$val) { ereg ("([0-9]{6})([0-9]{2})", $key, $regs); if ((($regs[1] == $parse_month) && ($printview == "month")) || (($key == $getdate) && ($printview == "day")) || ((($key >= $week_start) && ($key <= $week_end)) && ($printview == "week"))) { $events_week++; $dayofmonth = strtotime ($key); $dayofmonth = localizeDate ($dateFormat_day, $dayofmonth); // Pull out each day foreach ($val as $new_val) { foreach ($new_val as $new_key2 => $new_val2) { if ($new_val2["event_text"]) { $event_text = stripslashes(urldecode($new_val2["event_text"])); $description = stripslashes(urldecode($new_val2["description"])); $event_start = $new_val2["event_start"]; $event_end = $new_val2["event_end"]; if (isset($new_val2["display_end"])) $event_end = $new_val2["display_end"]; $event_start = date ($timeFormat, strtotime ("$event_start")); $event_end = date ($timeFormat, strtotime ("$event_end")); $event_start = "$event_start - $event_end"; if (!$new_val2["event_start"]) { $event_start = "$all_day_lang"; $event_start2 = ''; $event_end = ''; } $middle = ''; if ($new_val2["description"]) { $middle = ''; } $middle = ''; } } } } } if ($events_week < 1) { $middle = $no_events; } } function draw_week($template_p) { global $start_week_time, $template, $getdate, $cal, $master_array, $daysofweek_lang, $week_start_day, $dateFormat_week_list, $current_view, $day_array, $timeFormat, $gridLength; for ($i=0; $i<7; $i++) { $thisdate = date ('Ymd', $start_week_time); $weekarray[$i] = $thisdate; $start_week_time = strtotime('+1 day', $start_week_time); } // Replaces the allday events preg_match("!<\!-- loop allday on -->(.*)<\!-- loop allday off -->!is", $this->page, $match1); preg_match("!<\!-- loop alldaysofweek on -->(.*)<\!-- loop allday on -->!is", $this->page, $match2); preg_match("!<\!-- loop allday off -->(.*)<\!-- loop alldaysofweek off -->!is", $this->page, $match3); $loop_ad = trim($match1[1]); $loop_begin = trim($match2[1]); $loop_end = trim($match3[1]); foreach ($weekarray as $key => $get_date) { $replace = $loop_begin; if (is_array($master_array[$get_date]['-1'])) { foreach ($master_array[$get_date]['-1'] as $allday) { $event_calno = $allday['calnumber']; $event_calna = $allday['calname']; $event_url = $allday['url']; if ($event_calno < 1) $event_calno=1; if ($event_calno > 7) $event_calno=7; $event = openevent($event_calna, '', '', $allday, 1, 11, '', '', 'psf', $event_url); $loop_tmp = str_replace('{EVENT}', $event, $loop_ad); $loop_tmp = str_replace('{CALNO}', $event_calno, $loop_tmp); $replace .= $loop_tmp; } } $replace .= $loop_end; $weekreplace .= $replace; } $this->page = preg_replace('!<\!-- loop alldaysofweek on -->(.*)<\!-- loop alldaysofweek off -->!is', $weekreplace, $this->page); // Replaces the daysofweek preg_match("!<\!-- loop daysofweek on -->(.*)<\!-- loop daysofweek off -->!is", $this->page, $match1); $loop_dof = trim($match1[1]); $start_wt = strtotime(dateOfWeek($getdate, $week_start_day)); $start_day = strtotime($week_start_day); for ($i=0; $i<7; $i++) { $day_num = date("w", $start_day); $daylink = date('Ymd', $start_wt); if ($current_view == 'day') { $weekday = $daysofweek_lang[$day_num]; } else { $weekday = localizeDate($dateFormat_week_list, strtotime($daylink)); } if ($daylink == $getdate) { $row1 = 'rowToday'; $row2 = 'rowOn'; $row3 = 'rowToday'; } else { $row1 = 'rowOff'; $row2 = 'rowOn'; $row3 = 'rowOff'; } $start_day = strtotime("+1 day", $start_day); $start_wt = strtotime("+1 day", $start_wt); $loop_tmp = str_replace('{DAY}', $weekday, $loop_dof); $loop_tmp = str_replace('{DAYLINK}', $daylink, $loop_tmp); $loop_tmp = str_replace('{ROW1}', $row1, $loop_tmp); $loop_tmp = str_replace('{ROW2}', $row2, $loop_tmp); $loop_tmp = str_replace('{ROW3}', $row3, $loop_tmp); $weekday_loop .= $loop_tmp; } $this->page = preg_replace('!<\!-- loop daysofweek on -->(.*)<\!-- loop daysofweek off -->!is', $weekday_loop, $this->page); // Build the body $dayborder = 0; $thisdate = $start_week_time; for ($i=0;$i<7;$i++) { $thisday = date("Ymd", $thisdate); $nbrGridCols[$thisday] = 1; if (isset($master_array[$thisday])) { foreach($master_array[($thisday)] as $ovlKey => $ovlValue) { if ($ovlKey != "-1") { foreach($ovlValue as $ovl2Value) { $nbrGridCols[($thisday)] = kgv($nbrGridCols[($thisday)], ($ovl2Value["event_overlap"] + 1)); } } } } $thisdate = ($thisdate + (25 * 60 * 60)); } preg_match("!<\!-- loop row on -->(.*)<\!-- loop row off -->!is", $this->page, $match2); preg_match("!<\!-- loop event on -->(.*)<\!-- loop event off -->!is", $this->page, $match3); $loop_hours = trim($match2[1]); $loop_event = trim($match3[1]); $event_length = array (); $border = 0; ereg ('([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})', $getdate, $day_array2); $this_day = $day_array2[3]; $this_month = $day_array2[2]; $this_year = $day_array2[1]; $thisdate = $start_week_time; for ($i=0;$i<7;$i++) { $thisday = date("Ymd", $thisdate); $event_length[$thisday] = array (); $thisdate = ($thisdate + (25 * 60 * 60)); } foreach ($day_array as $key) { $cal_time = $key; ereg('([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})', $key, $regs_tmp); $key = mktime($regs_tmp[1],$regs_tmp[2],0,$this_month,$this_day,$this_year); $key = date ($timeFormat, $key); if (ereg("([0-9]{1,2}):00", $key)) { $weekdisplay .= ''; $weekdisplay .= ''.$key.''; $weekdisplay .= ''; } elseif ($cal_time == $day_start) { $size_tmp = 60 - (int)substr($cal_time,2,2); $weekdisplay .= ''; $weekdisplay .= ''.$key.''; $weekdisplay .= ''; } else { $weekdisplay .= ''; $weekdisplay .= ''; } // initialize $thisdate again $thisdate = $start_week_time; // loop this part 7 times, one for each day for ($week_loop=0; $week_loop<7; $week_loop++) { $thisday = date("Ymd", $thisdate); $dayborder = 0; unset($this_time_arr); if (isset($master_array[$thisday][$cal_time]) && sizeof($master_array[$thisday][$cal_time]) > 0) { $this_time_arr = $master_array[$thisday][$cal_time]; } if ("$day_start" == "$cal_time" && isset($master_array[$thisday]) && is_array($master_array[$thisday])) { foreach($master_array[$thisday] as $time_key => $time_arr) { if ((int)$time_key < (int)$cal_time && is_array($time_arr) && $time_key != '-1') { foreach($time_arr as $event_tmp) { if ((int)$event_tmp['event_end'] > (int)$cal_time) { $this_time_arr[] = $event_tmp; } } } else { break; } } } // check for eventstart if (isset($this_time_arr) && sizeof($this_time_arr) > 0) { foreach ($this_time_arr as $eventKey => $loopevent) { $drawEvent = drawEventTimes ($cal_time, $loopevent["event_end"]); $j = 0; while (isset($event_length[$thisday][$j])) { if ($event_length[$thisday][$j]["state"] == "ended") { $event_length[$thisday][$j] = array ("length" => ($drawEvent["draw_length"] / $gridLength), "key" => $eventKey, "overlap" => $loopevent["event_overlap"],"state" => "begin"); break; } $j++; } if ($j == sizeof($event_length[$thisday])) { array_push ($event_length[$thisday], array ("length" => ($drawEvent["draw_length"] / $gridLength), "key" => $eventKey, "overlap" => $loopevent["event_overlap"],"state" => "begin")); } } } if (sizeof($event_length[$thisday]) == 0) { if ($dayborder == 0) { $class = " class=\"weekborder\""; $dayborder++; } else { $class = ""; $dayborder = 0; } $weekdisplay .= " \n"; } else { $emptyWidth = $nbrGridCols[$thisday]; for ($i=0;$i 7) $event_calno = 7; if ($event_status != '') { $confirmed = ' '; } $weekdisplay .= ''."\n"; $event_end = $this_time_arr[($event_length[$thisday][$i]["key"])]["end_unixtime"]; if (isset($this_time_arr[($event_length[$thisday][$i]["key"])]['display_end'])) $event_end = strtotime ($this_time_arr[($event_length[$thisday][$i]["key"])]['display_end']); $event_end = date ($timeFormat, $event_end); // Start drawing the event $event_temp = $loop_event; $event_calna = $this_time_arr[($event_length[$i]['key'])]['calname']; $event_url = $this_time_arr[($event_length[$i]['key'])]['url']; $event = openevent($event_calna, $event_start, $event_end, $this_time_arr[($event_length[$thisday][$i]["key"])], $week_events_lines, 25, '', '', 'ps', $event_url); $event_temp = str_replace('{EVENT}', $event, $event_temp); $event_temp = str_replace('{EVENT_START}', $event_start, $event_temp); \ $event_temp = str_replace('{CONFIRMED}', $confirmed, $event_temp); $event_temp = str_replace('{EVENT_CALNO}', $event_calno, $event_temp); $weekdisplay .= $event_temp; // End event drawing break; case "started": break; case "ended": $weekdisplay .= ' '; break; } $event_length[$thisday][$i]["length"]--; if ($event_length[$thisday][$i]["length"] == 0) { $event_length[$thisday][$i]["state"] = "ended"; } } //fill emtpy space on the right if ($emptyWidth > 0) { $weekdisplay .= " \n"; } while (isset($event_length[$thisday][(sizeof($event_length[$thisday]) - 1)]["state"]) && $event_length[$thisday][(sizeof($event_length[$thisday]) - 1)]["state"] == "ended") { array_pop($event_length[$thisday]); } } $thisdate = ($thisdate + (25 * 60 * 60)); } $weekdisplay .= "\n"; } $this->page = preg_replace('!<\!-- loop row on -->(.*)<\!-- loop event off -->!is', $weekdisplay, $this->page); } function draw_day($template_p) { global $template, $getdate, $cal, $master_array, $daysofweek_lang, $week_start_day, $dateFormat_week_list, $current_view, $day_array, $timeFormat, $gridLength; // Replaces the allday events $replace = ''; if (is_array($master_array[$getdate]['-1'])) { preg_match("!<\!-- loop allday on -->(.*)<\!-- loop allday off -->!is", $this->page, $match1); $loop_ad = trim($match1[1]); foreach ($master_array[$getdate]['-1'] as $allday) { $event_calno = $allday['calnumber']; $event_calna = $allday['calname']; $event_url = $allday['url']; if ($event_calno < 1) $event_calno=1; if ($event_calno > 7) $event_calno=7; $event = openevent($event_calna, '', '', $allday, 0, '', '', '', 'psf', $event_url); $loop_tmp = str_replace('{EVENT}', $event, $loop_ad); $loop_tmp = str_replace('{CALNO}', $event_calno, $loop_tmp); $replace .= $loop_tmp; } } $this->page = preg_replace('!<\!-- loop allday on -->(.*)<\!-- loop allday off -->!is', $replace, $this->page); // Replaces the daysofweek preg_match("!<\!-- loop daysofweek on -->(.*)<\!-- loop daysofweek off -->!is", $this->page, $match1); $loop_dof = trim($match1[1]); $start_wt = strtotime(dateOfWeek($getdate, $week_start_day)); $start_day = strtotime($week_start_day); for ($i=0; $i<7; $i++) { $day_num = date("w", $start_day); $daylink = date('Ymd', $start_wt); if ($current_view == 'day') { $weekday = $daysofweek_lang[$day_num]; } else { $weekday = localizeDate($dateFormat_week_list, strtotime($daylink)); } if ($daylink == $getdate) { $row1 = 'rowToday'; $row2 = 'rowOn'; $row3 = 'rowToday'; } else { $row1 = 'rowOff'; $row2 = 'rowOn'; $row3 = 'rowOff'; } $start_day = strtotime("+1 day", $start_day); $start_wt = strtotime("+1 day", $start_wt); $loop_tmp = str_replace('{DAY}', $weekday, $loop_dof); $loop_tmp = str_replace('{DAYLINK}', $daylink, $loop_tmp); $loop_tmp = str_replace('{ROW1}', $row1, $loop_tmp); $loop_tmp = str_replace('{ROW2}', $row2, $loop_tmp); $loop_tmp = str_replace('{ROW3}', $row3, $loop_tmp); $weekday_loop .= $loop_tmp; } $this->page = preg_replace('!<\!-- loop daysofweek on -->(.*)<\!-- loop daysofweek off -->!is', $weekday_loop, $this->page); // Build the body $dayborder = 0; $nbrGridCols = 1; if (isset($master_array[($getdate)])) { foreach($master_array[($getdate)] as $ovlKey => $ovlValue) { if ($ovlKey != '-1') { foreach($ovlValue as $ovl2Value) { $nbrGridCols = kgv($nbrGridCols, ($ovl2Value['event_overlap'] + 1)); } } } } preg_match("!<\!-- loop row on -->(.*)<\!-- loop row off -->!is", $this->page, $match2); preg_match("!<\!-- loop event on -->(.*)<\!-- loop event off -->!is", $this->page, $match3); $loop_hours = trim($match2[1]); $loop_event = trim($match3[1]); $event_length = array (); $border = 0; ereg ('([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})', $getdate, $day_array2); $this_day = $day_array2[3]; $this_month = $day_array2[2]; $this_year = $day_array2[1]; foreach ($day_array as $key) { ereg('([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})', $key, $regs_tmp); $cal_time = $key; $key = mktime($regs_tmp[1],$regs_tmp[2],0,$this_month,$this_day,$this_year); $key = date ($timeFormat, $key); unset($this_time_arr); // add events that overlap the start time if (isset($master_array[$getdate][$cal_time]) && sizeof($master_array[$getdate][$cal_time]) > 0) { $this_time_arr = $master_array[$getdate][$cal_time]; } // add events that overlap $day_start instead of cutting them out completely if ("$day_start" == "$cal_time" && isset($master_array[$getdate])) { foreach($master_array[$getdate] as $time_key => $time_arr) { if ((int)$time_key < (int)$cal_time && is_array($time_arr) && $time_key != '-1') { foreach($time_arr as $event_tmp) { if ((int)$event_tmp['event_end'] > (int)$cal_time) { $this_time_arr[] = $event_tmp; } } } else { break; } } } // check for eventstart if (isset($this_time_arr) && sizeof($this_time_arr) > 0) { foreach ($this_time_arr as $eventKey => $loopevent) { $drawEvent = drawEventTimes ($cal_time, $loopevent['event_end']); $j = 0; while (isset($event_length[$j])) { if ($event_length[$j]['state'] == 'ended') { $event_length[$j] = array ('length' => ($drawEvent['draw_length'] / $gridLength), 'key' => $eventKey, 'overlap' => $loopevent['event_overlap'],'state' => 'begin'); break; } $j++; } if ($j == sizeof($event_length)) { array_push ($event_length, array ('length' => ($drawEvent['draw_length'] / $gridLength), 'key' => $eventKey, 'overlap' => $loopevent['event_overlap'],'state' => 'begin')); } } } if (ereg('([0-9]{1,2}):00', $key)) { $daydisplay .= ''."\n"; $daydisplay .= ''.$key.''."\n"; $daydisplay .= ''."\n"; } elseif("$cal_time" == "$day_start") { $size_tmp = 60 - (int)substr($cal_time,2,2); $daydisplay .= ''."\n"; $daydisplay .= "$key\n"; $daydisplay .= ''."\n"; } else { $daydisplay .= ''."\n"; $daydisplay .= ''."\n"; } if ($dayborder == 0) { $class = ' class="dayborder"'; $dayborder++; } else { $class = ' class="dayborder2"'; $dayborder = 0; } if (sizeof($event_length) == 0) { $daydisplay .= ' '."\n"; } else { $emptyWidth = $nbrGridCols; for ($i=0;$i 7) $event_calno = 7; if ($event_status != '') { $confirmed = ' '; } elseif (is_array($event_recur)) { $confirmed = ' '; } $colspan_width = round((460 / $nbrGridCols) * $drawWidth); $daydisplay .= ''."\n"; // Start drawing the event $event_temp = $loop_event; $event_calna = $this_time_arr[($event_length[$i]['key'])]['calname']; $event_url = $this_time_arr[($event_length[$i]['key'])]['url']; $event = openevent($event_calna, $event_start, $event_end, $this_time_arr[($event_length[$i]['key'])], '', 0, '', '', 'ps', $event_url); $event_temp = str_replace('{EVENT}', $event, $event_temp); $event_temp = str_replace('{EVENT_START}', $event_start, $event_temp); $event_temp = str_replace('{EVENT_END}', $event_end, $event_temp); $event_temp = str_replace('{CONFIRMED}', $confirmed, $event_temp); $event_temp = str_replace('{EVENT_CALNO}', $event_calno, $event_temp); $daydisplay .= $event_temp; // End event drawing break; case 'started': break; case 'ended': $daydisplay .= ' '."\n"; break; } $event_length[$i]['length']--; if ($event_length[$i]['length'] == 0) { $event_length[$i]['state'] = 'ended'; } } //fill emtpy space on the right if ($emptyWidth > 0) { $daydisplay .= ' '."\n"; } while (isset($event_length[(sizeof($event_length) - 1)]) && $event_length[(sizeof($event_length) - 1)]['state'] == 'ended') { array_pop($event_length); } } $daydisplay .= ''."\n"; } $this->page = preg_replace('!<\!-- loop row on -->(.*)<\!-- loop event off -->!is', $daydisplay, $this->page); } function tomorrows_events() { global $template, $getdate, $master_array, $next_day, $timeFormat; preg_match("!<\!-- switch t_allday on -->(.*)<\!-- switch t_allday off -->!is", $this->page, $match1); preg_match("!<\!-- switch t_event on -->(.*)<\!-- switch t_event off -->!is", $this->page, $match2); $loop_t_ad = trim($match1[1]); $loop_t_e = trim($match2[1]); $return_adtmp = ''; $return_etmp = ''; if (is_array($master_array[$next_day])) { foreach ($master_array[$next_day] as $event_times) { foreach ($event_times as $val) { $event_text = stripslashes(urldecode($val["event_text"])); $event_text = strip_tags($event_text, ''); if ($event_text != "") { $event_start = $val["event_start"]; $event_end = $val["event_end"]; $event_calna = $val["calname"]; $event_url = $val["url"]; $event_start = date ($timeFormat, @strtotime ($event_start)); $event_end = date ($timeFormat, @strtotime ($event_end)); if (!isset($val["event_start"])) { $event_start = $lang['l_all_day']; $event_end = ''; $return_adtmp = openevent($event_calna, $event_start, $event_end, $val, $tomorrows_events_lines, 21, '', '', 'psf', $event_url); $replace_ad .= str_replace('{T_ALLDAY}', $return_adtmp, $loop_t_ad); } else { $return_etmp = openevent($event_calna, $event_start, $event_end, $val, $tomorrows_events_lines, 21, '', '', 'ps3', $event_url); $replace_e .= str_replace('{T_EVENT}', $return_etmp, $loop_t_e); } } } } $this->page = preg_replace('!<\!-- switch t_allday on -->(.*)<\!-- switch t_allday off -->!is', $replace_ad, $this->page); $this->page = preg_replace('!<\!-- switch t_event on -->(.*)<\!-- switch t_event off -->!is', $replace_e, $this->page); } else { $this->page = preg_replace('!<\!-- switch tomorrows_events on -->(.*)<\!-- switch tomorrows_events off -->!is', '', $this->page); } } function get_vtodo() { global $template, $getdate, $master_array, $next_day, $timeFormat; preg_match("!<\!-- switch show_completed on -->(.*)<\!-- switch show_completed off -->!is", $this->page, $match1); preg_match("!<\!-- switch show_important on -->(.*)<\!-- switch show_important off -->!is", $this->page, $match2); preg_match("!<\!-- switch show_normal on -->(.*)<\!-- switch show_normal off -->!is", $this->page, $match3); $completed = trim($match1[1]); $important = trim($match2[1]); $normal = trim($match3[1]); $nugget2 = ''; if (is_array($master_array['-2'])) { foreach ($master_array['-2'] as $vtodo_times) { foreach ($vtodo_times as $val) { $vtodo_text = stripslashes(urldecode($val["vtodo_text"])); if ($vtodo_text != "") { if (isset($val["description"])) { $description = urldecode($val["description"]); } else { $description = ""; } $completed_date = $val['completed_date']; $event_calna = $val['calname']; $status = $val["status"]; $priority = $val['priority']; $start_date = $val["start_date"]; $due_date = $val['due_date']; $vtodo_array = array( 'cal' => $event_calna, 'completed_date'=> $completed_date, 'description' => $description, 'due_date' => $due_date, 'priority' => $priority, 'start_date' => $start_date, 'status' => $status, 'vtodo_text' => $vtodo_text); $vtodo_array = base64_encode(serialize($vtodo_array)); $vtodo_text = word_wrap(strip_tags(str_replace('
',' ',$vtodo_text), ''), 21, $tomorrows_events_lines); $data = array ('{VTODO_TEXT}', '{VTODO_ARRAY}'); $rep = array ($vtodo_text, $vtodo_array); // Reset this TODO's category. $temp = ''; if ($status == 'COMPLETED' || (isset($val['completed_date']) && isset($val['completed_time']))) { if ($show_completed == 'yes') { $temp = $completed; } } elseif (isset($val['priority']) && ($val['priority'] != 0) && ($val['priority'] <= 5)) { $temp = $important; } else { $temp = $normal; } // Do not include TODOs which do not have the // category set. if ($temp != '') { $nugget1 = str_replace($data, $rep, $temp); $nugget2 .= $nugget1; } } } } } // If there are no TODO items, completely hide the TODO list. if ($nugget2 == '') { $this->page = preg_replace('!<\!-- switch vtodo on -->(.*)<\!-- switch vtodo off -->!is', '', $this->page); } // Otherwise display the list of TODOs. else { $this->page = preg_replace('!<\!-- switch show_completed on -->(.*)<\!-- switch show_normal off -->!is', $nugget2, $this->page); } } function draw_month($template_p, $offset = '+0', $type) { global $template, $getdate, $master_array, $this_year, $this_month, $dateFormat_month, $week_start_day, $cal, $minical_view, $month_event_lines, $daysofweekreallyshort_lang, $daysofweekshort_lang, $daysofweek_lang, $timeFormat_small, $timeFormat; preg_match("!<\!-- loop weekday on -->(.*)<\!-- loop weekday off -->!is", $template_p, $match1); preg_match("!<\!-- loop monthdays on -->(.*)<\!-- loop monthdays off -->!is", $template_p, $match2); preg_match("!<\!-- switch notthismonth on -->(.*)<\!-- switch notthismonth off -->!is", $template_p, $match3); preg_match("!<\!-- switch istoday on -->(.*)<\!-- switch istoday off -->!is", $template_p, $match4); preg_match("!<\!-- switch ismonth on -->(.*)<\!-- switch ismonth off -->!is", $template_p, $match5); preg_match("!<\!-- loop monthweeks on -->(.*)<\!-- loop monthdays on -->!is", $template_p, $match6); preg_match("!<\!-- loop monthdays off -->(.*)<\!-- loop monthweeks off -->!is", $template_p, $match7); $loop_wd = trim($match1[1]); $loop_md = trim($match2[1]); $t_month[0] = trim($match3[1]); $t_month[1] = trim($match4[1]); $t_month[2] = trim($match5[1]); $startweek = trim($match6[1]); $endweek = trim($match7[1]); if ($type != 'medium') { $fake_getdate_time = strtotime($this_year.'-'.$this_month.'-15'); $fake_getdate_time = strtotime("$offset month", $fake_getdate_time); } else { $fake_getdate_time = strtotime($this_year.'-'.$offset.'-15'); } $start_day = strtotime($week_start_day); $month_title = localizeDate ($dateFormat_month, $fake_getdate_time); if ($type == 'small') { $langtype = $daysofweekreallyshort_lang; } elseif ($type == 'medium') { $langtype = $daysofweekshort_lang; } elseif ($type == 'large') { $langtype = $daysofweek_lang; } for ($i=0; $i<7; $i++) { $day_num = date("w", $start_day); $weekday = $langtype[$day_num]; $start_day = strtotime("+1 day", $start_day); $loop_tmp = str_replace('{LOOP_WEEKDAY}', $weekday, $loop_wd); $weekday_loop .= $loop_tmp; } $minical_month = date("m", $fake_getdate_time); $minical_year = date("Y", $fake_getdate_time); $first_of_month = $minical_year.$minical_month."01"; $start_day = strtotime(dateOfWeek($first_of_month, $week_start_day)); $month_event_lines = 0; $i = 0; $whole_month = TRUE; do { if ($i == 0) $middle .= $startweek; $i++; #$temp_middle = $loop_md; $switch = array('ALLDAY' => '', 'CAL' => $cal, 'MINICAL_VIEW' => $minical_view); $check_month = date ("m", $start_day); $daylink = date ("Ymd", $start_day); $switch['DAY'] = date ("j", $start_day); $switch['DAYLINK'] = date ("Ymd", $start_day); if ($check_month != $minical_month) { $temp = $t_month[0]; } elseif ($daylink == $getdate) { $temp = $t_month[1]; } else { $temp = $t_month[2]; } if ($master_array[$daylink]) { if ($type != 'small') { foreach ($master_array[$daylink] as $event_times) { foreach ($event_times as $val) { $calno = $val['calnumber']; $event_calna = $val['calname']; $event_url = $val['url']; if (!isset($val['event_start'])) { if ($type == 'large') { $switch['ALLDAY'] .= '
'; $switch['ALLDAY'] .= openevent($event_calna, '', '', $val, $month_event_lines, 15, '', '', 'psf', $event_url); $switch['ALLDAY'] .= '
'; } else { $switch['ALLDAY'] .= ' '; } } else { $event_start = $val['start_unixtime']; $event_end = (isset($val['display_end'])) ? $val['display_end'] : $val["event_end"]; $event_start = date($timeFormat, $val['start_unixtime']); $start2 = date($timeFormat_small, $val['start_unixtime']); $event_end = date($timeFormat, @strtotime ($event_end)); if ($type == 'large') { $switch['EVENT'] .= '
'; $switch['EVENT'] .= openevent($event_calna, $event_start, $event_end, $val, $month_event_lines, 10, "$start2 ", '', 'ps3', $event_url).'
'; $switch['EVENT'] .= '
'; } else { $switch['EVENT'] = ' '; } } } } } } $switch['EVENT'] = (isset($switch['EVENT'])) ? $switch['EVENT'] : ''; $switch['ALLDAY'] = (isset($switch['ALLDAY'])) ? $switch['ALLDAY'] : ''; #print_r($switch); foreach ($switch as $tag => $data) { $temp = str_replace('{'.$tag.'}', $data, $temp); } $middle .= $temp; $start_day = strtotime("+1 day", $start_day); if ($i == 7) { $i = 0; $middle .= $endweek; $checkagain = date ("m", $start_day); if ($checkagain != $minical_month) $whole_month = FALSE; } } while ($whole_month == TRUE); $return = preg_replace('!<\!-- loop weekday on -->(.*)<\!-- loop weekday off -->!is', $weekday_loop, $template_p); $return = preg_replace('!<\!-- loop monthweeks on -->(.*)<\!-- loop monthweeks off -->!is', $middle, $return); $return = str_replace('{MONTH_TITLE}', $month_title, $return); $return = str_replace('{CAL}', $cal, $return); return $return; } function monthbottom() { global $template, $getdate, $master_array, $this_year, $this_month, $cal, $timeFormat, $timeFormat_small, $dateFormat_week_list, $lang; preg_match("!<\!-- loop showbottomevents_odd on -->(.*)<\!-- loop showbottomevents_odd off -->!is", $this->page, $match1); preg_match("!<\!-- loop showbottomevents_even on -->(.*)<\!-- loop showbottomevents_even off -->!is", $this->page, $match2); $loop[0] = trim($match1[1]); $loop[1] = trim($match2[1]); $m_start = $this_year.$this_month.'01'; $u_start = strtotime($m_start); $i=0; do { if (isset($master_array[$m_start])) { foreach ($master_array[$m_start] as $event_times) { $switch['CAL'] = $cal; $switch['START_DATE'] = localizeDate ($dateFormat_week_list, $u_start); foreach ($event_times as $val) { $switch['CALNAME'] = $val['calname']; $switch['URL'] = $val['url']; if (!isset($val['event_start'])) { $switch['START_TIME'] = $lang['l_all_day']; $switch['DESCRIPTION'] = urldecode($val['description']); $switch['EVENT_TEXT'] = openevent($event_calna, '', '', $val, $month_event_lines, 15, '', '', 'psf', $event_url); } else { $event_start = $val['start_unixtime']; $event_end = (isset($val['display_end'])) ? $val['display_end'] : $val["event_end"]; $event_start = date($timeFormat, $val['start_unixtime']); $event_end = date($timeFormat, @strtotime ($event_end)); $switch['START_TIME'] = $event_start . ' - ' . $event_end; $switch['EVENT_TEXT'] = openevent($event_calna, '', '', $val, $month_event_lines, 15, '', '', 'psf', $event_url); $switch['DESCRIPTION'] = urldecode($val['description']); } if ($switch['EVENT_TEXT'] != '') { $switch['DAYLINK'] = $m_start; $temp = $loop[$i]; foreach ($switch as $tag => $data) { $temp = str_replace('{'.$tag.'}', $data, $temp); } $middle .= $temp; $i = ($i == 1) ? 0 : 1; } } } } $u_start = strtotime("+1 day", $u_start); $m_start = date('Ymd', $u_start); $check_month = date('m', $u_start); unset ($switch); } while ($this_month == $check_month); $this->page = preg_replace('!<\!-- loop showbottomevents_odd on -->(.*)<\!-- loop showbottomevents_even off -->!is', $middle, $this->page); } function Page($template = 'std.tpl') { if (file_exists($template)) $this->page = join('', file($template)); else die("Template file $template not found."); } function parse($file) { ob_start(); include($file); $buffer = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $buffer; } function replace_tags($tags = array()) { if (sizeof($tags) > 0) foreach ($tags as $tag => $data) { // This opens up another template and parses it as well. $data = (file_exists($data)) ? $this->parse($data) : $data; // This removes any unfilled tags if (!$data) { $this->page = preg_replace('!<\!-- switch ' . $tag . ' on -->(.*)<\!-- switch ' . $tag . ' off -->!is', '', $this->page); } // This replaces any tags $this->page = str_replace('{' . strtoupper($tag) . '}', $data, $this->page); } else die('No tags designated for replacement.'); } function output() { global $template, $php_started, $lang; // Looks for {MONTH} before sending page out preg_match_all ('!\{MONTH_([A-Z]*)\|?([+|-])([0-9]{1,2})\}!is', $this->page, $match); if (sizeof($match) > 0) { $i=0; foreach ($match[1] as $key => $val) { if ($match[1][$i] == 'SMALL') { $template_file = $this->parse('templates/'.$template.'/month_small.tpl'); $type = 'small'; $offset = $match[2][$i].$match[3][$i]; } elseif ($match[1][$i] == 'MEDIUM') { $template_file = $this->parse('templates/'.$template.'/month_medium.tpl'); $type = 'medium'; $offset = $match[3][$i]; } else { $template_file = $this->parse('templates/'.$template.'/month_large.tpl'); $type = 'large'; $offset = $match[2][$i].$match[3][$i]; } $data = $this->draw_month($template_file, $offset, $type); $this->page = str_replace($match[0][$i], $data, $this->page); $i++; } } // Replace any languages foreach ($lang as $tag => $data) { $this->page = str_replace('{' . strtoupper($tag) . '}', $data, $this->page); } $php_ended = @getmicrotime(); $generated = number_format(($php_ended-$php_started),3); $this->page = str_replace('{GENERATED}', $generated, $this->page); print($this->page); } } ?>