#use wml::debian::consultant name="credativ Group" # Information updated by "Carsten Meskes" , 21.12.2017

credativ is an independent consulting and services company and since 1999 been offering comprehensive services and technical support for the implementation and operation of open source software in business applications. Our Open Source Support Center is always available, 365 days a year, around the clock. With our large team of open source specialists we are one of the leading independent corporations for open source support; many of our engineers are Debian developers and actively involved in contributing to free software projects across the world. We have experience in both, large scale projects as well as niche implementations.

We support all major projects and Linux distributions and offer a full range of services including consultancy, operations takeover, qualified training and personalized support.

For more information regarding our services and local subsidiaries in the US, Germany, the Netherlands and India please visit http://www.credativ.com.