#use wml::debian::template title="預先安裝 Debian 的電腦販售商" GEN_TIME="yes" #use wml::debian::countries #use wml::debian::translation-check translation="0d933cd4eac080999aba5c6000c2d80ffbc04cb9" maintainer="Kanru Chen" # $Id$ # Translator: Franklin , 2002/11/24 # Checked by foka, 2002/11/25 #include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/distrib/pre-installed.inc"



The companies listed on this page will pre-install Debian on your #system. Besides saving you the time of installing the OS yourself, #you also save by not having to purchase copies of other operating #systems that most vendors force you to buy.

這個網頁中所列出來的廠商會為您預先安裝 Debian 系統。除了可以節省您自己 安裝作業系統的時間外,您也可以不必被強迫必須購買其他的作業系統。

#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/distrib/pre-installed.data"

Information for hardware vendors



#If you wish to be listed on this page, send mail to #webmaster@debian.org #providing the following information:

如果您希望被列入這個網頁的廠商名單中,請以英文撰寫 寄電子郵件到 preinstallvendors@debian.org 並提供以下