diff options
authorEmilio Pozuelo Monfort <>2023-06-21 13:49:32 +0200
committerEmilio Pozuelo Monfort <>2023-06-27 10:33:04 +0200
commit4b4c26c96534c175fc0bd493d2e1a3e21a9afffe (patch)
parentd76a24f2a838b7314f74de9d1baaff1c10be7d49 (diff)
Rewrite check-new-issues in Python
While at it, switch to the new MITRE CVE 5 API, as the previous API will be removed soon. Fixes #20
1 files changed, 739 insertions, 716 deletions
diff --git a/bin/check-new-issues b/bin/check-new-issues
index 9660e18e14..fef315711f 100755
--- a/bin/check-new-issues
+++ b/bin/check-new-issues
@@ -1,16 +1,290 @@
-use strict;
-use File::Temp;
-use Getopt::Std;
-#use Smart::Comments;
-use Term::ReadLine;
-my %opts;
-getopts('ln:fhi:t:Tca:e:uUsDb', \%opts);
-sub print_commands {
- print <<'EOF';
+# Interactive command to iterate over new CVEs in order to triage
+# them.
+# Based on a previous Perl script written by Stefan Fritsch and others.
+# Copyright © 2023 Emilio Pozuelo Monfort <>
+# This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+import argparse
+import collections
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+import readline
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import textwrap
+import zipfile
+import requests
+import setup_paths # noqa
+from sectracker import parsers
+from bugs import temp_bug_name
+def debug(s):
+ if args.verbose:
+ print(s)
+def get_annotation(annotations, ann_type):
+ for ann in annotations:
+ if isinstance(ann, ann_type):
+ return ann
+def ann_is_todo_check(ann):
+ if isinstance(ann, parsers.StringAnnotation):
+ if ann.type == "TODO" and ann.description == "check":
+ return True
+ return False
+def read_packages_file(file):
+ packages = []
+ with open(file) as f:
+ for line in f:
+ if line.startswith('#'):
+ continue
+ line = line.strip()
+ if line != "":
+ packages.append(line)
+ return packages
+def read_wnpp_file(wnpp_file):
+ wnpp = {}
+ wnpp_re = re.compile(r"^([\w.-]+): ((?:ITP|RFP) .+)$")
+ with open(wnpp_file) as f:
+ for line in f:
+ m = wnpp_re.match(line)
+ if m:
+ package, bug =, 2)
+ wnpp[package] = bug
+ return wnpp
+def print_urls(cve_id):
+ cve = cve5s[cve_id] if cve_id in cve5s else None
+ if cve:
+ cna = cve['containers']['cna']
+ if 'references' in cna:
+ for ref in cna['references']:
+ print('Reference: ' + ref['url'])
+ print("")
+def get_cve5_description(cve_id):
+ cve = cve5s[cve_id] if cve_id in cve5s else None
+ desc = None
+ if cve:
+ if 'descriptions' in cve['containers']['cna']:
+ desc = [desc['value']
+ for desc in cve['containers']['cna']['descriptions']
+ if desc['lang'].startswith('en')]
+ if desc:
+ desc = desc[0]
+ # for some reason descriptions may contain new lines
+ desc = desc.replace('\n', ' ')
+ # and some contain leading spaces
+ desc = desc.strip()
+ return desc
+def save_datafile(cves, datafile):
+ debug(f'writing {len(cves)} to {datafile}')
+ with open(datafile, "w") as f:
+ parsers.writecvelist(cves, f)
+def print_cve(cve):
+ cvelist = [cve]
+ parsers.writecvelist(cvelist, sys.stdout)
+def read_cve5_file(f):
+ cve5s = {}
+ z = zipfile.ZipFile(cve5_file)
+ for fname in z.namelist():
+ if os.path.basename(fname).startswith('CVE-'):
+ f =
+ debug("processing record " + fname)
+ record = json.load(f)
+ cve_id = record['cveMetadata']['cveId']
+ cve5s[cve_id] = record
+ return cve5s
+# returns the first Debian bug associated to the CVE, or None
+def get_cve_bug(cve):
+ for ann in cve.annotations:
+ if isinstance(ann, parsers.PackageAnnotation):
+ for flag in ann.flags:
+ if isinstance(flag, parsers.PackageBugAnnotation):
+ return flag.bug
+ return None
+def get_cve_name(cve):
+ if not 'XXXX' in
+ return
+ # for XXXX entries, we can't use the name in CVE/list as it will
+ # cause collitions, so we use the hashed name instead.
+ bug = get_cve_bug(cve) or 0
+ desc = cve.header.description
+ return temp_bug_name(bug, desc)
+def parse_cves():
+ cvelist = parsers.cvelist(datafile)
+ # we want to use a dict to easily lookup and replace a cve, but we need
+ # to keep order from the list above for when we write the keys back.
+ cves = collections.OrderedDict()
+ for cve in cvelist:
+ name = get_cve_name(cve)
+ cves[name] = cve
+ return cves
+def auto_nfu(name):
+ desc = get_cve5_description(name)
+ wordpress_re = re.compile(r".*in\s+the\s+(.+)\s+(plugin|theme)\s+(?:[\w\d.]+\s+)?(?:(?:(?:before|through)\s+)?[\w\d.]+\s+)?for\s+[Ww]ord[Pp]ress.*")
+ m = wordpress_re.match(desc)
+ if m:
+ name, type =, 2)
+ return f"{name} {type} for WordPress"
+ nfu_re = re.compile(r".*\b(FS\s+.+?\s+Clone|Meinberg\s+LANTIME|Ecava\s+IntegraXor|Foxit\s+Reader|Cambium\s+Networks\s+.+?\s+firmware|Trend\s+Micro|(?:SAP|IBM|EMC|NetApp|Micro\sFocus).+?(?=tool|is|version|[\d(,])).*")
+ m = nfu_re.match(desc)
+ if m:
+ name =
+ name = name.strip()
+ return name
+ return None
+apt_cache_cache = []
+apt_cache_cache_term = ""
+def apt_cache(term):
+ global apt_cache_cache_term
+ global apt_cache_cache
+ if term == apt_cache_cache_term:
+ return apt_cache_cache
+ cmd =['apt-cache', 'search', term], text=True, capture_output=True)
+ apt_cache_cache = cmd.stdout.strip().split('\n')
+ apt_cache_cache_term = term
+ return apt_cache_cache
+def read_embedded_copies():
+ emb_file = "data/embedded-code-copies"
+ with open(emb_file) as f:
+ comment_section = True
+ code = None
+ pkg = None
+ for line in f.readlines():
+ if re.match(r'^---BEGIN', line):
+ comment_section = False
+ continue
+ if not comment_section:
+ debug(line)
+ if m := re.match(r'^([\w][\w+-.]+)', line):
+ code =
+ debug("code: " + code)
+ pkg = None
+ if code in embed_code:
+ syntax_error("Duplicate embedded code $code")
+ elif line.strip() == "":
+ code = None
+ pkg = None
+ debug("empty line, resetting")
+ elif m := re.match(r'^\s+(?:\[\w+\]\s+)?-\s+(\w[\w.-]+)', line):
+ pkg =
+ debug("pkg: " + pkg)
+ line = line.strip()
+ if code not in embed_code:
+ embed_code[code] = {}
+ if pkg not in embed_code[code]:
+ embed_code[code][pkg] = {}
+ embed_pkg[pkg] = {}
+ embed_code[code][pkg][line] = True
+ embed_pkg[pkg][code] = True
+ elif re.match(r'^\s+(?:NOTE|TODO)', line):
+ # note should follow a pkg line, which should have already
+ # been processed
+ pass
+ else:
+ syntax_error(f"Cannot parse {line}")
+def syntax_error(s):
+ print("embedded-code-copies: " + s, file=sys.stderr)
+ sys.exit(1)
+def search_embed(text):
+ found = 0
+ text = text.lower()
+ if text in embed_code:
+ print(f"{text} is embedded by: " +
+ " ".join(sorted(embed_code[text].keys())))
+ found = 1
+ if text in embed_pkg:
+ print(f"{text} embeds: " +
+ " ".join(sorted(embed_pkg[text].keys())))
+ found = 1
+ return found
+def wnpp_to_candidates():
+ for pkg, line in wnpp.items():
+ # there might be more than one bug, so only take the first
+ bugline = line.split('|')[0]
+ type, bug = bugline.split(" ")
+ if re.match(r'^(?:RFP|ITP)$', type):
+ yield f"{pkg} <itp> (bug #{bug})"
+def print_stats():
+ temp_cves = [e for e in cves.keys() if 'TEMP' in e]
+ print(f"{len(cve5s)} CVEs", end="")
+ print(f", {len(temp_cves)} temp issues", end="")
+ if num_todo > 0:
+ print(f", {num_todo} todos", end="")
+ if num_missing_bug > 0:
+ print(f", {num_missing_bug} entries with missing bug reference", end="")
+ print("")
+def print_commands():
+ print('''
* blank line to skip to next issue
* .h to repeat this help output of the list of commands
* .fname to do "apt-file search name"
@@ -25,708 +299,457 @@ sub print_commands {
* - package-entry to add an entry for "package" and launch an editor (e.g. - poppler <unfixed>)
* q to save and quit
* CTRL-C to quit without saving
- * everything else is inserted as product name for a NOT-FOR-US
-if ($opts{h}) {
- print <<'EOF';
-downloads allitems.txt from and shows full description for each
-"TODO: check" item (2003 and newer). Then
-- tries to guess product name and php filename and does
- apt-cache and apt-file search
-- waits for input:
- print_commands;
- print <<'EOF';
-Use "git diff" and "git reset" as needed ;-)
-OPTIONS: [ -l [-n <n>] [-f] ]
--l : just list issues
--n <n> : show max n lines of each description (default 2)
--f : show full CVE/list entry as well
--i regexp : use regexp to select todos (default: 'CVE-20(?:0[3-9]|[1-9][0-9])' )
--t regexp : use regexp to select todos (default: '^\s+TODO: check$' )
--T : same as -t '^\s+TODO: check' (note the missing $)
--u : also show unfixed issues without bug reference
--U : only show unfixed issues without bug reference instead of TODO items
--c : only do syntax check of embedded-code-copies
--e <file> : use <file> for embedded-code-copies, "-" for STDIN
--a <n> : If automatic apt-cache/apt-file search gives more than n results,
- display only the count (default 10)
--s : skip automatic apt-cache/apt-file searches, suggest the
- command to run instead
--D : skip the download operations
--b : auto process entries (e.g. NFUs)
- exit(0);
-# - go back to previous issue / undo
-# - handle entries with several TODO lines
-# - handle claimed-by
-my $basedir;
-if (-e "security-tracker/data/CVE/list") {
- $basedir="security-tracker";
-} elsif (-e "data/CVE/list") {
- $basedir=".";
-} elsif (-e "../data/CVE/list") {
- $basedir="..";
-my $embed_code = {};
-my $embed_pkg = {};
-my $embed_errors;
-if ($opts{c}) {
- exit($embed_errors);
-my $datafile="$basedir/data/CVE/list";
-my $allitemsfile="gunzip -c $basedir/../allitems.txt.gz|";
-my $allitemsurl="";
-my $removedfile="$basedir/data/packages/removed-packages";
-my $wnppurl="";
-my $wnppfile="../wnpp_rm";
-my $issue_regexp= $opts{i} || 'CVE-20(?:0[3-9]|[1-9][0-9])';
-my $todo_regexp= $opts{t} || ( $opts{T} ? '^\s+TODO: check' : '^\s+TODO: check$' );
-my $auto_display_limit = 10;
-$auto_display_limit = $opts{a} if defined $opts{a};
-my $editor= 'sensible-editor';
-unless ($opts{D}) {
- system "cd $basedir/.. ; wget -N $allitemsurl";
- system "cd $basedir/.. ; wget -N $wnppurl";
-print "Reading data...\n";
-my $entries=read_file($datafile, qr/^CVE/ );
-my $CVEs=read_file($allitemsfile, qr/^=+$/ );
-my $data;
-my @todos;
-my %afcache;
-my $num_todo;
-my $num_missing_bug;
-foreach my $cve (@{$CVEs}) {
- $cve =~ /^Name:\s*(CVE\S+)/m or next;
- my $name = $1;
- # cleanup the description
- $cve =~ s/^Current Votes:.+candidate not yet[^\n]+\n{2,3}//ms;
- $cve =~ s/^(?:Phase|Status|Category):[^\n]*\n//gms;
- $data->{$name}->{CVE}=\$cve;
-my %wnpp;
-open(WNPP, $wnppfile) or die "could not open $wnppfile";
-while (<WNPP>) {
- next unless (m/^([\w.-]+): ((?:ITP|RFP) .+)$/);
- $wnpp{lc $1} = $2;
+ * everything else is inserted as product name for a NOT-FOR-US''')
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="review new CVE entries")
+parser.add_argument('-l', '--list', action='store_true',
+ help='Only list issues')
+parser.add_argument('-f', '--full', action='store_true',
+ help='Show full CVE entries')
+parser.add_argument('-u', '--unfixed', action='store_true',
+ help='Also process CVEs with unfixed issues and no bugs')
+parser.add_argument('-U', '--only-unfixed', action='store_true',
+ help='Only process CVEs with unfixed issues and no bugs')
+parser.add_argument('-a', '--auto', action='store_true',
+ help='Automatically process NOT-FOR-US entries')
+parser.add_argument('-s', '--skip', action='store_true',
+ help='Skip automatic apt-cache/apt-file searches')
+parser.add_argument('-D', '--no-download', action='store_true',
+ help='Skip downloading files')
+parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',
+ help='Verbose mode')
+args = parser.parse_args()
+embed_code = {}
+embed_pkg = {}
+cve5_file_url = ''
+cve5_file = ''
+datafile = "data/CVE/list"
+removed_packages_file = "data/packages/removed-packages"
+ignore_bug_file = "data/packages/ignored-debian-bug-packages"
+wnppurl = ""
+wnppfile = "../wnpp_rm"
+issue_re = re.compile(r'CVE-20(?:0[3-9]|[1-9][0-9])|TEMP')
+auto_display_limit = 10
+#$auto_display_limit = $opts{a} if defined $opts{a}
+editor = 'sensible-editor'
+if not args.no_download:
+ debug("downloading files...")
+ r = requests.get(cve5_file_url)
+ with open(cve5_file, "wb") as f:
+ f.write(r.content)
+ r = requests.get(wnppurl)
+ with open(wnppfile, "w") as f:
+ f.write(r.text)
+debug("reading data...")
+# We have CVE 5.0 JSON information coming from MITRE, we use cve5 for those
+# We also have CVE information coming from our data/CVE/list, we use cve there
+cves = parse_cves()
+cve5s = read_cve5_file(cve5_file)
+todos = []
+afcache = {}
+num_todo = 0
+num_missing_bug = 0
+wnpp = read_wnpp_file(wnppfile)
# packages that should be ignored by -u/-U
-my @ignore_missing_bug_list = qw/linux-2.6 linux-2.6.24
- kfreebsd-source kfreebsd-5 kfreebsd-6 kfreebsd-7
- mozilla mozilla-firefox mozilla-thunderbird firefox
- php4
- gnutls11
- /;
-my %ignore_missing_bug;
-if ($opts{u} || $opts{U}) {
- push @ignore_missing_bug_list, read_removed_packages_file($removedfile);
- $ignore_missing_bug{$_} = 1 for @ignore_missing_bug_list;
-my %seen_pkgs;
-foreach my $entry (@{$entries}) {
- my $name;
- if ( $entry =~ /^(CVE-....-\d{4,})/ ) {
- $name=$1;
- }
- elsif ( $entry =~ /^(CVE-....-XXXX.*)\n/ ){
- $name=$1;
- }
- else {
- die "invalid entry:\n$entry";
- }
- if (!$opts{l} && $entry =~ /^\s+-\s+([^\s]+)/m ) {
- my $pkg = $1;
- my $fc = substr($pkg, 0, 1);
- $seen_pkgs{$fc} = {}
- unless (exists($seen_pkgs{$fc}));
- $seen_pkgs{$fc}{$pkg} = undef;
- }
- $data->{$name}->{entry}=\$entry;
- if ($name =~ /$issue_regexp/) {
- if (!$opts{U} && $entry =~ /$todo_regexp/m ) {
- push @todos, $name;
- $num_todo++;
- }
- elsif ( ($opts{u} || $opts{U})
- && $entry =~ /^\s+-\s+(\S+)\s+<unfixed>(.*)$/m
- && ! exists $ignore_missing_bug{$1}
- && $2 !~ /unimportant/
- && $entry !~ /-\s+$1\s.*?bug #/m
- ) {
- push @todos, $name;
- $num_missing_bug++;
- }
- }
-print scalar(@{$CVEs}), " CVEs, ",
- scalar(@{$entries}) - scalar(@{$CVEs}), " temp issues";
-print ", $num_todo todos matching /$todo_regexp/" if $num_todo;
-print ", $num_missing_bug entries with missing bug reference" if $num_missing_bug;
-print "\n";
-if ((! $opts{l}) and (! $opts{b})) {
- print "\nCommands:\n";
- print_commands;
- print "\n";
-if ($opts{l}) {
- #list only
- foreach my $todo (sort {$b <=> $a} @todos) {
- my $desc=description($todo);
- if ($desc) {
- my $lines=$opts{n} || 2;
- if ($desc =~ /((?:.*\n){1,$lines})/) {
- $desc = $1;
- $desc =~ s/^/ /mg;
- if ($opts{f}) {
- print ${$data->{$todo}->{entry}}, $desc;
- }
- else {
- print "$todo:\n$desc";
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- print "${$data->{$todo}->{entry}}";
- }
- }
- exit 0;
-if ($opts{b}) {
- # auto process
- foreach my $todo (sort {$b <=> $a} @todos) {
- if ($data->{$todo}->{CVE}) {
- my $nfu_entry = auto_nfu($todo);
- if ($nfu_entry) {
- ${$data->{$todo}->{entry}} =~
- s/^\s*TODO: check/\tNOT-FOR-US: $nfu_entry/m ;
- next;
- }
- }
- }
- save_datafile();
- exit 0;
-my $term = new Term::ReadLine 'check-new-issues';
-if ($term->ReadLine() eq 'Term::ReadLine::Stub') {
- print "Install libterm-readline-gnu-perl to get readline support!\n";
-my $attribs = $term->Attribs;
-my @completion_commands = qw(.f .c .w .m .r .g ! v e - .help q d);
-$attribs->{completer_word_break_characters} = ' ';
-sub initial_completion {
- my ($text, $line, $start, $end) = @_;
- $attribs->{attempted_completion_over} = 1;
- # If first word then complete commands
- if ($start == 0) {
- $attribs->{completion_word} = \@completion_commands;
- # do not add useless blank spaces on completion
- $attribs->{completion_suppress_append} = 1
- unless ($line eq '-');
- return $term->completion_matches($text,
- $attribs->{list_completion_function});
- } elsif ($line =~ /^-\s+(.)?(?:([^\s]+)\s+)?/) {
- my ($fc, $pkg) = ($1, $2);
- if (length($fc) == 0) {
- $attribs->{completion_suppress_append} = 1;
- $attribs->{completion_word} = [ keys %seen_pkgs ];
- } elsif (length($pkg) != 0) {
- $attribs->{completion_word} = [ qw(<end-of-life> <unfixed> <removed> <not-affected> <ignored> <postponed> <unimportant> <itp>) ];
- } elsif (exists($seen_pkgs{$fc})) {
- $attribs->{completion_word} = [ keys %{$seen_pkgs{$fc}} ];
- } else {
- $attribs->{completion_word} = [];
- }
- return $term->completion_matches($text,
- $attribs->{list_completion_function});
- } else {
- return;
- }
-$attribs->{attempted_completion_function} = \&initial_completion;
-foreach my $todo (sort {$b <=> $a} @todos) {
- last unless present_issue($todo);
-sub save_datafile {
- open(my $fh, ">", $datafile);
- print $fh @{$entries};
- close($fh);
-sub present_issue {
- my $name = shift;
- my $quit = 0;
- print_full_entry($name);
- if ($data->{$name}->{CVE}) {
- my $nfu_entry = auto_nfu($name);
- if ($nfu_entry) {
- ${$data->{$name}->{entry}} =~
- s/^\s*TODO: check/\tNOT-FOR-US: $nfu_entry/m ;
- print "New entry auto set to set to:\n${$data->{$name}->{entry}}";
- return 1;
- }
- }
- auto_search($name);
- READ: while (my $r=$term->readline(">") ) {
- chomp $r;
- if ($r =~ /^\s*$/) {
- last READ;
- }
- elsif ($r=~ /^\.c(.*)$/ ) {
- my $s = $1;
- $s =~ tr{a-zA-Z0-9_@-}{ }cs;
- print "=== apt-cache search $s :\n";
- system("apt-cache search $s|less -FX");
- print "===\n";
- next READ;
- }
- elsif ($r=~ /^\.f(.*)$/ ) {
- my $s = $1;
- $s =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
- $s = quotemeta($s);
- print "=== apt-file search $s:\n";
- system("apt-file search $s|less -FX");
- print "===\n";
- next READ;
- }
- elsif ($r=~ /^\.w(.*)$/ ) {
- my $s = $1;
- $s =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
- print "=== wnpp lookup for '$s':\n";
- search_wnpp($s);
- print "===\n";
- next READ;
- }
- elsif ($r=~ /^\.m(.*)$/ ) {
- my $s = $1;
- $s =~ s/^\s+//;
- $s =~ s/\s+$//;
- print "references to $s in embedded-code-copies:\n";
- search_embed($s) or print "none\n";
- next READ;
- }
- elsif ($r=~ /^\.g(.+)$/ ) {
- my $n = $1;
- $n =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
- if (!exists($data->{$n})) {
- print "unknown issue '$n'\n";
- next READ;
- }
- unless (present_issue($n)) {
- $quit = 1;
- last READ;
- }
- print "back at $name (you might want to type 'd')\n";
- next READ;
- }
- elsif ($r=~ /^\.h/i ) {
- print_commands;
- next READ;
- }
- elsif ($r=~ /^!(.+)$/ ) {
- system($1);
- print "exit status: $?\n";
- next READ;
- }
- elsif ($r=~ /^q\s?$/i ) {
- $quit = 1;
- last READ;
- }
- elsif ($r=~ /^[ve]\s?$/i ) {
- my $newentry=edit_entry(${$data->{$name}->{entry}});
- if ( $newentry eq ${$data->{$name}->{entry}} ) {
- print "Not changed.\n";
- next READ;
- }
- else {
- ${$data->{$name}->{entry}}=$newentry;
- print "New entry set to:\n$newentry";
- last READ;
- }
- }
- elsif ($r=~ /^d\s?$/i ) {
- print_full_entry($name);
- next READ;
- }
- elsif ($r=~ /^(\-\s+.+)$/ ) {
- my @comps=split /\s+/, $1;
- push @comps, '<unfixed>'
- unless (scalar(@comps)>2);
- my $inputentry = join(' ', @comps);
- my $preventry=${$data->{$name}->{entry}};
- $preventry =~
- s/^\s+/\t$inputentry\n$&/m ;
- if ($comps[2] eq '<itp>') {
- $preventry =~
- s/^\s*TODO: check\n//m ;
- }
- my $newentry=edit_entry($preventry);
- ${$data->{$name}->{entry}}=$newentry;
- print "New entry set to:\n$newentry";
- last READ;
- }
- elsif ($r=~ /^\.r(.*)$/ ) {
- my $tmp=new File::Temp();
- my $tmpname=$tmp->filename;
- system("$basedir/bin/report-vuln $1 $name > $tmpname");
- system("$editor $tmpname");
- close($tmp);
- next READ;
- }
- else {
- ${$data->{$name}->{entry}} =~
- s/^\s*TODO: check/\tNOT-FOR-US: $r/m ;
- print "New entry set to:\n${$data->{$name}->{entry}}";
- last READ;
- }
- }
- return (!$quit);
-sub print_full_entry {
- my $name = shift;
- print ${$data->{$name}->{CVE}} if $data->{$name}->{CVE};
- print ${$data->{$name}->{entry}};
-sub description {
- my $name=shift;
- defined $data->{$name}->{CVE} or return "";
- ${$data->{$name}->{CVE}} =~ /\n\n(.*\n)\n/s;
- my $desc = $1;
- $desc =~ s/\n\n+/\n/;
- return $desc;
-sub read_file
- my $file=shift;
- my $re=shift;
- open(my $fh, $file) or die "could not open $file";
- my @data;
- my $cur="";
- while (my $line=<$fh>) {
- if ($line =~ $re and $cur) {
- push @data, $cur;
- $cur = "";
- }
- $cur.=$line;
- }
- push @data, $cur if $cur;
- close($fh);
- return \@data;
-sub edit_entry {
- my $entry=shift;
- my $tmp=new File::Temp();
- my $tmpname=$tmp->filename;
- print $tmp $entry;
- close $tmp;
- system "$editor $tmpname";
- local $/; #slurp
- open($tmp, $tmpname);
- return <$tmp>;
-sub wnpp_to_history {
- my $pkg = shift;
- # there might be more than one bug, so only take the first
- my ($bugline) = (split /[|]/, $wnpp{$pkg}, 2);
- my ($type, $bug) = split /\s+/, $bugline;
- return unless ($type =~ /^(?:RFP|ITP)$/);
- $term->addhistory("- $pkg <itp> (bug #$bug)");
-sub auto_nfu {
- my $name=shift;
- my $desc=description($name);
- $desc =~ s/[\s\n]+/ /g;
- if ($desc =~ m/in\s+the\s+(.+)\s+(plugin|theme)\s+(?:[\w\d.]+\s+)?(?:(?:(?:before|through)\s+)?[\w\d.]+\s+)?for\s+[Ww]ord[Pp]ress/) {
- my ($name, $type) = ($1, $2);
- return "$name $type for WordPress";
- }
- if ($desc =~ m/\b(FS\s+.+?\s+Clone|Meinberg\s+LANTIME|Ecava\s+IntegraXor|Foxit\s+Reader|Cambium\s+Networks\s+.+?\s+firmware|Trend\s+Micro|(?:SAP|IBM|EMC|NetApp|Micro\sFocus).+?(?=tool|is|version|[\d(,]))/) {
- my $name = $1;
- $name =~ s/\s$//;
- return $name;
- }
- return '';
-sub auto_search {
- my $name=shift;
- my $desc=description($name);
- $desc =~ s/[\s\n]+/ /g;
- my $file;
- my $prog;
- if ( $desc =~ /^(\S+(?: [A-Z]\w*)*) \d/ ) {
- $prog = $1;
- }
- elsif ( $desc =~ / in (\S+\.\S+) in (?:the )?(\S+) / ) {
- $file = $1;
- $prog = $2;
- }
- elsif ( $desc =~ / in (?:the )?(\S+) / ) {
- $prog = $1;
- }
- if ($prog) {
- unless ($opts{s}) {
- my $prog_esc =$prog;
- $prog_esc =~ tr{a-zA-Z0-9_@/-}{ }cs;
- print "doing apt-cache search...";
- my @ac=apt_cache($prog_esc);
- if (scalar @ac > $auto_display_limit || scalar @ac == 0) {
- print "\r", scalar @ac, " results from apt-cache search $prog_esc\n";
- }
- else {
- print "\r=== apt-cache search $prog_esc:\n", @ac, "===\n";
- }
- } else {
- print "You probably want to .c$prog\n";
- }
- foreach my $p (split /\s+/, $prog) {
- search_embed($p);
- my @wr = search_wnpp($p);
- if (scalar @wr > $auto_display_limit) {
- print scalar @wr, " results from searching '$prog' in WNPP\n";
- }
- else {
- for my $we (@wr) {
- print "$we: $wnpp{$we}\n";
- wnpp_to_history($we);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ( $file =~ /^(?:index|default|login|search|admin)\.(?:php3?|asp|cgi|pl)$/i ) {
- return;
- }
- if ( $file =~ /(php3?|asp|cgi|pl)$/ ) {
- unless ($opts{s}) {
- if (! exists $afcache{$file}) {
- my $file_esc = quotemeta($file);
- print "doing apt-file search...";
- $afcache{$file}=[`apt-file -i search $file_esc`];
- if (scalar @{$afcache{$file}} > $auto_display_limit) {
- # replace with empty array to save mem
- my $num = scalar @{$afcache{$file}};
- $afcache{$file} = [];
- $afcache{$file}->[$num-1] = undef;
- }
- }
- if (scalar @{$afcache{$file}} > $auto_display_limit ||
- scalar @{$afcache{$file}} == 0) {
- print "\r", scalar @{$afcache{$file}},
- " results from apt-file -i search $file\n";
- }
- else {
- print "\r=== apt-file -i search $file:\n", @{$afcache{$file}}, "===\n";
- }
- } else {
- print "You probably want to .f$file\n";
- }
- }
- my @apt_cache_cache;
- my $apt_cache_cache_term;
- sub apt_cache {
- my $term = shift;
- if ($term eq $apt_cache_cache_term) {
- return @apt_cache_cache;
- }
- @apt_cache_cache = `apt-cache search $term`;
- $apt_cache_cache_term = $term;
- return @apt_cache_cache;
- }
-sub read_embedded_copies {
- my $emb_file = $opts{e} || "$basedir/data/embedded-code-copies";
- open(my $fh, $emb_file);
- # skip comments
- while (<$fh>) {
- last if /^---BEGIN/;
- }
- my ($code, $pkg);
- while (my $line = <$fh>) {
- if ($line =~ /^([\w][\w+-.]+)/) {
- $code = lc($1);
- $pkg = undef;
- if (exists $embed_code->{$code}) {
- syntax_error("Duplicate embedded code $code")
- }
- }
- elsif ($line =~ /^\s*$/) {
- $code = undef;
- $pkg = undef;
- }
- elsif ($line =~ /^\s+(?:\[\w+\]\s+)?-\s+(\w[\w.-]+)/) {
- $pkg = $1;
- $line =~ s/^\s+//;
- if ($embed_code->{$code}->{$pkg}) {
- $embed_code->{$code}->{$pkg} .= $line;
- }
- else {
- $embed_code->{$code}->{$pkg} = $line;
- push @{$embed_pkg->{$pkg}}, $code;
- }
- }
- elsif ($line =~ /^\s+(?:NOTE|TODO)/) {
- $line =~ s/^\s+//;
- if ($pkg) {
- $embed_code->{$code}->{$pkg} .= $line;
- }
- }
- else {
- syntax_error("Cannot parse $line");
- }
- }
-sub syntax_error {
- $embed_errors=1;
- print STDERR "embedded-code-copies:$.: @_\n";
-sub search_embed {
- my $text = shift;
- my $found = 0;
- $text = lc($text);
- if (exists $embed_code->{$text}) {
- print "$text is embedded by: ",
- join(" ", sort keys %{$embed_code->{$text}}),
- "\n";
- $found = 1;
- }
- if (exists $embed_pkg->{$text}) {
- print "$text embeds: ",
- join(" ", sort @{$embed_pkg->{$text}}),
- "\n";
- $found = 1;
- }
- return $found;
-sub search_wnpp {
- my $s = shift;
- $s = lc $s;
- my @matches;
- @matches = grep(/$s/, sort keys %wnpp);
- if (wantarray) {
- return @matches;
- } else {
- foreach my $e (@matches) {
- print "$e: $wnpp{$e}\n";
- }
- return (length(@matches) > 0);
- }
-sub read_removed_packages_file {
- my $file = shift;
- open(my $fh, "<", $file) or die "could not open $file";
- my @packages;
- my $line;
- while (defined ($line = <$fh>)) {
- chomp $line;
- $line =~ s/^\s+//;
- $line =~ s/\s+$//;
- next if $line =~ /^$/;
- next if $line =~ /^#/;
- push @packages, $line;
- }
- return @packages;
+ignore_missing_bugs = read_packages_file(removed_packages_file)
+ignore_missing_bugs += read_packages_file(ignore_bug_file)
+# TODO: move this to data/packages/{removed,ignored-debian-bug}-packages
+ignore_missing_bugs += "linux-2.6 linux-2.6.24 \
+ kfreebsd-source kfreebsd-5 kfreebsd-6 kfreebsd-7 \
+ mozilla mozilla-firefox mozilla-thunderbird firefox \
+ php4 gnutls11".split()
+seen_pkgs = {}
+for name, cve in cves.items():
+ if not args.list:
+ for ann in cve.annotations:
+ if isinstance(ann, parsers.PackageAnnotation):
+ pkg = ann.package
+ seen_pkgs[pkg] = True
+ if issue_re.match(name):
+ if not args.only_unfixed:
+ for ann in cve.annotations:
+ if ann_is_todo_check(ann):
+ todos.append(name)
+ num_todo += 1
+ if args.unfixed or args.only_unfixed:
+ for ann in cve.annotations:
+ if not isinstance(ann, parsers.PackageAnnotation):
+ continue
+ if ann.release != None and ann.release != "":
+ continue
+ if ann.package in ignore_missing_bugs:
+ continue
+ if ann.kind != "unfixed":
+ continue
+ urgency = get_annotation(ann.flags, parsers.PackageUrgencyAnnotation)
+ if urgency and urgency.severity == "unimportant":
+ continue
+ bug = get_annotation(ann.flags, parsers.PackageBugAnnotation)
+ if bug:
+ continue
+ todos.append(name)
+ num_missing_bug += 1
+if not args.list and not
+ print("")
+ print("Commands:")
+ print_commands()
+ print("")
+if args.list:
+ for todo in sorted(todos, reverse=True):
+ desc = get_cve5_description(todo)
+ if desc:
+ indent = " "
+ lines = textwrap.wrap(desc, initial_indent=indent, subsequent_indent=indent)
+ desc = "\n".join(lines[0:2])
+ if args.full:
+ print_cve(cves[todo])
+ print(f"{desc}")
+ else:
+ print(f"{todo}:\n{desc}")
+ else:
+ print_cve(cves[todo])
+ sys.exit(0)
+ # auto process
+ for todo in todos:
+ if todo in cve5s:
+ if nfu_entry := auto_nfu(todo):
+ set_cve_fnu(todo, nfu_entry)
+ save_datafile(cves.values(), datafile)
+ sys.exit(0)
+def set_cve_nfu(name, desc):
+ cve = cves[name]
+ # remove todo: check annotation...
+ cve.annotations = [ann for ann in cve.annotations if not ann_is_todo_check(ann)]
+ # ... and add a NFU annotation
+ ann = parsers.StringAnnotation(0, "NOT-FOR-US", desc)
+ cve.annotations.append(ann)
+def print_full_entry(name):
+ print_urls(name)
+ if desc := get_cve5_description(name):
+ print(desc)
+ print_cve(cves[name])
+def edit_entry(entry, extra_text=None):
+ _, filename = tempfile.mkstemp()
+ save_datafile([entry], filename)
+ with open(filename) as f:
+ old_data =
+ if extra_text is not None:
+ with open(filename, "a") as f:
+ f.write(extra_text)
+"{editor} {filename}", shell=True)
+ with open(filename) as f:
+ new_data =
+ newcves = parsers.cvelist(filename)
+ os.unlink(filename)
+ debug(f"edit_entry: old_data\n{old_data}\n")
+ debug(f"edit_entry: new_data\n{new_data}\n")
+ if old_data == new_data:
+ return None
+ return newcves[0]
+def search_wnpp(s, wantarray=False):
+ s = s.lower()
+ matches = [w for w in wnpp.keys() if s in w]
+ matches = sorted(matches)
+ if wantarray:
+ return matches
+ for e in matches:
+ print(f"{e}: {wnpp[e]}")
+ return len(matches) > 0
+def auto_search(name):
+ desc = get_cve5_description(name) or ""
+ desc = desc.strip()
+ #$desc =~ s/[\s\n]+/ /g;
+ prog = None
+ file = None
+ if m := re.match(r'^(\S+(?: [A-Z]\w*)*) \d', desc):
+ prog =
+ elif m :=' in (\S+\.\S+) in (?:the )?(\S+) ', desc):
+ file =
+ prog =
+ elif m :=' in (?:the )?(\S+) ', desc):
+ prog =
+ if prog:
+ debug("prog: " + prog)
+ if not args.skip:
+ prog_esc = prog
+ #$prog_esc =~ tr{a-zA-Z0-9_@/-}{ }cs;
+ ac = apt_cache(prog_esc)
+ if len(ac) > auto_display_limit or len(ac) == 0:
+ print(f"{len(ac)} results from apt-cache search {prog_esc}")
+ else:
+ print(f"=== apt-cache search {prog_esc}:")
+ for result in ac:
+ print(result)
+ print("===")
+ else:
+ print(f"You probably want to .c{prog}")
+ for p in prog.split():
+ search_embed(p)
+ wr = search_wnpp(p, wantarray=True)
+ if len(wr) > auto_display_limit:
+ print(f"{len(wr)} results from searching '{p}' in WNPP")
+ else:
+ for we in wr:
+ print(f"{we}: {wnpp[we]}")
+ if file and re.match(r'^(?:index|default|login|search|admin)\.(?:php3?|asp|cgi|pl)$', file):
+ return
+ if file and'(php3?|asp|cgi|pl)$', file):
+ if not args.skip:
+ if file not in afcache:
+ file_esc = file
+ #file_esc = quotemeta(file)
+ print(f"doing apt-file search {file_esc}")
+ cmd =['apt-file', '-i', 'search', file_esc], text=True, capture_output=True)
+ afcache[file] = cmd.stdout.split('\n')
+ #if (scalar @{$afcache{$file}} > $auto_display_limit) {
+ # # replace with empty array to save mem
+ # my $num = scalar @{$afcache{$file}}
+ # afcache[file] = []
+ if len(afcache[file]) > auto_display_limit or \
+ len(afcache[file]) == 0:
+ print(f"{len(afcache[file])} results from apt-file -i search {file}")
+ else:
+ print(f"=== apt-file -i search {file}:")
+ for result in afcache[file]:
+ print(afcache[file])
+ print("===")
+ else:
+ print(f"You probably want to .f{file}")
+def present_issue(name):
+ quit = False
+ print_full_entry(name)
+ if name in cve5s:
+ if nfu_entry := auto_nfu(name):
+ set_cve_nfu(name, nfu_entry)
+ print("New entry automatically set to NFU:")
+ entry = cves[name]
+ print_cve(entry)
+ return True
+ auto_search(name)
+ while True:
+ line = input("> ")
+ line = line.strip()
+ if m := re.match(r"^\s*$", line):
+ break
+ elif m := re.match(r"^\.c(.*)$", line):
+ s =
+ #$s =~ tr{a-zA-Z0-9_@-}{ }cs;
+ print(f"=== apt-cache search {s}")
+"apt-cache search {s} | less -FX", shell=True)
+ print("===")
+ continue
+ elif m := re.match(r"^\.f(.*)$", line):
+ s =
+ #s = quotemeta(s)
+ print(f"=== apt-file search {s}")
+"apt-file search {s} | less -FX", shell=True)
+ print("===")
+ continue
+ elif m := re.match(r"^\.w(.*)$", line):
+ s =
+ print(f"=== wnpp lookup for '{s}':")
+ search_wnpp(s)
+ print("===")
+ continue
+ elif m := re.match(r'^\.m(.*)$', line):
+ s =
+ print(f"references to {s} in embedded-code-copies:")
+ search_embed(s) or print("none")
+ continue
+ elif m := re.match(r"^\.g(.+)$", line):
+ n =
+ if n not in cves:
+ print(f"unknown issue '{n}'")
+ continue
+ if present_issue(n):
+ quit = True
+ break
+ print(f"back at {name} (you might want to type 'd')")
+ continue
+ elif re.match("^\.h$", line):
+ print_commands()
+ continue
+ elif m := re.match(r"^!(.+)$", line):
+ cmd =
+ r =, shell=True)
+ print(f"exit status: {r.returncode}")
+ continue
+ elif re.match(r"^q\s?$", line):
+ quit = True
+ break
+ elif re.match(r"^[ve]\s?$", line):
+ entry = cves[name]
+ new_entry = edit_entry(entry)
+ if not new_entry:
+ print("Not changed.")
+ continue
+ else:
+ cves[name] = new_entry
+ print("New entry set to:")
+ print_cve(new_entry)
+ break
+ elif re.match(r"^d\s?$", line):
+ print_full_entry(name)
+ continue
+ elif m := re.match(r"^(\-\s+.+)$", line):
+ components =
+ if len(components) <= 2:
+ components.append('<unfixed>')
+ extra_text = "\t" + " ".join(components)
+ old_entry = cves[name]
+ if components[2] == '<itp>':
+ old_entry.annotations = [ann for ann in old_entry.annotations
+ if not ann_is_todo_check(ann)]
+ new_entry = edit_entry(old_entry, extra_text=extra_text)
+ cves[name] = new_entry
+ print("New entry set to:")
+ print_cve(new_entry)
+ break
+ elif m := re.match(f'^\.r(.*)$', line):
+ pkg =
+ _, tmpname = tempfile.mkstemp()
+"bin/report-vuln {pkg} {name} > {tmpname}", shell=True)
+"{editor} {tmpname}", shell=True)
+ #os.unlink(tmpname)
+ continue
+ else:
+ set_cve_nfu(name, line)
+ print("New entry set to:")
+ print_cve(cves[name])
+ break
+ return quit
+completion_commands = ".f .c .w .m .r .g ! v e - .help q d".split()
+def complete_line(text, state):
+ response = None
+ origline = readline.get_line_buffer()
+ begin = readline.get_begidx()
+ end = readline.get_endidx()
+ being_completed = origline[begin:end]
+ words = origline.split()
+ logging.debug('origline=%s', repr(origline))
+ logging.debug('begin=%s', begin)
+ logging.debug('end=%s', end)
+ logging.debug('being_completed=%s', being_completed)
+ logging.debug('words=%s', words)
+ if not words:
+ current_candidates = completion_commands
+ else:
+ try:
+ if begin == 0:
+ # first word
+ candidates = completion_commands
+ else:
+ # later word
+ first = words[0]
+ if first == '-':
+ # autocomplete - pkg entries
+ if len(words) == 1 or (len(words) == 2 and being_completed):
+ candidates = list(seen_pkgs.keys())
+ candidates += list(wnpp_to_candidates())
+ else:
+ candidates = '<end-of-life> <unfixed> <removed> <not-affected> <ignored> <postponed> <unimportant> <itp>'.split()
+ #else:
+ # XXX
+ if being_completed:
+ # match options with portion of input
+ # being completed
+ current_candidates = [ w for w in candidates
+ if w.startswith(being_completed) ]
+ else:
+ # matching empty string so use all candidates
+ current_candidates = candidates
+ logging.debug('candidates=%s', current_candidates)
+ except (KeyError, IndexError) as err:
+ logging.error('completion error: %s', err)
+ current_candidates = []
+ try:
+ response = current_candidates[state]
+ if len(current_candidates) == 1:
+ response += " "
+ except IndexError:
+ response = None
+ logging.debug('complete(%s, %s) => %s', repr(text), state, response)
+ return response
+# we don't want '<' to be considered a delim as we use it as a word for
+# e.g. '<unfixed>'
+readline.set_completer_delims(' ')
+readline.parse_and_bind('tab: complete')
+for todo in sorted(todos, reverse=True):
+ if present_issue(todo):
+ break
+save_datafile(cves.values(), datafile)

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