#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="1.1" maintainer="" #pddp arteek several vulnerabilities

Several local root exploits have been discovered recently in the Linux kernel. This security advisory updates the PA-RISC kernel 2.4.18 for Debian GNU/Linux. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project identifies the following problems that are fixed with this update:

Please note that the source package has to include a lot of updates in order to compile the package, which wasn't possible with the old source package.

For the stable distribution (woody) these problems have been fixed in version 62.1 of kernel-image-2.4.18-hppa.

For the unstable distribution (sid) these problems have been fixed in version 2.4.25-1 of kernel-image-2.4.25-hppa.

We recommend that you upgrade your Linux kernel packages immediately.

# do not modify the following line #include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/security/2004/dsa-475.data"