#use wml::debian::template title="Debian BTS — mail server reference card" NOHEADER=yes NOCOPYRIGHT=true #include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/Bugs/pkgreport-opts.inc"

Mail servers' reference card

Full documentation of the mail servers is available on the WWW, in the files bug-log-mailserver.txt and bug-maint-mailcontrol.txt or by sending the word help to each mailserver.

Synopsis of commands available at request@bugs.debian.org

Synopsis of extra commands available at control@bugs.debian.org

reopen with = or no originator address leaves the originator as the original submitter; ! sets it to you, the person doing the reopen.

Severities are .

Tags currently include .

Synopsis of bug submission and followup addresses

#use "otherpages.inc" #use "$(ENGLISHDIR)/Bugs/footer.inc"