#!/bin/sh # # Wrapper for git-filter-branch so that we can use it in an incremental # way. # # Copyright (c) Michele Locati, 2018 # # MIT license # https://github.com/mlocati/incremental-git-filter-branch/blob/master/LICENSE # # Exit immediately if a pipeline, a list, or a compound command, exits with a non-zero status. set -o errexit # Treat unset variables and parameters other than the special parameters "@" and "*" as an error when performing parameter expansion. set -o nounset # Set the Internal Field Separator IFS=' ' die () { printf '%s\n' "${1}">&2 exit 1 } usage () { if test $# -eq 1 then printf '%s\n\n%s\n' "${1}" "Type ${0} --help to get help">&2 exit 1 fi printf '%s' "Usage: ${0} [-h | --help] [--workdir ] [--branch-whitelist ] [--branch-blacklist ] [--tag-whitelist ] [--tag-blacklist ] [--tags-plan (visited|all|none)] [--tags-max-history-lookup ] [--no-hardlinks] [--no-atomic] [--no-lock] [--] Apply git filter-branch in an incremental way Where: --workdir workdirpath set the path to the directory where the temporary local repositories are created. By default, we'll use a directory named temp in the current directory. --branch-whitelist a whitespace-separated list of branches to be included in the process. Multiple options can be specified. By default, all branches will be processed. --branch-blacklist a whitespace-separated list of branches to be excluded from the process. Multiple options can be specified. By default, all branches will be processed. Blacklisted branches take the precedence over whitelisted ones. --tag-whitelist a whitespace-separated list of tags to be included in the process. Multiple options can be specified. --tag-blacklist a whitespace-separated list of tags to be excluded from the process. Multiple options can be specified. Blacklisted tags take the precedence over whitelisted ones. --tags-plan how tags should be processed. This can be one of these values: visited: process only the tags visited (default) none: do not process any tag all: process all tags --tags-max-history-lookup limit the depth when looking for best matched filtered commit when --tags-plan is 'all'. By default this value is 20. --no-hardlinks Do not create hard links (useful for file systems that don't support it). --no-atomic Do not use an atomic transaction when pushing to the destination repository. --no-lock Do not acquire an exclusive lock (useful for systems that don't have flock(1)). sourcerepository The URL or path to the source repository. filter The list of parameters to be passed to the git filter-branch command. destinationrepository The URL or path to the destination repository. You can prefix branch/tag names in both whitelists and blacklists with 'rx:': in this case a regular expression check will be performed. For instance: --branch-whitelist 'master rx:release\\/\\d+(\\.\\d+)*' will match 'master' and 'release/1.1' " exit 0 } readParameters () { WORK_DIRECTORY="$(pwd)/temp" BRANCH_WHITELIST='' BRANCH_BLACKLIST='' TAG_WHITELIST='' TAG_BLACKLIST='' TAGS_PLAN='visited' PROCESS_TAGS_MAXHISTORYLOOKUP=20 NO_HARDLINKS='' ATOMIC='--atomic' NO_LOCK='' while : do if test $# -lt 1 then usage 'Not enough arguments' fi readParameters_currentArgument="${1}" case "${readParameters_currentArgument}" in --) shift 1 break ;; -h|--help) usage ;; --workdir) if test $# -lt 2 then usage 'Not enough arguments' fi WORK_DIRECTORY="${2}" if test -z "${WORK_DIRECTORY}" then die 'The working directory option is empty' fi shift 2 ;; --branch-whitelist) if test $# -lt 2 then usage 'Not enough arguments' fi BRANCH_WHITELIST="${BRANCH_WHITELIST} ${2}" shift 2 ;; --branch-blacklist) if test $# -lt 2 then usage 'Not enough arguments' fi BRANCH_BLACKLIST="${BRANCH_BLACKLIST} ${2}" shift 2 ;; --tag-whitelist) if test $# -lt 2 then usage 'Not enough arguments' fi TAG_WHITELIST="${TAG_WHITELIST} ${2}" shift 2 ;; --tag-blacklist) if test $# -lt 2 then usage 'Not enough arguments' fi TAG_BLACKLIST="${TAG_BLACKLIST} ${2}" shift 2 ;; --tags-plan) if test $# -lt 2 then usage 'Not enough arguments' fi case "${2}" in 'all') TAGS_PLAN='all' ;; 'visited') TAGS_PLAN='visited' ;; 'none') TAGS_PLAN='' ;; *) usage "Invalid value of the ${readParameters_currentArgument} option" ;; esac shift 2 ;; --tags-max-history-lookup) if test $# -lt 2 then usage 'Not enough arguments' fi PROCESS_TAGS_MAXHISTORYLOOKUP="${BRANCH_BLACKLIST} ${2}" if ! test "${PROCESS_TAGS_MAXHISTORYLOOKUP}" -eq "${PROCESS_TAGS_MAXHISTORYLOOKUP}" 2>/dev/null then usage "Value of ${readParameters_currentArgument} should be numeric" fi if test "${PROCESS_TAGS_MAXHISTORYLOOKUP}" -lt 1 then usage "Value of ${readParameters_currentArgument} should be greater than 0" fi shift 2 ;; --no-hardlinks) NO_HARDLINKS='--no-hardlinks' shift 1 ;; --no-atomic) ATOMIC='--no-atomic' shift 1 ;; --no-lock) NO_LOCK='yes' shift 1 ;; -*) usage "Unknown option: ${readParameters_currentArgument}" ;; *) break ;; esac done if test -z "${TAGS_PLAN}" then if test -n "${TAG_WHITELIST}" -o -n "${TAG_BLACKLIST}" then die "You can't use --tag-whitelist or --tag-blacklist when you specify '--tags-plan none'" fi fi if test $# -lt 3 then usage 'Not enough arguments' fi if test $# -gt 3 then usage 'Too many arguments' fi SOURCE_REPOSITORY_URL="${1}" if test -z "${SOURCE_REPOSITORY_URL}" then die 'The source repository location is empty.' fi FILTER="${2}" if test -z "${FILTER}" then die 'The filter is empty.' fi DESTINATION_REPOSITORY_URL="${3}" if test -z "${DESTINATION_REPOSITORY_URL}" then die 'The destination repository location is empty.' fi } absolutizeUrl () { absolutizeUrl_url="${1}" if test -d "${1}" then absolutizeUrl_url=$(cd "${absolutizeUrl_url}" && pwd) fi printf '%s' "${absolutizeUrl_url}" } checkFilter () { checkFilter_some=0 while : do if test $# -lt 1 then break fi checkFilter_some=1 checkFilter_optName="${1}" shift 1 case "${checkFilter_optName}" in --setup) if test $# -lt 1 then die "Invalid syntax in filter (${checkFilter_optName} without command)" fi shift 1 ;; --tag-name-filter) die "You can't use --tag-name-filter (it's handled automatically)" ;; --*-filter) if test $# -lt 1 then die "Invalid syntax in filter (${checkFilter_optName} without command)" fi shift 1 ;; --prune-empty) ;; *) die "Invalid syntax in filter (unknown option: ${checkFilter_optName})" ;; esac done if test ${checkFilter_some} -lt 1 then die 'The filter is empty.' fi } normalizeParameters () { echo '# Normalizing source repository URL' SOURCE_REPOSITORY_URL=$(absolutizeUrl "${SOURCE_REPOSITORY_URL}") echo '# Normalizing destination repository URL' DESTINATION_REPOSITORY_URL=$(absolutizeUrl "${DESTINATION_REPOSITORY_URL}") echo '# Checking filter' # shellcheck disable=SC2086 checkFilter ${FILTER} } checkEnvironment () { if test -z "${NO_LOCK}" then if ! command -v flock >/dev/null then die 'The flock command is not available. You may want to use --no-lock option to avoid using it (but no concurrency check will be performed).' fi fi for checkEnvironment_command in git sed grep md5sum do if ! command -v "${checkEnvironment_command}" >/dev/null then die "The required ${checkEnvironment_command} command is not available." fi done checkEnvironment_vMin='2.15.0' checkEnvironment_vCur=$(git --version | cut -d ' ' -f3) checkEnvironment_vWork=$(printf '%s\n%s' "${checkEnvironment_vCur}" "${checkEnvironment_vMin}" | sort -t '.' -n -k1,1 -k2,2 -k3,3 -k4,4 | head -n 1) if test "${checkEnvironment_vWork}" != "${checkEnvironment_vMin}" then die "This script requires git ${checkEnvironment_vMin} (you have git ${checkEnvironment_vWork})." fi } initializeEnvironment () { if ! test -d "${WORK_DIRECTORY}" then mkdir --parents -- "${WORK_DIRECTORY}" || die "Failed to create working directory ${WORK_DIRECTORY}" fi SOURCE_REPOSITORY_DIR=${WORK_DIRECTORY}/source-$(md5 "${SOURCE_REPOSITORY_URL}") WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR=${WORK_DIRECTORY}/worker-$(md5 "${SOURCE_REPOSITORY_URL}${DESTINATION_REPOSITORY_URL}") } acquireLock () { if test -z "${NO_LOCK}" then exec 9>"${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}.lock" while : do if flock --exclusive --timeout 3 9 then break fi echo 'Lock detected... Waiting that it becomes available...' done fi } prepareLocalSourceRepository () { prepareLocalSourceRepository_haveToCreateMirror=1 if test -f "${SOURCE_REPOSITORY_DIR}/config" then echo '# Updating source repository' if git -C "${SOURCE_REPOSITORY_DIR}" remote update --prune then prepareLocalSourceRepository_haveToCreateMirror=0 fi fi if test ${prepareLocalSourceRepository_haveToCreateMirror} -eq 1 then echo '# Cloning source repository' rm -rf "${SOURCE_REPOSITORY_DIR}" git clone --mirror "${SOURCE_REPOSITORY_URL}" "${SOURCE_REPOSITORY_DIR}" fi } getSourceRepositoryBranches () { echo '# Listing source branches' # List all branches and takes only the part after "refs/heads/", and store them in the SOURCE_BRANCHES variable SOURCE_BRANCHES=$(git -C "${SOURCE_REPOSITORY_DIR}" show-ref --heads | sed -E 's:^.*?refs/heads/::') if test -z "${SOURCE_BRANCHES}" then die 'Failed to retrieve branch list' fi } getSourceRepositoryTagsInBranch () { git -C "${SOURCE_REPOSITORY_DIR}" tag --list --merged "refs/heads/${1}" 2>/dev/null || true } getTagList () { # List all tags and takes only the part after "refs/heads/" git -C "${1}" show-ref --tags | sed -E 's:^.*?refs/tags/::' || true } stringInList () { stringInList_string="${1}" stringInList_list="${2}" for stringInList_listItem in ${stringInList_list} do if test -n "${stringInList_listItem}" then case "${stringInList_listItem}" in rx:*) stringInList_substring=$(printf '%s' "${stringInList_listItem}" | cut -c4-) if printf '%s' "${stringInList_string}" | grep -Eq "^${stringInList_substring}$" then return 0 fi ;; *) if test "${stringInList_string}" = "${stringInList_listItem}" then return 0 fi ;; esac fi done return 1 } # $1: the string # $2: the whitelist # $3: the blacklist stringPassesLists () { if stringInList "${1}" "${3}" then return 1 fi if test -z "${2}" then return 0 fi if stringInList "${1}" "${2}" then return 0 fi return 1 } getBranchesToProcess () { echo '# Determining branches to be processed' WORK_BRANCHES='' for getBranchesToProcess_sourceBranch in ${SOURCE_BRANCHES} do if stringPassesLists "${getBranchesToProcess_sourceBranch}" "${BRANCH_WHITELIST}" "${BRANCH_BLACKLIST}" then WORK_BRANCHES="${WORK_BRANCHES} ${getBranchesToProcess_sourceBranch}" fi done if test -z "${WORK_BRANCHES}" then die 'None of the source branches passes the whitelist/blacklist filter' fi } prepareWorkerRepository () { prepareWorkerRepository_haveToCreateRepo=1 if test -f "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}/.git/config" then echo '# Checking working repository' if git -C "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}" rev-parse --git-dir >/dev/null 2>/dev/null then prepareWorkerRepository_haveToCreateRepo=0 fi fi if test ${prepareWorkerRepository_haveToCreateRepo} -eq 1 then echo '# Creating working repository' rm -rf "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}" echo '# Adding mirror source repository to working repository' git clone ${NO_HARDLINKS} --local --origin source "${SOURCE_REPOSITORY_DIR}" "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}" echo '# Adding destination repository to working repository' if ! git -C "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}" remote add destination "${DESTINATION_REPOSITORY_URL}" then rm -rf "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}" exit 1 fi echo '# Fetching data from cloned destination repository' if ! git -C "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}" fetch --prune destination then rm -rf "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}" exit 1 fi fi } processBranch () { processBranch_branch="${1}" echo ' - fetching' git -C "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}" fetch --quiet --tags source "${processBranch_branch}" echo ' - checking-out' git -C "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}" checkout --quiet --force -B "filter-branch/source/${processBranch_branch}" "remotes/source/${processBranch_branch}" echo ' - determining delta' processBranch_range="filter-branch/result/${processBranch_branch}" processBranch_last=$(git -C "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}" show-ref -s "refs/heads/filter-branch/filtered/${processBranch_branch}" || true) if test -n "${processBranch_last}" then processBranch_range="${processBranch_last}..${processBranch_range}" fi processBranch_fetchHead=$(git -C "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}" rev-parse FETCH_HEAD) if test "${processBranch_last}" = "${processBranch_fetchHead}" then echo ' - nothing new, skipping' else echo ' - initializing filter' rm -f "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}/.git/refs/filter-branch/originals/${processBranch_branch}/refs/heads/filter-branch/result/${processBranch_branch}" git -C "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}" branch --force "filter-branch/result/${processBranch_branch}" FETCH_HEAD rm -rf "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}.filter-branch" echo " - filtering commits" processBranch_tags='' if test -z "${TAGS_PLAN}" then processBranch_tags='' else processBranch_tags=$(getSourceRepositoryTagsInBranch "${processBranch_branch}") fi if test -z "${processBranch_tags}" then processBranch_tagNameFilter='' else # shellcheck disable=SC2016 processBranch_tagNameFilter='read -r tag; printf "filter-branch/converted-tags/%s" "${tag}"' fi rm -rf "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}.map" exec 3>&1 # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if processBranch_stdErr=$(git -C "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}" filter-branch \ ${FILTER} \ --remap-to-ancestor \ --tag-name-filter "${processBranch_tagNameFilter}" \ -d "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}.filter-branch" \ --original "refs/filter-branch/originals/${processBranch_branch}" \ --state-branch "refs/filter-branch/state" \ --force \ -- "${processBranch_range}" \ 1>&3 2>&1 | tee /dev/stderr ) then processBranch_rc=0 else processBranch_rc=1 fi exec 3>&- if test "${processBranch_rc}" -ne 0 then if test -n "${processBranch_stdErr##*Found nothing to rewrite*}" then die 'git failed' fi else if test "${TAGS_PLAN}" = 'all' -a -n "${processBranch_tags}" then if ! processBranchTag_availableTags="$(git -C "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}" tag --list | grep -E '^filter-branch/converted-tags/' | sed -E 's:^filter-branch/converted-tags/::')" then processBranchTag_availableTags='' fi for processBranch_tag in ${processBranch_tags} do if ! itemInList "${processBranch_tag}" "${processBranchTag_availableTags}" then if stringPassesLists "${processBranch_tag}" "${TAG_WHITELIST}" "${TAG_BLACKLIST}" then processNotConvertedTag "${processBranch_tag}" fi fi done fi fi echo " - storing state" git -C "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}" branch -f "filter-branch/filtered/${processBranch_branch}" FETCH_HEAD fi } getWorkingTagHash () { git -C "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}" rev-list -n 1 "refs/tags/${1}" 2>/dev/null || true } getTranslatedNearestCommitHash () { # $1: the original hash # $2 the allowed history depth if test "${2}" -lt 1 -o -z "${PROCESS_TAGS_VISITEDHASHES##* ${1} *}" then return 1 fi PROCESS_TAGS_VISITEDHASHES="${PROCESS_TAGS_VISITEDHASHES}${1} " if getTranslatedNearestCommitHash_v="$(grep -E "^${1}:" "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}.map")" then printf '%s' "${getTranslatedNearestCommitHash_v#${1}:}" return 0 fi for getTranslatedNearestCommitHash_v in $(git -C "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}" rev-list --parents -n 1 "${1}") do if test "${getTranslatedNearestCommitHash_v}" != "${1}" then if getTranslatedNearestCommitHash_v="$(getTranslatedNearestCommitHash "${getTranslatedNearestCommitHash_v}" "$(( $2 - 1))")" then printf '%s' "${getTranslatedNearestCommitHash_v}" return 0 fi fi done return 1 } processNotConvertedTag () { processNotConvertedTag_tag="${1}" printf ' - remapping tag %s\n' "${processNotConvertedTag_tag}" processNotConvertedTag_tagOriginalHash="$(getWorkingTagHash "${processNotConvertedTag_tag}")" if test -z "${processNotConvertedTag_tagOriginalHash}" then printf 'Failed to get hash of tag %s\n' "${processNotConvertedTag_tag}">&2 exit 1 fi if test ! -f "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}.map" then git -C "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}" show refs/filter-branch/state:filter.map >"${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}.map" fi PROCESS_TAGS_VISITEDHASHES=' ' if processNotConvertedTag_commitHash="$(getTranslatedNearestCommitHash "${processNotConvertedTag_tagOriginalHash}" "${PROCESS_TAGS_MAXHISTORYLOOKUP}")" then printf '%s -> filter-branch/converted-tags/%s (%s -> %s)\n' "${processNotConvertedTag_tag}" "${processNotConvertedTag_tag}" "${processNotConvertedTag_tagOriginalHash}" "${processNotConvertedTag_commitHash}" git -C "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}" tag --force "filter-branch/converted-tags/${processNotConvertedTag_tag}" "${processNotConvertedTag_commitHash}" else printf 'Failed to map tag %s\n' "${processNotConvertedTag_tag}">&2 fi } processBranches () { processBranches_pushRefSpec='' for processBranches_branch in ${WORK_BRANCHES} do echo "# Processing branch ${processBranches_branch}" processBranch "${processBranches_branch}" processBranches_pushRefSpec="${processBranches_pushRefSpec} filter-branch/result/${processBranches_branch}:${processBranches_branch}" done if test -n "${TAGS_PLAN}" then echo '# Listing source tags' processBranches_sourceTags=$(getTagList "${SOURCE_REPOSITORY_DIR}") echo '# Determining destination tags' for processBranches_sourceTag in ${processBranches_sourceTags} do if stringPassesLists "${processBranches_sourceTag}" "${TAG_WHITELIST}" "${TAG_BLACKLIST}" then processBranches_rewrittenTag="filter-branch/converted-tags/${processBranches_sourceTag}" if git -C "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}" rev-list --max-count=0 "${processBranches_rewrittenTag}" 2>/dev/null then processBranches_pushRefSpec="${processBranches_pushRefSpec} ${processBranches_rewrittenTag}:${processBranches_sourceTag}" fi fi done fi echo "# Pushing to destination repository" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 git -C "${WORKER_REPOSITORY_DIR}" push --quiet --force ${ATOMIC} destination ${processBranches_pushRefSpec} } md5 () { printf '%s' "${1}" | md5sum | sed -E 's: .*$::' } itemInList () { for itemInList_item in ${2} do if test "${1}" = "${itemInList_item}" then return 0 fi done return 1 } readParameters "$@" normalizeParameters checkEnvironment initializeEnvironment acquireLock prepareLocalSourceRepository getSourceRepositoryBranches getBranchesToProcess prepareWorkerRepository processBranches echo "All done."