save_parsed_cals == 'yes') { sort($cal_filelist); $filename = sha1(implode(',', $cal_filelist)); $parsedcal = $phpiCal_config->tmp_dir . '/parsedcal-' . $filename . '-' . $this_year; if (file_exists($parsedcal)) { $fd = fopen($parsedcal, 'r'); $contents = fread($fd, filesize($parsedcal)); fclose($fd); $master_array = unserialize($contents); $y=0; // Check the calendars' last-modified time to determine if any need to be re-parsed if (count($master_array['-4']) == count($cal_filelist)) { foreach ($master_array['-4'] as $temp_array) { $mtime = $temp_array['mtime']; $fname = $temp_array['filename']; $wcalc = $temp_array['webcal']; if ($wcalc == 'no') { /* * Getting local file mtime is "fairly cheap" * (disk I/O is expensive, but *much* cheaper than going to the network for remote files) */ $realcal_mtime = filemtime($fname); } else if ((time() - $mtime) >= $phpiCal_config->webcal_hours * 60 * 60) { /* * We limit remote file mtime checks based on the magic webcal_hours config variable * This allows highly volatile web calendars to be cached for a period of time before * downloading them again */ $realcal_mtime = remote_filemtime($fname); } else { // This is our fallback, for the case where webcal_hours is taking effect $realcal_mtime = $mtime; } // If this calendar is up-to-date, the $y magic number will be incremented... if ($mtime >= $realcal_mtime) { $y++; } } foreach ($master_array['-3'] as $temp_array) { if (isset($temp_array) && $temp_array !='') $caldisplaynames[] = $temp_array; } // And the $y magic number is used here to determine if all calendars are up-to-date if ($y == count($cal_filelist)) { if ($master_array['-1'] == 'valid cal file') { // At this point, all calendars are up-to-date, so we can simply used the pre-parsed data $parse_file = false; $calendar_name = $master_array['calendar_name']; if (isset($master_array['calendar_tz'])) $calendar_tz = $master_array['calendar_tz']; } } } } if ($parse_file == true) { // We need to re-parse at least one calendar, so unset master_array unset($master_array); } } if ($parse_file) { $overlap_array = array (); $uid_counter = 0; } $calnumber = 1; foreach ($cal_filelist as $cal_key=>$filename) { // Find the real name of the calendar. $actual_calname = getCalendarName($filename); if ($parse_file) { // Let's see if we're doing a webcal if (substr($filename, 0, 7) == 'http://' || substr($filename, 0, 8) == 'https://' || substr($filename, 0, 9) == 'webcal://') { $cal_webcalPrefix = str_replace(array('http://', 'https://'), 'webcal://', $filename); $cal_httpPrefix = str_replace(array('webcal://', 'https://'), 'http://', $filename); $cal_httpsPrefix = str_replace(array('http://', 'webcal://'), 'https://', $filename); $master_array['-4'][$calnumber]['webcal'] = 'yes'; $actual_mtime = remote_filemtime($cal_httpPrefix); /* * We want to copy the remote calendar to a local temporary file, * because the current parser will read it twice: * - Once to get the timezone information * - And again to collect the remaining data * See: */ $filename = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'ICS'); if (copy($cal_httpPrefix, $filename) === FALSE) { exit(error($lang['l_copy_error'], $cal_httpPrefix)); } } else { $actual_mtime = filemtime($filename); } include(BASE.'functions/parse/parse_tzs.php'); $ifile = @fopen($filename, 'r'); if ($ifile == FALSE) exit(error($lang['l_error_cantopen'], $filename)); $nextline = fgets($ifile, 1024); #if (trim($nextline) != 'BEGIN:VCALENDAR') exit(error($lang['l_error_invalidcal'], $filename)); // Set a value so we can check to make sure $master_array contains valid data $master_array['-1'] = 'valid cal file'; // Set default calendar name - can be overridden by X-WR-CALNAME $calendar_name = $cal_filename; $master_array['calendar_name'] = $calendar_name; // read file in line by line // XXX end line is skipped because of the 1-line readahead while (!feof($ifile)) { $line = $nextline; $nextline = fgets($ifile, 1024); $nextline = preg_replace("/[\r\n]/", '', $nextline); #handle continuation lines that start with either a space or a tab (MS Outlook) while (isset($nextline{0}) && ($nextline{0} == ' ' || $nextline{0} == "\t")) { $line = $line . substr($nextline, 1); $nextline = fgets($ifile, 1024); $nextline = preg_replace("/[\r\n]/", '', $nextline); } $line = str_replace('\n', "\n", $line); $line = str_replace('\t', "\t", $line); $line = trim(stripslashes($line)); switch ($line) { // Begin VFREEBUSY/VEVENT Parsing // case 'BEGIN:VFREEBUSY': case 'BEGIN:VEVENT': // each of these vars were being set to an empty string unset ( $start_time, $end_time, $start_date, $end_date, $allday_start, $allday_end, $start, $end, $the_duration, $beginning, $start_of_vevent, $valarm_description, $start_unixtime, $end_unixtime, $display_end_tmp, $end_time_tmp1, $recurrence_id, $recurrence_d, $recurrence_, $uid, $rrule, $until_check, $until, $byweek, $byweekno, $byminute, $byhour, $bysecond ); $interval = 1; $sequence = 0; $summary = ''; $description = ''; $status = ''; $class = ''; $location = ''; $url = ''; $geo = ''; $type = ''; $other = ''; $wkst = 'MO'; $vtodo_categories = ''; $except_dates = array(); $except_times = array(); $rrule_array = array(); $byday = array(); $bymonth = array(); $bymonthday = array(); $byyearday = array(); $bysetpos = array(); $first_duration = TRUE; $count = 1000000; $valarm_set = FALSE; $attendee = array(); $organizer = array(); break; case 'END:VFREEBUSY': case 'END:VEVENT': include BASE.'functions/parse/end_vevent.php'; break; // Begin VTODO Parsing // case 'END:VTODO': if (($vtodo_priority == '') && ($status == 'COMPLETED')) { $vtodo_sort = 11; } elseif ($vtodo_priority == '') { $vtodo_sort = 10; } else { $vtodo_sort = $vtodo_priority; } // CLASS support if (isset($class)) { if ($class == 'PRIVATE') { $summary = '**PRIVATE**'; $description = '**PRIVATE**'; } elseif ($class == 'CONFIDENTIAL') { $summary = '**CONFIDENTIAL**'; $description = '**CONFIDENTIAL**'; } } $master_array['-2']["$vtodo_sort"]["$uid"] = array ( 'start_date' => $start_date, 'start_time' => $start_time, 'vtodo_text' => $summary, 'due_date'=> $due_date, 'due_time'=> $due_time, 'completed_date' => $completed_date, 'completed_time' => $completed_time, 'priority' => $vtodo_priority, 'status' => $status, 'class' => $class, 'categories' => $vtodo_categories, 'description' => $description, 'calname' => $actual_calname, 'geo' => $geo, 'url' => $url ); unset ($start_date, $start_time, $due_date, $due_time, $completed_date, $completed_time, $vtodo_priority, $status, $class, $vtodo_categories, $summary, $description); $vtodo_set = FALSE; break; case 'BEGIN:VTODO': $vtodo_set = TRUE; $start_date = ''; $start_time = ''; $summary = ''; $due_date = ''; $due_time = ''; $completed_date = ''; $completed_time = ''; $vtodo_priority = ''; $vtodo_categories = ''; $status = ''; $class = ''; $description = ''; break; // Begin VALARM Parsing // case 'BEGIN:VALARM': $valarm_set = TRUE; break; case 'END:VALARM': $valarm_set = FALSE; break; default: unset ($field, $data, $prop_pos, $property); if (preg_match ("/([^:]+):(.*)/", $line, $line)){ $field = $line[1]; $data = $line[2]; $property = strtoupper($field); $prop_pos = strpos($property,';'); if ($prop_pos !== false) $property = substr($property,0,$prop_pos); switch ($property) { // Start VTODO Parsing // case 'DUE': $datetime = extractDateTime($data, $property, $field); $due_date = $datetime[1]; $due_time = $datetime[2]; break; case 'COMPLETED': $datetime = extractDateTime($data, $property, $field); $completed_date = $datetime[1]; $completed_time = $datetime[2]; break; case 'PRIORITY': $vtodo_priority = "$data"; break; case 'STATUS': $status = "$data"; break; case 'GEO': $geo = "$data"; break; case 'CLASS': $class = "$data"; break; case 'CATEGORIES': $vtodo_categories = "$data"; break; // // End VTODO Parsing case 'DTSTART': $datetime = extractDateTime($data, $property, $field); $start_unixtime = $datetime[0]; $start_date = $datetime[1]; $start_time = $datetime[2]; $allday_start = $datetime[3]; $start_tz = $datetime[4]; preg_match ('/([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{0,2})([0-9]{0,2})/', $data, $regs); $vevent_start_date = $regs[1] . $regs[2] . $regs[3]; $day_offset = dayCompare($start_date, $vevent_start_date); #echo date("Ymd Hi", $start_unixtime)." $start_date $start_time $vevent_start_date $day_offset
"; break; case 'DTEND': $datetime = extractDateTime($data, $property, $field); $end_unixtime = $datetime[0]; $end_date = $datetime[1]; $end_time = $datetime[2]; $allday_end = $datetime[3]; break; case 'EXDATE': $data = explode(',', $data); foreach ($data as $exdata) { $exdata = str_replace('T', '', $exdata); $exdata = str_replace('Z', '', $exdata); preg_match ('/([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{0,2})([0-9]{0,2})/', $exdata, $regs); $except_dates[] = $regs[1] . $regs[2] . $regs[3]; // Added for Evolution, since they dont think they need to tell me which time to exclude. if ($regs[4] == '' && isset($start_time) && $start_time != '') { $except_times[] = $start_time; } else { $except_times[] = $regs[4] . $regs[5]; } } break; case 'SUMMARY': $data = str_replace('$', '$', $data); $data = stripslashes($data); $data = htmlentities(urlencode($data)); if ($valarm_set == FALSE) { $summary = $data; } else { $valarm_summary = $data; } break; case 'DESCRIPTION': $data = str_replace('$', '$', $data); $data = stripslashes($data); $data = htmlentities(urlencode($data)); if ($valarm_set == FALSE) { $description = $data; } else { $valarm_description = $data; } break; case 'RECURRENCE-ID': $parts = explode(';', $field); foreach($parts as $part) { $eachval = explode('=',$part); if ($eachval[0] == 'RECURRENCE-ID') { // do nothing } elseif ($eachval[0] == 'TZID') { $recurrence_id['tzid'] = $eachval[1]; } elseif ($eachval[0] == 'RANGE') { $recurrence_id['range'] = $eachval[1]; } elseif ($eachval[0] == 'VALUE') { $recurrence_id['value'] = $eachval[1]; } else { $recurrence_id[] = $eachval[1]; } } unset($parts, $part, $eachval); $data = str_replace('T', '', $data); $data = str_replace('Z', '', $data); preg_match ('/([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{0,2})([0-9]{0,2})/', $data, $regs); $recurrence_id['date'] = $regs[1] . $regs[2] . $regs[3]; $recurrence_id['time'] = $regs[4] . $regs[5]; $recur_unixtime = mktime(intval($regs[4]), intval($regs[5]), 0, intval($regs[2]), intval($regs[3]), intval($regs[1])); if (isset($recurrence_id['tzid'])) { $offset_tmp = chooseOffset($recur_unixtime, $recurrence_id['tzid']); } elseif (isset($calendar_tz)) { $offset_tmp = chooseOffset($recur_unixtime, $calendar_tz); } else { $offset_tmp = chooseOffset($recur_unixtime); } $recur_unixtime = calcTime($offset_tmp, @$server_offset_tmp, $recur_unixtime); $recurrence_id['date'] = date('Ymd', $recur_unixtime); $recurrence_id['time'] = date('Hi', $recur_unixtime); $recurrence_d = date('Ymd', $recur_unixtime); $recurrence_t = date('Hi', $recur_unixtime); unset($server_offset_tmp); break; case 'SEQUENCE': $sequence = $data; break; case 'UID': $uid = $data; break; case 'X-WR-CALNAME': $actual_calname = $data; $master_array['calendar_name'] = $actual_calname; $cal_displaynames[$cal_key] = $actual_calname; #correct the default calname based on filename break; case 'X-WR-TIMEZONE': $calendar_tz = $data; $master_array['calendar_tz'] = $calendar_tz; break; case 'DURATION': if (($first_duration == TRUE) && (!stristr($field, '=DURATION'))) { preg_match ('/^P([0-9]{1,2}[W])?([0-9]{1,3}[D])?([T]{0,1})?([0-9]{1,2}[H])?([0-9]{1,2}[M])?([0-9]{1,2}[S])?/', $data, $duration); $weeks = str_replace('W', '', $duration[1]); $days = str_replace('D', '', $duration[2]); $hours = str_replace('H', '', $duration[4]); $minutes = str_replace('M', '', $duration[5]); $seconds = str_replace('S', '', $duration[6]); $the_duration = ($weeks * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7) + ($days * 60 * 60 * 24) + ($hours * 60 * 60) + ($minutes * 60) + ($seconds); $first_duration = FALSE; } break; case 'RRULE': $data = str_replace ('RRULE:', '', $data); $rrule = explode (';', $data); foreach ($rrule as $recur) { preg_match ('/(.*)=(.*)/', $recur, $regs); $rrule_array[$regs[1]] = $regs[2]; } break; case 'ATTENDEE': $email = preg_match('/mailto:(.*)/i', $data, $matches1); $name = preg_match('/CN=([^;]*)/i', $field, $matches2); $rsvp = preg_match('/RSVP=([^;]*)/i', $field, $matches3); $partstat = preg_match('/PARTSTAT=([^;]*)/i', $field, $matches4); $role = preg_match('/ROLE=([^;]*)/i', $field, $matches5); $email = ($email ? $matches1[1] : ''); $name = ($name ? $matches2[1] : $email); $rsvp = ($rsvp ? $matches3[1] : ''); $partstat = ($partstat ? $matches4[1] : ''); $role = ($role ? $matches5[1] : ''); // Emergency fallback if (empty($name) && empty($email)) $name = $data; $attendee[] = array ('name' => stripslashes($name), 'email' => stripslashes($email), 'RSVP' => stripslashes($rsvp), 'PARTSTAT' => stripslashes($partstat), 'ROLE' => stripslashes($role) ); break; case 'ORGANIZER': $email = preg_match('/mailto:(.*)/i', $data, $matches1); $name = preg_match('/CN=([^;]*)/i', $field, $matches2); $email = ($email ? $matches1[1] : ''); $name = ($name ? $matches2[1] : $email); // Emergency fallback if (empty($name) && empty($email)) $name = $data; $organizer[] = array ('name' => stripslashes($name), 'email' => stripslashes($email)); break; case 'LOCATION': $data = str_replace('$', '$', $data); $data = stripslashes($data); $data = htmlentities(urlencode($data)); $location = $data; break; case 'URL': $url = $data; break; default: if(strpos(':',$data) > 1) $other .= $data; } } } } fclose($ifile); // Delete the temporary file created for webcals if (@$master_array['-4'][$calnumber]['webcal'] == 'yes') { unlink($filename); } } if (!isset($master_array['-3'][$calnumber])) $master_array['-3'][$calnumber] = $actual_calname; if (!isset($master_array['-4'][$calnumber]['mtime'])) $master_array['-4'][$calnumber]['mtime'] = $actual_mtime; if (!isset($master_array['-4'][$calnumber]['filename'])) $master_array['-4'][$calnumber]['filename'] = $filename; if (!isset($master_array['-4'][$calnumber]['webcal'])) $master_array['-4'][$calnumber]['webcal'] = 'no'; $calnumber = $calnumber + 1; } if ($parse_file) { // Sort the array by absolute date. if (isset($master_array) && is_array($master_array)) { ksort($master_array); reset($master_array); // sort the sub (day) arrays so the times are in order foreach (array_keys($master_array) as $k) { if (isset($master_array[$k]) && is_array($master_array[$k])) { ksort($master_array[$k]); reset($master_array[$k]); } } } // write the new master array to the file if (isset($master_array) && is_array($master_array) && $phpiCal_config->save_parsed_cals == 'yes') { $write_me = serialize($master_array); $fd = @fopen($parsedcal, 'w'); if ($fd == FALSE) exit(error($lang['l_error_cache'], $filename)); @fwrite($fd, $write_me); @fclose($fd); @chmod($parsedcal, 0600); // 0640 } } // Set a calender name for all calenders combined if ($cal == $phpiCal_config->ALL_CALENDARS_COMBINED) { $calendar_name = $all_cal_comb_lang; } /* example of how to customize the display name sort order if(in_array('US Holidays',$cal_displaynames)){ unset($cal_displaynames[array_search('US Holidays',$cal_displaynames)]); array_unshift($cal_displaynames, 'US Holidays'); } */ $cal_displayname = urldecode(implode(', ', $cal_displaynames)); #reset this with the correct names $template_started = getmicrotime(); //If you want to see the values in the arrays, uncomment below. #print '
#print '
'; ?>