path: root/english/security
diff options
authorThomas Lange <lange@debian.org>2024-01-13 15:47:39 +0100
committerThomas Lange <lange@debian.org>2024-01-13 15:47:39 +0100
commitf5025bb27b189058c7f8ed5827b85bff7d9e96ea (patch)
treeff6ea234e0e1d2154a4a1a146d3c5df3bfbd6f5c /english/security
parente5052a72bd09dde564c0d85e35df0f53d0241a43 (diff)
remove scripts which worked on the .data and .wml files
Diffstat (limited to 'english/security')
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 796 deletions
diff --git a/english/security/check-advisories b/english/security/check-advisories
deleted file mode 100755
index 8c1e9eebfdb..00000000000
--- a/english/security/check-advisories
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# Searchs in all *.data files it founds for security advisory files and checks how often the
-# fixed package occurs in it. This is useful to avoid references to wrong advisories.
-# Jens Seidel (jensseidel@users.sf.net), (c) 2005, GPL
-for file in $(find -name "*.data"); do
- packages=$(cat $file | sed -n 's,<define-tag packages>\([^<]*\)</define-tag>.*$,\1,p')
- for package in $(echo $packages | sed 's/,/ /g' | tr [A-Z] [a-z]); do
- for md5sums in "md5sums" "revised-md5sums"; do
- emails=$(cat $file | sed -n "s,^.*<$md5sums \([^ ]*\).*$,\1,p" | sed 's,/*> *$,,')
- if [ -z "$emails" ]; then
- grep --silent "< *$md5sums" $file && echo "Error: advisory for $file not found"
- else
- for email in $emails; do
- # FIXME: evaluate <!--X-MsgBody-End--> to search only in message of mail,
- # -hiddenlinks=ignore doesn't work
- found=$(wget -q -O - $email | lynx -width=100000 -hiddenlinks=ignore -dump -stdin | grep "$package" | wc -l)
- [ $found -lt 8 ] && echo URL $(basename $email) from $file contains only $found references to package $package
- done
- fi
- done
- done
diff --git a/english/security/check-cve-refs.pl b/english/security/check-cve-refs.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index 9b9472219b4..00000000000
--- a/english/security/check-cve-refs.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# Compare the CVE cross-reference with the information of DSAs in
-# the website.
-# This is a hack (based on the cross reference map) that uses the
-# information posted at CVE to determine if DSAs include the proper
-# references. Code is klunky and there's quite a lot of room for
-# improvement (be my guest).
-# Usage:
-# (for the brave of heart)
-# lynx -source https://cve.mitre.org/cve/refs/refmap/source-DEBIAN.html | \
-# perl check-cve-refs.pl [-v]
-# Copyright (c) 2003-2007 - Javier Fernandez-Sanguino <jfs@debian.org>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation:
-# 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335
-# (http://www.fsf.org/about/contact/)
-# For more information please see
-# https://www.gnu.org/licenses/licenses.html#GPL
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# - download automatically the Mitre reference (instead of STDIN)
-# - output nice patches (+<define-tag secrefs>XXXX</secrefs>) instead
-# of the current format. This would allow the security/web team to
-# automatically update the information (after a proper review, of course)
-# - -v output should be trimmed down (i.e. provide different levels of debug)
-# - references ok! output should be omitted
-# - Ask Mitre to fix their references :-)
-# - Since there's a lot of shared code from the make-cross-ref script have
-# them _share_ it
-# - Attempt to make it useful for Bugtraq too
-# Format of data files is:
-#<define-tag pagetitle>DSA-###-# PACKAGE</define-tag>
-#<define-tag report_date>yyyy-mm-dd</define-tag>
-#<define-tag secrefs>CAN|CVE-XXXX-XXXX</define-tag>
-#<define-tag packages>PACKAGE</define-tag>
-#<define-tag isvulnerable>yes|no</define-tag>
-#<define-tag fixed>yes|no</define-tag>
-use Getopt::Std;
-use IO::File;
-# Stdin options
-# -v verbose
-my $opt_v = 0;
-# Read first all the DSA information from the current directory
-# (should be english/security/ BTW to parse all the data files)
-parsedirs (".", "data", 2);
-# We just print for the time being only CVE references
-# (and the URL is not used, yet)
-exit 0;
-sub loadcverefs {
-# This should take the url and convert it properly
-# For the time being it will only take STDIN
-# Finite-state machine
- my $state=0;
- while (<STDIN> ){
- chomp;
- $state = 0 if /\<\/TR\>/ ;
- if ( $state == 1 ) {
- while ( m/((CVE|CAN)-[\d-]+)/g ) {
- my $cveref = $1;
- print STDERR "Found CVE reference $cveref for DSA $dsaref\n" if $opt_v;
- if ( ! defined $dsacverefs{$dsaref} ) {
- $dsacverefs{$dsaref} = $cveref;
- } elsif ( $dsacverefs{$dsaref} !~ /$cveref/ ) {
- $dsacverefs{$dsaref} .= " ".$cveref ;
- }
- }
- }
-# Note: Old advisories have both numbers and letters! That's
-# why this is \w and not \d
- if ( /\<TD\>DEBIAN:(\d+\w+)/ || /\<TD\>DEBIAN:DSA-(\d+)/ ) {
- $dsaref = $1;
- print STDERR "Found DSA $dsaref\n" if $opt_v;
- $state = 1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-sub comparecvedsa {
- my ($dsa,$type) = @_ ;
- my $nok=0;
- print "Comparing references for DSA $dsa: $dsaref{$dsa}{'secrefs'}\n" if $opt_v;
- my (@references) = split(' ', $dsaref{$dsa}{'secrefs'});
- foreach $ref ( pop (@references) ) {
- if ( $ref =~ /^$type/ ) {
-#Compare against those in dsacverefs
- my $notexist = 0 ;
- my $promoted = 0 ;
- if ( defined $dsacverefs{$dsa} ) {
- my $cveprom = $ref;
- $cveprom =~ s/CAN/CVE/;
- $notexist = 1 if $dsacverefs{$dsa} !~/$ref/;
- $promoted = 1 if $dsacverefs{$dsa} =~/$cveprom/ and $ref =~ /^CAN/;
- } else {
- $notexist =1;
- }
- if ( $notexist ) {
- if ( $promoted ) {
- print "DSA $dsa holds candidate that needs to be promoted to CVE: $ref\n";
- } else {
- print "DSA $dsa holds reference $ref from CVE but it's not in Mitre's reference map\n";
- }
- $nok=1;
- }
- }
- }
-# And viceversa
-# this is quite klunky since we are doing the same test twice.
-# oh well...
- if ( defined $dsacverefs{$dsa} ) {
- @references = split(' ', $dsacverefs{$dsa});
- foreach $ref ( pop (@references) ) {
- if ( $ref =~ /^$type/ ) {
- my $notexist = 0 ;
- my $promoted = 0 ;
- if ( defined $dsaref{$dsa}{'secrefs'} ) {
- my $cand = $ref;
- $cand =~ s/CVE/CAN/;
- $notexist = 1 if $dsaref{$dsa}{'secrefs'} !~/$ref/;
- $promoted = 1 if $dsaref{$dsa}{'secrefs'} =~ /$cand/ and $ref !~ /^CAN/;
- } else {
- $notexist =1;
- }
- if ( $notexist ) {
- if ( $promoted ) {
- print "Mitre holds a promoted reference $ref for DSA $dsa (Debian holds a candidate)\n" ;
- } else {
- print "Mitre holds reference $ref for DSA $dsa but it's not in Debian references\n" ;
- }
- $nok=1;
- }
- } else {
- print "Mitre does not hold any information for DSA $dsa\n";
- $nok=0;
- }
- } # of foreach ref
- } # of if defined
- return $nok;
-} # of sub comparecve
-sub comparecvererefs {
-# Compares local references to external references
- my ($text,$url) = @_;
-# First load in the external references
- my %dsacverefs;
- loadcverefs();
-# We take the input and compare it
- foreach $dsa (sort(keys %dsaref)) {
- print STDERR "Checking DSA $dsa\n" if $opt_v;
- if ( defined $dsaref{$dsa}{'secrefs'}) {
- my $nok = comparecvedsa($dsa,$text);
- print "DSA $dsa and Mitre hold the same information (references ok!)\n" if ! $nok;
- } elsif ( defined $dsacverefs{$dsa} ) {
- print "Mitre holds the following references for DSA $dsa: $dsacverefs{$dsa}\n";
- }
- } #of foreach dsa
- return 0;
-} #of sub
-sub parsefile {
- my ($file,$filename) = @_ ;
-# The filename gives us the DSA we are parsing
- if ( $filename =~ /dsa\-(\d+)/ || $filename =~ /(\d+\w+)/ ) {
- $dsa=$1;
- } else {
- print STDERR "File $file does not look like a proper DSA, not checking\n" if $opt_v;
- return 1;
- }
- print STDERR "Parsing DSA $dsa from file $file\n" if $opt_v;
- open (DATAFILE , $file) || die ("Cannot read $file: $!");
- while ($line=<DATAFILE>) {
- chomp $line;
- print STDERR "Reading $line\n" if $opt_v > 2;
- # Redefine the dsa value if there is a pagetitle
- if ( $line =~ /pagetitle\>DSA-(\d+).*?\<\/define-tag/ ) {
- $dsa=$1;
- print STDERR "Redefined DSA to $dsa (from $file)\n" if $opt_v;
- }
- $dsaref{$dsa}{'date'}=$1 if ( $line =~ /report_date\>(.*?)\<\/define-tag/ ) ;
- $dsaref{$dsa}{'secrefs'}=$1 if ( $line =~ /secrefs\>(.*?)\<\/define-tag/ ) ;
- $dsaref{$dsa}{'packages'}=$1 if ( $line =~ /packages\>(.*?)\<\/define-tag/ ) ;
- $dsaref{$dsa}{'vulnerable'}=$1 if ( $line =~ /isvulnerable\>(.*?)\<\/define-tag/ ) ;
- $dsaref{$dsa}{'fixed'}=$1 if ( $line =~ /fixed\>(.*?)\<\/define-tag/ ) ;
- }
- close DATAFILE;
- return 0;
-sub parsedirs {
- my ($directory, $postfix, $depth) = @_ ;
- my $dir = new IO::File;
- if ( $depth == 0 ) {
- print STDERR "Maximum depth reached ($depth) at $directory\n" if $opt_v;
- return 0;
- }
- opendir ($dir , $directory) || die ("Cannot read $directory: $!");
- while ( my $file = readdir ($dir) ) {
- print STDERR "Checking $file (for $postfix at $depth)\n" if $opt_v;
- if ( -d "${directory}/${file}" and ! -l "${directory}/${file}" && $file !~ /^\./ ) {
- print STDERR "Entering directory ${directory}/${file}\n" if $opt_v;
- parsedirs ( "${directory}/${file}", $postfix, $depth - 1 );
- }
- if ( -r "${directory}/${file}" && $file =~ /$postfix$/ && $file !~ /^[\.\#]/ ) {
- parsefile($directory."/".$file,$file);
- }
- } # of the while
- closedir $dir;
- return 0;
diff --git a/english/security/check-cve-refs.sh b/english/security/check-cve-refs.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 50b02cbcc06..00000000000
--- a/english/security/check-cve-refs.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -e
-# Simple script to review the CVE mappings
-if [ ! -n "`which lynx`" ] ; then
- echo "Sorry, lynx not found" >&2
- exit 1
-if [ ! -n "`which perl`" ] ; then
- echo "Sorry, perl not found" >&2
- exit 1
-lynx -source https://cve.mitre.org/cve/refs/refmap/source-DEBIAN.html |
-perl check-cve-refs.pl |
-/bin/grep -v "references ok" |
-exit 0
diff --git a/english/security/check-used-data.sh b/english/security/check-used-data.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 3da82cbcd87..00000000000
--- a/english/security/check-used-data.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-# A simple script which checks that the included DSA data file matches the
-# current DSA. dsa-1000.wml should contain:
-#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/security/2006/dsa-1000.data"
-# It also checks that the package versions in DSA match across
-# all translations.
-# It outputs all wrong files. There is no output if all files are OK.
-# Japanese files are sometime false positives (because of a word search).
-# Jens Seidel (jensseidel@users.sf.net), (c) 2006, GPL
-if ! test -e english/security; then
- echo Please start $0 from the top level directory containing
- echo english/security
- echo
- exit 1
-# search for proper inclusion
-for dir in $(find -name "security" -type d); do
- cd $dir
- for dsa in $(find -name "dsa-[0-9]*.wml" -o -name "[0-9]*.wml"); do
- file=$(echo $dsa | sed 's,^.,$(ENGLISHDIR)/security,;s,.wml$,.data,')
- grep --color=no "#include ['\"]$file['\"]" $dsa > /dev/null || \
- (echo -n "$dir/$dsa: "; grep "#include" $dsa)
- done
- cd - > /dev/null
-# search for proper version numbers
-rm -f /tmp/dsa
-for dsa in $(find english/security -name "dsa-[0-9]*.wml"); do
- # append all lines to one to simplify search
- cat $dsa | awk '{file=file " " $0} END {print file }' | sed 's/ * / /g' > .dsa
- # extract the version string after $phrase
- for phrase in ' been fixed in version ' \
- ' will be fixed in version ' \
- ' is fixed in version ' \
- ' are fixed in version ' \
- ' was fixed in version ' \
- ' in version ' \
- ' fixed in upstream version '
-# ' fixed in the upstream version ' # "of Linux "
- do
- while grep "$phrase" .dsa > /dev/null; do
- # matches the last version string (line limit of sed exceeds)
- #version=$(cat .dsa | sed -n "s/^.*$phrase\([^,< ]*\).*$/\1/p" | sed 's/\.$//')
- version=$(cat .dsa | perl -p -e "s/^.*$phrase([^,< ]*).*$/\1/" | sed 's/\.$//')
- version_regex=$(echo $version | sed 's/\./\\./g')
- # removed the last found match
- #cat .dsa | sed "s/^\(.*\)$phrase\([^,< ]*\)\(.*\)$/\1\3/" > .dsa.tmp; mv .dsa.tmp .dsa
- perl -p -i -e "s/^(.*)$phrase([^,< ]*)(.*)$/\1\3/" .dsa
- for dsa_tr in */$(echo $dsa | sed 's,^english/,,'); do
- if ! grep -w "$version_regex" $dsa_tr > /dev/null; then
- echo "Error: version $version does not occur in $dsa_tr"
- fi
- done
- done
- done
- # record ignored version strings (to be analyzed later)
- cat .dsa >> /tmp/dsa
diff --git a/english/security/find-missing-advisories b/english/security/find-missing-advisories
deleted file mode 100755
index 0f060556561..00000000000
--- a/english/security/find-missing-advisories
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-import argparse
-import logging
-import os.path
-import re
-import requests
-# regex used in data/DLA/list and data/DSA/list files to identify
-# advisories
-RE_ADV = r'\[(?P<date>\d+\s+\w+\s+(?P<year>\d+))\]\s+D[SL]A-(?P<number>\d+)(?:-(?P<errata>\d+))?\s+(-\s+)?(?P<package>[\w.+-]*)' # noqa: E501
-RE_SKIP = r'^\s+'
-# the URL for the lists if not provided locally, joker replaced with
-# DSA or DLA depending on --mode
-BASE_URL = 'https://salsa.debian.org/security-tracker-team/security-tracker/raw/master/data/%s/list' # noqa: E501
-class LoggingAction(argparse.Action):
- """change log level on the fly
- The logging system should be initialized befure this, using
- `basicConfig`.
- """
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """setup the action parameters
- This enforces a selection of logging levels. It also checks if
- const is provided, in which case we assume it's an argument
- like `--verbose` or `--debug` without an argument.
- """
- kwargs['choices'] = logging._nameToLevel.keys()
- if 'const' in kwargs:
- kwargs['nargs'] = 0
- super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- def __call__(self, parser, ns, values, option):
- """if const was specified it means argument-less parameters"""
- if self.const:
- logging.getLogger('').setLevel(self.const)
- else:
- logging.getLogger('').setLevel(values)
-def main():
- logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s', level='WARNING')
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Find missing advisories')
- parser.add_argument('--tracker', help='security-tracker path (default: fetch)')
- parser.add_argument('--directory',
- help='website path (default: english/security or english/lts/security, depending on mode)') # noqa: E501
- parser.add_argument('--verbose', action=LoggingAction, const='INFO',
- help='show more progress information')
- parser.add_argument('--debug', action=LoggingAction, const='DEBUG',
- help='show debug information')
- parser.add_argument('--mode', default='DSA', choices=('DSA', 'DLA'),
- help='which sort of advisory to check (default: %(default)s)') # noqa: E501
- parser.add_argument('--author', action='store_true',
- help='print who reserved the advisory, requires --tracker')
- args = parser.parse_args()
- if not args.directory:
- webwml_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/../../'
- if args.mode == 'DSA':
- args.directory = webwml_dir + 'english/security'
- elif args.mode == 'DLA':
- args.directory = webwml_dir + 'english/lts/security'
- if not args.tracker:
- url = BASE_URL % args.mode
- logging.info('fetching URL %s', url)
- response = requests.get(url)
- response.raise_for_status()
- for adv in parse_advisories(response.iter_lines(decode_unicode=True)):
- check_advisory(args.mode, args.directory, **adv)
- else:
- if args.author:
- try:
- import git
- repo = git.Repo(args.tracker)
- for commit, lines in repo.blame('HEAD', 'data/%s/list' % args.mode):
- for adv in parse_advisories(lines):
- check_advisory(args.mode, args.directory, **adv, author=commit.author)
- return
- except ImportError:
- logging.error('git module not found, will not report author information')
- with open(os.path.join(args.tracker,'data',args.mode,'list')) as text:
- for adv in parse_advisories(text):
- check_advisory(args.mode, args.directory, **adv)
-def parse_advisories(stream):
- for line in stream:
- m = re.match(RE_ADV, line)
- if m:
- yield m.groupdict()
- elif re.match(RE_SKIP, line):
- logging.debug('skipping line: "%s"', line)
- else:
- logging.warning('malformed line: "%s"', line)
-def check_advisory(mode, directory, year, date, number, errata, package, author=None):
- if errata is None:
- errata = '1'
- if int(errata) >= 2 and mode == 'DSA':
- logging.info('skipping DSA regression update %s-%s-%s (%s)',
- mode, number, errata, year)
- return
- logging.info('checking %s-%s-%s (%s)', mode, number, errata, year)
- path = "%s/%s/%s-%s-%s" % (directory, year, mode.lower(), number, errata)
- found = False
- if os.path.exists(path + '.data') and os.path.exists(path + '.wml'):
- logging.debug('both data and wml files found')
- found = True
- elif errata == '1':
- path = "%s/%s/%s-%s" % (directory, year, mode.lower(), number)
- if os.path.exists(path + '.data') and os.path.exists(path + '.wml'):
- logging.debug('both data and wml files found, without -1')
- found = True
- if not found:
- author_info = ""
- if author:
- author_info = " (reserved by %s)" % (author)
- logging.error('.data or .wml file missing for %s %s-%s (%s) (%s)%s',
- mode, number, errata, date, package, author_info
- )
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/english/security/parse-advisory.pl b/english/security/parse-advisory.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index bd6796e1202..00000000000
--- a/english/security/parse-advisory.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
-# parse-advisory.pl
-# this script parses files in
-# security.debian.org:/org/security.debian.org/advisories/DSA/
-# and makes wmls out of them
-# Copyright (C) 2001 Josip Rodin
-# Copyright (c) 2002,3 Josip Rodin, Martin Schulze
-# Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.
-use WWW::Mechanize;
-use File::Path qw(remove_tree make_path);
-my $debug = 0;
-my $adv = $ARGV[0];
-if ($adv eq "-d") {
- $debug = 1;
- $adv = $ARGV[1];
-$adv || die "you must specify a parameter (original advisory file)!\n";
-die "that advisory file either ain't there or doesn't have anything in it!\n" unless -s $adv;
-# i'm lame, so shoot me
-my %longmoy = ( en => [
- 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June',
- 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December' ]
-my %shortmoy = ( en => [
- 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',
- 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec' ]
-my $curyear = (localtime())[5] + 1900;
-my %arch = (
- 'alpha' => 'Alpha',
- 'amd64' => 'AMD64',
- 'hppa' => 'HP Precision',
- 'i386' => 'Intel IA-32',
- 'ia64' => 'Intel IA-64',
- 'm68k' => 'Motorola 680x0',
- 'mips' => 'Big-endian MIPS',
- 'mipsel' => 'Little-endian MIPS',
- 's390' => 'IBM S/390',
- 'sparc' => 'Sun Sparc',
- 'powerpc' => 'PowerPC',
- 'arm' => 'ARM',
- 'armel' => 'ARM EABI',
- );
-open ADV, $adv;
-foreach $l (<ADV>) {
- if ($l =~ /^Debian Security Advisory (DSA[- ]\d+-\d+)/) {
- $dsa = $1;
- }
- if ($l =~ /^(\w+)\s+(\d+)(\D\D)?, (\d+)/) {
- $month = $1; $day = $2; $year = $4;
- while ($i < 12) {
- if ($month eq $longmoy{en}[$i]) {
- $month = $i + 1;
- $date = "$year-$month-$day";
- $i = 12;
- }
- elsif ($month eq $shortmoy{en}[$i]) {
- $month = $i + 1;
- $date = "$year-$month-$day";
- $i = 12;
- }
- $i++
- }
- }
- if ($l =~ /^Package(?:s)*\s*: (.+)\s*/) {
- $package = $1;
- }
- if ($l =~ /^(Vulnerability)\s*: (.+)\s*/) {
- $desc = $2;
- $desc .= ' vulnerabilities' if $desc =~ /(several|multiple)\s*$/;
- }
- if ($desc eq "") { $desc = "security update"; }
- if ($l =~ /^(Debian Bug\(?s?\)?)\s*: (.+)/i) {
- for $id (split (/,? /, $2)) {
- push @dbids, "Bug#".$id if ($id ne "none");
- }
- }
- if ($l =~ /^(CVE (names?|id\(?s?\)?|references?)?|CERT advisor(y|ies))\s*: (.+)/i) {
- push @dbids, join (" ", split (/,? /, $4));
- }
- if ($l =~ /^\s+((?:CVE-\d+-\d+[ ]*)+)$/i) {
- push @dbids, join (" ", split (/,? /, $1));
- }
- if ($l =~ /^\s+((?:VU#\d+[ ]*)+)$/i) {
- push @dbids, join (" ", split (/,? /, $1));
- }
- if ($l =~ /^Bugtraq Ids?\s*: (.+)/i) {
- for $id (split (/,? /, $1)) {
- push @dbids, "BID".$id;
- }
- }
- last if ($l =~ /Further information about Debian Security Advisories.*$/i);
- last if ($l =~ /Thanks to.+for proof read/i);
- $mi = 0 if ($l =~ /^(wget url|Obtaining updates|Upgrade Instructions)/i);
- $moreinfo .= "<p>" if ($mi && $nl);
- $nl = 0;
- $nl = 1 if ($mi && ($l eq "\n") && $moreinfo);
- if ($mi) {
- if ($mi > 1) {
- $moreinfo .= $l;
- } else {
- $moreinfo .= "\n<p>".$l;
- $mi++;
- }
- }
- $headersnearingend++ if ($l =~ /^Package :/);
- if ($headersnearingend && $l =~ /^\s*$/) {
- $mi++;
- $headersnearingend = 0;
- }
- $f++ if ($l =~ /^Debian (GNU\/Linux.*alias|.*\(.*\)).*/);
- $f = 0 if ($l =~ /^((- )?-- |( )?These (files|packages) will (probably )?be moved)/);
- $files .= $l if ($f);
-close ADV;
-$moreinfo =~ s/(- )?-+\n//g;
-$moreinfo =~ s/\n\n$/\n/s;
-$moreinfo =~ s/\n<p>\n$//;
-$moreinfo =~ s/\n<p>note\:/<p><b>Note<\/b>:/ig;
-$moreinfo =~ s/(\s)"(\w[\w\.,'\(\)\s]*?\w)"([\:\.',\(\)\s])/$1<q>$2<\/q>$3/g;
-$moreinfo =~ s/(\s)'(\w[\w\.,\(\)\s]*?\w)'([\:\.,\(\)\s])/$1<q>$2<\/q>$3/g;
-$moreinfo =~ s|\n+(<p>(CAN\|CVE)-\d+-\d+[\:]*)\s?(\s*)(\S+)|\n\n$1\n$3$4|g;
-$moreinfo =~ s/\n\n/<\/p>\n\n/sg;
-$moreinfo =~ s|\n<p>((CAN\|CVE)-\d+-\d+[^\n]*)</p>\n|\n<li>$1\n|g;
-$moreinfo =~ s|\n<p>((CAN\|CVE)-\d+-\d+[^\n]*)\n|\n<li>$1\n<p>\n|g;
-$moreinfo =~ s|((CAN\|CVE)-\d+-\d+)|<a href="https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/$1">$1</a>|g;
-$moreinfo =~ s|</p>\n\n<p>\n<p>(\w* \w* stable)|</p></li>\n\n</ul>\n\n<p>$1|;
-$moreinfo =~ s|<p>(\s+)|$1<p>|g;
-$moreinfo =~ s|<p><p>|<p>|g;
-$moreinfo =~ s|</p>\n\n<li>|</p></li>\n\n<li>|g;
-$moreinfo =~ s|</li>\n\n<li>|\n\n<ul>\n\n<li>|;
-$moreinfo =~ s|(\s+)(https?://[^\s<>{}\\^\[\]\"\'\`]+)|$1<a href="$2">$2</a>|g;
-# matrix creation start
-# in matrix lines, each item cannot have space charecter sequence in it
-# space charecter sequence (>=2) is treated as a delimiter
-# $matrix_h is used as header and $matrix_f is used as footer
-my $matrix_h = qq|<div class="centerdiv">\n <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">\n|;
-my $matrix_f = " </table>\n</div>\n";
-$moreinfo =~ s{(<p>The following matrix[\s\S]+?</p>\n+)\s+<p>([\s\S]+?)</p>}{$1<matrix>\n&nbsp; $2\n</matrix>}g;
-$moreinfo =~ m|<matrix>\n([\s\S]+?)</matrix>|;
-my $matrix = $1;
-$matrix =~ s/\n\s+/\n/g;
-my @matrixl = split(/\n/,$matrix);
-for my $i(0 .. $#matrixl){
- $matrixl[$i] = " <tr>\n <td>" .
- join("</td>\n <td>", split(/\s{2,}/,$matrixl[$i])) .
- "</td>\n </tr>\n";
-# 1st line, use <th>
- $matrixl[$i] =~ s/td>/th>/g if($i<1);
-$matrix = join("", @matrixl);
-$moreinfo =~ s|<matrix>\n([\s\S]+?)</matrix>|$matrix_h$matrix$matrix_f|;
-# matrix end
-if (($moreinfo =~ /<ul>\n\n<li>/) && ($moreinfo !~ /<\/li>\n\n<\/ul>/)){
- $moreinfo =~ s{</p>\n\n<p>((\w+ \w+ \w* ?(old ?stable|stable|testing))|Th[eo]se)}{</p></li>\n\n</ul>\n\n<p>$1}; }
-chomp ($moreinfo);
-$files =~ s/(- )?-+\n//g;
-$files =~ s/\n\n$/\n/s;
-$files =~ s/.+ updates are available for .+\n//g;
-$files =~ s/( )? (Size\/)?MD5 checksum: (\s*\d+ )?\w{32}\n//sg;
-$files =~ s/( )?Source archives:/<dt><source \/>/sg;
-$files =~ s/( )?Architecture.independent \w+:\n/<dt><arch-indep \/>\n/sg;
-$files =~ s/HP Precision architecture/HPPA architecture/gi;
-$files =~ s/(?: )?(\w+) architecture \(([\w -()\/]+)\)/<dt>$arch{$1}:/sg;
-$files =~ s/(?: )?([\w -\/]+) architecture:/<dt>$1:/sg;
-$files =~ s/(?: )? (http:\S+)/ <dd><fileurl $1 \/>/sg;
-$files =~ s,[\n]?Debian (GNU/Linux )?(\S+) (alias |\()([a-z]+)\)?,</dl>\n\n<h3>Debian $2 ($4)</h3>\n\n<dl>,sg;
-my @f = ();
-my $ign = 0;
-foreach $_ (split (/\n/, $files)) {
- if (!$ign && /was released/) {
- $ign = 1;
- } elsif ($ign && /^$/) {
- $ign = 0;
- } elsif (!$ign) {
- push (@f, $_);
- }
-$files = join ("\n", @f);
-if (defined($package) && $dsa =~ /DSA[- ](\d+)-(\d+)/ ) {
- $dsa_number=$1;
- $dsa_revision=$2;
- $wml = "$curyear/dsa-$dsa_number.wml";
- $data = "$curyear/dsa-$dsa_number.data";
- $pagetitle = "DSA-$dsa_number-$dsa_revision $package";
-} else {
- die ("Could not parse advisory filename '$adv'. Must contain Package and DSA number information");
-$data = $wml = "-" if ($debug);
-if (!(-d $curyear)){
- print "directory $curyear does not exist! Creating $curyear\n";
- make_path($curyear,{ verbose => 0, mode => 0755 }) or print "Could not create $curyear: $!\n";
-print "double check the content of $wml and $data, and eventually fix it before commit them.\n";
-sub make_data{
- if (-f $data){
- print "$data already exists!\n";
- return;
- }
- $files =~ s,^</dl>\n\n,,;
- open DATA, ">", "$data";
- print DATA "<define-tag pagetitle>$pagetitle</define-tag>\n";
- print DATA "<define-tag report_date>$date</define-tag>\n";
- print DATA "<define-tag secrefs>@dbids</define-tag>\n" if @dbids;
- print DATA "<define-tag packages>$package</define-tag>\n";
- print DATA "<define-tag isvulnerable>yes</define-tag>\n";
- print DATA "<define-tag fixed>yes</define-tag>\n";
- print DATA "<define-tag fixed-section>no</define-tag>\n"; # Kaare, 2011-01-24: Line added because the "fixed in" section is no longer available
- print DATA "\n#use wml::debian::security\n\n";
- print DATA "$files\n\n</dl>\n";
- close DATA;
-sub make_wml{
- if (-f $wml){
- print "$wml already exists!\n";
- return;
- }
- open WML, ">", "$wml";
- print WML "<define-tag description>$desc</define-tag>\n";
- print WML "<define-tag moreinfo>$moreinfo</p>\n</define-tag>\n";
- print WML "\n# do not modify the following line\n";
- print WML "#include \"\$(ENGLISHDIR)/security/$data\"\n";
- printf WML "# %sId: \$\n", "\$";
- close WML;
-sub make_index{
- return if (-f "$curyear/index.wml");
- print "$curyear/index.wml does not exist! Creating...";
- my $ldo = '<a href="https://lists.debian.org/';
- my $dsan = 'debian-security-announce';
- my $index = "<define-tag pagetitle>Security Advisories from $curyear</define-tag>\n";
- $index .= qq|#use wml::debian::template title="<pagetitle>" GEN_TIME="yes"\n|;
- $index .= qq|#use wml::debian::recent_list\n\n|;
- $index .= qq|<:= get_recent_list ('.', '0', '\$(ENGLISHDIR)/security/$curyear', '', 'dsa-\\d+' ) :>\n\n|;
- $index .= qq|<p>You can get the latest Debian security advisories by subscribing to our\n|;
- $index .= qq|$ldo$dsan/">\\\n|;
- $index .= qq|<strong>$dsan</strong></a> mailing list.\n|;
- $index .= qq|You can also $ldo$dsan/$dsan-2013/">\\\n|;
- $index .= qq|browse the archives</a> for the list.</p>\n|;
- open INDEX, ">", "$curyear/index.wml";
- print INDEX $index;
- close INDEX;
- print "done\n";
- print "Do not forget to commit index.wml.\n";
-sub make_makefile{
- return if (-f "$curyear/Makefile");
- print "$curyear/Makefile does not exist! Creating...";
- my $makefile = qq|# If this makefile is not generic enough to support a translation,\n|;
- $makefile .= qq|# please contact debian-www.\n\n|;
- $makefile .= qq|WMLBASE=../..\n|;
- $makefile .= qq|CUR_DIR=security/2013\n|;
- $makefile .= qq|SUBS=\n\n|;
- $makefile .= qq|GETTEXTFILES += security.mo\n\n|;
- $makefile .= qq|NOGENERICDEP := true\n|;
- $makefile .= qq|include \$(WMLBASE)/Make.lang\n\n\n|;
- $makefile .= qq|# The "\| $(VCSREVCACHE)" here is an order-only prerequisite - always|;
- $makefile .= qq|# check that the prerequisite exists and is up to date, but don't|;
- $makefile .= qq|# rebuild everything whenever it's updated - see|;
- $makefile .= qq|# https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Prerequisite-Types.html|;
- $makefile .= qq|\%.\$(LANGUAGE).html: \%.wml \$(TEMPLDIR)/security.wml \\\n|;
- $makefile .= qq| \$(ENGLISHSRCDIR)/\$(CUR_DIR)/\%.data \$(GETTEXTDEP) \| \$(VCSREVCACHE)\n|;
- $makefile .= qq|\t\$(WML) \$(<F)\n\n|;
- $makefile .= qq|index.\$(LANGUAGE).html: index.wml \$(sort \$(wildcard dsa-[0-9]*.wml)) \\\n|;
- $makefile .= qq| \$(ENGLISHSRCDIR)/\$(CUR_DIR)/dsa-[0-9]*.data \\\n|;
- $makefile .= qq| \$(TEMPLDIR)/template.wml \$(TEMPLDIR)/recent_list.wml \$(GETTEXTDEP) \| \$(VCSREVCACHE)\n|;
- $makefile .= qq|\t\$(WML) \$(<F)\n|;
- open MAKEFILE, ">", "$curyear/Makefile";
- print MAKEFILE $makefile;
- close MAKEFILE;
- print "done\n";
- print "Do not forget to commit Makefile.\n";

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