print <<'EOM';
-print "<ul>\n";
-foreach $line (sort langcmp @cdmirrors)
- print "<li>$line</li>\n";
-print "</ul>\n";
-sub header {
- my $nonus = shift;
- $nonus = "" unless $nonus;
- print <<END;
- <title>Debian ${nonus}worldwide mirror sites</title>
-sub trailer {
- print "</body>\n</html>\n";
-# this is likely obsolete
-sub access_methods {
- print <<END;
-<h1 class="center">Debian worldwide mirror sites</h1>
-<p>This is a <strong>complete</strong> list of mirrors of Debian. For each
-site, the different types of material available are listed, along with the
-access method for each type.
-<p>The following things are mirrored:
- <dd>The Debian package pool.
-<dt><strong>CD Images</strong>
- <dd>Official Debian CD Images. See
- <a href="https://www.debian.org/CD/">https://www.debian.org/CD/</a> for details.
-<dt><strong>Old releases</strong>
- <dd>The archive of old released versions of Debian.<br>
- Some of the old releases also included the so-called debian-non-US
- archive, with sections for Debian packages that could not be
- distributed in the US due to software patents or use of encryption.
- The debian-non-US updates were discontinued with Debian 3.1.
-<dt><strong>Volatile packages</strong>
- <dd>Packages from the debian-volatile project. See
- <a href="https://www.debian.org/volatile/">https://www.debian.org/volatile/</a> for details.
-<dt><strong>WWW pages</strong>
- <dd>The Debian web pages.
-<p>The following access methods are possible:
- <dd>Standard web access, but it can be used for downloading files.
- <dd>The file transfer protocol.
- <dd>An efficient means of mirroring.
- <dd>Network file system (if you don't know what it is, you don't need it).
-<p>The 'Type' entry is one of:
- <dd>These comprise the bulk of the mirrors.
- <dd>These sites mirror directly from a Push-Primary site, using push
- mirroring.
- <dd>These sites mirror directly from the master archive site (which
- is not publicly accessible), using push mirroring.
-(See <a href="https://www.debian.org/mirror/push_mirroring">the page about push
-mirroring</a> for details on that.)
-<p>The authoritative copy of the following list can always be found at:
-<a href="https://www.debian.org/mirror/list-full">
-Everything else you want to know about Debian mirrors:
-<a href="https://www.debian.org/mirror/">https://www.debian.org/mirror/</a>.
-sub full_listing {
- # TODO: fix the html mode to output actual normal HTML, rather than <pre>
- my $format = shift;
- die "must get format for full_listing()" unless $format;
- my $html = 1 if ($format eq 'html');
- my $text = 1 if ($format eq 'text');
- my $wml = 1 if ($format eq 'wml');
- if ($html) {
- print "\n<hr style=\"height:1\">\n";
- print "<p>Jump directly to a country on the list:<br>\n";
- }
- if ($html) {
- my $linelength = 0;
- foreach my $country (sort keys %countries) {
- my $countryplain = $plain_name_of_country{$country};
- my $countrycode = $code_of_country{$country};
- print " [<a href=\"#${countrycode}\">";
- print $countryplain;
- print "</a>]";
- $linelength += length($countryplain) + 3;
- if ($linelength >= 75) {
- print "<br>\n";
- $linelength = 0;
- }
- }
- } elsif ($wml) {
- # in our WML templates there is a langcmp comparison method,
- # which sorts alphabetically depending on the language
- print <<EOF;
-my \%countrylist;
- foreach my $country (sort keys %countries) {
- my $countryplain = $plain_name_of_country{$country};
- my $countrycode = $code_of_country{$country};
- print <<EOF;
-\$countrylist{"<${countrycode}c>"} = $countrycode;
- }
- print <<EOF;
-my \$linelength = 0;
-foreach my \$country (sort langcmp keys \%countrylist) {
- print ' [<a href="#' . \$countrylist{\$country} . '">' . "\$country</a>]";
- \$linelength += length(\$country) + 3;
- if (\$linelength >= 75) {
- print "<br>\n";
- \$linelength = 0;
- }
- }
- if ($html || $wml) {
- print "\n<hr style=\"height:1\">\n";
- }
- print "<pre>\n" if $html;
- foreach my $country (sort keys %countries) {
- my $countryplain = $plain_name_of_country{$country};
- my $countrycode = $code_of_country{$country};
- print "\n";
- if ($html) {
- print "<strong><a name=\"$countrycode\">$country</a></strong>\n";
- } elsif ($text) {
- print "$country\n";
- } elsif ($wml) {
- print "<h3><a name=\"$countrycode\"><${countrycode}c></a></h3>\n";
- }
- if ($html || $text) {
- print "-" x length($country); # underline
- } elsif ($wml) {
- print "\n";
- }
- print "\n";
- foreach my $id (@{ $countries_sorted{$country} }) {
- print "Site: ";
- print "<tt>" if $wml;
- print $mirror[$id]{site};
- if (exists $mirror[$id]{'aliases'}) {
- print ", ".join(", ", @{ $mirror[$id]{'aliases'} });
- }
- print "</tt>" if $wml;
- print "<br>" if $wml;
- print "\n";
- warn "undefined type for $mirror[$id]{site}!\n" unless defined $mirror[$id]{'type'};
- $mirror[$id]{'type'} ||= 'leaf';
- print "Type: $mirror[$id]{'type'}\n";
- print "<br>" if $wml;
- foreach my $method ( sort keys %{ $mirror[$id]{method} } ) {
- my $display = $method;
- $display =~ s/archive-/Packages /;
- $display =~ s/nonus-/Non-US packages /;
- $display =~ s/security-/Security updates /;
- $display =~ s/www-/WWW pages /;
- $display =~ s/cdimage-/CD Images /;
- $display =~ s/jigdo-/Jigdo files /;
- $display =~ s/old-/Old releases /;
- $display =~ s/volatile-/Volatile packages /;
- $display =~ s/ftp/over FTP/;
- $display =~ s/http/over HTTP/;
- $display =~ s/nfs/over NFS/;
- $display =~ s/rsync/over rsync/;
- if ($method =~ /http/) {
- print $display.": ";
- print "<tt>" if $wml;
- print "<a href=\"http://$mirror[$id]{site}$mirror[$id]{method}{$method}\">$mirror[$id]{method}{$method}</a>\n";
- print "</tt>" if $wml;
- } elsif ($method =~ /ftp/) {
- print $display.": ";
- print "<tt>" if $wml;
- print "<a href=\"ftp://$mirror[$id]{site}$mirror[$id]{method}{$method}\">$mirror[$id]{method}{$method}</a>\n";
- print "</tt>" if $wml;
- } else {
- print $display.": ";
- print "<tt>" if $wml;
- print $mirror[$id]{method}{$method}."\n";
- print "</tt>" if $wml;
- }
- print "<br>" if $wml;
- }
- if (exists $mirror[$id]{'Archive-architecture'}) {
- print "Includes architectures: ".join(" ", sort @{$mirror[$id]{'Archive-architecture'}})."\n";
- print "<br>" if $wml;
- }
- print "Update frequency: ";
- if ($mirror[$id]{'type'} =~ /push/i) {
- print "whenever there are updates (push-triggered)";
- } elsif (exists $mirror[$id]{'updates'} and $mirror[$id]{'updates'} =~ /^(?:once|daily)(.*)$/) {
- print "once a day";
- print " $1" if $1;
- } elsif (exists $mirror[$id]{'updates'} and $mirror[$id]{'updates'} =~ /^(?:twice)(.*)$/) {
- print "twice a day";
- print " $1" if $1;
- } elsif (exists $mirror[$id]{'updates'} and $mirror[$id]{'updates'} ne '') {
- print $mirror[$id]{'updates'};
- } else {
- print "unknown";
- }
- print "\n";
- print "<br>" if $wml;
- if (exists $mirror[$id]{'ipv6'}) {
- if ($mirror[$id]{ipv6} ne 'no') {
- print "IPv6: ".$mirror[$id]{ipv6}."\n";
- print "<br>" if $wml;
- }
- }
- if (exists $mirror[$id]{'comment'}) {
- print "Comment: ";
- print "<span style=\"white-space: pre;\">" if $wml;
- print $mirror[$id]{comment};
- print "</span>" if $wml;
- print "\n";
- print "<br>" if $wml;
- }
- print "<br>" if $wml;
- print "\n";
- }
- }
- print "</pre>\n" if $html;
-sub nonus_intro {
- my $format = shift;
- die "must get format for nonus_intro()" unless $format;
- my $html = 1 if ($format eq 'html');
- my $text = 1 if ($format eq 'text');
- if ($html) {
- print "<h1 align=\"center\">Debian non-US packages</h1>\n\n";
- } else {
- print <<END;
- Debian non-US packages
- ----------------------
- }
- print "<p>" if $html;
- print <<END;
-Prior to the release of Debian 3.1, United States laws placed restrictions on
-the export of certain defense articles, which, unfortunately, included some
-types of cryptographic software. PGP and SSH, among others, fell into this
-category. It was legal however, to import such software into the US.
- print "<p>" if $html;
- print <<END;
-To prevent anyone from taking unnecessary legal risks, some Debian
-packages were only available from a site in Leiden, The Netherlands, until
-the release of Debian 3.1, which incorporates this software thanks to
-changes in United States law.
- print "<p>" if $html;
- print <<END;
-You should not need the non-US archive unless you are using a version of
-Debian from before Debian 3.1.
- print "<p>" if $html;
- print <<END;
-Available access methods are:
- print "<blockquote>\n" if $html;
- print "<a href=\"ftp://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US/\">" if $html;
- print <<END;
- ftp://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US/
- print "</a><br>" if $html;
- print "<a href=\"http://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US/\">" if $html;
- print <<END;
- http://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US/
- print "</a><br>" if $html;
- print <<END;
- rsync://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US/ (limited)
- print "</blockquote>\n" if $html;
- print "<p>" if $html;
- print <<END;
-To use these packages with APT, you can add the following lines to your
-sources.list file:
- print "<pre>" if $html;
- print <<END;
- deb http://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US stable/non-US main contrib non-free
- deb-src http://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US stable/non-US main contrib non-free
- print "</pre>" if $html;
- print <<END;
-Read sources.list(5) on your Debian system for more information.
- if ($html) {
- print "<h2 align=\"center\">Debian non-US mirror sites</h2>\n";
- } else {
- print <<END;
- Debian non-US mirror sites
- --------------------------
- }
- print "<p>" if $html;
- print <<END;
-Mirrors of non-us.debian.org are normally located outside of the US.
-If they are located within the US they should be registered with the
-US government.
- print "<p>" if $html;
- print <<END;
-The authoritative copy of the following mirror list can always be found at:
- print "<a href=\"https://www.debian.org/mirror/list-non-US\">" if $html;
- print <<END;
- https://www.debian.org/mirror/list-non-US
- print "</a>" if $html;
- print "<p>" if $html;
- print <<END;
-Everything else you want to know about Debian mirrors:
- print "<a href=\"https://www.debian.org/mirror/\">" if $html;
- print <<END;
- https://www.debian.org/mirror/
- print "</a>" if $html;
-sub nonus_mirrors {
- my $format = shift;
- die "must get format for nonus_mirrors()" unless $format;
- my $html = 1 if ($format eq 'html');
- my $text = 1 if ($format eq 'text');
- my $wml = 1 if ($format eq 'wml');
- foreach my $country (sort keys %countries) {
- my %our_mirrors;
- foreach my $id (@{ $countries{$country} }) {
- if (defined $mirror[$id]{method}{'nonus-ftp'} ||
- defined $mirror[$id]{method}{'nonus-http'}) {
- $our_mirrors{$id} = 1;
- }
- }
- next unless (keys %our_mirrors);
- print "\n";
- my $countryplain = $plain_name_of_country{$country};
- my $countrycode = $code_of_country{$country};
- if ($html) {
- print "<h3>$countryplain</h3>";
- } elsif ($text) {
- print "$countryplain:";
- } elsif ($wml) {
- print "<h3><${countrycode}c></h3>";
- }
- print "\n";
- foreach my $id (@{ $countries_sorted{$country} }) {
- next unless (exists $our_mirrors{$id});
- print "<p>" if ($html || $wml);
- if (defined $mirror[$id]{method}{'nonus-ftp'}) {
- print "<a href=\"ftp://$mirror[$id]{site}$mirror[$id]{method}{'nonus-ftp'}\">" if ($html || $wml);
- print " ftp://$mirror[$id]{site}$mirror[$id]{method}{'nonus-ftp'}";
- print "</a><br>\n" if ($html || $wml);
- if (defined $mirror[$id]{method}{'nonus-http'}) {
- print "\n ";
- print "<a href=\"http://$mirror[$id]{site}$mirror[$id]{method}{'nonus-http'}\">" if ($html || $wml);
- print "http://$mirror[$id]{site}$mirror[$id]{method}{'nonus-http'}";
- print "</a>\n" if ($html || $wml);
- }
- } elsif (defined $mirror[$id]{method}{'nonus-http'}) {
- print " ";
- print "<a href=\"http://$mirror[$id]{site}$mirror[$id]{method}{'nonus-http'}\">" if ($html || $wml);
- print "http://$mirror[$id]{site}$mirror[$id]{method}{'nonus-http'}";
- print "</a>\n" if ($html || $wml);
- }
- print "\n\n";
- }
- }
-sub compact_list($$) {
- my $whichtype = shift;
- die "must get type for compact_list()" unless $whichtype;
- my $ordering = shift;
- die "must get ordering for compact_list()" unless $ordering;
- sub printhtmlftprsync($$$$) {
- my ($site, $http, $ftp, $rsync) = @_;
- print "<a href=\"http://". $site . $http ."\">HTTP</a> " if (defined $http);
- print "<a href=\"ftp://". $site . $ftp ."\">FTP</a> " if (defined $ftp);
- print "rsync&nbsp;". $site . "::" . $rsync if (defined $rsync);
- }
- if ($ordering eq 'countrysite') {
- foreach my $country (sort keys %countries) {
- my %our_mirrors;
- foreach my $id (@{ $countries{$country} }) {
- if ( defined($mirror[$id]{method}{$whichtype.'-ftp'}) or
- defined($mirror[$id]{method}{$whichtype.'-http'}) or
- defined($mirror[$id]{method}{$whichtype.'-rsync'}) ) {
- $our_mirrors{$id} = 1;
- }
- }
- next unless (keys %our_mirrors);
- my $countryplain = $plain_name_of_country{$country};
- my $countrycode = $code_of_country{$country};
- foreach my $id (@{ $countries_sorted{$country} }) {
- next unless (exists $our_mirrors{$id});
- print "<li><".$countrycode."c>: " . $mirror[$id]{site} . ": ";
- printhtmlftprsync($mirror[$id]{site},
- $mirror[$id]{method}{$whichtype.'-http'},
- $mirror[$id]{method}{$whichtype.'-ftp'},
- $mirror[$id]{method}{$whichtype.'-rsync'});
- print "</li>\n";
- }
- }
- } elsif ($ordering eq 'sitecountry') {
- my %our_mirrors;
- foreach my $id (0..$#mirror) {
- if ( defined($mirror[$id]{method}{$whichtype.'-ftp'}) or
- defined($mirror[$id]{method}{$whichtype.'-http'}) or
- defined($mirror[$id]{method}{$whichtype.'-rsync'}) ) {
- $our_mirrors{ $mirror[$id]{site} } = $id;
- }
- }
- foreach my $site (sort keys %our_mirrors) {
- my $id = $our_mirrors{$site};
- my $countryplain = $plain_name_of_country{ $mirror[$id]{country} };
- my $countrycode = $code_of_country{ $mirror[$id]{country} };
- print "<li>" . $mirror[$id]{site} . " (<".$countrycode."c>): ";
- printhtmlftprsync($mirror[$id]{site},
- $mirror[$id]{method}{$whichtype.'-http'},
- $mirror[$id]{method}{$whichtype.'-ftp'},
- $mirror[$id]{method}{$whichtype.'-rsync'});
- print "</li>\n";
- }
- }
-sub footer_stuff($$) {
- my $format = shift;
- die "must get format for footer_stuff()" unless $format;
- my $html = 1 if ($format eq 'html');
- my $text = 1 if ($format eq 'text');
- my $wml = 1 if ($format eq 'wml');
- my $whichcount = shift;
- die "must get count for footer_stuff()" unless $whichcount;
- if ($html || $wml) {
- print <<END;
-<table border="0" width="100%"><tr>
- <td align="left"><small>Last modified: $last_modify</small></td>
- <td align="right"><small>Number of sites listed: $whichcount</small></td>
- } elsif ($text) {
- print "\n";
- print "-" x 79 . "\n";
-# expecting $last_modify like: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 0000 - 24 characters wide
-# expecting $whichcount to be less than 1k :)
- printf "%-14s %-24s %-11s %-23s %-3d\n",
- 'Last modified:', $last_modify, '', 'Number of sites listed:', $whichcount;
- }
-# fork of secondary_mirrors
-# Changed for debian-volatile by Francesco Paolo Lovergine, 2005
-sub generate_html_matrix {
- my $archive_name = $_[0];
- my $archive_name_lc = lc($archive_name);
- print "<h2 class=\"center\">Mirrors of the Debian-".$archive_name_lc." archive</h2>\n";
- print "<table class=\"volatile\" summary=\"Mirrors sorted by Country\">\n";
- print "<colgroup span=\"5\">\n</colgroup>\n";
- print "<thead><tr><th>HOST NAME</th><th>FTP</th><th>HTTP</th><th>RSYNC</th><th>ARCHITECTURES</th></tr></thead>\n<tbody>\n";
- foreach my $country (sort keys %countries) {
- my %our_mirrors;
- foreach my $id (@{ $countries{$country} }) {
- if (defined $mirror[$id]{method}{"$archive_name_lc-ftp"} ||
- defined $mirror[$id]{method}{"$archive_name_lc-http"} ||
- defined $mirror[$id]{method}{"$archive_name_lc-rsync"}) {
- $our_mirrors{$id} = 1;
- }
- }
- next unless (keys %our_mirrors);
- print "<tr class=\"country\"><th colspan=\"5\">$country</th></tr>\n";
- foreach my $id (@{ $countries_sorted{$country} }) {
- next unless (exists $our_mirrors{$id});
- print "<tr><th>$mirror[$id]{site}</th>";
- print "<td>";
- if (defined $mirror[$id]{method}{"$archive_name_lc-ftp"}) {
- print "<a href=\"ftp://$mirror[$id]{site}$mirror[$id]{method}{\"$archive_name_lc-ftp\"}\">";
- print $mirror[$id]{method}{"$archive_name_lc-ftp"};
- print "</a>\n";
- }
- print "</td>\n";
- print "<td>";
- if (defined $mirror[$id]{method}{"$archive_name_lc-http"}) {
- print "<a href=\"http://$mirror[$id]{site}$mirror[$id]{method}{\"$archive_name_lc-http\"}\">";
- print $mirror[$id]{method}{"$archive_name_lc-http"};
- print "</a>\n";
- }
- print "</td>\n";
- print "<td>";
- if (defined $mirror[$id]{method}{"$archive_name_lc-rsync"}) {
- print "<a href=\"rsync://$mirror[$id]{site}/$mirror[$id]{method}{\"$archive_name_lc-rsync\"}\">";
- print $mirror[$id]{method}{"$archive_name_lc-rsync"};
- print "</a>\n";
- }
- print "</td>\n";
- print "<td>";
- if (exists $mirror[$id]{"$archive_name"}) {
- print join(" ", sort @{$mirror[$id]{$archive_name}});
- } else {
- print " all";
- }
- print "</td>\n</tr>\n";
- }
- }
- print "</tbody>\n</table>\n";
-# originally generate-nsupdate.pl -- generate the nsupdate commands for mirror.debian.net
-# written by Joy 2008-03-2x
-sub generate_nsupdate {
- my @ccodes;
- foreach my $country (sort keys %countries) {
- push @ccodes, lc $code_of_country{$country};
- }
- my %arches;
- my %includedsomewhere;
- foreach my $id (0..$#mirror) {
- if (exists $mirror[$id]{'Archive-architecture'}) {
- foreach my $arch (@{ $mirror[$id]{'Archive-architecture'} }) {
- if ($arch eq 'ALL') {
- warn "found an ALL-architecture entry for $mirror[$id]{site}";
- next;
- }
- $arches{$arch} = 1 unless $arches{$arch};
- }
- }
- if (exists $mirror[$id]{'includes'}) {
- foreach my $s ( @{ $mirror[$id]{'includes'} } ) {
- # warn "marking $s as included somewhere";
- $includedsomewhere{ $s } = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- my %zone_entries;
- # the pre-filling of the zone entries hash is here just so that
- # we later execute all the 'delete' statements unconditionally
- # (because we need to clear out any old data even if there's no
- # new data to add in - indeed, especially then)
- foreach my $cc (@ccodes) {
- foreach my $arch (keys %arches) {
- $zone_entries{$cc}{$arch}{0} = 0;
- }
- }
- use Net::hostent;
- use Socket(qw/inet_ntoa/);
- use LWP::UserAgent;
- foreach my $id (0..$#mirror) {
- my $site = $mirror[$id]{site};
- warn "\nchecking $site (#$id)...\n";
- if (defined $mirror[$id]{includes}) {
- warn "skipping $site because it includes other sites.\n";
- next;
- }
- if ($site =~ /$internalsiteregex/) {
- warn "skipping $site because it's an internal site.\n";
- next;
- }
- my @site_arches;
- if (exists $mirror[$id]{'Archive-architecture'}) {
- @site_arches = @{$mirror[$id]{'Archive-architecture'}};
- } elsif (exists $mirror[$id]{'x-archive-architecture'}) {
- if (exists $includedsomewhere{$site}) {
- warn "using x-archive-architecture for $site, as it's included somewhere.\n";
- foreach my $arch (split (/ /, $mirror[$id]{'x-archive-architecture'})) {
- push @site_arches, $arch;
- }
- }
- }
- if ($#site_arches < 0) {
- warn "skipping $site because it doesn't carry any (main) archive architectures.\n";
- next;
- }
- if ($site_arches[0] eq 'ALL') {
- warn "skipping $site because of an ALL-architecture entry";
- next;
- }
- if (not exists $mirror[$id]{method}{'archive-http'} or
- not exists $mirror[$id]{method}{'archive-ftp'}) {
- warn "skipping $site because it doesn't have both archive-{http,ftp}.\n";
- next;
- }
- if ($mirror[$id]{method}{'archive-http'} ne '/debian/' or
- $mirror[$id]{method}{'archive-ftp'} ne '/debian/') {
- warn "skipping $site because one or both of its archive-{http,ftp} settings isn't /debian/.\n";
- next;
- }
- my $cc = lc $code_of_country{ $mirror[$id]{country} };
- my $h;
- warn "resolving $site...\n";
- unless ($h = gethost($site)) {
- warn "$0: no such host: $site (h_errno: $?)\n";
- next;
- }
- my @site_ip_v4;
- foreach my $addr ( sort @{$h->addr_list} ) {
- my $a = inet_ntoa($addr);
- # need to check if the HTTP server accepts connections properly to our name
- my $tracefile = "http://".$a.$mirror[$id]{method}{'archive-http'}."project/trace/ftp-master.debian.org";
- my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
- $ua->timeout(10);
- $ua->default_header('Host' => "$cc.i386.mirror.debian.net");
- my $myurl = $ua->get($tracefile);
- if ($myurl->is_success) {
- warn "using $a for $site\n";
- push @site_ip_v4, $a;
- } else {
- warn "skipping $a of $site because the HTTP server isn't set up right.\n";
- warn "fetching $tracefile as $cc.i386.m.d.n returned " . $myurl->status_line . "\n";
- next;
- }
- }
- # my @site_ip_v6 = ...
- # TODO: some getaddrinfo() implementation provided by libsocket6-perl
- next if ($#site_ip_v4 < 0);
- warn "adding " . ($#site_ip_v4 + 1) . " address(es) for "
- . ($#site_arches + 1) . " architectures "
- . "as $cc.arch.m.d.n.\n";
- foreach my $arch (@site_arches) {
- foreach my $a (@site_ip_v4) {
- $zone_entries{$cc}{$arch}{$a} = 1 unless exists $zone_entries{$cc}{$arch}{$a};
- }
- # foreach my $aaaa (@site_ip_v6) {
- # $zone_entries{$cc}{$arch}{$a} = 1 unless exists $zone_entries{$cc}{$arch}{$a};
- # }
- }
- }
- warn "writing out nsupdate commands...\n";
- # these aren't strictly necessary, but I thought they should help a bit
- print "server db.debian.org\n";
- print "zone mirror.debian.net\n";
- foreach my $cc (sort keys %zone_entries) {
- foreach my $arch (sort keys %{$zone_entries{$cc}}) {
- # we need to do the 'update delete' in order to flush everything out,
- # because there is no old state (which would be used for a nice
- # incremental removal of old data)
- print "update delete $cc.$arch.mirror.debian.net.\n";
- foreach my $a (sort keys %{$zone_entries{$cc}{$arch}}) {
- next if ($a eq 0);
- # poor man's IPv6 detection :)
- print "update add $cc.$arch.mirror.debian.net. 14400";
- if ($a !~ /:/) { print " A "; }
- else { print " AAAA "; }
- print "$a\n";
- }
- }
- # we also need to 'send' more often than just once, because if we
- # try everything at once, nsupdate aborts with:
- # dns_request_createvia3: ran out of space
- print "send\n";
- }
-sub mirror_tree_by_origin {
- my %origins;
- foreach my $country (sort keys %countries) {
- foreach my $id (sort @{ $countries{$country} }) {
-# if ($mirror[$id]{site} =~ /$officialsiteregex/) {
- if (exists $mirror[$id]{method}{'archive-http'} or exists $mirror[$id]{method}{'archive-ftp'}) {
- my $tfm = $mirror[$id]{method}{'archive-http'} || $mirror[$id]{method}{'archive-ftp'};
- my $tf = "http://" . $mirror[$id]{site} . $tfm . "project/trace/";
- my $mf;
- if (exists $mirror[$id]{includes}) {
- my $numsubsites = @{ $mirror[$id]{includes} };
- my $snum = 0;
- foreach my $subsite (@{ $mirror[$id]{includes} }) {
- $tf = "http://" . $subsite . $mirror[$id]{method}{'archive-http'} . "project/trace/";
- $mf = exists $mirror[$id]{'archive-upstream'} ? $mirror[$id]{'archive-upstream'} : "ftp-master.debian.org";
- my @mfs = split(',\s*', $mf);
- foreach my $mfss (@mfs) {
- $origins{$mfss}{$subsite} = $tf;
- }
- }
- } else {
- my $mfdefault = $mirror[$id]{site} =~ /$officialsiteregex/ ? "ftp-master.debian.org" : "unknown-origin";
- $mf = exists $mirror[$id]{'archive-upstream'} ? $mirror[$id]{'archive-upstream'} : $mfdefault;
- my @mfs = split(',\s*', $mf);
- foreach my $mfss (@mfs) {
- $origins{$mfss}{ $mirror[$id]{site} } = $tf;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- $origins{ 'ftp-master.debian.org' }{ 'syncproxy.eu.debian.org' } = 1;
- $origins{ 'ftp-master.debian.org' }{ 'syncproxy.wna.debian.org' } = 1;
- print "<h2>Mirrors sorted by origin</h2>\n";
- print "<ul>\n";
- print "<li>ftp-master.debian.org</li>";
- sub crawl_origins($%) {
- my $top = shift;
- my %origins = shift;
-# print "<pre>";
-# use Data::Dumper;
-# print Dumper(%origins);
-# print "</pre>";
- print "<ul>\n";
- my @tocheck = ();
- foreach my $o (keys %origins) {
- if ($o ne $top) {
- push @tocheck, $o;
- } else {
- }
- }
- my $o; # FIXME
- if ($o ne $top) {
- print "<p>recursing with $o, " . join(",", keys %{$origins{$o}}) . "\n";
-# crawl_origins($o, keys %{$origins{$o}}) unless ($o eq $top);
- } else {
- foreach my $oo (keys %{$origins{$o}}) {
- print "<li>$oo";
- print " (<a href=\"$origins{$o}{$oo}\">p/t</a>)"
- }
- }
- print "</ul>\n";
- }
- crawl_origins('ftp-master.debian.org', %origins);
-if (0) {
- print "<ul>\n";
- print "<li>syncproxy.eu.debian.org</li>";
- print "<ul>\n";
- foreach my $o (keys %{$origins{'syncproxy.eu.debian.org'}}) {
- print "<li>$o";
- print " (<a href=\"". $origins{'syncproxy.eu.debian.org'}{$o} ."\">p/t</a>)";
- print "<ul>\n";
- foreach my $oo (keys %{$origins{$o}}) {
- print "<li>$oo";
- print " (<a href=\"$origins{$o}{$oo}\">p/t</a>)";
- delete $origins{$o}{$oo};
- }
- print "</ul>\n";
- delete $origins{'syncproxy.eu.debian.org'}{$o};
- }
- print "</ul>\n";
- print "<li>syncproxy.wna.debian.org</li>";
- print "<ul>\n";
- foreach my $o (keys %{$origins{'syncproxy.wna.debian.org'}}) {
- print "<li>$o";
- print " (<a href=\"". $origins{'syncproxy.wna.debian.org'}{$o} ."\">p/t</a>)";
- print "<ul>\n";
- foreach my $oo (keys %{$origins{$o}}) {
- print "<li>$oo";
- print " (<a href=\"$origins{$o}{$oo}\">p/t</a>)";
- delete $origins{$o}{$oo};
- }
- print "</ul>\n";
- delete $origins{'syncproxy.wna.debian.org'}{$o};
- }
- print "</ul>\n";
- foreach my $o (keys %{$origins{'ftp-master.debian.org'}}) {
- next if ($o =~ /^syncproxy.(eu|wna).debian.org$/);
- print "<li>$o";
- print " (<a href=\"". $origins{'ftp-master.debian.org'}{$o} ."\">p/t</a>)";
- print "<ul>\n";
- foreach my $oo (keys %{$origins{$o}}) {
- print "<li>$oo";
- print " (<a href=\"$origins{$o}{$oo}\">p/t</a>)";
- delete $origins{$o}{$oo};
- }
- print "</ul>\n";
- delete $origins{'ftp-master.debian.org'}{$o};
- }
- print "<pre>";
- use Data::Dumper;
- print Dumper(%origins);
- print "</pre>";
- print "<li>unknown-origin</li>";
- foreach my $o (keys %origins) {
- print "<ul>\n";
- foreach my $oo (keys %{$origins{$o}}) {
- print "<li>$oo";
- print " (<a href=\"$origins{$o}{$oo}\">p/t</a>)"
- }
- print "</ul>\n";
- }
- print "<ul>\n";
- print "</ul>\n";
- print "</ul>\n";
-} # if (0)
-######### Begin main routine ###########################
-if (defined $help) {
- print_help();
- exit;
-open SRC, "<$mirror_source" or
- die "Error: problem opening mirror source file, $mirror_source\n"
- ."Use the -m option?\n";
-my $current = '';
-foreach (<SRC>) {
- chop;
- if (/^$/ && $current eq '') {
- next;
- } elsif (/^$/) {
- process_line($current);
- $current = '';
- next;
- } elsif (/^\s+(.*)$/) { # add line to current entry
- $current .= "\n$1";
- } elsif (/^[\w-]+:\s/) {
- if ($current ne "") { # need to process previous line
- process_line($current);
- }
- $current = $_;
- } else {
- die "Error: unknown format on line $.:\n$_\n";
- }
-if ($current ne "") {
- process_line($current);
-# Remove filtered mirrors.
-my @filtered;
-foreach my $id (0..$#mirror) {
- if ($mirror[$id]{filtered}) {
- push @filtered, $id;
- }
-foreach my $id (reverse @filtered) { # reverse order so indexes are valid
- splice(@mirror, $id, 1);
-# count the number of mirrors
-# the masterlist parser's $count included the filtered sites
-$count = @mirror;
-foreach my $id (0..$#mirror) {
- $nonuscount++ if (defined $mirror[$id]{method}{'nonus-ftp'} || defined $mirror[$id]{method}{'nonus-http'});
- $volatilecount++ if (defined $mirror[$id]{method}{'volatile-ftp'} || defined $mirror[$id]{method}{'volatile-http'});
- $backportscount++ if (defined $mirror[$id]{method}{'backports-ftp'} || defined $mirror[$id]{method}{'backports-http'});
-# Create arrays of countries, with their mirrors.
-foreach my $id (0..$#mirror) {
- if (exists $mirror[$id]{country}) {
- push @{ $countries{ $mirror[$id]{country} } }, $id;
- if (exists $mirror[$id]{sponsor}) {
- push @{ $countries_sponsors{ $mirror[$id]{country} } }, $id;
-# optionally do this...
-# if ((defined $mirror[$id]{method}{'archive-ftp'} ||
-# defined $mirror[$id]{method}{'archive-http'} ||
-# defined $mirror[$id]{method}{'nonus-ftp'} ||
-# defined $mirror[$id]{method}{'nonus-http'} ||
-# defined $mirror[$id]{method}{'cdimage-ftp'} ||
-# defined $mirror[$id]{method}{'cdimage-http'} ||
-# defined $mirror[$id]{method}{'volatile-ftp'} ||
-# defined $mirror[$id]{method}{'volatile-http'} ||
-# ...
-# but this would be fairly tedious and hardcoded, for no apparent reason
-# because we use this in mirror_sponsors() which doesn't really care
- }
- } elsif ($mirror[$id]{type} =~/GeoDNS/i) {
- # TODO these are not currently displayed anywhere
- } else {
- warn "found a mirror without a country, wtf? " . $mirror[$id]{site};
- }
- # we'll also use this opportunity to help create a references
- # between sites which are connected with Includes:
- if (exists $mirror[$id]{includes}) {
- foreach my $includedsite (@{ $mirror[$id]{includes} }) {
- $includedsites{$includedsite} = $mirror[$id]{site};
- }
- }
-# Sort the country info arrays to first list the official sites,
-# then the unofficial sites, but exclude special Debian sites
-foreach my $country (sort keys %countries) {
- my %countries_sorted_o; my %countries_sorted_u;
- foreach my $id (@{ $countries{$country} }) {
- if ($mirror[$id]{site} =~ /$officialsiteregex/) {
- push @{ $countries_sorted_o{$country} }, $id;
- } elsif ($mirror[$id]{site} !~ /$internalsiteregex/) {
- push @{ $countries_sorted_u{$country} }, $id;
- }
- # using the opportunity to add the Included-in: back-reference
- if (exists $includedsites{ $mirror[$id]{site} }) {
- push @{ $mirror[$id]{'included-in'} }, $includedsites{ $mirror[$id]{site} };
- }
- }
- # merge the reordered lists into %countries_sorted
- # (there's got to be a cleaner way to do this, but hey)
- foreach my $id (@{ $countries_sorted_o{$country} }) {
- push @{ $countries_sorted{$country} }, $id;
- }
- undef %countries_sorted_o;
- foreach my $id (@{ $countries_sorted_u{$country} }) {
- push @{ $countries_sorted{$country} }, $id;
- }
- undef %countries_sorted_u;
-if ($output_type eq 'html') {
- header();
- intro('html');
- primary_mirrors('html');
- secondary_mirrors('html');
- footer_stuff('html', $count);
- trailer();
-} elsif ($output_type eq 'text') {
- intro('text');
- primary_mirrors('text');
- secondary_mirrors('text');
- footer_stuff('text', $count);
-} elsif ($output_type eq 'wml-primary') {
- primary_mirrors('wml');
-} elsif ($output_type eq 'wml-secondary') {
- secondary_mirrors('wml');
-} elsif ($output_type eq 'wml-footer') {
- footer_stuff('wml', $count);
-} elsif ($output_type eq 'apt') {
- header();
- print "<pre>\n";
- aptlines();
- print "</pre>\n";
- trailer();
-} elsif ($output_type eq 'fullmethods') { # this is likely obsolete
- header();
- access_methods();
- full_listing('html');
- footer_stuff('html', $count);
- trailer();
-} elsif ($output_type eq 'wml-full') {
- full_listing('wml');
- footer_stuff('wml', $count);
-} elsif ($output_type eq 'nonus') {
- nonus_intro('text');
- nonus_mirrors('text');
- footer_stuff('text', $nonuscount);
-} elsif ($output_type eq 'nonushtml') {
- header("non-US ");
- nonus_intro('html');
- nonus_mirrors('html');
- footer_stuff('html', $nonuscount);
- trailer();
-} elsif ($output_type eq 'compact-nonus') {
- compact_list('nonus', 'countrysite');
-} elsif ($output_type eq 'compact-old') {
- compact_list('old', 'sitecountry');
-} elsif ($output_type eq 'wml-nonus') {
- nonus_mirrors('wml');
- footer_stuff('wml', $nonuscount);
-} elsif ($output_type eq 'officialsponsors') {
- primary_mirror_sponsors();
-} elsif ($output_type eq 'sponsors') {
- mirror_sponsors();
-} elsif ($output_type eq 'cdimages-httpftp') {
- cdimage_mirrors("httpftp");
-} elsif ($output_type eq 'cdimages-rsync') {
- cdimage_mirrors("rsync");
-} elsif ($output_type eq 'backports-wml') {
- generate_html_matrix("Backports");
- footer_stuff('wml', $backportscount);
-} elsif ($output_type eq 'volatile-wml') {
- generate_html_matrix("Volatile");
- footer_stuff('wml', $volatilecount);
-} elsif ($output_type eq 'nsupdate') {
- generate_nsupdate();
-} elsif ($output_type eq 'origins') {
- mirror_tree_by_origin();
-} else {
- die "Error: unknown output type requested, $output_type\n";
-sub print_help {
- print <<END;
-Usage: $0 [mt|--type type] [-m|--mirror mirror_list_source]
-`mirror_list_source\' is usually the Mirrors.masterlist file
-`type\' can be one of:
- html (the default)
- text
- wml-primary
- wml-secondary
- wml-footer
- apt
- fullmethods
- nonus
- nonushtml
- nonusshort
- officialsponsors
- sponsors
- cdimages-httpftp
- cdimages-rsync
- volatile-html
- nsupdate

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