#use wml::debian::template title="Cryptographic export/import attestation" #use wml::debian::translation-check original="french" translation="bb3439fa8a9568782acebb5b5b50d732ec55014a"

Following the \ declaration related to cryptology equipment, the \ FNISA (ANSSI) assigned the \ file number 1101027 to the request.

Here is the translation of the \ cryptographic export/import attestation received; please use the original version for legal purposes.

Paris, 20 January 2011

General Secretariat for Defence and National Security
French Network and Information Security Agency
Regulatory Oversight Office

The Chief Executive of the French Network and Information Security Agency
Mr Yves-Alexis Perez

Subject: Classification of a cryptology equipment
Reference: Your cryptology equipment declaration for Debian version 5.0 (Lenny), registered under the file number 1101027.


I hereby certify that the cryptology equipment indicated in the above declaration comes under Category 3 of Schedule 2 of decree No. 2007-663, 2 May 2007.

I consequently inform you that you may freely engage in transfer operations to a member state of the European Union and export to a third-party state with this cryptology equipment.

This declaration does not in any way constitute a statement about the quality of this cryptology equipment or a recommendation from the French Network and Information Security Agency.

Yours Sincerely

Ivan Maximoff, policy officer responsible for cryptography controls