{ "id": 1, "number": "1", "status": null, "started_at": null, "finished_at": null, "status_message": "Passed", "commit": "62aae5f70ceee39123ef", "branch": "master", "message": "this is a long commit message, because we must learn how to lead ever-present lives in the face of turbulence. It is a sign of things to come. The vector of aspiration is now happening worldwide. It is time to take it to the next level. Today, science tells us that the essence of nature is truth. Throughout history, humans have been interacting with the quantum matrix via four-dimensional superstructures. We are in the midst of a cosmic summoning of power that will let us access the multiverse itself. Who are we? Where on the great path will we be aligned?", "compare_url": "https://github.com/svenfuchs/minimal/compare/master...develop", "committed_at": "2011-11-11T11: 11: 11Z", "committer_name": "Sven Fuchs", "committer_email": "svenfuchs@artweb-design.de", "author_name": "Sven Fuchs", "author_email": "svenfuchs@artweb-design.de", "type": "push", "build_url": "https://travis-ci.org/svenfuchs/minimal/builds/1", "repository": { "id": 1, "name": "minimal", "owner_name": "svenfuchs", "url": "http://github.com/svenfuchs/minimal" }, "config": { "notifications": { "webhooks": ["http://evome.fr/notifications", "http://example.com/"] } }, "matrix": [ { "id": 2, "repository_id": 1, "number": "1.1", "state": "created", "started_at": null, "finished_at": null, "config": { "notifications": { "webhooks": ["http://evome.fr/notifications", "http://example.com/"] } }, "status": null, "log": "", "result": null, "parent_id": 1, "commit": "62aae5f70ceee39123ef", "branch": "master", "message": "the commit message", "committed_at": "2011-11-11T11: 11: 11Z", "committer_name": "Sven Fuchs", "committer_email": "svenfuchs@artweb-design.de", "author_name": "Sven Fuchs", "author_email": "svenfuchs@artweb-design.de", "compare_url": "https://github.com/svenfuchs/minimal/compare/master...develop" } ] }