#use wml::debian::template title="Alpha Port" NOHEADER="true" #include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/ports/alpha/menu.inc"

Debian GNU/Linux on Alpha Systems

The Alpha port is \ no longer officially supported in the Debian stable release. The last release with official Alpha support was Debian 5.0 lenny. For further information, please visit the port status page.

If you'd like to join us in this project, please peruse this page and join the mailing list. Things can be fast-moving and we all realise that not everyone has the technical expertise to do it all, but any help that people can or want to offer would be gladly accepted.

Cheers and happy Alpha-ing!
Helge Kreutzmann (former maintainer of these webpages),
Chris Chimelis (original maintainer of these webpages)