Debian Project Leader Elections 2009 F # meanings of the tag: # P: proposed # D: discussed # V: voted on # F: finished # O: other (or just write anything else) #use wml::debian::template title="" BARETITLE="true" NOHEADER="true" #use wml::debian::toc #use wml::debian::votebar

# The Tags beginning with v are will become H3 headings and are defined in # english/template/debian/votebar.wml # all possible Tags: # vdate, vtimeline, vnominations, vdebate, vplatforms, # Proposers # vproposer, vproposera, vproposerb, vproposerc, vproposerd, # vproposere, vproposerf # Seconds # vseconds, vsecondsa, vsecondsb, vsecondsc, vsecondsd, vsecondse, # vsecondsf, vopposition # vtext, vtextb, vtextc, vtextd, vtexte, vtextf # vchoices # vamendments, vamendmentproposer, vamendmentseconds, vamendmenttext # vproceedings, vmajorityreq, vstatistics, vquorum, vmindiscuss, # vballot, vforum, voutcome
Nomination period: Sunday, March 1st 00:00:00 UTC, 2009 Saturday, March 7th 23:59:59 UTC, 2009
Campaigning period: Sunday, March 8th 00:00:00 UTC, 2009 Saturday, March 28th 23:59:59 UTC, 2009
Voting period: Sunday, March 29th, 00:00:00 UTC, 2009 Saturday, April 11th, 23:59:59 UTC, 2009

Please note that the new term for the project leader shall start on April 17th, 2009.

  1. Stefano Zacchiroli [] [nomination mail] [platform]
  2. Steve McIntyre [] [nomination mail] [platform]

The ballot, when ready, can be requested through email by sending a signed email to with the subject leader2009.

This year, like always, statistics will be gathered about ballots received and acknowledgements sent periodically during the voting period. Additionally, the list of voters will be recorded. Also, the tally sheet will also be made available to be viewed. Please remember that the project leader election has a secret ballot, so the tally sheet will be produced with the hash of the alias of the voter rather than the name; the alias shall be sent to the corresponding voter along with the acknowledgement of the ballot so that people may verify that their votes were correctly tabulated. While the voting is open the tally will be a dummy one; after the vote, the final tally sheet will be put in place. Please note that for secret ballots the md5sum on the dummy tally sheet is randomly generated, as otherwise the dummy tally sheet would leak information relating the md5 hash and the voter.

With the current list of voting developers, we have:

#include 'vote_001_quorum.txt'
#include 'vote_001_quorum.src'

All candidates would need a simple majority to be eligible.

#include 'vote_001_majority.src' #include 'vote_001_results.src'
Debian Project Secretary