#use wml::std::tags #use wml::debian::languages #use wml::debian::common_tags # This file is used to track when translations go out-of-date, and it is # used by including this in the head of the translated file: # # #use wml::debian::translation-check translation="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" # # where XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX is the current git revision of the file you # have translated. # # There are also some additional parameters that you can use on the #use # line: # # original="language" # where language is the name of the language you are translating from, if # not english. The name must correspond to the top-level subdirectory, and # to the name in languages.wml # # mindelta="number" # which defines the maximum difference in git revisions before the # translation is considered aged. The default value is 1. For less important # pages, set it to 2, which means that not every change is considered making # the translation aged. The value for the tag is displayed. # # maxdelta="number" # which defines the maximum difference in git revisions before the # translation is considered to be outdated (and the value of the # tag is displayed). The default value is 5. For very important pages, set # it to be less. A value of 1 means that every change is considered making # the translation outdated. # This is the message that is displayed if the translation is aged. # (min_delta <= difference < max_delta) Note: The original document is newer than this translation. # This is the message that is displayed if the translation is too old. # (difference >= max_delta) Warning! This translation is too out of date, please see the original. # This is the message that is displayed if the referenced original file # no longer exists. Note: The original document of this translation no longer exists. # This is the message that is displayed if the translation appears to # be newer than the referenced original file. This should never # happen! Wrong translation version! # Grotty, but it works... use lib "Perl"; use lib "../Perl"; use lib "../../Perl"; use lib "../../../Perl"; use lib "../../../../Perl"; use lib "../../../../../Perl"; use lib "../../../../../../Perl"; use Local::VCS ':all'; sub check_translation { # Input parameters: my ($translation, $file, $original, $mindelta, $maxdelta, $force_file) = @_; my $parents, $level, $relative_dir, $output; my @relative_dir = (); # This is the maximum difference between a translated # document and the original before considering it outdated $max_versions = $maxdelta || 5; # This is the maximum difference between a translated # document and the original before considering it aged $min_versions = $mindelta || 1; # Set this to >= 1 to get debugging output. # Remember, if you commit to git this needs to be set to 0! $debug = 0; # This is the language code of the original (to make a link) $original_lang = $original ? $langs{$original} : "en"; $link = $file; $link =~ s/\.(wml|src)$//; $link .= ".$original_lang.html"; # This is the directory where the original source is kept $original_dir = $original ? "$original" : "english"; # some brown paper bag code to generate path to the original file @full_directory_name = split '/', $WML_SRC_DIRNAME; $dir = pop @full_directory_name; while ($dir) { # below condition is lame, it only works for webwml and cdimage trees if ($dir ne "webwml" && $dir ne "cdimage") { $level++; } else { last; } push @relative_dir, $dir; $dir = pop @full_directory_name; } for (; $level > 0; $level--) { $parents .= "../"; } pop @relative_dir; @relative_dir = reverse @relative_dir; $relative_dir = join '/', @relative_dir; my $orig_file = "$parents/$original_dir/$relative_dir/$file"; if (defined $force_file && length($force_file) > 1) { if ($debug) { print "Ignoring $file, forcing to $force_file instead\n"; print "original $orig_file\n"; } $orig_file = "$parents/$original_dir/$force_file"; if ($debug) { print "now $orig_file\n"; } } my $VCS = Local::VCS->new(); my %file_info = $VCS->file_info($orig_file); $version = $file_info{'cmt_rev'}; unless ($version) { die "Could not get revision number - bug in script?\n"; } my $version_diff = $VCS->count_changes($orig_file, $translation, $version); # Here we compare the original version with the translated one and print # a note for the user if their first or last numbers are too far apart print "Comparing original $version to translation version $translation\n" if ($debug >= 1); $output = ''; if (!defined $version) { $output = qq() } else { if ($version_diff < 0) { # Shouldn't ever happen unless people have broken the pages # manually $output = qq() } elsif ( $version_diff >= $max_versions ) { $output = qq() } elsif ( $version_diff >= $min_versions ) { $output = qq() } } if ($output ne "") { $output =~ s/^\s+//m; # removes whitespace at the beginning $output =~ s/\s+$//m; # removes whitespace at the end $output =~ s/\n/ /sg; # replaces linebreaks with whitespace print "


"; } }
# The call to the subroutine is done here {#check_trans#:\ <: check_translation ("$(translation)","$WML_SRC_FILENAME","$(original)","$(mindelta)","$(maxdelta)","$(force_file)") :>\ :#check_trans#} # This template was originally made by Javier Fernández-Sanguino, described # in a proposal made around last week of August 1999. Please check the # debian-www mailing list archives and # webwml/english/devel/website/uptodate.wml for more information on this.