path: root/greek/doc
diff options
authorLaura Arjona Reina <larjona@debian.org>2019-09-27 11:44:55 +0200
committerLaura Arjona Reina <larjona@debian.org>2019-09-27 11:44:55 +0200
commit6e811cbf12dd50f478881626b1366f90f0089161 (patch)
treedaac33220c297b4dd0fe6adf22b7f5164fb948b9 /greek/doc
parent60cfcdba9c5f02edefa328bfcf35bade412b272c (diff)
Sync with English (remove obsolete files, not present anymore in the English version)
Diffstat (limited to 'greek/doc')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 212 deletions
diff --git a/greek/doc/todo.wml b/greek/doc/todo.wml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1949f1f6435..00000000000
--- a/greek/doc/todo.wml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-#use wml::debian::ddp title="Debian Documentation Project (DDP) TODO List"
-#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="6fb6b036dd209b63e98e309c29803afec40f7048" maintainer="galaxico"
-<H3>Urgent TO-DO list:</H3>
- <li>Ruthless stale documentation reaping.
- <li>Stipulate and document a documentation hierarchy. Basically, complete
- the <a href="docpolicy">Documentation Policy</a> document, with the assent
- and blessing of the Debian Web team. This involves consistency of file
- location in the web area and in packages. There is a draft available
- <a href="$(HOME)/doc/manuals/ddp-policy/ch-manuals#s3.5">
- here</A> but needs to be revised yet.
- <li>Add a way to manage translations automatically just as the website's
- WML sources are.
- <li>Determine which information should be included in the CD and
- <em>automate</em> a method to create the proper index.
- Relevant information is <a href="$(HOME)/doc/manuals/ddp-policy/ch-manuals#s3.6">here</A>
- and subversion holds some
- <a href="https://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/ddp/utils/scripts/">scripts</a>
- that need to be polished and added to a cron job.
-<p>The following is just a list of ideas that came up in several threads
-on our mailing list. Thus, these may be good and bad ideas. :-)
- <li>
- <p>Provide a consistent interface to all of Debian's manpages, like
- many others are doing already like
- <a href="http://manpages.ubuntu.com/">Ubuntu</A>,
- <a href="https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi">FreeBSD</A>,
- <a href="http://man.netbsd.org/">NetBSD</A>,
- <a href="http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi">OpenBSD</A>,
- <a href="http://docs.hp.com/hpux/os/man_pages.html">HP (HPUX)</A>,
- <a href="http://publib16.boulder.ibm.com/cgi-bin/ds_form?lang=en_US&amp;viewset=AIX">IBM (AIX)</a>,
- <a href="http://techpubs.sgi.com/library/tpl/cgi-bin/init.cgi">SGI (Irix)</a>,
- and
- <a href="http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/816-3930/intdoclist-tbl-343">Sun (Solaris)</a>.
- Curiously enough there are several servers (like
- <a href="http://www.fifi.org/cgi-bin/man2html">Fifi</a>) are already
- providing all of Debian's manpages.
- This is Bug <a href="https://bugs.debian.org/264589">#264589</a>.
- <p>There is a first beta version available at
- <a href="https://manpages.debian.org">manpages.debian.org</A>
-# Funny enough, not all Linux distributions provides an official source
-# for online search of manpages. Not even Red Hat does this.
-# And TLDP points to different unofficial sources including
-# http://linux.ctyme.com/
-# jfs
- <li>Implement URN's. This would enable users to check for documentation
- locally, on the web site, or on mirrors. Local configuration could be
- used to indicate closer or more convenient mirrors or ordering.
- <tt>doc-base</tt> could use URNs to point to documents rather than
- using file names.
- <li>I thought about what output formats we want to include in the debian
- packages (.deb's). We need to include HTML (that's the policy) but
- some people may also want to have PostScript or TEXT versions. So I
- had the idea of distributing the SGML source _only_ and creating the
- formats the user wants to have at runtime (could be installation time
- as well as afterwards). This has several advantages:
- <ul>
- <li>the .debs would be small
- <li>greatest flexibility
- <li>we could even adjust links when compiling the docs, i.e. replacing
- Internet links to local ones if the files are present !!!
- <li>it's probably easier to keep an overall index page up-to-date (a la
- dwww)
- </ul>
- The disadvantages I see:
- <ul>
- <li>people need to have debiandoc-sgml installed (but that's not big)
- <li>formatting will take a few seconds (not too much but simply unpackaging
- would be faster)
- </ul>
- <p><tt>doc-base</tt> could define the fundamentals of this type of
- system, since it tracks metadata for documents.
- <li>Determine which documents are actually being used (or sought) by our
- users so we can focus on them. That's something that has not been yet
- investigated. Some sources of information might be the user's mailing
- list (conduct a poll), the web log statistics (of both the main www site
- and mirrors) and, since documents are also distributed as Debian packages,
- the popularity-contest data.
- <li>Generate the information of available manuals presented in the website
- by extracting the info (which is provided by <tt>manual.defs</tt>
- and <tt>version.defs</tt>) automatically from VCS.
- <li>Make it possible to track translation status based on information from
- the VCS site. Consider re-using the framework developed by
- the debian-installer for the installation manual.
- <li>Track document 'last-changed' status so that the users browsing the
- documents available can determine whether the document applies (or doesn't
- apply) to them.
- <li>Consider providing documentation for users in non-english languages
- (VCS holds directories for some languages and some documentation originally
- written in a language which is not English)
- <li>Consider providing an interactive mechanism for users to annotate
- documents through a wiki-like interface, separated from the main presentation
- on the website or using the same presentation. This feedback could be used
- by document author's and, even if open to abuse, it has worked quite well
- for other documentation projects (PHP)
- <li>Have users use a generic bug tracking system for documentation. It
- is used for those documents that provide a package but not all documents
- do so.
diff --git a/greek/doc/topics.wml b/greek/doc/topics.wml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a26bff2c4a..00000000000
--- a/greek/doc/topics.wml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-#use wml::debian::ddp title="Debian Documentation Project (DDP) Current Topics"
-#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="bf88db4349aa004897ba419ac204acb62b9e2650" maintainer="galaxico"
-<p>The following issues are under immediate or pressing need for
-consideration, discussion, or helpful volunteers.
- <li><strong>DDP and www.debian.org integration</strong>
- <p>Jay Treacy has opened a topic on standardizing file locations for
- packages, for the web site, and probably within the DDP. See
- <a href="todo">Todo</a> for more information.
- <br>&nbsp;
- <li><strong>LDP cooperation</strong>
- <p>We need to be more integrated with the LDP project, since we can't do
- it alone. Some have stepped forward to package some of the LDP
- documents.
- <br>&nbsp;
- <li><strong>Making <tt>debiandoc-sgml</tt> safe for Internationalization</strong>
- <p>It's not entirely clear yet what has to be done for debiandoc-sgml to
- be multi-lingual friendly. Some have started working on a basic
- grove-based SGML structure extractor, which helps keep structural
- similarity between different translations of one document. We know
- that file output naming might need to be changed or post-processed for
- documents in content-negotiated web spaces. Other problems need to be
- identified.
- <br>&nbsp;
- <li><strong>Issues on packaging documentation.</strong>
- <p>The question is how document correlate into packages. Having one
- package per document has the following advantages:
- <ul>
- <li>Packages will be small. If a single document is updated, one does
- not have to download all documents.
- <li>Things are clearer if the package maintainer is the document
- maintainer (i.e., author).
- <li>One can easily report bugs against documents.
- </ul>
- but also the following disadvantages:
- <ul>
- <li>We already have enough packages and some users already complain that
- there are too many.
- </ul>
- <p>Here is a proposal (which is probably a little obsolete). Current
- thinking is that manuals should reside in their own packages, unless the
- manuals are very small. The accountability given by the BTS and the
- ability to ship new versions without fuss seem to outweigh the minor point
- of reducing packages.
- <p>I suggest the following Debian packages:
- <table>
- <tr>
- <th>Debian Package</th>
- <th>Documents</th>
- </tr>
- <tr valign=top>
- <td>debian-doc</td>
- <td>META Manual, Hardware Compatibility List,
- Installation Manual, Release Notes,
- FAQ, Debian Tips, User's Manual,
- Debian System Administrators Manual</td>
- </tr>
- <tr valign=top>
- <td>debian-policy</td>
- <td>Policy Manual</td>
- </tr>
- <tr valign=top>
- <td>debian-doc-dev</td>
- <td>Project Manual, Developers Reference Manual,
- Programmer's Manual, Making a Debian Package, Packaging HOWTO,
- Documentation Guidelines, How to get started with SGML</td>
- </tr>
- <tr valign=top>
- <td>dpkg-dev</td>
- <td>dpkg Reference Manual, dpkg Internals</td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <p>Note that I suggest renaming <strong>doc-debian</strong> into
- <strong>debian-doc</strong> since I find the latter name much better.
- <p><small>(by Adam Di Carlo (?))</small>
- <p>Do we need any sort of policy statement about this issue?

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