# Set the variable MENUWIDTH if you want to change the default width # of the menubar from 140. This can be done in webwml//index.wml # For example, # #use wml::debian::mainpage title="The Universal Operating System" MENUWIDTH=180 # Set the variable SANS_SERIF_FONT if you want to change the default Sans serif # fonts from "Arial,Helvetica". This is useful to languages like # Chinese that don't use Arial or Helvetica as their Sans serif fonts. # This can be done in webwml//index.wml # For example, # #use wml::debian::mainpage title="The Universal Operating System" SANS_SERIF_FONT="Hei" # You can use this variable with the MENUWIDTH variable. # Do not change anything below here without asking on debian-www first #use wml::debian::common_translation #use wml::debian::basic5 MAINPAGE="true" SUMMARY="" #use wml::debian::links.tags #use wml::debian::languages #use wml::debian::release_info %body
{#check_trans#} #<lennypicturetext/> ## for the celebration # {#mainbody#} {#pre_footer#: <:= languages_footer() :> :#pre_footer#} {#post_footer#: :#post_footer#} {#mainbody#: