enable_rss != 'yes') { exit(error($lang['l_rss_notenabled'], $cal, '../')); } if (empty($default_path)) { if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) || strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) == 'on' ) { $default_path = 'https://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].':'.$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'].substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],0,strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],'/rss/')); } else { $default_path = 'http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].':'.$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'].substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],0,strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],'/rss/')); } } $current_view = "rssindex"; $display_date = "RSS Info"; $rss_list = "\n"; $xml_icon ="xml"; $filelist = availableCalendars($username, $password, $phpiCal_config->ALL_CALENDARS_COMBINED); foreach ($filelist as $file) { // $cal_filename is the filename of the calendar without .ics // $cal is a urlencoded version of $cal_filename // $cal_displayname is $cal_filename with occurrences of "32" replaced with " " if (is_numeric(array_search($file, $cal_filelist))){ $cal_displayname_tmp = $cal_displaynames[array_search($file,$cal_filelist)]; }else{ $cal_displayname_tmp = str_replace("32", " ", str_replace(".ics",'',basename($file))); } $rss_list .= ''; /* Changed to show links without urlencode, but links valid urls */ $rss_list .= ""; $rss_list .= ''; $rss_list .= ''; $rss_list .= ''; $rss_list .= ""; $rss_list .= ''; $rss_list .= ''; $rss_list .= ''; $rss_list .= ""; $rss_list .= ''; $rss_list .= ''; $rss_list .= ''; $footer_check = $default_path.'/rss/rss.php?cal%3D'.rawurlencode($file.'&cpath='.$cpath.'&rssview='.$default_view); $validrss_check = str_replace('%', '%25', $footer_check); $rss_list .= "\n"; } $rss_list .= "
'.$cal_displayname_tmp.' '. $lang['l_calendar'].'".$lang['l_day']."'.$xml_icon.' RSS 0.91'.$xml_icon.' RSS 1.0'.$xml_icon.' RSS 2.0
".$lang['l_week']."'.$xml_icon.' RSS 0.91'.$xml_icon.' RSS 1.0'.$xml_icon.' RSS 2.0
".$lang['l_month']."'.$xml_icon.' RSS 0.91'.$xml_icon.' RSS 1.0'.$xml_icon.' RSS 2.0
\n"; /* End link modification */ $page = new Page(BASE.'templates/'.$template.'/rss_index.tpl'); $page->replace_files(array( 'header' => BASE.'templates/'.$template.'/header.tpl', 'footer' => BASE.'templates/'.$template.'/footer.tpl', 'event_js' => '' )); $page->replace_tags(array( 'version' => $phpicalendar_version, 'default_path' => $default_path.'/', 'template' => $template, 'cal' => $cal, 'getdate' => $getdate, 'calendar_name' => $calendar_name, 'display_date' => $display_date, 'current_view' => $current_view, 'sidebar_date' => $sidebar_date, 'rss_powered' => $rss_powered, 'rss_list' => $rss_list, 'charset' => $charset, 'rss_available' => '', 'rssdisable' => '', 'rss_valid' => '', 'rss_docinfo' => "RSS feeds can also be set up for a specified number of days before or after a given date, or between two dates. See the documentation for how to set up the URLs", /* Replaces footer.tpl {validrss_check} with $validrss_check */ 'validrss_check' => $validrss_check, 'show_search' => $show_search, 'l_rss_info' => $lang['l_rss_info'], 'l_rss_subhead' => $lang['l_rss_subhead'], 'l_day' => $lang['l_day'], 'l_week' => $lang['l_week'], 'l_month' => $lang['l_month'], 'l_year' => $lang['l_year'], 'l_subscribe' => $lang['l_subscribe'], 'l_download' => $lang['l_download'], 'l_this_months' => $lang['l_this_months'], 'l_powered_by' => $lang['l_powered_by'], 'l_this_site_is' => $lang['l_this_site_is'] )); $page->output(); ?>