#use wml::debian::common_tags #use wml::debian::ctime ### WARNING ## WARNING ## WARNING ## WARNING ## WARNING ## WARNING ## WARNING ### ### ### ### If you modify this file, do not push to mirrors the website until the ### ### installation images are actually ready for download. ### ### This applies to all sections of this template. ### ### All sections may be updated at the same time. ### ### For release and point release announcement, follow the instructions in ### ### https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Publicity/ReleasePointAnnouncements ### ### to see how to stop the website jobs and prepare the website without ### ### pushing it to mirrors, and what to do when the images are ready. ### ### ### ### WARNING ## WARNING ## WARNING ## WARNING ## WARNING ## WARNING ## WARNING ### bookworm trixie bullseye # The following needs to point to the initial release version, like "11.0" for Bullseye (not "11")! 12.0 <:=spokendate('2023-06-10'):> 10 /> -security /updates /> 2.2r7 <:=spokendate('2002-07-13'):> 2002/20020713 3.0r6 <:=spokendate('2005-06-02'):> 2005/20050602 3.1r8 <:=spokendate('2008-04-13'):> 2008/20080413 4.0r9 <:=spokendate('2010-05-22'):> 2010/20100522 5.0.10 <:=spokendate('2012-03-10'):> 2012/20120310 6.0.10 <:=spokendate('2014-07-19'):> 2014/20140719 7.11 <:=spokendate('2016-06-04'):> 2016/2016060402 8.11 <:=spokendate('2018-06-23'):> 2018/20180623 9.13 <:=spokendate('2020-07-18'):> 2020/20200718 10.13 <:=spokendate('2022-09-10'):> 2022/2022032602 11.9 <:=spokendate('2024-02-10'):> 2024/2024021002 12.5 <:=spokendate('2024-02-10'):> 2024/20240210 13 TBA TBA <: $f = ""; $f =~ s/r\d+$//; $f =~ s/^(\d\.\d)\.\d$/$1/; print $f :> 12.5.0 current # netinst and buisnesscard name # live CD are not always in sync current # non-free cd including firmware are not always in sync +nonfree 59000 " "" " />" " />" /> %body " />