gridLength; preg_match ('/([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})/', $start, $time); $sta_h = $time[1]; $sta_min = $time[2]; $sta_min = sprintf("%02d", floor($sta_min / $gridLength) * $gridLength); if ($sta_min == 60) { $sta_h = sprintf("%02d", ($sta_h + 1)); $sta_min = "00"; } preg_match ('/([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})/', $end, $time); $end_h = $time[1]; $end_min = $time[2]; $end_min = sprintf("%02d", floor($end_min / $gridLength) * $gridLength); if ($end_min == 60) { $end_h = sprintf("%02d", ($end_h + 1)); $end_min = "00"; } if (($sta_h . $sta_min) == ($end_h . $end_min)) { $end_min += $gridLength; if ($end_min == 60) { $end_h = sprintf("%02d", ($end_h + 1)); $end_min = "00"; } } $draw_len = ($end_h * 60 + $end_min) - ($sta_h * 60 + $sta_min); return array ("draw_start" => ($sta_h . $sta_min), "draw_end" => ($end_h . $end_min), "draw_length" => $draw_len); } // word wrap function that returns specified number of lines // when lines is 0, it returns the entire string as wordwrap() does it function word_wrap($str, $length, $lines=0) { if ($lines > 0) { $len = $length * $lines; if ($len < strlen($str)) { $str = substr($str,0,$len).'...'; } } return $str; } ?>