path: root/english/international
diff options
authorThomas Lange <lange@debian.org>2022-09-16 00:14:04 +0200
committerThomas Lange <lange@debian.org>2022-09-16 00:14:04 +0200
commitbd730b5b2fadf68e61565612a9f3a065eed9fa72 (patch)
tree2c2b9d96993a9ae7d49bc231c4808cd371defa4c /english/international
parent156c07cf2bbdaa79a9502bad0854a469b4cdc5e6 (diff)
remove unused script
Diffstat (limited to 'english/international')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 813 deletions
diff --git a/english/international/l10n/scripts/transmonitor-check2 b/english/international/l10n/scripts/transmonitor-check2
deleted file mode 100755
index 59bb9b8e356..00000000000
--- a/english/international/l10n/scripts/transmonitor-check2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,813 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# transmonitor-check2 -- l10n checker script
-# This script parses Debian source packages and extract l10n stuff
-# This script is a heavily stripped down version of transmonitor-check
-# (originally written by Martin Quinson), which has been rewritten to
-# improve its modularity. Missing features will be put back later.
-# This is a work in progress, and this file will be renamed into
-# transmonitor-check when it is fully usable; in the meantime do
-# not use it unless you really know what you are doing.
-# Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Martin Quinson.
-# Copyright (C) 2001 Denis Barbier
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-use strict;
-use File::Path;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use lib ($0 =~ m|(.*)/|, $1 or ".") ."/../../../../Perl";
-use Locale::Language;
-use Locale::Country;
-use Debian::L10n::Db;
-use Local::Inside::DebSrc;
-use Debian::L10n::Debconf;
-my $progname= $0; $progname= $& if $progname =~ m,[^/]+$,;
-$ENV{'LC_ALL'} = 'C'; # reset locale definition
-$SIG{'INT'} = \&interrupted;
-$SIG{'QUIT'} = \&interrupted;
-sub interrupted {
- $SIG{$_[0]} = 'DEFAULT';
- print "$progname: Interrupted.\n";
- exit -1;
-# Global Variables
-my $TRANSMONITOR_VERSION = "2.0"; #External Version Number
-my $BANNER = "Translation Monitor v$TRANSMONITOR_VERSION"; # Version Banner - text form
-my $TMP_DIR = "/tmp/transmonitor";
-my $DB_FILE = "../data/transmonitor";
-my $FROM_FILE = "";
-my $SYN_FILE = "../data/synonyms";
-my $PO_ROOT = "../po";
-my $TEMPLATES_ROOT = "../templates";
-my $MENU_ROOT ="../menu";
-my $verbose = 0;
-my @debug;
-my $force = 0; # if true, rescan package even if already in db
-my $force_material = 0;# if true, rescan package containing material even if already in db
-my $careful = 0; # if true, save the db after each package
-my @pkg_list; #were we put the list of packages we are required to test
-my @pkg_errors; # were we put the name of packages with which we had an error
-my @ftp_list; #were we put the list of ftp sites we are required to test
-my @ftp_errors; # were we put the name of packages with which we had an error
-# Process Command Line
-# Subroutines called by various options
-# in the options hash below. These are
-# invoked to process the commandline
-# options
-# Display Command Syntax
-# Options: -h|--help
-sub syntax_msg {
- my $msg = shift;
- if (defined $msg) {
- print STDERR "$progname: $msg\n";
- } else {
- print STDERR "$BANNER\n";
- }
- print
-"Syntax: $0 [action] [options] [--] [package|path to the dist]+
-General options:
- -h, --help display short help text
- -v, --verbose verbose messages
- -V, --version display version and exit
- -d, --debug turn debug messages ON
- --print-version print unadorned version number and exit
-Behaviour options:
- --careful save the db file after each package proceeding
- -f, --force force the check of packages, even if they are in db
- --force-material force the check of packages containing any material
-Configuration options:
- -F, --files-from=FILE reads dsc filenames from FILE
- --db=DB_FILE use DB_FILE as database file
- (instead of $DB_FILE)
- --tmp=TMP_DIR use TMP_DIR as temp dir
- (instead of $TMP_DIR)
- (warning, the script do 'rm -rf' on this dir!)
- --po=PO_ROOT where to store the po files
- (instead of $PO_ROOT)
- --templates=DIR where to store the debconf templates files
- (instead of $TEMPLATES_ROOT)
- --menu=DIR where to store the menu files
- (instead of $MENU_ROOT)
- --root=ROOTDIR search the libs in ROOTDIR
- (instead of $TRANSMONITOR_ROOT)
- --syn=SYN_FILE use SYN_FILE as file of synonyms
- (instead of $SYN_FILE)
- (if no path specified, searched in ROOTDIR)
- if (defined $msg) {
- exit 1;
- } else {
- exit 0;
- }
-# Display Version Banner
-# Options: -V|--version, --print-version
-sub banner {
- if ($_[0] eq 'print-version') {
- } else {
- print STDERR "$BANNER\n";
- }
- exit 0;
-# Hash used to process commandline options
-my %opthash = (
- # ------------------ general options
- "help|h" => \&syntax_msg,
- "version|V" => \&banner,
- "print-version" => \&banner,
- "verbose|v" => \$verbose,
- "debug|d" => \@debug, # Count the -d flags
- # ------------------ behaviour options
- "careful" => \$careful,
- "force|f" => \$force,
- "force-material" => \$force_material,
- # ------------------ configuration options
- "files-from=s" => \$FROM_FILE,
- "db=s" => \$DB_FILE,
- "tmp=s" => \$TMP_DIR,
- "root=s" => \$TRANSMONITOR_ROOT,
- "syn=s" => \$SYN_FILE,
- "po=s" => \$PO_ROOT,
- "templates=s" => \$TEMPLATES_ROOT,
- "menu=s" => \$MENU_ROOT
-# init commandline parser
-Getopt::Long::config('bundling', 'no_getopt_compat', 'no_auto_abbrev');
-# process commandline options
- or syntax_msg("error parsing options");
-# The main program
-my %synonym; # developers can't spell sections and priorities...
-my $savedb=0; # do we have to save the database?
-### Initialization
-my @args = ();
-if ($FROM_FILE ne '') {
- if ($FROM_FILE eq '-') {
- @args = <STDIN>;
- } else {
- open(FROM, "< $FROM_FILE")
- || die "Unable to read from $FROM_FILE\n";
- @args = <FROM>;
- close(FROM);
- }
-push (@args, @ARGV) or syntax_msg("Nothing to do !");
-my $data = Debian::L10n::Db->new();
-my $date = $data->get_date();
-# read args to search package files
-foreach my $arg (@args) {
- chomp $arg;
- if (-f $arg) {
- $arg =~ /\.dsc$/
- || die "bad package file name $arg (not a .dsc file)";
- push @pkg_list, $arg;
- } elsif (-d _) {
- # dir ? let's do a `find -name "*.dsc"` on it!
- open (LIST,"find $arg -name \"*.dsc\" -type f|")
- || die "Can't run find: $!";
- while (<LIST>) {
- push @pkg_list, $_;
- }
- close LIST;
- } else {
- die "bad argument $arg (neither a .dsc file nor a directory nor an ftp path)";
- }
-# main loop
-my $dsc; # the path to the dsc file
-my $pkg; # the package name
-my $ver; # the package version
-my $deb; # instance of Local::Inside::DebSrc
-my @errors_pkg; # packages for which we had a problem
-PKG: while ($dsc = shift @pkg_list) {
- ###
- ### read the name and the version
- ###
- $pkg = "";
- $ver = "";
- unless (open (DESC, $dsc)) {
- warn "Can't read file $dsc, skipped\n";
- next PKG;
- }
- while (<DESC>) {
- if (m/^Source: (.*)$/) {
- $pkg = $1;
- } elsif (m/^Version: (.*)$/ && $ver eq "") {
- $ver = $1;
- }
- }
- close DESC;
- if ($pkg eq "") {
- warn "Can't read the package name from the desc file $dsc\n";
- push @errors_pkg, $pkg;
- next PKG;
- } elsif ($ver eq "") {
- warn "Can't read the package version from the desc file $dsc\n";
- push @errors_pkg, $pkg;
- next PKG;
- }
- ###
- ### if the package is already in the data, skip it
- ### (unless force specified)
- if ($data->has_package($pkg)) {
- system ("dpkg","--compare-versions", $data->version($pkg), "\>", $ver);
- if ((!$force) && $?==0 && $data->version($pkg) ne ""
- && !( $force_material &&
- ($data->has_nls($pkg)
- || $data->has_po($pkg)
- || $data->has_templates($pkg)))) {
- print STDERR "Package $pkg $ver (skipped)\n"
- if ($verbose || ($data->version($pkg) ne $ver));
- next PKG;
- } else {
- # Erase this entry (it's an older version)
- $data->clear_pkg($pkg);
- File::Path::rmtree($_."/_tmp")
- if -e $_."/_tmp";
- }
- }
- } else {
- File::Path::rmtree($_."/_tmp") if -e $_."/_tmp";
- }
- }
- $savedb = 1; #ok, we've done something, we have to save the db
- print STDERR "Package $pkg $ver (processing)\n" if $verbose;
- ###
- ### unpack it
- ###
- $deb = parse_tarball($dsc, $pkg, $ver);
- if ($deb) {
- check_pkg($pkg, $deb);
- if ($careful) {
- $data->write($DB_FILE);
- } else {
- # Ok, we've done something, we have to save the db
- $savedb = 1;
- }
- }
-$data->write($DB_FILE) if $savedb;
-# print with which packages we had problems
-if (@errors_pkg > 0) {
- print STDERR "Some errors where encountred during the check of this packages\n";
- while ($pkg = shift @errors_pkg) {
- print STDERR " $pkg\n";
- }
-# The subs #
-sub store_disk_po {
- my $pkg = shift;
- my $filename = shift;
- my $dirname = $filename;
- $dirname =~ s#/+[^/]*$##;
- $filename =~ s#.*/##g;
- $filename =~ s#:#\%3a#g;
- return $dirname.'/'.$pkg.'_'.$data->version($pkg).'_'.$filename;
-sub store_disk_menu {
- my $pkg = shift;
- my $filename = shift;
- $filename =~ s#.*debian/##;
- $filename =~ s#/#_#g;
- $filename =~ s#:#\%3a#g;
- return $pkg.'_'.$data->version($pkg).'_'.$filename;
-sub store_disk_templates {
- my $pkg = shift;
- my $filename = shift;
- $filename =~ s#/#_#g;
- $filename =~ s#:#\%3a#g;
- return $pkg.'_'.$data->version($pkg).'_'.$filename;
-### subs
-sub parse_tarball {
- my $path = shift;
- my $pkg = shift;
- my $version = shift;
- my $patch = '';
- $data->package($pkg, $pkg);
- $data->version($pkg, $version);
- $data->upstream($pkg, "debian");
- # Determine how many characters of each files are read and cached
- # when parsing the tar archive
- #
- # Files cannot be stored on their definitive location,
- # since we do not know yet the package section, this
- # information is read from debian/control.
- # So they are stored in a temporary area, and moved away
- # as soon as possible.
- #
- my $match = sub {
- my $file = shift;
- return 80 if $file =~ m#(^|/)nls/#;
- return -1 if $file eq 'debian/control';
- return ":$PO_ROOT/_tmp/".store_disk_po($pkg, $file)
- if $file =~ m#\.po$#;
- return ":$MENU_ROOT/_tmp/".store_disk_menu($pkg, $file)
- if $file =~ m#(^|/)debian/[^/]*menu[^/]*$#;
- return ":$TEMPLATES_ROOT/_tmp/".store_disk_templates($pkg, $file)
- if $file =~ m#(^|/)debian/([^/]+\.)?templates(\.|$)#;
- return -1 if $file =~ m#(^|/)debian/[^/]*doc-base[^/]*$#;
- return 0;
- };
- my $deb = Local::Inside::DebSrc->new($path,
- parse_dft => $match,
- patch_parse_dft => -1,
- maxmem => 300000000,
- debug => 0,
- patch_debug => 0,
- );
- unless ($deb) {
- $data->clear_pkg($pkg);
- warn "Package $pkg skipped because some file could not be retrieved\n";
- return undef;
- }
- $data->upstream($pkg, "other")
- if $deb->get_diff_name() ne '';
- $data->upstream($pkg, "dbs")
- if $deb->file_matches("^debian/patches/");
- #####[ search the section and priority]#################################
- #
- # (a LOT of packages place spaces here, or upper case, or even typos)
- #
- #####
- my $section = "";
- my $priority = "";
- my $pooldir = "main/";
- my $control = "debian/control";
- unless ($deb->file_exists($control)) {
- # The debian/ directory may be a link, search for
- # debian/control elsewhere
- my @list = $deb->file_matches('/debian/control$');
- if (@list) {
- $control = $list[0];
- } else {
- $data->clear_pkg($pkg);
- warn("Error: can't find debian/control; skipping package $pkg.");
- return undef;
- }
- }
- $_ = $deb->file_content($control);
- if (m/^Section: ([^\n]*)/m) {
- $section = $1;
- $section =~ s/\s//g;
- }
- if (m/^Priority: ([^\n]*)/m) {
- $priority = $1;
- $priority =~ s/\s//g;
- }
- if (defined($synonym{$section})) {
- $section = $synonym{$section};
- if ($section =~ m#^(non-US/(contrib|non-free))#) {
- $pooldir = $section."/";
- } elsif ($section =~ m#^non-US#) {
- $pooldir = "non-US/main/";
- } elsif ($section =~ m#^(contrib|non-free)/#) {
- $pooldir = $1."/";
- }
- } else {
- $data->add_errors($pkg,"'$section' is not a valid section\n");
- if ($section =~ m#^non-US/(contrib|non-free)#i) {
- $section = "non-US/$1";
- $pooldir = $section."/";
- } elsif ($section =~ m#^non-US#i) {
- $section = "non-US";
- $pooldir = "non-US/main/";
- } elsif ($section =~ m#^(contrib|non-free)/#) {
- $section = $1;
- $pooldir = $section."/";
- } else {
- $section = "unknown";
- }
- }
- if (defined($synonym{$priority})) {
- $priority = $synonym{$priority};
- } else {
- $data->add_errors($pkg,"'$priority' is not a valid priority\n");
- $priority = "unknown";
- }
- if ($pkg =~ m/^(lib.)/) {
- $pooldir .= $1;
- } elsif ($pkg =~ m/^(.)/) {
- $pooldir .= $1;
- }
- # Move files to their definitive location
- File::Path::rmtree($_."/".$pooldir."/".$pkg);
- if (-d $_."/_tmp") {
- File::Path::mkpath($_."/".$pooldir, 0, 0755);
- qx(mv $_/_tmp $_/$pooldir/$pkg);
- }
- }
- $data->section ($pkg, $section);
- $data->priority($pkg, $priority);
- $data->pooldir ($pkg, $pooldir."/".$pkg);
- return $deb;
-sub check_pkg {
- my $pkg = shift;
- my $deb = shift;
- #####[ Check the type of organization ]#################################
- #
- # try to guess the organisation of this stuff. It could be :
- # - standard gnu (po dir, Makefile.in.in file and POTFILES.in in it)
- # - standard nls (nls dir hopefully, with all catalogs in it)
- # - full (dir "en" containing po files or "nls" dir or
- # "LC_MESSAGES" dir)
- # (and hopefully man pages and info pages)
- #####
- my $type_org = "";
- my $addtype = sub {
- my $arg = shift;
- if ($type_org eq "") {
- $type_org = $arg;
- } else {
- $type_org = "$type_org|$arg";
- }
- };
- &$addtype("nls") if $deb->file_matches("(?:^|/)nls/");
- &$addtype("gnu") if $deb->file_matches("(?:^|/)po/Makefile.in.in\$")
- && $deb->file_matches("(?:^|/)po/POTFILES.in\$");
- &$addtype("full") if $deb->file_matches("(?:^|/)en/.*\\.po\\b")
- && $deb->file_matches("(?:^|/)en/.*/nls/")
- && $deb->file_matches("(?:^|/)en/(?:.*/)?LC_MESSAGES/");
- $type_org="?" if ($type_org eq "");
- $data->type($pkg, $type_org);
- search_nls($pkg);
- search_po($pkg);
- search_menu($pkg);
- search_docbase($pkg);
- search_templates($pkg);
-#----[ search_nls ]-------------------------------------------------------------
-sub search_nls {
- my $pkg = shift;
- my $line;
- $data->nls($pkg, ());
- foreach ($deb->file_matches("(?:^|/)nls/")) {
- $line = $deb->file_content($_, 80);
- $data->add_nls($pkg, $_) if $line =~ m/^\$set[\s\d]+#/s;
- }
-#----[ search_po ]--------------------------------------------------------------
-sub search_po {
- my $pkg = shift;
- my @pofiles = $deb->file_matches("\\.po\$");
- ##
- ## for po files, try to guess the language from the name,
- ## and the l10n with msgfmt
- ##
- my $file; # the po file name in the package
- my $filename; #the po file name to be archived
- my $lang=""; # the identified code language
- my $bad_lang=""; #this could be a language, but this is not a valid language
- my $this_stat = ""; #stats for this file
- my $err_msg =""; # err msg of the statistic external command (ie, msgfmt or debconf-stats)
- my $regexp_for_lang_code = '(([a-zA-Z]{2})([-_][a-zA-Z]{2})?(@[^./]*)?)(\.[^./]+)?';
- POFILE: foreach $file (@pofiles) {
- $filename = store_disk_po($pkg, $file);
- my $PO_DIR = $PO_ROOT."/".$data->pooldir($pkg);
- $this_stat = "";
- $lang = "";
- if ($lang eq "" && $file=~ m,(?:_|\b)$regexp_for_lang_code\.po$,o) {
- $bad_lang =$1;
- if (is_lang($bad_lang)) {
- $lang = $bad_lang;
- $bad_lang = "";
- }
- }
- # The next rule is for kde-i18n and other such packages
- if ($lang eq "" && $file =~ m,(?:^|/)$regexp_for_lang_code/(messages|LC_MESSAGES)/,) {
- $bad_lang = $1;
- if (is_lang($bad_lang)) {
- $lang = $bad_lang;
- $bad_lang = "";
- }
- }
- if ($lang ne "") {
- # stats the file
- ($this_stat, $err_msg) = read_stats("msgfmt --statistics -o /dev/null $PO_DIR/$filename 2>&1 1>/dev/null");
- if ($err_msg ne '') {
- $err_msg =~ s,\Q$PO_DIR/$filename\E,$file,g;
- $data->add_errors($pkg, "gettext: ".$err_msg);
- }
- } else { # no valid lang found
- next POFILE if $file =~ m,messages.po$,;
- if ($bad_lang eq "") {
- $data->add_errors($pkg, "gettext: $file: can't guess language");
- } else {
- $data->add_errors($pkg, "gettext: $file: $bad_lang not a language code");
- }
- }
- # Add this file to the data
- $data->add_po($pkg, $file, normalize_lang($lang), $this_stat, $filename);
- if (system("gzip -9 $PO_DIR/$filename")) {
- warn "Can't gzip $PO_DIR/$filename: $!";
- }
- }
- print STDERR "MEM: ".$deb->get_max_memory()."\n" if $verbose;
-#----[ search_menu ]-----------------------------------------------------------
-sub search_menu {
- my $pkg = shift;
- my $filename;
- my @menufiles = $deb->file_matches("(^|/)debian/[^/]*menu[^/]*\$");
- foreach my $file (@menufiles) {
- # Add this file to the data
- $filename = store_disk_menu($pkg, $file);
- $data->add_menu($pkg, $file, $filename.".gz");
- if (system("gzip -9 $MENU_ROOT/".$data->pooldir($pkg)."/$filename")){
- warn "Can't gzip $MENU_ROOT/".$data->pooldir($pkg)."/$filename: $!\n";
- }
- }
-#----[ search_docbase ]---------------------------------------------------------
-sub search_docbase {
- my $pkg = shift;
- my ($dirname, $filename);
- my @docbasefiles = $deb->file_matches("(^|/)debian/[^/]*doc-base[^/]*\$");
- foreach my $file (@docbasefiles) {
- $_ = $deb->file_content($file);
- next unless m/^Document:\s*(\S*)\s*$/m;
- $filename = 'doc-base-' . $1;
- $dirname = $file;
- $dirname =~ s#/+[^/]*$##;
- $filename = $dirname . '/' . $filename;
- $filename =~ s,^.*debian/,,;
- $filename =~ s/:/\%3a/g;
- $filename =~ s,/,_,g;
- File::Path::mkpath($MENU_ROOT."/".$data->pooldir($pkg), 0, 0755);
- unless (open (DOCBASE, "> $MENU_ROOT/".$data->pooldir($pkg)."/$filename")) {
- warn "Unable to write to $MENU_ROOT/".$data->pooldir($pkg)."/$filename\n";
- next;
- }
- print DOCBASE;
- close DOCBASE;
- $data->add_menu($pkg, $file, $filename.".gz");
- if (system("gzip -9 $MENU_ROOT/".$data->pooldir($pkg)."/$filename")) {
- warn "Can't gzip $MENU_ROOT/".$data->pooldir($pkg)."/$filename: $!\n";
- }
- }
-#----[ search_templates ]------------------------------------------------------
-sub search_templates {
- my $pkg = shift;
- my ($filename, $tmpl, %tmpl_stats, $this_stat, @list, @list2);
- my @debconffiles = $deb->file_matches("(^|/)debian/([^/]+\\.)?templates\$");
- $tmpl = Debian::L10n::Debconf->new();
- foreach my $file (@debconffiles) {
- # All translations in a single file
- next if $deb->file_matches($file."\\.");
- # Add this file to data
- $filename = store_disk_templates($pkg, $file);
- my $storedfile = $TEMPLATES_ROOT."/".$data->pooldir($pkg)."/$filename";
- # Trap warnings from Debian::L10n::Debconf and reword them
- {
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
- my $msg = $_[0];
- $msg =~ s,^\Q$storedfile\E,debconf: $file,;
- $data->add_errors($pkg, $msg);
- };
- eval { $tmpl->read_compact($storedfile) };
- }
- %tmpl_stats = $tmpl->stats();
- # Add information about English template
- $data->add_templates($pkg, $file, '_', $tmpl->count().'t0f0u', $filename);
- foreach (keys %tmpl_stats) {
- $this_stat = $tmpl_stats{$_}->[0].'t'.$tmpl_stats{$_}->[1].'f'.$tmpl_stats{$_}->[2].'u';
- $data->add_templates($pkg, $file, normalize_lang($_), $this_stat, $filename);
- }
- if (system("gzip -9 $storedfile")){
- warn "Can't gzip $storedfile: $!\n";
- }
- }
- foreach my $file (@debconffiles) {
- # Translations are put in separate files
- @list = $deb->file_matches($file."\\.");
- next unless @list;
- $filename = store_disk_templates($pkg, $file);
- @list2 = ();
- my %storedfile = ();
- my %origfile = ();
- foreach (@list) {
- my $relfile = $TEMPLATES_ROOT."/".$data->pooldir($pkg)."/".store_disk_templates($pkg, $_);
- $storedfile{$relfile} = store_disk_templates($pkg, $_);
- $origfile{$relfile} = $_;
- push (@list2, $relfile);
- }
- # Trap warnings from Debian::L10n::Debconf and reword them
- {
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
- my $msg = $_[0];
- my $disk = $TEMPLATES_ROOT."/".$data->pooldir($pkg)."/$filename";
- $msg =~ s,^\Q$disk\E,debconf: $file,;
- $data->add_errors($pkg, $msg);
- };
- eval { $tmpl->read_dispatched($TEMPLATES_ROOT."/".$data->pooldir($pkg)."/".$filename, @list2) };
- }
- %tmpl_stats = $tmpl->stats();
- # Add information about English template
- $data->add_templates($pkg, $file, '_', $tmpl->count().'t0f0u', $filename);
- foreach (keys %tmpl_stats) {
- $this_stat = $tmpl_stats{$_}->[0].'t'.$tmpl_stats{$_}->[1].'f'.$tmpl_stats{$_}->[2].'u';
- $data->add_templates($pkg, $origfile{$tmpl->filename($_)}, normalize_lang($_), $this_stat, $storedfile{$tmpl->filename($_)}, $filename);
- if (system("gzip -9 $TEMPLATES_ROOT/".$data->pooldir($pkg)."/".$storedfile{$tmpl->filename($_)})) {
- warn "Can't gzip $TEMPLATES_ROOT/".$data->pooldir($pkg)."/".$storedfile{$tmpl->filename($_)}.": $!\n";
- }
- }
- if (system("gzip -9 $TEMPLATES_ROOT/".$data->pooldir($pkg)."/".$filename)) {
- warn "Can't gzip $TEMPLATES_ROOT/".$data->pooldir($pkg)."/".$filename.": $!\n";
- }
- }
-#----[ normalize_lang ]--------------------------------------------------------
-sub normalize_lang {
- my $lang = shift;
- if ($lang =~ m,^(..)[-_](..)$,) {
- return lc($1).'_'.uc($2);
- } elsif ($lang =~ m,^(..)$,) {
- return lc($1);
- }
- return $lang;
-#----[ parse_stats ]------------------------------------------------------------
-# transform "5 translated templates, 1 fuzzy translations" -> "5t1f0u"
-sub parse_stats {
- my $line = shift;
- my $returned_stats = "";
- $returned_stats .= ($line =~ /(\d+) translated/ ? $1 : "0")."t";
- $returned_stats .= ($line =~ /(\d+) fuzzy/ ? $1 : "0")."f";
- $returned_stats .= ($line =~ /(\d+) untranslated/ ? $1 : "0")."u";
- return $returned_stats;
-#----[ read_stats ]-------------------------------------------------------------
-# run an external command to get the level of translation of a file
-# arg1 = cmd to run
-# ret1 = stats line
-# ret2 = "" or error msg got
-sub read_stats {
- my $cmd = shift;
- my ($found) = 0; #true if output seems to be correct
- my $returned_err = "";
- my $returned_stats = "0t0f0u";
- # reads the new stats
- my @lines = qx,$cmd,;
- return ("0t0f0u","Something weird append (no output)\n")
- unless $#lines >= 0;
- foreach (@lines) {
- if (m/translated|fuzzy/) {
- $returned_stats = parse_stats($_);
- } else {
- $returned_err .= $_;
- }
- }
- return ($returned_stats,$returned_err);
-#----[ init_synonym ]-----------------------------------------------------------
-# Read the synonym file
-sub init_synonym {
- my $right;
- my $wrong;
- open (DATA,"< $SYN_FILE")
- || die ("Can't read $SYN_FILE");
- while (<DATA>) {
- next unless /\S/;
- next if /^\#/;
- chop;
- if (m/:/) {
- ($wrong, $right) = split(/:/, $_, 2);
- } else {
- $wrong = $right = $_;
- }
- $synonym{$wrong} = $right;
- }
- close (DATA);
-# sub is_lang(code) : returns true iff code is a valid code of language
-sub is_lang {
- my $code = shift;
- $code =~ s/\@.*$//;
- # Accept these codes
- return 1 if $code eq 'du-NL' || $code eq 'no_NY' || $code eq 'cz' || $code eq 'dk' || $code eq 'sp' || $code eq 'wa';
- if ($code =~ /^(..)[-_](..)$/) {
- return (defined(code2language($1)) && defined(code2country($2)));
- }
- return defined code2language($code);

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