#use wml::debian::template title="Debian-bøger" GEN_TIME="yes" #include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/doc/books.def" #use wml::debian::translation-check translation="193117c6582ca2ae3a4f481d2b76ddcaaebf8768" # Greetings translators! # As you may have noticed, we have changed the system for handling this # list: from now translation of the blurb of books will be managed with # gettext through the # doc.XX.po file (where XX is the code of your language), located at # webwml/$lang/po directory. # You can add directly there the translation for the description of # books, and they will be automagically included in the book list page. # More information about the translation of PO strings of the website are # available in the README file at webwml/english/po. For any doubt, # please contact debian-www@lists.debian.org # Translator's note: The following is sorted according to the countries' names in Danish.


#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/doc/books.data"

Tilføjelse af nye Debian-bøger

Hvis du ønsker din bog omtalt her, så send en e-mail på engelsk til <books@debian.org>.
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Fjernelse af Debian-bøger

Vi kan fjerne en bog, hvis den baserer sine forklaringer på en distribution, som ikke længere vedligeholdes (ældre end den gamle stabile distribution, oldstable).

Du kan også bede om, at din bog fjernes. Det er nyttigt hvis en bog for eksempel er udsolgt fra forlaget. Benyt metoden beskrevet i det foregående afsnit, for at kontakte os.