#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # mklist - create some list documentation # Copyright (c) 1998 Martin Schulze # 1998 James Treacy # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111, USA. my $progname = "mklist"; # ----- Begin of Customisation # # -t | --text my $def_mlists = "mailing-lists.txt"; # # -w | --web my $def_weblists = $ENV{'HOME'} . "/lib/web/debian/mailing-lists.html"; # # -s | --subscribe my $def_subscribe = "subscribe.wml"; # # -u | --unsubscribe my $def_unsubscribe = "unsubscribe.wml"; # # ----- End of Customisation my @fieldlist = ('Language','Digest','Moderated','Subscription'); my @specialist = ('Section','Description'); my @globlist = ('List','Introduction','Subscription','Advertising'); # This refers to @grouptitle from master:/org/lists.debian.org/scripts/conf.pl my @sections = ('user','devel','int','ports','bugs','misc','other','foreign'); my %list; sub usage() { printf "Maintain mailing lists - Copyright (c) 1998 by Joey and Jay Treacy\n"; printf "Usage: $progname [options]\n"; printf " -f cfg\t\t\tUse a different configuration file\n"; printf " -t|--text [fname]\tCreate mailing-lists.txt\n"; printf " -w|--web [fname]\t\tCreate mailing-lists.html (wmt format)\n"; printf " -s|--subscribe [fname]\tCreate subscribe.wml\n"; printf " -u|--unsubscribe [fname]\tCreate subscribe.wml\n"; } sub fieldname { foreach my $field (@fieldlist,@specialist,@globlist,@sections,"Alias") { return $field if ($_[0] =~ /$field/i); } } sub read_config { my $conf = shift; my $field; my $mylist = ""; open CONF, $conf or die "can't open $conf: $!"; %list = (); # Reset global structure while () { next if (/^\#/); next if (/^\s*$/); # select multiline fields if (/^\s+/) { s/^\s+//; $list{$mylist}->{$field} .= $_; } else { if (/^([a-z]+)\s*:\s*(.*)$/i) { $field = &fieldname($1); if ($field eq "Alias") { $mylist = $2; } elsif ($field eq "List") { $mylist = $2; } else { $list{$mylist}->{$field} = $2; } } } } close CONF; foreach my $l (keys %list) { (my $shortname = $l) =~ s/@.*$//; my $descfile = "desc/$list{$l}{Section}/$shortname"; $descfile = "../../english/MailingLists/$descfile" if (! -f $descfile); $list{$l}{Description} = `cat $descfile` if ( -f $descfile); } foreach my $s (@sections) { my $descfile = "desc/$s.heading"; $descfile = "../../english/MailingLists/$descfile" if (! -f $descfile); die "can't find $descfile: $!" if (! -f $descfile); if (not exists $list{''}{$s}) { $list{''}{$s} = `cat $descfile`; } } foreach my $i (@globlist) { next if ($i eq "List"); my $descfile = "desc/" . lc $i; $descfile = "../../english/MailingLists/$descfile" if (! -f $descfile); die "can't find $descfile: $!" if (! -f $descfile); if (not exists $list{''}{$i}) { $list{''}{$i} = `cat $descfile`; } } } sub print_multiline_txt { my $space = shift; my $lines = shift; my @lines = @$lines; my $i=1; while ($i <= $#lines) { if ($lines[$i] eq ".") { print OUT "\n"; } else { printf OUT "%s%s\n", $space, $lines[$i]; } $i++; } } sub print_multiline_html { my $space = shift; my $lines = shift; my @lines = @$lines; my $i=1; while ($i <= $#lines) { if ($lines[$i] eq ".") { printf OUT "%s

\n", $space; } else { printf OUT "%s%s\n", $space, $lines[$i]; } $i++; } } sub write_mailing_lists_txt { open OUT, ">$_[0]" or die "can't open $_[0]: $!"; my @lines = split(/\n/,$list{''}->{'Introduction'}); my $amount = (76 - length($lines[0])) / 2; my $space = " " x $amount; printf OUT "%s%s\n%s", $space, $lines[0], $space; $space = "=" x length($lines[0]); printf OUT "%s\n\n", $space; &print_multiline_txt(" ",\@lines); @lines = split(/\n/,$list{''}->{'Subscription'}); $space = "-" x length($lines[0]); printf OUT "\n%s\n%s\n\n", $lines[0], $space; &print_multiline_txt(" ",\@lines); foreach my $section (@sections) { my @lists = (); foreach my $l (keys(%list)) { next if (!$l || ($list{$l}->{'Section'} ne $section)); push(@lists, $l); } @lists = sort @lists; if ($#lists > -1) { die "can't find description of the section $section!\n" unless exists $list{''}->{$section}; my @lines = split(/\n/,$list{''}->{$section}); printf OUT "\n%s\n\n", $lines[0]; &print_multiline_txt(" ",\@lines); foreach my $l (@lists) { printf OUT "\n %s\n\n", $l; die "$l has no description!\n" unless $list{$l}->{'Description'}; @lines = split(/\n/,$list{$l}->{'Description'}); printf OUT " Description : %s\n", $lines[0]; &print_multiline_txt(" ",\@lines); foreach my $field (@fieldlist) { printf OUT " %-12s: %s\n", $field, $list{$l}->{$field} if (exists $list{$l}->{$field}); } } } } @lines = split(/\n/,$list{''}->{'Advertising'}); $space = "-" x length($lines[0]); printf OUT "\n\n%s\n%s\n\n", $lines[0], $space; &print_multiline_txt(" ",\@lines); print OUT "\n"; print OUT "-- \n"; print OUT "Online HTML version of this document is available at\n"; print OUT " https://www.debian.org/MailingLists/subscribe\n"; } sub write_mailing_lists_html { open OUT, ">$_[0]" or die "can't open $_[0]: $!"; print OUT <<"EOF"; wm::destination=~/public_html/Linux/Debian/master/mailing-lists.html wm::template=debian.wmt meta::description=Mailing lists served by Debian, the universal operating system. meta::keywords=Debian, Linux, GNU, Mailing list link::US=https://people.debian.org/~joey/ link::Europe=http://www.infodrom.north.de/~joey/Linux/Debian/master/ head::title=Mailing lists served by the Debian Project body::title=Mailing lists served by the Debian Project body::links= #Debian

Public Relations

Our Goals



EOF foreach my $section (@sections) { printf OUT " %s
\n", $section, $section; } print OUT "body::text=\n"; my @lines = split(/\n/,$list{''}->{'Introduction'}); printf OUT "


\n", $lines[0]; &print_multiline_html(" ",\@lines); @lines = split(/\n/,$list{''}->{'Subscription'}); printf OUT "\n


\n\n", $lines[0]; &print_multiline_html(" ",\@lines); foreach my $section (@sections) { my @lists = (); foreach my $l (keys(%list)) { next if (!$l || ($list{$l}->{'Section'} ne $section)); die "$l has no description!\n" unless $list{$l}->{'Description'}; push(@lists, $l); } @lists = sort @lists; if ($#lists > -1) { die "can't find description of the section $section!\n" unless exists $list{''}->{$section}; my @lines = split(/\n/,$list{''}->{$section}); printf OUT "\n


\n\n", $section, $lines[0]; &print_multiline_html(" ",\@lines); foreach my $l (@lists) { printf OUT "\n


\n\n", $l; my @lines = split(/\n/,$list{$l}->{'Description'}); printf OUT " Description :
\n %s\n", $lines[0]; &print_multiline_html(" ",\@lines); print OUT "
\n"; foreach my $field (@fieldlist) { printf OUT " %-12s: %s
\n", $field, $list{$l}->{$field} if (exists $list{$l}->{$field}); } } } } @lines = split(/\n/,$list{''}->{'Advertising'}); printf OUT "\n\n


\n\n", $lines[0]; &print_multiline_html(" ",\@lines); print OUT "\nbody::address=
© automatically generated
\n"; } sub write_mailing_lists_subscribe { open OUT, ">$_[0]" or die "can't open $_[0]: $!"; print OUT <<"EOF"; #include "\$(ENGLISHDIR)/MailingLists/mklist.tags" #use wml::debian::template title="" EOF # my @lines = split(/\n/,$list{''}->{'Introduction'}); # printf OUT "


\n", $lines[0]; # &print_multiline_html(" ",\@lines); # $list{''}->{'Subscription'} =~ s/>/>/g; # $list{''}->{'Subscription'} =~ s/{'Subscription'} =~ s,(http://[\w.\-~/]*),$1,g; # $list{''}->{'Subscription'} =~ s,(listmaster@[\w.-]*),$1,g; # $list{''}->{'Subscription'} =~ s,(majordomo@[\w.-]*),$1,g; # @lines = split(/\n/,$list{''}->{'Subscription'}); # printf OUT "\n


\n\n", $lines[0]; # &print_multiline_html(" ",\@lines); print OUT <

END foreach my $section (@sections) { my @lists = (); foreach my $l (keys(%list)) { next if (!$l || ($list{$l}->{'Section'} ne $section)); die "$l has no description!\n" unless $list{$l}->{'Description'}; die "$l has no subscription policy!\n" unless $list{$l}->{'Subscription'}; next unless exists $list{$l}->{'Moderated'}; # weeds out external lists next unless $list{$l}->{'Subscription'} =~ /^open/; push(@lists, $l); } @lists = sort @lists; if ($#lists > -1) { die "can't find description of the section $section!\n" unless exists $list{''}->{$section}; my @lines = split(/\n/,$list{''}->{$section}); printf OUT "\n


\n\n", $section, $lines[0]; if ( scalar(@lines) > 1 ) { print OUT "

\n"; &print_multiline_html(" ",\@lines); print OUT "

\n"; } print OUT "
\n"; foreach my $l (@lists) { my $slist = $l; $slist =~ s/@.*//; printf OUT "
\n", $slist; # this fixes #445010, which is an annoying bug. # this is hacked this way in order to only mess with the output part # of the subscribe script generation, instead of modifying our whole # process for foreign lists. # - damog@d.o, mar 14, 2009 if($slist =~ /\Aother\-(.+?)\z/) { printf OUT " %s", $1, $1, $1; } else { printf OUT " %s", $slist, $slist, $slist; } $list{$l}->{'Description'} =~ s/&/&/g; $list{$l}->{'Description'} =~ s/>/>/g; $list{$l}->{'Description'} =~ s/{'Description'} =~ s,(http://[\w.\-~/#]*),$1,g; $list{$l}->{'Description'} =~ s,(https://[\w.\-~/#]*),$1,g; $list{$l}->{'Description'} =~ s,(listmaster@[\w.-]*),$1,g; $list{$l}->{'Description'} =~ s,(majordomo@[\w.-]*),$1,g; my @lines = split(/\n/,$list{$l}->{'Description'}); printf OUT "\n\n
%s\n", $lines[0]; &print_multiline_html(" ",\@lines); if ($list{$l}->{'Moderated'} eq "yes") { printf OUT "
    \n"; } elsif ($list{$l}->{'Moderated'} eq "no") { printf OUT "
    \n"; } elsif ($list{$l}->{'Moderated'} eq "subscribers") { printf OUT "
    \n"; } elsif ($list{$l}->{'Moderated'} eq "signed") { printf OUT "
    \n"; } else { die "unknown moderated value for $l" } die "no subscription policy for $l\n" unless defined $list{$l}{'Subscription'}; printf OUT " \n"; if (exists $list{$l}->{'Digest'}) { $slist = $list{$l}->{'Digest'}; $slist =~ s/@.*//; printf OUT "
\n", $slist; printf OUT " %s \n", $slist; } print OUT "\n"; } print OUT "
\n"; } } print OUT "

\n"; print OUT "

\n"; print OUT "\"> \">\n"; print OUT "

\n\n"; print OUT <

END # @lines = split(/\n/,$list{''}->{'Advertising'}); # printf OUT "\n\n


\n\n", $lines[0]; # &print_multiline_html(" ",\@lines); } sub write_mailing_lists_unsubscribe { open OUT, ">$_[0]" or die "can't open $_[0]: $!"; print OUT <<"EOF"; #include "\$(ENGLISHDIR)/MailingLists/mklist.tags" #use wml::debian::template title="" EOF # $list{''}->{'Subscription'} =~ s/>/>/g; # $list{''}->{'Subscription'} =~ s/{'Subscription'} =~ s,(http://[\w.\-~/]*),$1,g; # $list{''}->{'Subscription'} =~ s,(listmaster@[\w.-]*),$1,g; # $list{''}->{'Subscription'} =~ s,(majordomo@[\w.-]*),$1,g; # my @lines = split(/\n/,$list{''}->{'Subscription'}); # printf OUT "\n


\n\n", $lines[0]; # &print_multiline_html(" ",\@lines); print OUT <

END foreach my $section (@sections) { my @lists = (); foreach my $l (keys(%list)) { next if (!$l || ($list{$l}->{'Section'} ne $section)); next unless exists $list{$l}->{'Description'}; next unless exists $list{$l}->{'Moderated'}; # weeds out external lists die "$l has no subscription policy!\n" unless exists $list{$l}->{'Subscription'}; next unless $list{$l}->{'Subscription'} =~ /^open/; push(@lists, $l); } @lists = sort @lists; if ($#lists > -1) { die "can't find description of the section $section!\n" unless exists $list{''}->{$section}; my @lines = split(/\n/,$list{''}->{$section}); printf OUT "\n


\n\n", $section, $lines[0]; # &print_multiline_html(" ",\@lines); print OUT "\n"; my $count = 0; foreach my $l (@lists) { my $slist = $l; $slist =~ s/@.*//; if (! ($count++ % 3) ) { print OUT "\n\n" unless ($count < 3); print OUT "\n\n"; } # Use similar hack used to fix #445010 to take care of #522324 if($slist =~ /\Aother\-(.+?)\z/) { printf OUT "\t\n"; } printf OUT "\t\n"; print OUT "
\n\t%s". "
\n", $slist, $1, $1, $1; } else { printf OUT "\t
\n\t%s". "
\n", $slist, $slist, $slist, $slist; } if (exists $list{$l}->{'Digest'}) { $slist = $list{$l}->{'Digest'}; $slist =~ s/@.*//; if (! ($count++ % 3) ) { print OUT "\n
\n\t%s". "
\n", $slist, $slist, $slist; } print OUT "\n"; } while ($count++ % 3) { print OUT "\t
\n"; } print OUT "
\n"; } } print OUT "

\n"; print OUT "

\n"; print OUT "\"> \">\n"; print OUT "

\n\n"; print OUT <

END } # First check our arguments # if ($#ARGV == -1) { &usage(); exit; } my $opt_conf = "lists.cfg"; my @opt_files = (); my $opt_mlists = ""; my $opt_weblists = ""; my $opt_subscribe = ""; my $opt_unsubscribe = ""; my $i = 0; while ($i <= $#ARGV) { if ($ARGV[$i] eq "-h" || $ARGV[$i] eq "--help") { &usage(); exit; } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-f") { if ($i+1 <= $#ARGV) { $i++; $opt_conf = $ARGV[$i]; } } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-t" || $ARGV[$i] eq "--text") { if ($i+1 <= $#ARGV && $ARGV[$i+1] !~ /^-/) { $i++; $opt_mlists = $ARGV[$i]; } else { $opt_mlists = $def_mlists; } } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-s" || $ARGV[$i] eq "--subscribe") { if ($i+1 <= $#ARGV && $ARGV[$i+1] !~ /^-/) { $i++; $opt_subscribe = $ARGV[$i]; } else { $opt_subscribe = $def_subscribe; } } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-u" || $ARGV[$i] eq "--unsubscribe") { if ($i+1 <= $#ARGV && $ARGV[$i+1] !~ /^-/) { $i++; $opt_unsubscribe = $ARGV[$i]; } else { $opt_unsubscribe = $def_unsubscribe; } } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-w" || $ARGV[$i] eq "--web") { if ($i+1 <= $#ARGV && $ARGV[$i+1] !~ /^-/) { $i++; $opt_weblists = $ARGV[$i]; } else { $opt_weblists = $def_weblists; } } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-m") { if ($i+1 <= $#ARGV && $ARGV[$i+1] !~ /^-/) { $i++; $opt_mlists = $ARGV[$i]; } } else { push(@opt_files, $ARGV[$i]); } $i++; } if ( -r $opt_conf ) { &read_config($opt_conf); } else { die "Can't read $opt_conf file!\n"; } &write_mailing_lists_txt($opt_mlists) if ($opt_mlists); &write_mailing_lists_html($opt_weblists) if ($opt_weblists); &write_mailing_lists_subscribe($opt_subscribe) if ($opt_subscribe); &write_mailing_lists_unsubscribe($opt_unsubscribe) if ($opt_unsubscribe);