Debian "webwml" --------------- If you are interested in working on the Debian web pages, please see: Build requirements ------------------ There are a range of tools needed to build even the basic bits of the website, and then some extra/optional packages that you'll need for some of the translations. Here's a (probably incomplete!) list... Basics: * git (you probably have this already if you're reading this!) * make (to build the site) * gettext (to handle the .po templates) * wget (the build will use wget to grab some files as it runs) * wml (the templating engine we use) * libxml-rss-perl, libintl-perl (for building Debian Weekly News RDF files) * isoquery (for language names in the l10n stats) * python-lxml (for the oval security advisories) Translations: * opencc (Chinese translation conversions) You can find a comprehensive list of packages that needs to be installed to complete build the Debian website in the recipe used for (Note: that list includes the packages needed by the other scripts that are called by cron and perform other tasks needed by the website but not contained in the webwml repo (e.g. the manuals showed under, release notes, tidy and URL checks...). See for details ------------------ When building, you can pass STRICT_ERROR_CHECKS=1 to make, if you want the build to stop when errors due to missing dependencies or missing data are found. For a local build you probably need to use the USE_SAMPLE_FILES=1 setting, to use (small) sample files for data that is usually generated from cronjobs on the official website. Examples include: $(ENGLISHSRCDIR)/devel/people.names $(DATADIR)/Maintainers $(ENGLISHSRCDIR)/$(CUR_DIR)/data/% $(L10N_DIR)/data/% $(ENGLISHDIR)/mirror/Mirrors.masterlist See README_CI.gitlab-ci.yml for an example of the use of these settings. ------------------ To see the results of a build before pushing it out to the mirror network you can build in and then have a look at: ------------------