2345) { $allday_start = $start_date; $allday_end = ($start_date + 1); } } # look for events that span more than one day if (isset($start_unixtime,$end_unixtime) && date('Ymd',$start_unixtime) != date('Ymd',$end_unixtime)) { $spans_day = true; $bleed_check = (($start_unixtime - $end_unixtime) < (60*60*24)) ? '-1' : '0'; } else { $spans_day = false; $bleed_check = 0; } # get hour and minute adjusted to allowed grid times if (isset($start_time) && $start_time != '') { preg_match ('/([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})/', $start_time, $time); preg_match ('/([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})/', $end_time, $time2); if (isset($start_unixtime) && isset($end_unixtime)) { $length = $end_unixtime - $start_unixtime; } else { $length = ($time2[1]*60+$time2[2]) - ($time[1]*60+$time[2]); } $drawKey = drawEventTimes($start_time, $end_time); preg_match ('/([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})/', $drawKey['draw_start'], $time3); $hour = $time3[1]; $minute = $time3[2]; } // RECURRENCE-ID Support if (isset($recurrence_d)) { $recurrence_delete["$recurrence_d"]["$recurrence_t"] = $uid; } # treat nonrepeating events as rrule events with one instance if (!isset($rrule_array) && $start_unixtime < $mArray_end && $end_unixtime > $mArray_begin){ $rrule_array['FREQ'] = 'YEARLY'; $rrule_array['START_DATE'] = $start_date; $rrule_array['UNTIL'] = $start_date; # $rrule_array['END'] = 'end'; } if (isset($allday_start) && $allday_start != '') { $hour = '-'; $minute = '1'; $rrule_array['START_DAY'] = $allday_start; # $rrule_array['END_DAY'] = $allday_end; # this doesn't seem to be used anywhere. # $rrule_array['END'] = 'end'; $recur_start = $allday_start; $start_date = $allday_start; if (isset($allday_end)) { $diff_allday_days = dayCompare($allday_end, $allday_start); } else { $diff_allday_days = 1; } } else { $rrule_array['START_DATE'] = $start_date; $rrule_array['START_TIME'] = $start_time; $rrule_array['END_TIME'] = $end_time; # $rrule_array['END'] = 'end'; } $freq_type = 'none'; # Load $rrule_array foreach ($rrule_array as $key => $val) { switch($key) { case 'FREQ': switch ($val) { case 'YEARLY': $freq_type = 'year'; break; case 'MONTHLY': $freq_type = 'month'; break; case 'WEEKLY': $freq_type = 'week'; break; case 'DAILY': $freq_type = 'day'; break; case 'HOURLY': $freq_type = 'hour'; break; case 'MINUTELY': $freq_type = 'minute'; break; case 'SECONDLY': $freq_type = 'second'; break; } $recur_array[($start_date)][($hour.$minute)][$uid]['recur'][$key] = strtolower($val); break; case 'COUNT': $count = $val; $recur_array[($start_date)][($hour.$minute)][$uid]['recur'][$key] = $count; break; case 'UNTIL': $until = str_replace('T', '', $val); $until = str_replace('Z', '', $until); if (strlen($until) == 8) $until = $until.'235959'; $abs_until = $until; ereg ('([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})', $until, $regs); $until_unixtime = mktime($regs[4],$regs[5],@$regs[6],$regs[2],$regs[3],$regs[1]); $recur_array[($start_date)][($hour.$minute)][$uid]['recur'][$key] = localizeDate($dateFormat_week,$until); break; case 'INTERVAL': if ($val > 0){ $interval = $val; $recur_array[($start_date)][($hour.$minute)][$uid]['recur'][$key] = $interval; } break; case 'BYSECOND': $bysecond = split (',', $val); $recur_array[($start_date)][($hour.$minute)][$uid]['recur'][$key] = $bysecond; break; case 'BYMINUTE': $byminute = split (',', $val); $recur_array[($start_date)][($hour.$minute)][$uid]['recur'][$key] = $byminute; break; case 'BYHOUR': $byhour = split (',', $val); $recur_array[($start_date)][($hour.$minute)][$uid]['recur'][$key] = $byhour; break; case 'BYDAY': $byday = split (',', $val); $recur_array[($start_date)][($hour.$minute)][$uid]['recur'][$key] = $byday; break; case 'BYMONTHDAY': $bymonthday = split (',', $val); $recur_array[($start_date)][($hour.$minute)][$uid]['recur'][$key] = $bymonthday; break; case 'BYYEARDAY': $byyearday = split (',', $val); $recur_array[($start_date)][($hour.$minute)][$uid]['recur'][$key] = $byyearday; break; case 'BYWEEKNO': $byweekno = split (',', $val); $recur_array[($start_date)][($hour.$minute)][$uid]['recur'][$key] = $byweekno; break; case 'BYMONTH': $bymonth = split (',', $val); $recur_array[($start_date)][($hour.$minute)][$uid]['recur'][$key] = $bymonth; break; case 'BYSETPOS': $bysetpos = split (',', $val); $recur_array[($start_date)][($hour.$minute)][$uid]['recur'][$key] = $bysetpos; break; case 'WKST': $wkst = $val; $recur_array[($start_date)][($hour.$minute)][$uid]['recur'][$key] = $wkst; break; } } # $recur is the recurrence info that goes into the master array for this VEVENT $recur = @$recur_array[($start_date)][($hour.$minute)][$uid]['recur']; /* ============================ Load $recur_data ============================ $recur_data is an array of unix times for instances of an event. This code handles repeats. Note that dates with exceptions are counted as instances. RDATE is currently not supported A. Set up the time range to scan for events. If COUNT is not set (default is 1,000,000) then we don't have to start at start_date; we can start at the minimum interval for the view. variables ending in date are in phpical date format: YYYYMMDD variables ending with time are in phpical time format: HHMM variables ending in unixtime are in unixtime mArray_begin and mArray_end are set in initialization by date_range.php and may be overwritten by rss_common.php. These should be the default for start_range and end_range unixtimes. Conditions where overwrite these: COUNT < 1,000,000 - we have to count occurrences; reset next_range_unixtime starting value $until_unixtime < $mArray_end - stop iterating early !isset($rrule_array['FREQ']) - only iterate once, set the end_range_unixtime to the end_date_unixtime Note that start_range_unixtime and end_range_unixtime are not the same as start_date_unixtime and end_date_unixtime */ $next_range_unixtime = $mArray_begin; $end_range_unixtime = $mArray_end+60*60*24; $start_date_unixtime = strtotime($start_date); if($count < 1000000) $next_range_unixtime = $start_date_unixtime; if(isset($until) && $end_range_unixtime > $until_unixtime) $end_range_unixtime = $until_unixtime; if(!isset($rrule_array['FREQ'])){ $end_range_unixtime = strtotime($end_date); $count = 1; } // if the beginning of our range is less than the start of the item, we may as well set it equal to it if ($next_range_unixtime < $start_date_unixtime) $next_range_unixtime = $start_date_unixtime; // convert wkst to a 3 char day for strtotime to work $wkst3char = two2threeCharDays($wkst); /* The while loop below increments $next_range_time by $freq type. For the larger freq types, there is only one $next_range_time per repeat, but the BYXXX rules may write more than one event in that repeat cycle $next_date_time handles those instances within a $freq_type */ #echo "
$summary\n\tstart mArray time:".date("Ymd his",$mArray_begin)."\n\tstart range time:".date("Ymd his",$next_range_unixtime)."\n\tend range time ".date("Ymd his",$end_range_unixtime)."
"; $recur_data = array(); while ($next_range_unixtime <= $end_range_unixtime) { $year = date('Y', $next_range_unixtime); $month = date('m', $next_range_unixtime); # pick the right compare function from date_functions.php # $diff is the number of occurrences between start_date and next_range_time $func = $freq_type.'Compare'; $diff = $func(date('Ymd',$next_range_time), $start_date); switch ($freq_type){ case 'day': add_recur($next_range_unixtime); break; case 'week': add_recur(expand_byday($next_range_unixtime)); break; case 'month': $next_date_unixtime = mktime(12,0,0,$month,date('d',$start_unixtime),$year); echo "month".date("Ymd his",$next_date_unixtime); add_recur(($next_date_unixtime)); break; case 'year': $next_date_unixtime = mktime(12,0,0,date('m',$start_unixtime),date('d',$start_unixtime),$year); echo "year:$hour,$min,0,".date('m',$start_unixtime).",".date('d',$start_unixtime).",$year".date("Ymd his",$next_date_unixtime);print_r($datetime); add_recur(($next_date_unixtime)); break; default: add_recur($start_unixtime); break 2; } $next_range_unixtime = strtotime('+'.$interval.' '.$freq_type, $next_range_unixtime); } #end while loop $recur_data = array_unique($recur_data); sort($recur_data); echo "
$summary recur_data:";
foreach($recur_data as $time) echo "\n".date("Ymd his",$time);
echo "
"; if ($count < count($recur_data)){ $arr = array_slice($recur_data,0,$count); $recur_data =$arr; } # use recur_data array to write the master array // use the same code to write the data instead of always changing it 5 times $recur_data_hour = @substr($start_unixtime,0,2); $recur_data_minute = @substr($start_unixtime,2,2); foreach($recur_data as $recur_data_unixtime) { $recur_data_year = date('Y', $recur_data_unixtime); $recur_data_month = date('m', $recur_data_unixtime); $recur_data_day = date('d', $recur_data_unixtime); $recur_data_date = $recur_data_year.$recur_data_month.$recur_data_day; if ( !in_array($recur_data_date, $except_dates) ) { if (isset($allday_start) && $allday_start != '') { $start_time2 = $recur_data_unixtime; $end_time2 = strtotime('+'.$diff_allday_days.' days', $recur_data_unixtime); while ($start_time2 < $end_time2) { $start_date2 = date('Ymd', $start_time2); $master_array[($start_date2)][('-1')][$uid] = array ( 'event_text' => $summary, 'description' => $description, 'location' => $location, 'organizer' => serialize($organizer), 'attendee' => serialize($attendee), 'calnumber' => $calnumber, 'calname' => $actual_calname, 'url' => $url, 'status' => $status, 'class' => $class, 'recur' => $recur ); $start_time2 = strtotime('+1 day', $start_time2); } } else { $start_unixtime_tmp = mktime($recur_data_hour,$recur_data_minute,0,$recur_data_month,$recur_data_day,$recur_data_year); $end_unixtime_tmp = $start_unixtime_tmp + $length; if (($end_time >= $phpiCal_config->bleed_time) && ($bleed_check == '-1')) { $start_tmp = strtotime(date('Ymd',$start_unixtime_tmp)); $end_date_tmp = date('Ymd',$end_unixtime_tmp); while ($start_tmp < $end_unixtime_tmp) { $start_date_tmp = date('Ymd',$start_tmp); if ($start_date_tmp == $recur_data_year.$recur_data_month.$recur_data_day) { $time_tmp = $hour.$minute; $start_time_tmp = $start_time; } else { $time_tmp = '0000'; $start_time_tmp = '0000'; } if ($start_date_tmp == $end_date_tmp) { $end_time_tmp = $end_time; } else { $end_time_tmp = '2400'; $display_end_tmp = $end_time; } // Let's double check the until to not write past it $until_check = $start_date_tmp.$time_tmp.'00'; if ($abs_until > $until_check) { $master_array[$start_date_tmp][$time_tmp][$uid] = array ( 'event_start' => $start_time_tmp, 'event_end' => $end_time_tmp, 'start_unixtime' => $start_unixtime_tmp, 'end_unixtime' => $end_unixtime_tmp, 'event_text' => $summary, 'event_length' => $length, 'event_overlap' => 0, 'description' => $description, 'status' => $status, 'class' => $class, 'spans_day' => true, 'location' => $location, 'organizer' => serialize($organizer), 'attendee' => serialize($attendee), 'calnumber' => $calnumber, 'calname' => $actual_calname, 'url' => $url, 'recur' => $recur); if (isset($display_end_tmp)){ $master_array[$start_date_tmp][$time_tmp][$uid]['display_end'] = $display_end_tmp; } checkOverlap($start_date_tmp, $time_tmp, $uid); } $start_tmp = strtotime('+1 day',$start_tmp); } } else { if ($bleed_check == '-1') { $display_end_tmp = $end_time; $end_time_tmp1 = '2400'; } if (!isset($end_time_tmp1)) $end_time_tmp1 = $end_time; // Let's double check the until to not write past it $master_array[($recur_data_date)][($hour.$minute)][$uid] = array ( 'event_start' => $start_time, 'event_end' => $end_time_tmp1, 'start_unixtime' => $start_unixtime_tmp, 'end_unixtime' => $end_unixtime_tmp, 'event_text' => $summary, 'event_length' => $length, 'event_overlap' => 0, 'description' => $description, 'status' => $status, 'class' => $class, 'spans_day' => false, 'location' => $location, 'organizer' => serialize($organizer), 'attendee' => serialize($attendee), 'calnumber' => $calnumber, 'calname' => $actual_calname, 'url' => $url, 'recur' => $recur); if (isset($display_end_tmp)){ $master_array[($recur_data_date)][($hour.$minute)][$uid]['display_end'] = $display_end_tmp; } checkOverlap($recur_data_date, ($hour.$minute), $uid); } } } } unset($recur_data); // This should remove any exdates that were missed. // Added for version 0.9.5 modified in 2.22 remove anything that doesn't have an event_start if (is_array($except_dates)) { foreach ($except_dates as $key => $value) { if (isset ($master_array[$value])){ foreach ($master_array[$value] as $time => $value2){ if (!isset($value2[$uid]['event_start'])){ unset($master_array[$value][$time][$uid]); } } } } } // Clear event data now that it's been saved. unset($start_time, $start_time_tmp, $end_time, $end_time_tmp, $start_unixtime, $start_unixtime_tmp, $end_unixtime, $end_unixtime_tmp, $summary, $length, $description, $status, $class, $location, $organizer, $attendee); //If you want to see the values in the arrays, uncomment below. //print '
//print '
'; ?>