path: root/chinese/mirror
diff options
authorvifly <viflythink@gmail.com>2019-12-29 23:09:31 +0800
committervifly <viflythink@gmail.com>2019-12-29 23:10:18 +0800
commit8eba4c312449a83a4fe2c108d18492c93aadc49c (patch)
tree12463c65755bfda1842f034d6a9161365cf8992d /chinese/mirror
parent050065bc1cb4ad0b614d5b85a00f7db9c6a13584 (diff)
Init translation of chinese/mirror/ftpmirror.wml
Diffstat (limited to 'chinese/mirror')
1 files changed, 185 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chinese/mirror/ftpmirror.wml b/chinese/mirror/ftpmirror.wml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c19695ffbb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chinese/mirror/ftpmirror.wml
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+#use wml::debian::template title="建立一个 Debian 仓库的镜像"
+#use wml::debian::toc
+#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/releases/sid/archive.data"
+#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/releases/arches.data"
+#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="e466bedb14f9f661d1f4a77514cbe26596877486"
+<toc-display />
+<toc-add-entry name="whether">是否需要镜像</toc-add-entry>
+ <li>我所在的位置是否需要镜像?也许附近已经有镜像了。</li>
+ <li>我有资源托管镜像吗?镜像会占用大量<a href="size">磁盘空间</a>和带宽,因此必须承担一定\
+ 的成本。</li>
+ <li>镜像是正确的选择吗?如果您主要想为您的 ISP 或机构的用户提供支持,那么诸如 \
+ apt-cacher-ng、squid 或 varnish 之类的缓存代理可能是更好的选择。</li>
+<toc-add-entry name="what">镜像什么内容</toc-add-entry>
+<p>在<a href="./">主镜像站点页</a>列出了可供镜像的仓库。</p>
+用户会寻找 debian /仓库,用以通过网络安装 Debian、(使用 jigdo)构建 CD 以及升级已安装的\
+debian-cd/ 是一个在所有不同的镜像服务器上都不相同的仓库。在某些站点上,它包含用于从中构建 \
+CD 映像的 jigdo 模板(与 debian/ 中的文件结合使用);在某些站点上,它包含已构建的 CD 映像;\
+<br />
+请参阅<a href="$(HOME)/CD/mirroring/">镜像 CD 映像</a>的页面,以获取有关此内容的更多信息。</li>
+debian-archive/ 包含 Debian 当前的<em>存档</em>、旧版本和过时版本。通常只有一小部分用户\
+<p>请参阅<a href="size">镜像大小</a>页面,以获取有关镜像大小的更准确的信息。</p>
+<p>debian-security/ 仓库包含 Debian 安全团队发布的安全更新。虽然这听起来对每个人都很有趣,\
+但是我们不建议我们的用户使用镜像来获取安全更新,而是要求他们直接从我们的分布式 \
+security.debian.org 服务中下载更新。<em>我们<strong>不</strong>推荐镜像 debian-security。</em></p>
+<toc-add-entry name="wherefrom">从哪建立镜像</toc-add-entry>
+<p>请注意,<code>ftp.debian.org</code> 不是 Debian 软件包的规范存放位置,它仅是从内部 Debian \
+有许多支持 rsync 的<a href="list-full">公共镜像站点</a>,从这些站点进行镜像是很合适的。请\
+<p>您应该避免从会被解析为多个地址(例如 <code>ftp.us.debian.org</code>)的任何服务名称进行\
+另请注意,HTTP 是唯一一个我们保证存在于 <code>ftp.CC.debian.org</code> 的服务。如果要使用 \
+rsync 镜像(建议使用 ftpsync),我们建议您为当前提供 <code>ftp.CC.debian.org</code> 的机器\
+选择正确的站点名称。(请查看该服务器上的 <code>/debian/project/trace</code> 目录以了解这\
+<toc-add-entry name="how">How to mirror</toc-add-entry>
+<p>The recommended method of mirroring is with the ftpsync scriptset, available
+in two forms:</p>
+ <li>as a tarball from <url "https://ftp-master.debian.org/ftpsync.tar.gz"></li>
+ <li>as a git repository: <kbd>git clone https://salsa.debian.org/mirror-team/archvsync.git</kbd> (see <url "https://salsa.debian.org/mirror-team/archvsync/">)</li>
+<p>Do not use your own scripts, and do not just use single-pass rsyncs. Using
+ftpsync ensures updates are done in a way so that apt does not get confused.
+In particular, ftpsync processes translations, contents, and other metadata
+files in an order such that apt is not running into validation errors should a
+user update the package list while a mirror-run is in progress. Furthermore,
+it also produces trace files that contain more information that is useful for
+determining whether a mirror works, what architectures it carries, and where it
+syncs from.</p>
+<toc-add-entry name="partial">Partial mirroring</toc-add-entry>
+<p>Considering the already <a href="size">large size of Debian archive</a>,
+it might be advisable to only mirror parts of the archive. Public mirrors
+should carry all suites (testing, unstable, etc.), but they may restrict the
+architecture set that they carry. The configuration file for ftpsync has
+ARCH_EXCLUDE and ARCH_INCLUDE settings for this purpose.</p>
+<toc-add-entry name="when">When to mirror</toc-add-entry>
+<p>The main archive gets updated four times a day.
+The mirrors commonly start updating around 3:00, 9:00, 15:00 and 21:00 (all times UTC),
+but these are never fixed times and you should not fixate your mirror on them.</p>
+<p>Your mirror should update a few hours after one of the main archive mirror
+pulses. You should check if the site you're mirroring from leaves a time stamp
+file in their <kbd>project/trace/</kbd> subdirectory. The time stamp file
+will be named like that site, and it will contain the completion time of
+their last mirror update. Add a couple of hours to that time (to be safe)
+and mirror then.</p>
+<p><b>It is essential that your mirror is in sync with the main archive</b>. A
+minimum of 4 updates per 24 hours will ensure that your mirror is a true
+reflection of the archive. Please understand that mirrors that are not in sync
+with the main archive will not be listed in the official mirrors listing.</p>
+<p>The easiest way to automatically have the mirror run every day is to use
+cron. See <kbd>man crontab</kbd> for details.</p>
+<p>Note that if your site is being triggered with a push mechanism, then you
+don't need to worry about any of this.</p>
+<h3>Push-triggered mirroring</h3>
+<p><q>Push</q> mirroring is a form of mirroring that we have developed
+to minimize the time it takes for changes to the archive to reach mirrors.
+An upstream mirror uses an SSH trigger to tell the downstream mirror to
+update itself.
+For a more detailed description of how this works, why it is secure, and
+how to set a push mirror, please see <a href="push_mirroring">the complete
+<toc-add-entry name="settings">Recommended additional settings</toc-add-entry>
+<p>Public mirrors should make the Debian archive available over HTTP at <code>/debian</code>.</p>
+<p>Furthermore, please ensure directory listings are enabled (with full length
+filenames) and symlinks followed.
+If you use Apache, something like this might work:
+&lt;Directory <var>/path/to/your/debian/mirror</var>&gt;
+ Options +Indexes +SymlinksIfOwnerMatch
+ IndexOptions NameWidth=* +SuppressDescription
+<toc-add-entry name="submit">How to add a mirror to the mirror list</toc-add-entry>
+If you would like to have your mirror listed on the official mirrors list please:
+<li>Ensure that your mirror synchronizes 4 times per 24 hours with the archive</li>
+<li>Ensure that your mirror includes the source files for the architectures the
+mirror carries</li>
+<p>Once the mirror is set up, it should be <a href="submit">registered with Debian</a>
+in order to get included in the <a href="list">official mirror list</a>.
+Submissions can be done using our <a href="submit">simple web form</a>.</p>
+<p>Any problems or enquiries can be sent to <email mirrors@debian.org>.</p>
+<toc-add-entry name="mailinglists">Mailinglists</toc-add-entry>
+<p>There are two public <a href="../MailingLists/">mailing lists</a> about
+Debian mirrors,
+<a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-mirrors-announce/">debian-mirrors-announce</a>
+<a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-mirrors/">debian-mirrors</a>.
+We encourage all mirror maintainers to subscribe to the announcement list as
+it will be used for any important announcements. This list is moderated and will
+receive only a low amount of traffic. The second mailing list is meant for general
+discussion and is open to all.</p>
+<p>If you have any questions that aren't answered on these web pages, you
+can contact us at <email mirrors@debian.org> or using IRC, #debian-mirrors on
+<toc-add-entry name="private-mirror">Notes for private (partial) mirrors</toc-add-entry>
+If you want to operate a mirror for your own site only, and you need to carry only a
+subset of suites (such as stable), <a href="https://packages.debian.org/stable/debmirror">debmirror</a>
+might be a good fit for you also.

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