#use wml::debian::template title="Debian Consultants" MAINPAGE="true" NOCOMMENTS="yes" GENTIME="yes"

Debian is free software and offers free help through various mailing lists. Some people either don't have the time or have specialized needs and are willing to hire someone to either maintain or add additional functionality to their Debian system. We therefore offer a list of people, organization, and companies making at least part of their income from providing paid Debian support.

The list is sorted by country, names within each country are simply listed in the order received. If your country is missing, please check any neighboring countries, as some of the consultants will work internationally or remotely.

There are additional lists of consultants for specific uses of Debian:

Countries with Debian consultants:

#include "../../english/consultants/consultant.data" # left for backwards compatibility - in case someone still links to #policy # which is fairly unlikely, but hey

Policy for Debian's consultants page

Please see the page with information for consultants for our policy of adding or updating a listing.