diff options
authorjwangen <jwangen>2002-10-19 19:54:19 +0000
committerjwangen <jwangen>2002-10-19 19:54:19 +0000
commit11aef1af4e4f9410084767762f16fc3366132405 (patch)
parent173647337cd3d6dcfd0033f06103b926b6ca98c0 (diff)
Can now choose timezone option from config
5 files changed, 520 insertions, 55 deletions
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..827b0a3
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,506 @@
+If your timezone is not in this list, it is assumed that the GMT offset
+for both regular time and daylight savings time is +0000. If this is
+not correct, please use a timezone from this list which will acurrately
+represent your GMT offsets. All these are case-sensitive.
+'Same as Server' is also a choice and it also case sensitive. This will
+use the server's timezone offset. No entry at all (an empty string) means
+to use the timezome of the event or calendar itself. This is default.
+This does not support setting the offset itself (ie '+0500') because the
+offset might change depending on if we're looking at events when Daylight
+Savings Time is on, or events when it's off. You must choose a timezone
+from this list or an empty string.
+List of Timezones
+Same as Server
diff --git a/config.inc.php b/config.inc.php
index b71f4a4..4ff59f2 100644
--- a/config.inc.php
+++ b/config.inc.php
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ $month_event_lines = '1'; // Number of lines to wrap each event title in mont
$tomorrows_events_lines = '1'; // Number of lines to wrap each event title in the 'Tommorrow's events' box, 0 means display all lines.
$allday_week_lines = '1'; // Number of lines to wrap each event title in all-day events in week view, 0 means display all lines.
$week_events_lines = '1'; // Number of lines to wrap each event title in the 'Tommorrow's events' box, 0 means display all lines.
+$timezone = ''; // Set timezone. Read TIMEZONES file for more information
// Yes/No questions --- 'yes' means Yes, anything else means no. 'yes' must be lowercase.
$save_parsed_cals = 'no'; // Recommended 'yes'. Saves a copy of the cal in /tmp after it's been parsed. Improves performence.
diff --git a/functions/date_functions.php b/functions/date_functions.php
index 2f73543..4683caa 100644
--- a/functions/date_functions.php
+++ b/functions/date_functions.php
@@ -1 +1 @@
-<?php // date_functions.php // functions for returning or comparing dates // takes Apple's 2 character day format and makes it into 3 characters function two2threeCharDays($day) { switch($day) { case 'SU': $day_longer = 'sun'; break; case 'MO': $day_longer = 'mon'; break; case 'TU': $day_longer = 'tue'; break; case 'WE': $day_longer = 'wed'; break; case 'TH': $day_longer = 'thu'; break; case 'FR': $day_longer = 'fri'; break; case 'SA': $day_longer = 'sat'; break; } return $day_longer; } // dateOfWeek() takes a date in Ymd and a day of week in 3 letters or more // and returns the date of that day. (ie: "sun" or "sunday" would be acceptable values of $day but not "su") function dateOfWeek($Ymd, $day) { global $week_start_day; if (!isset($week_start_day)) $week_start_day = 'Sunday'; $timestamp = strtotime($Ymd); $num = date('w', strtotime($week_start_day)); $start_day_time = strtotime((date('w',$timestamp)==$num ? "$week_start_day" : "last $week_start_day"), $timestamp); $ret_unixtime = strtotime($day,$start_day_time); $ret_unixtime = strtotime('+12 hours', $ret_unixtime); $ret = date('Ymd',$ret_unixtime); return $ret; } // function to compare to dates in Ymd and return the number of weeks // that differ between them. requires dateOfWeek() function weekCompare($now, $then) { global $week_start_day; $sun_now = dateOfWeek($now, $week_start_day); $sun_then = dateOfWeek($then, $week_start_day); $seconds_now = strtotime($sun_now); $seconds_then = strtotime($sun_then); $diff_seconds = $seconds_now - $seconds_then; $diff_minutes = $diff_seconds/60; $diff_hours = $diff_minutes/60; $diff_days = round($diff_hours/24); $diff_weeks = $diff_days/7; return $diff_weeks; } // function to compare to dates in Ymd and return the number of days // that differ between them. function dayCompare($now, $then) { $seconds_now = strtotime($now); $seconds_then = strtotime($then); $diff_seconds = $seconds_now - $seconds_then; $diff_minutes = $diff_seconds/60; $diff_hours = $diff_minutes/60; $diff_days = round($diff_hours/24); return $diff_days; } // function to compare to dates in Ymd and return the number of months // that differ between them. function monthCompare($now, $then) { ereg ("([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})", $now, $date_now); ereg ("([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})", $then, $date_then); $diff_years = $date_now[1] - $date_then[1]; $diff_months = $date_now[2] - $date_then[2]; if ($date_now[2] < $date_then[2]) { $diff_years -= 1; $diff_months = ($diff_months + 12) % 12; } $diff_months = ($diff_years * 12) + $diff_months; return $diff_months; } function yearCompare($now, $then) { ereg ("([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})", $now, $date_now); ereg ("([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})", $then, $date_then); $diff_years = $date_now[1] - $date_then[1]; return $diff_years; } // localizeDate() - similar to strftime but uses our preset arrays of localized // months and week days and only supports %A, %a, %B, %b, %e, and %Y // more can be added as needed but trying to keep it small while we can function localizeDate($format, $timestamp) { global $daysofweek_lang, $daysofweekshort_lang, $daysofweekreallyshort_lang, $monthsofyear_lang, $monthsofyear_lang, $monthsofyearshort_lang; $year = date("Y", $timestamp); $month = date("n", $timestamp)-1; $day = date("j", $timestamp); $dayofweek = date("w", $timestamp); $date = str_replace('%Y', $year, $format); $date = str_replace('%e', $day, $date); $date = str_replace('%B', $monthsofyear_lang[$month], $date); $date = str_replace('%b', $monthsofyearshort_lang[$month], $date); $date = str_replace('%A', $daysofweek_lang[$dayofweek], $date); $date = str_replace('%a', $daysofweekshort_lang[$dayofweek], $date); return $date; } // calcOffset takes an offset (ie, -0500) and returns it in the number of seconds function calcOffset($offset_str) { $sign = substr($offset_str, 0, 1); $hours = substr($offset_str, 1, 2); $mins = substr($offset_str, 3, 2); $secs = ((int)$hours * 3600) + ((int)$mins * 60); if ($sign == '-') $secs = 0 - $secs; return $secs; } // calcTime calculates the unixtime of a new offset by comparing it to the current offset // $have is the current offset (ie, '-0500') // $want is the wanted offset (ie, '-0700') // $time is the unixtime relative to $have function calcTime($have, $want, $time) { $have_secs = calcOffset($have); $want_secs = calcOffset($want); $diff = $want_secs - $have_secs; $time += $diff; return $time; } ?> \ No newline at end of file
+<?php // date_functions.php // functions for returning or comparing dates // not a date function, but I didn't know where to put it // for backwards compatibility if (phpversion() < '4.1') { function array_key_exists($key, $arr) { if (!is_array($arr)) return false; foreach (array_keys($arr) as $k) { if ("$k" == "$key") return true; } return false; } } // takes Apple's 2 character day format and makes it into 3 characters function two2threeCharDays($day) { switch($day) { case 'SU': $day_longer = 'sun'; break; case 'MO': $day_longer = 'mon'; break; case 'TU': $day_longer = 'tue'; break; case 'WE': $day_longer = 'wed'; break; case 'TH': $day_longer = 'thu'; break; case 'FR': $day_longer = 'fri'; break; case 'SA': $day_longer = 'sat'; break; } return $day_longer; } // dateOfWeek() takes a date in Ymd and a day of week in 3 letters or more // and returns the date of that day. (ie: "sun" or "sunday" would be acceptable values of $day but not "su") function dateOfWeek($Ymd, $day) { global $week_start_day; if (!isset($week_start_day)) $week_start_day = 'Sunday'; $timestamp = strtotime($Ymd); $num = date('w', strtotime($week_start_day)); $start_day_time = strtotime((date('w',$timestamp)==$num ? "$week_start_day" : "last $week_start_day"), $timestamp); $ret_unixtime = strtotime($day,$start_day_time); $ret_unixtime = strtotime('+12 hours', $ret_unixtime); $ret = date('Ymd',$ret_unixtime); return $ret; } // function to compare to dates in Ymd and return the number of weeks // that differ between them. requires dateOfWeek() function weekCompare($now, $then) { global $week_start_day; $sun_now = dateOfWeek($now, $week_start_day); $sun_then = dateOfWeek($then, $week_start_day); $seconds_now = strtotime($sun_now); $seconds_then = strtotime($sun_then); $diff_seconds = $seconds_now - $seconds_then; $diff_minutes = $diff_seconds/60; $diff_hours = $diff_minutes/60; $diff_days = round($diff_hours/24); $diff_weeks = $diff_days/7; return $diff_weeks; } // function to compare to dates in Ymd and return the number of days // that differ between them. function dayCompare($now, $then) { $seconds_now = strtotime($now); $seconds_then = strtotime($then); $diff_seconds = $seconds_now - $seconds_then; $diff_minutes = $diff_seconds/60; $diff_hours = $diff_minutes/60; $diff_days = round($diff_hours/24); return $diff_days; } // function to compare to dates in Ymd and return the number of months // that differ between them. function monthCompare($now, $then) { ereg ("([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})", $now, $date_now); ereg ("([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})", $then, $date_then); $diff_years = $date_now[1] - $date_then[1]; $diff_months = $date_now[2] - $date_then[2]; if ($date_now[2] < $date_then[2]) { $diff_years -= 1; $diff_months = ($diff_months + 12) % 12; } $diff_months = ($diff_years * 12) + $diff_months; return $diff_months; } function yearCompare($now, $then) { ereg ("([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})", $now, $date_now); ereg ("([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})", $then, $date_then); $diff_years = $date_now[1] - $date_then[1]; return $diff_years; } // localizeDate() - similar to strftime but uses our preset arrays of localized // months and week days and only supports %A, %a, %B, %b, %e, and %Y // more can be added as needed but trying to keep it small while we can function localizeDate($format, $timestamp) { global $daysofweek_lang, $daysofweekshort_lang, $daysofweekreallyshort_lang, $monthsofyear_lang, $monthsofyear_lang, $monthsofyearshort_lang; $year = date("Y", $timestamp); $month = date("n", $timestamp)-1; $day = date("j", $timestamp); $dayofweek = date("w", $timestamp); $date = str_replace('%Y', $year, $format); $date = str_replace('%e', $day, $date); $date = str_replace('%B', $monthsofyear_lang[$month], $date); $date = str_replace('%b', $monthsofyearshort_lang[$month], $date); $date = str_replace('%A', $daysofweek_lang[$dayofweek], $date); $date = str_replace('%a', $daysofweekshort_lang[$dayofweek], $date); return $date; } // calcOffset takes an offset (ie, -0500) and returns it in the number of seconds function calcOffset($offset_str) { $sign = substr($offset_str, 0, 1); $hours = substr($offset_str, 1, 2); $mins = substr($offset_str, 3, 2); $secs = ((int)$hours * 3600) + ((int)$mins * 60); if ($sign == '-') $secs = 0 - $secs; return $secs; } // calcTime calculates the unixtime of a new offset by comparing it to the current offset // $have is the current offset (ie, '-0500') // $want is the wanted offset (ie, '-0700') // $time is the unixtime relative to $have function calcTime($have, $want, $time) { if ($have == 'none' || $want == 'none') return $time; $have_secs = calcOffset($have); $want_secs = calcOffset($want); $diff = $want_secs - $have_secs; $time += $diff; return $time; } function chooseOffset($time) { global $timezone, $tz_array; if (!isset($timezone)) $timezone = ''; switch ($timezone) { case '': $offset = 'none'; break; case 'Same as Server': $offset = date('O', $time); break; default: if (is_array($tz_array) && array_key_exists($timezone, $tz_array)) { $dlst = date('I', $time); $offset = $tz_array[$timezone][$dlst]; } else { $offset = '+0000'; } } return $offset; } ?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/functions/ical_parser.php b/functions/ical_parser.php
index 9362e13..5fdbd26 100644
--- a/functions/ical_parser.php
+++ b/functions/ical_parser.php
@@ -421,11 +421,19 @@ if ($parse_file) {
$start_unixtime = mktime($regs[4], $regs[5], 0, $regs[2], $regs[3], $regs[1]);
$dlst = date('I', $start_unixtime);
- $server_offset_tmp = date('O', $start_unixtime);
+ $server_offset_tmp = chooseOffset($start_unixtime);
if (isset($tz_dtstart)) {
- $offset_tmp = $tz_array[$tz_dtstart][$dlst];
+ if (array_key_exists($tz_dtstart, $tz_array)) {
+ $offset_tmp = $tz_array[$tz_dtstart][$dlst];
+ } else {
+ $offset_tmp = '+0000';
+ }
} elseif (isset($calendar_tz)) {
- $offset_tmp = $tz_array[$calendar_tz][$dlst];
+ if (array_key_exists($calendar_tz, $tz_array)) {
+ $offset_tmp = $tz_array[$calendar_tz][$dlst];
+ } else {
+ $offset_tmp = '+0000';
+ }
} else {
$offset_tmp = $server_offset_tmp;
@@ -452,7 +460,7 @@ if ($parse_file) {
$end_unixtime = mktime($regs[4], $regs[5], 0, $regs[2], $regs[3], $regs[1]);
$dlst = date('I', $end_unixtime);
- $server_offset_tmp = date('O', $start_unixtime);
+ $server_offset_tmp = chooseOffset($end_unixtime);
if (isset($tz_dtend)) {
$offset_tmp = $tz_array[$tz_dtend][$dlst];
} elseif (isset($calendar_tz)) {
diff --git a/functions/timezones.php b/functions/timezones.php
index 53c9364..fa42298 100644
--- a/functions/timezones.php
+++ b/functions/timezones.php
@@ -1,26 +1,16 @@
-$tz_array['Africa/Abidjan'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
-$tz_array['Africa/Accra'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
$tz_array['Africa/Addis_Ababa'] = array('+0300', '+0300');
$tz_array['Africa/Algiers'] = array('+0100', '+0100');
$tz_array['Africa/Asmera'] = array('+0300', '+0300');
-$tz_array['Africa/Bamako'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
$tz_array['Africa/Bangui'] = array('+0100', '+0100');
-$tz_array['Africa/Banjul'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
-$tz_array['Africa/Bissau'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
$tz_array['Africa/Blantyre'] = array('+0200', '+0200');
$tz_array['Africa/Brazzaville'] = array('+0100', '+0100');
$tz_array['Africa/Bujumbura'] = array('+0200', '+0200');
$tz_array['Africa/Cairo'] = array('+0200', '+0300');
-$tz_array['Africa/Casablanca'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
$tz_array['Africa/Ceuta'] = array('+0100', '+0200');
-$tz_array['Africa/Conakry'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
-$tz_array['Africa/Dakar'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
$tz_array['Africa/Dar_es_Salaam'] = array('+0300', '+0300');
$tz_array['Africa/Djibouti'] = array('+0300', '+0300');
$tz_array['Africa/Douala'] = array('+0100', '+0100');
-$tz_array['Africa/El_Aaiun'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
-$tz_array['Africa/Freetown'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
$tz_array['Africa/Gaborone'] = array('+0200', '+0200');
$tz_array['Africa/Harare'] = array('+0200', '+0200');
$tz_array['Africa/Johannesburg'] = array('+0200', '+0200');
@@ -30,7 +20,6 @@ $tz_array['Africa/Kigali'] = array('+0200', '+0200');
$tz_array['Africa/Kinshasa'] = array('+0100', '+0100');
$tz_array['Africa/Lagos'] = array('+0100', '+0100');
$tz_array['Africa/Libreville'] = array('+0100', '+0100');
-$tz_array['Africa/Lome'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
$tz_array['Africa/Luanda'] = array('+0100', '+0100');
$tz_array['Africa/Lubumbashi'] = array('+0200', '+0200');
$tz_array['Africa/Lusaka'] = array('+0200', '+0200');
@@ -39,15 +28,10 @@ $tz_array['Africa/Maputo'] = array('+0200', '+0200');
$tz_array['Africa/Maseru'] = array('+0200', '+0200');
$tz_array['Africa/Mbabane'] = array('+0200', '+0200');
$tz_array['Africa/Mogadishu'] = array('+0300', '+0300');
-$tz_array['Africa/Monrovia'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
$tz_array['Africa/Nairobi'] = array('+0300', '+0300');
$tz_array['Africa/Ndjamena'] = array('+0100', '+0100');
$tz_array['Africa/Niamey'] = array('+0100', '+0100');
-$tz_array['Africa/Nouakchott'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
-$tz_array['Africa/Ouagadougou'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
$tz_array['Africa/Porto-Novo'] = array('+0100', '+0100');
-$tz_array['Africa/Sao_Tome'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
-$tz_array['Africa/Timbuktu'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
$tz_array['Africa/Tripoli'] = array('+0200', '+0200');
$tz_array['Africa/Tunis'] = array('+0100', '+0100');
$tz_array['Africa/Windhoek'] = array('+0200', '+0100');
@@ -78,7 +62,6 @@ $tz_array['America/Cordoba'] = array('-0300', '-0300');
$tz_array['America/Costa_Rica'] = array('-0600', '-0600');
$tz_array['America/Cuiaba'] = array('-0300', '-0400');
$tz_array['America/Curacao'] = array('-0400', '-0400');
-$tz_array['America/Danmarkshavn'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
$tz_array['America/Dawson'] = array('-0800', '-0700');
$tz_array['America/Dawson_Creek'] = array('-0700', '-0700');
$tz_array['America/Denver'] = array('-0700', '-0600');
@@ -138,7 +121,6 @@ $tz_array['America/New_York'] = array('-0500', '-0400');
$tz_array['America/Nipigon'] = array('-0500', '-0400');
$tz_array['America/Nome'] = array('-0900', '-0800');
$tz_array['America/Noronha'] = array('-0200', '-0200');
-$tz_array['America/North_Dakota/Center'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
$tz_array['America/Panama'] = array('-0500', '-0500');
$tz_array['America/Pangnirtung'] = array('-0500', '-0400');
$tz_array['America/Paramaribo'] = array('-0300', '-0300');
@@ -202,8 +184,6 @@ $tz_array['Asia/Beirut'] = array('+0200', '+0300');
$tz_array['Asia/Bishkek'] = array('+0500', '+0600');
$tz_array['Asia/Brunei'] = array('+0800', '+0800');
$tz_array['Asia/Calcutta'] = array('+051800', '+051800');
-$tz_array['Asia/Choibalsan'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
-$tz_array['Asia/Chongqing'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
$tz_array['Asia/Chungking'] = array('+0800', '+0800');
$tz_array['Asia/Colombo'] = array('+0600', '+0600');
$tz_array['Asia/Dacca'] = array('+0600', '+0600');
@@ -217,7 +197,6 @@ $tz_array['Asia/Harbin'] = array('+0800', '+0800');
$tz_array['Asia/Hong_Kong'] = array('+0800', '+0800');
$tz_array['Asia/Hovd'] = array('+0700', '+0700');
$tz_array['Asia/Irkutsk'] = array('+0800', '+0900');
-$tz_array['Asia/Ishigaki'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
$tz_array['Asia/Istanbul'] = array('+0200', '+0300');
$tz_array['Asia/Jakarta'] = array('+0700', '+0700');
$tz_array['Asia/Jayapura'] = array('+0900', '+0900');
@@ -232,26 +211,21 @@ $tz_array['Asia/Kuala_Lumpur'] = array('+0800', '+0800');
$tz_array['Asia/Kuching'] = array('+0800', '+0800');
$tz_array['Asia/Kuwait'] = array('+0300', '+0300');
$tz_array['Asia/Macao'] = array('+0800', '+0800');
-$tz_array['Asia/Macau'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
$tz_array['Asia/Magadan'] = array('+1100', '+1200');
$tz_array['Asia/Manila'] = array('+0800', '+0800');
$tz_array['Asia/Muscat'] = array('+0400', '+0400');
$tz_array['Asia/Nicosia'] = array('+0200', '+0300');
$tz_array['Asia/Novosibirsk'] = array('+0600', '+0700');
$tz_array['Asia/Omsk'] = array('+0600', '+0700');
-$tz_array['Asia/Oral'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
$tz_array['Asia/Phnom_Penh'] = array('+0700', '+0700');
-$tz_array['Asia/Pontianak'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
$tz_array['Asia/Pyongyang'] = array('+0900', '+0900');
$tz_array['Asia/Qatar'] = array('+0300', '+0300');
-$tz_array['Asia/Qyzylorda'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
$tz_array['Asia/Rangoon'] = array('+061800', '+061800');
$tz_array['Asia/Riyadh'] = array('+0300', '+0300');
$tz_array['Asia/Riyadh87'] = array('+03424', '+03424');
$tz_array['Asia/Riyadh88'] = array('+03424', '+03424');
$tz_array['Asia/Riyadh89'] = array('+03424', '+03424');
$tz_array['Asia/Saigon'] = array('+0700', '+0700');
-$tz_array['Asia/Sakhalin'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
$tz_array['Asia/Samarkand'] = array('+0500', '+0500');
$tz_array['Asia/Seoul'] = array('+0900', '+0900');
$tz_array['Asia/Shanghai'] = array('+0800', '+0800');
@@ -280,9 +254,7 @@ $tz_array['Atlantic/Cape_Verde'] = array('-0100', '-0100');
$tz_array['Atlantic/Faeroe'] = array('+0000', '+0100');
$tz_array['Atlantic/Jan_Mayen'] = array('-0100', '-0100');
$tz_array['Atlantic/Madeira'] = array('+0000', '+0100');
-$tz_array['Atlantic/Reykjavik'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
$tz_array['Atlantic/South_Georgia'] = array('-0200', '-0200');
-$tz_array['Atlantic/St_Helena'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
$tz_array['Atlantic/Stanley'] = array('-0300', '-0400');
$tz_array['Australia/ACT'] = array('+1100', '+1000');
$tz_array['Australia/Adelaide'] = array('+101800', '+091800');
@@ -322,16 +294,12 @@ $tz_array['Canada/Saskatchewan'] = array('-0600', '-0600');
$tz_array['Canada/Yukon'] = array('-0800', '-0700');
$tz_array['Chile/Continental'] = array('-0300', '-0400');
$tz_array['Chile/EasterIsland'] = array('-0500', '-0600');
-$tz_array['China/Beijing'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
-$tz_array['China/Shanghai'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
$tz_array['Cuba'] = array('-0500', '-0400');
$tz_array['EET'] = array('+0200', '+0300');
$tz_array['EST'] = array('-0500', '-0500');
$tz_array['EST5EDT'] = array('-0500', '-0400');
$tz_array['Egypt'] = array('+0200', '+0300');
$tz_array['Eire'] = array('+0000', '+0100');
-$tz_array['Etc/GMT'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
-$tz_array['Etc/GMT+0'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
$tz_array['Etc/GMT+1'] = array('-0100', '-0100');
$tz_array['Etc/GMT+10'] = array('-1000', '-1000');
$tz_array['Etc/GMT+11'] = array('-1100', '-1100');
@@ -344,7 +312,6 @@ $tz_array['Etc/GMT+6'] = array('-0600', '-0600');
$tz_array['Etc/GMT+7'] = array('-0700', '-0700');
$tz_array['Etc/GMT+8'] = array('-0800', '-0800');
$tz_array['Etc/GMT+9'] = array('-0900', '-0900');
-$tz_array['Etc/GMT-0'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
$tz_array['Etc/GMT-1'] = array('+0100', '+0100');
$tz_array['Etc/GMT-10'] = array('+1000', '+1000');
$tz_array['Etc/GMT-11'] = array('+1100', '+1100');
@@ -359,12 +326,6 @@ $tz_array['Etc/GMT-6'] = array('+0600', '+0600');
$tz_array['Etc/GMT-7'] = array('+0700', '+0700');
$tz_array['Etc/GMT-8'] = array('+0800', '+0800');
$tz_array['Etc/GMT-9'] = array('+0900', '+0900');
-$tz_array['Etc/GMT0'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
-$tz_array['Etc/Greenwich'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
-$tz_array['Etc/UCT'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
-$tz_array['Etc/UTC'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
-$tz_array['Etc/Universal'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
-$tz_array['Etc/Zulu'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
$tz_array['Europe/Amsterdam'] = array('+0100', '+0200');
$tz_array['Europe/Andorra'] = array('+0100', '+0200');
$tz_array['Europe/Athens'] = array('+0200', '+0300');
@@ -417,17 +378,10 @@ $tz_array['Europe/Warsaw'] = array('+0100', '+0200');
$tz_array['Europe/Zagreb'] = array('+0100', '+0200');
$tz_array['Europe/Zaporozhye'] = array('+0200', '+0300');
$tz_array['Europe/Zurich'] = array('+0100', '+0200');
-$tz_array['Factory'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
$tz_array['GB'] = array('+0000', '+0100');
$tz_array['GB-Eire'] = array('+0000', '+0100');
-$tz_array['GMT'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
-$tz_array['GMT+0'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
-$tz_array['GMT-0'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
-$tz_array['GMT0'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
-$tz_array['Greenwich'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
$tz_array['HST'] = array('-1000', '-1000');
$tz_array['Hongkong'] = array('+0800', '+0800');
-$tz_array['Iceland'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
$tz_array['Indian/Antananarivo'] = array('+0300', '+0300');
$tz_array['Indian/Chagos'] = array('+0500', '+0500');
$tz_array['Indian/Christmas'] = array('+0700', '+0700');
@@ -518,7 +472,6 @@ $tz_array['SystemV/PST8PDT'] = array('-0800', '-0700');
$tz_array['SystemV/YST9'] = array('-0900', '-0900');
$tz_array['SystemV/YST9YDT'] = array('-0900', '-0800');
$tz_array['Turkey'] = array('+0200', '+0300');
-$tz_array['UCT'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
$tz_array['US/Alaska'] = array('-0900', '-0800');
$tz_array['US/Aleutian'] = array('-1000', '-0900');
$tz_array['US/Arizona'] = array('-0700', '-0700');
@@ -531,9 +484,6 @@ $tz_array['US/Michigan'] = array('-0500', '-0400');
$tz_array['US/Mountain'] = array('-0700', '-0600');
$tz_array['US/Pacific'] = array('-0800', '-0700');
$tz_array['US/Samoa'] = array('-1100', '-1100');
-$tz_array['UTC'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
-$tz_array['Universal'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
$tz_array['W-SU'] = array('+0300', '+0400');
$tz_array['WET'] = array('+0000', '+0100');
-$tz_array['Zulu'] = array('+0000', '+0000');
?> \ No newline at end of file

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