default_path == '') { $p = str_replace("/rss","","http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) ); $phpiCal_config->setProperty('default_path', $p); } #cpath modifies the calendar path based on the url or cookie values. This allows you to run multiple calendar subsets from a single phpicalendar installation. Operations on cpath are largely hidden from the end user. if ($phpiCal_config->calendar_path == '') { $phpiCal_config->setProperty('calendar_path', BASE.'calendars'); } $calendar_path = $phpiCal_config->calendar_path; $cpath = ''; #initialize cpath to prevent later undef warnings. if(isset($_REQUEST['cpath'])&& $_REQUEST['cpath'] !=''){ $cpath = str_replace('..','',$_REQUEST['cpath']); $calendar_path .= "/$cpath"; # $tmp_dir .= "/$cpath"; }elseif(isset($phpiCal_config->default_cpath_check) && $phpiCal_config->default_cpath_check !='' ){ $cpath = str_replace('..','',$default_cpath_check); $calendar_path .= "/$cpath"; # $tmp_dir .= "/$cpath"; } #these need cpath to be set #set up specific template folder for a particular cpath if (isset($user_template["$cpath"])){ $template = $user_template["$cpath"]; } #set up specific webcals for a particular cpath if (isset($more_webcals) && is_array($more_webcals[$cpath])){ $list_webcals = array_merge($list_webcals, $more_webcals["$cpath"]); } $phpiCal_config->setProperty('calendar_path',$calendar_path);