Candidate: CVE-2005-0530 References: FULLDISC:20050215 linux kernel 2.6 fun. windoze is a joke URL: MISC: CONFIRM: CONECTIVA:CLA-2005:930 URL: SUSE:SUSE-SA:2005:018 URL: BUGTRAQ:20050315 [USN-95-1] Linux kernel vulnerabilities URL: Description: Signedness error in the copy_from_read_buf function in n_tty.c for Linux kernel 2.6.10 and 2.6.11rc1 allows local users to read kernel memory via a negative argument. Notes: dannf> This doesn't affect 2.4: marcello> v2.4 does not suffer from the issue mentioned by Guninski because marcello> the first argument of the arithmetic comparison is not casted marcello> to a "signed" value: . marcello> n = min((ssize_t)*nr, n); . marcello> That was the problem in v2.6, where an unsigned value bigger than marcello> 2^31 would be treated as a negative signed. Bugs: upstream: released (2.6.11) linux-2.6: N/A 2.6.8-sarge-security: released (2.6.8-14) [116-n_tty_copy_from_read_buf_signedness_fixes.dpatch] 2.4.27-sarge-security: N/A 2.4.19-woody-security: N/A 2.4.18-woody-security: N/A 2.4.17-woody-security: N/A 2.4.16-woody-security: N/A 2.4.17-woody-security-hppa: N/A 2.4.17-woody-security-ia64: N/A 2.4.18-woody-security-hppa: N/A