path: root/chinese
diff options
authorvifly <hellovifly@outlook.com>2019-11-22 19:27:24 +0800
committervifly <hellovifly@outlook.com>2019-11-22 19:27:24 +0800
commit772e9a2ea62daec710b83836de5452b5e62f485d (patch)
tree0b5c10612a41de429192d986b7f99ad4ee3e32d2 /chinese
parentff073e01b3a1e3ed60d60a5ada31918bfdcfdc34 (diff)
Init the translation of chinese/devel/website/desc.wml
Diffstat (limited to 'chinese')
1 files changed, 167 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chinese/devel/website/desc.wml b/chinese/devel/website/desc.wml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..986287aae12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chinese/devel/website/desc.wml
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+#use wml::debian::template title="www.debian.org 是如何被制作出来的"
+#use wml::debian::toc
+#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="6d9ec7201dcfa229e0cdf7f93c34b3d4a8509ebe"
+<p>Debian <em>&ldquo;webtree &rdquo;</em>是构成我们网站的目录和文件的集合,它位于 \
+www-master.debian.org 上的 <tt>/org/www.debian.org/www</tt> 目录。页面的大部分内容\
+都是普通的静态 HTML 文件(即不是用诸如 CGI 或 PHP 脚本之类的技术动态生成的),因为\
+ <li>大部分内容是从<a href="$(DEVEL)/website/using_git"><q> webwml</q> git 存储库</a>\
+ 使用 WML 生成的
+ <li>从<a href="$(DOC)/vcs"><q> ddp</q> git 存储库</a>使用 DocBook XML(DebianDoc SGML \
+ 正被逐步淘汰)生成文档,也会使用<a href="#scripts"> cron 脚本</a>来生成(来自相应\
+ 的 Debian 软件包)
+ <li>网站的部分内容是使用其他来源的脚本生成的,例如,邮件列表订阅/取消订阅页面
+<p>每天运行六次自动更新(从 git 存储库和其他来源的脚本到 webtree)。
+<p>如果您想参与网站开发,开始时请<strong>不要</strong>简单地添加或编辑在<code> www/ </code>\
+目录中的东西。首先请与<a href="mailto:webmaster@debian.org">网站管理员</a>联系。
+<p>所有的文件与目录均属于 debwww 组,而且该组具有写入权限,因此 web 团队可以修改 web \
+目录中的文件。目录的2775模式意味着在该目录下创建的任何文件都将继承该组(在这里是 debwww)。\
+所有在 debwww 组中的人都应设置“<code>umask 002</code>”,以便使用组写入权限创建文件。
+<toc-display />
+<hrline />
+<toc-add-entry name="look">Look &amp; feel</toc-add-entry>
+<p>We give the pages the same look and feel by having
+<a href="https://packages.debian.org/unstable/web/wml">WML</a> do all
+the detail work of adding headers and footers to pages. Although a .wml page
+may look like HTML at first glance, HTML is only one of the types of extra
+information that can be used in .wml. After WML is finished running its various
+filters over a file, the final product is true HTML. To give you an idea of
+the power of WML, you can include Perl code into a page to allow you to do,
+well, almost anything.
+<p>Note however that WML checks (and sometimes automagically corrects) only
+the very basic validity of your HTML code. You should install
+<a href="https://packages.debian.org/unstable/web/weblint">weblint</a>
+<a href="https://packages.debian.org/unstable/web/tidy">tidy</a>
+to validate your HTML code.
+<p>Our web pages currently comply to the
+<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/">HTML 4.01 Strict</a> standard.
+<p>Anyone who is working on a lot of pages should install WML so they can
+test to make sure the result is what they want. If you are running Debian,
+you can easily install the <code>wml</code> package. Read the pages on
+<a href="using_wml">using WML</a> for more information.
+<toc-add-entry name="sources">Sources</toc-add-entry>
+<p>The source for the web pages is stored under git. git is a version
+control system, which allows us to keep a log of which, who, when, and why changes
+occurred, etc. It is a safe way to control the concurrent editing of source
+files among multiple authors, which is crucial for us because the Debian web
+team is rather large in size.
+<p>If you are unfamiliar with this program, you will want to read the pages
+on <a href="using_git">using git</a>.
+<p>The topmost webwml directory in the git repository contains directories
+named after the languages the web site is in, two makefiles and several
+scripts. The translation directory names should be in English and lowercase
+(e.g. "german", not "Deutsch").
+<p>The more important of the two makefiles is Makefile.common, which, as its
+name says, contains some common rules which are applied by including this
+file in the other makefiles.
+<p>Each of the language directories contains makefiles, WML source files and
+subdirectories. The file and directory names do not differ in order to keep
+the links correct for all languages. The directories may also contain .wmlrc
+files which contain some information useful to WML.
+<p>The webwml/english/template directory contains special WML files that we
+call templates, because they can be referenced from all other files using the
+<code>#use</code> command.
+<p>In order for changes in the templates to propagate to the files which use
+them, the files have makefile dependencies on them. Since a vast majority of
+the files use the "template" template, by having a
+"<code>#use wml::debian::template</code>" line at the top, the generic
+dependency (the one for all files) is that very template. There are
+exceptions to this rule, of course.
+<toc-add-entry name="scripts">Scripts</toc-add-entry>
+<p>The scripts are mostly written in shell or Perl. Some of them are
+standalone, and some of them are integrated into WML source files.</p>
+<p>The sources for the main www-master rebuild scripts are in the
+<a href="https://salsa.debian.org/webmaster-team/cron.git">debwww/cron
+Git repository</a>.
+<p>The sources for the packages.debian.org rebuild scripts are in the
+<a href="https://salsa.debian.org/webmaster-team/packages">webwml/packages
+Git repository</a>.</p>
+<toc-add-entry name="help">How to help</toc-add-entry>
+<p>We invite everyone interested to help us make the Debian site as good as
+it can be. If you have valuable information related to Debian that you think
+our pages are missing, <a href="mailto:debian-www@lists.debian.org">share it
+with us</a> and we'll see that it gets included.
+<p>We could always use help with designing pages (regarding graphics and
+layouts), and keeping our HTML clean, too. We regularly run the following
+checks on the whole web site:</p>
+ <li><a href="https://www-master.debian.org/build-logs/urlcheck/">URL check</a>
+ <li><a href="https://www-master.debian.org/build-logs/validate/">wdg-html-validator</a>
+ <li><a href="https://www-master.debian.org/build-logs/tidy/">tidy</a>
+<p>Help is always welcome in reading the above logs and fixing the problems.</p>
+<p>The current build logs for the web site can be found at
+<url "https://www-master.debian.org/build-logs/">.</p>
+<p>If you're a fluent English speaker, we'd like you to proof-read our pages
+and report all errors to <a href="mailto:debian-www@lists.debian.org">us</a>.
+<p>If you speak another language, you may want to help us translate the
+pages to your language. If a translation has already been made, but has
+problems, take a look at the list of <a href="translation_coordinators">\
+translation coordinators</a> and talk to the leader for your language
+about fixing it. If you'd like to translate pages yourself, see the page on
+<a href="translating">that topic</a> for more information.
+<p>There's also a <a href="todo">TODO file</a>, check it out.</p>
+<toc-add-entry name="nohelp">How <strong>not</strong> to help</toc-add-entry>
+<p><em>[Q] I want to put <var>fancy web feature</var> into www.debian.org,
+may I?</em>
+<p>[A] No. We want www.debian.org to be as accessible as possible, so
+ <li>no browser specific "extensions".
+ <li>no relying on images only. Images may be used to clarify, but the
+ information on www.debian.org must remain accessible via a text-only
+ web browser, like lynx.
+<p><em>[Q] I have this nice idea. Can you enable FOO in www.debian.org's
+HTTPD, please?</em>
+<p>[A] No. We want to make life easy for administrators to mirror
+www.debian.org, so no special HTTPD features please. No, not even SSI.
+An exception has been made for content negotiation. This is because it
+is the only robust way to serve multiple languages.

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