#use wml::debian::template title="Debian worldwide mirror sites" BARETITLE=true

This is a complete list of mirrors of Debian. For each site, the different types of material available are listed, along with the access method for each type.

The following things are mirrored:

The Debian package pool.
CD Images
Official Debian CD Images. See for details.
Old releases
The archive of old released versions of Debian.
Some of the old releases also included the so-called debian-non-US archive, with sections for Debian packages that could not be distributed in the US due to software patents or use of encryption. The debian-non-US updates were discontinued with Debian 3.1.

The following access methods are possible:

Standard web access, but it can be used for downloading files.
An efficient means of mirroring.

The authoritative copy of the following list can always be found at: .
Everything else you want to know about Debian mirrors: .

Jump directly to a country on the list:
#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/mirror/list-full.inc"