24) { $cal_displayname2 = substr("$cal_displayname2", 0, 21); $cal_displayname2 = $cal_displayname2 . "..."; } $next_day = date("Ymd", strtotime("+1 day", $unix_time)); $prev_day = date("Ymd", strtotime("-1 day", $unix_time)); // Get the real date to display as "go to today", not the date displayed in the calendar $really_unix_time = strtotime(date('Ymd')); $really_today_today = date ('Ymd', $really_unix_time); $fake_getdate_time = strtotime($this_year.'-'.$this_month.'-15'); ?>
\"[$last_day_lang]\""; ?> \"[$next_day_lang]\""; ?>
'; for ($i=0; $i<7; $i++) { $day_num = date("w", $start_day); $day = $daysofweekreallyshort_lang[$day_num]; echo ''; $start_day = strtotime("+1 day", $start_day); } echo ''; $minical_time = strtotime("-1 month", $fake_getdate_time); $minical_month = date("m", $minical_time); $minical_year = date("Y", $minical_time); $first_of_month = $minical_year.$minical_month."01"; $start_day = strtotime(dateOfWeek($first_of_month, $week_start_day)); $i = 0; $whole_month = TRUE; $num_of_events = 0; do { $day = date ("j", $start_day); $daylink = date ("Ymd", $start_day); $check_month = date ("m", $start_day); if ($check_month != $minical_month) $day = ''.$day.''; if ($i == 0) echo "\n"; if (isset($master_array[("$daylink")]) && ($check_month == $minical_month)) { echo ''; } else { echo ''; } $start_day = strtotime("+1 day", $start_day); $i++; if ($i == 7) { echo ''; $i = 0; $checkagain = date ("m", $start_day); if ($checkagain != $minical_month) $whole_month = FALSE; } } while ($whole_month == TRUE); ?>
'; echo ''.$day.''; echo ''; echo ''.$day.''; echo '

'; echo '
'; echo "
"; include('./functions/list_icals.php'); echo '
'; include('./functions/list_years.php'); echo '
'; include('./functions/list_months.php'); echo '
'; include('./functions/list_weeks.php'); echo '
'; echo "
"; echo '
'; ?>
\n"; echo "$goweek_lang
\n"; echo "$gomonth_lang
\n"; echo "$goyear_lang
\n"; echo "$goprint_lang
\n"; if ($allow_preferences != 'no') echo "$preferences_lang
\n"; if ($cal != $ALL_CALENDARS_COMBINED && $subscribe_path != '' && $download_filename != '') echo "$subscribe_lang | $download_lang\n"; ?>
'; for ($i=0; $i<7; $i++) { $day_num = date("w", $start_day); $day = $daysofweekreallyshort_lang[$day_num]; echo ''; $start_day = strtotime("+1 day", $start_day); } echo ''; $minical_time = strtotime("+1 month", $fake_getdate_time); $minical_month = date("m", $minical_time); $minical_year = date("Y", $minical_time); $first_of_month = $minical_year.$minical_month."01"; $start_day = strtotime(dateOfWeek($first_of_month, $week_start_day)); $i = 0; $whole_month = TRUE; $num_of_events = 0; do { $day = date ("j", $start_day); $daylink = date ("Ymd", $start_day); $check_month = date ("m", $start_day); if ($check_month != $minical_month) $day = ''.$day.''; if ($i == 0) echo "\n"; if (isset($master_array[("$daylink")]) && ($check_month == $minical_month)) { echo ''; } else { echo ''; } $start_day = strtotime("+1 day", $start_day); $i++; if ($i == 7) { echo ''; $i = 0; $checkagain = date ("m", $start_day); if ($checkagain != $minical_month) $whole_month = FALSE; } } while ($whole_month == TRUE); ?>
'; echo ''.$day.''; echo ''; echo ''.$day.''; echo '