#use wml::debian::template title="Debian Mirrors (worldwide)" MAINPAGE="true"

Debian mirrors exist in many countries, and for some of them we have added a ftp.<country>.debian.org alias. This alias usually points to a mirror that syncs regularly and quickly and carries all of Debian's architectures. The Debian archive is always available via HTTP at the /debian location on the server.

Other mirror sites may have restrictions on what they mirror (due to space restrictions). Just because a site is not the country's ftp.<country>.debian.org, does not necessarily mean that it is any slower or less up-to-date than the ftp.<country>.debian.org mirror. In fact, a mirror that carries your architecture and is closer to you as the user and, therefore, faster, is almost always preferable to other mirrors that are farther away.

Use the site closest to you for the fastest downloads possible— whether it is a per-country mirror alias or not. The program \ netselect-apt can be used to determine the site with the least latency; use a download program such as \ wget or \ rsync for determining the site with the most throughput. Note that geographic proximity often isn't the most important factor for determining which machine will serve you best.

If your system moves around a lot, you may be best served by a "mirror" that is backed by a global CDN. The Debian project maintains deb.debian.org for this purpose, and you can use this in your sources.list—consult the service's website for details.

Debian Mirrors per Country

#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/mirror/list-primary.inc"
Country Site Architectures

Complete List of Mirrors

#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/mirror/list-secondary.inc"
Host name HTTP Architectures
#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/mirror/list-footer.inc"