# From: Jerome Kieffer # 2014 Audit. Current as of: Dec 12, 2014 2014 Audit. # Reference: https://lists.debian.org/20141210074712.95b42c68018f91357757303b@esrf.fr ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility), Grenoble, France http://www.esrf.eu/ #use wml::debian::users

ESRF migrated from Centos 5 to Debian 6 in 2012, starting with the control room's workstation, data analysis workstations and clusters. For data analysis Debian offers both the richest environment including the most used software and libraries in our field of research, and a rock solid distribution with security fixes.

We migrated again in the summer of 2014 to Debian 7. We look forward to our next challenge of making GPFS work on Debian.