General Resolution: Recall the project leader F # meanings of the tag: # P: proposed # D: discussed # V: voted on # F: finished # O: other (or just write anything else) #use wml::debian::template title="" BARETITLE="true" NOHEADER="true" #use wml::debian::toc #use wml::debian::votebar

# The Tags beginning with v are will become H3 headings and are defined in # english/template/debian/votebar.wml # all possible Tags: # vdate, vtimeline, vnominations, vdebate, vplatforms, # Proposers # vproposer, vproposera, vproposerb, vproposerc, vproposerd, # vproposere, vproposerf # Seconds # vseconds, vsecondsa, vsecondsb, vsecondsc, vsecondsd, vsecondse, # vsecondsf, vopposition # vtext, vtextb, vtextc, vtextd, vtexte, vtextf # vchoices # vamendments, vamendmentproposer, vamendmentseconds, vamendmenttext # vproceedings, vmajorityreq, vstatistics, vquorum, vmindiscuss, # vballot, vforum, voutcome
Proposal and amendment Wednesday, 20th September, 2006 Thursday, 21st September, 2006
Discussion Period: Thursday, 21st September, 2006 Saturday, 7th October, 2006
Voting Period Sunday, 8th October, 00:00:00 UTC, 2006 Sunday, 15th October, 00:00:00 UTC, 2006

Denis Barbier []

  1. Clint Adams []
  2. Julien Blache []
  3. Marc Dequènes []
  4. Pierre Habouzit []
  5. Aurélien Jarno []
  6. MJ Ray []
  7. Martin Schulze []
  8. Anthony Towns []

Denis Barbier and Loïc Minier, per \ delegation of the Debian Project Leader, vary the discussion and voting periods by one week. The voting period is then one week long only.

Recall the Debian Project Leader, as allowed by the Constitution (section 4.1.1).

With the current list of voting developers, we have:

#include 'vote_005_quorum.txt'
#include 'vote_005_quorum.src'

For this GR, as always statistics shall be gathered about ballots received and acknowledgements sent periodically during the voting period. Additionally, the list of voters would be made publicly available. Also, the tally sheet may also be viewed after to voting is done (Note that while the vote is in progress it is a dummy tally sheet).

All the amendments need simple majority

#include 'vote_005_majority.src' #include 'vote_005_results.src'
Manoj Srivastava