path: root/README.md
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Diffstat (limited to 'README.md')
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+# bitpocket
+[![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/sickill/bitpocket.png?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.org/sickill/bitpocket)
+## About
+**bitpocket** is a small but smart script that does 2-way directory
+synchronization. It uses _rsync_ to do efficient data transfer and tracks local
+file creation/removal to avoid known rsync problem when doing 2-way syncing
+with deletion.
+bitpocket can use any server which you have ssh access to for its central
+storage. If you have gigabytes of free disk space on your hosting server you
+can finally make use of it.
+## Installation
+Clone repository and symlink `bitpocket` bin to sth in your `$PATH`:
+ $ git clone git://github.com/sickill/bitpocket.git
+ $ ln -s `pwd`/bitpocket/bin/bitpocket ~/bin/bitpocket
+Or download script and place it in a directory in your `$PATH`:
+ $ curl -sL https://raw.github.com/sickill/bitpocket/master/bin/bitpocket > ~/bin/bitpocket
+ $ chmod +x ~/bin/bitpocket
+### Setting up master
+Create an empty directory on some host that will be the master copy of your files:
+ $ ssh user@example.org
+ $ mkdir ~/BitPocketMaster
+### Setting up slaves
+On each machine you want to synchronize initialize an empty directory as your bitpocket:
+ $ mkdir ~/BitPocket
+ $ cd ~/BitPocket
+ $ bitpocket init user@example.org ~/BitPocketMaster
+## Usage
+After installation, you use the `bitpocket` command for synchronization and other tasks.
+Running `bitpocket help` will display the following message.
+ usage: bitpocket [sync|help|pack|log|cron|list|init <REMOTE_HOST> <REMOTE_PATH>]
+ Available commands:
+ sync Run the sync process. If no command is specified, sync is run by default.
+ init Initialize a new bitpocket folder. Requires remote host and path params.
+ pack Pack any existing (automatic) backups into a git repository.
+ cron Run sync optimized for cron, logging output to file instead of stdout.
+ log Display the log generated by the cron command
+ list List all files in the sync set (honoring include/exclude/filter config).
+ help Show this message.
+ Note: All commands (apart from help), must be run in the root of a
+ new or existing bitpocket directory structure.
+### Manual sync (bitpocket sync)
+To synchronize your local slave with master just run _bitpocket sync_ inside your
+bitpocket directory:
+ $ cd ~/BitPocket
+ $ bitpocket sync
+Ensure that you run bitpocket at least once immediately after creating a new slave and
+before adding new files to the slave directory. If there are files in the master they
+will be pulled into the slave. You may then move files into your slave directory and
+they will be detected as added.
+### Maintaining backups (bitpocket pack)
+bitpocket does not include a full-fledged versioning system at the moment, but
+it does automatically create a local backup of any files before overwriting or
+deleting with changes from the BitPocketMaster. These backups are placed into a
+timestamped directory (one directory per sync). The path to this directory is:
+ .bitpocket/backups/YYYY-MM-DD.hhmmss
+As these files accumulate, you may want to remove them, but you can also run
+`bitpocket pack` to combine all the backup files into a git repository contained
+within the _.bitpocket_ directory:
+ $ cd ~/BitPocket
+ $ bitpocket pack
+This requires an installation of _git_, but
+allows all the space saving advantages of _git_ when making repeated changes
+to the same files.
+There is a discussion about potential directions for versioning direction here:
+### Redirecting output to log file (bitpocket cron)
+If bitpocket is run with the cron parameter ( _bitpocket cron_ ), it will perform
+a sync, but instead of showing the progress on stdout, it will redirect all
+output to a log file:
+ $ cd ~/BitPocket
+ $ bitpocket cron
+As the name of this parameter implies, this is mainly useful when running bitpocket
+through the _cron_ command. (See "Automatic sync with cron" for more information
+about how to configure this).
+### Displaying logs (bitpocket log)
+When running bitpocket in cron with `bitpocket cron` it will append its output
+to _.bitpocket/log_ file. You can review the tail end of an existing log file,
+or watch live log as it is generated, with following command:
+ $ cd ~/BitPocket
+ $ bitpocket log
+### Displaying list of files to be synchronized (bitpocket list)
+You may want to know which files will be synchronized before actually performing
+the syncronization. You can verify which files are in the synchronization set
+by running `bitpocket list`:
+ $ cd ~/BitPocket
+ $ bitpocket list
+Note that this does _not_ list changed files, it only lists all the local files
+that bitpocket will look at in determining which files to sync. Also, note that
+if there are new files in the master that will be added on a sync, they will
+not be included here. This command is only intended to verify which files are
+in the synchronization set. (See "Configuring file exclusion and inclusion" for
+information about how to control which files are in the synchronization set).
+## Configuration
+### Automatic sync with cron
+Add following line to your crontab to synchronize every 5 minutes:
+ */5 * * * * cd ~/BitPocket && nice ~/bin/bitpocket cron
+Note that cron usually has very limited environment and your ssh keys with
+passphrases won't work in cron jobs as ssh-agents/keyrings don't work there.
+Thus it's preferable to generate passphrase-less ssh key for bitpocket
+ $ cd ~/BitPocket
+ $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C bitpocket-`hostname` -N '' -f .bitpocket/id_rsa
+ $ ssh-copy-id -i .bitpocket/id_rsa user@example.org
+and uncomment line with `RSYNC_SSH` in _.bitpocket/config_ file.
+### Custom rsync options
+You can pass additional switches to `rsync` by setting `RSYNC_OPTS` in
+_.bitpocket/config_ file. Generated config file includes (commented out)
+example setting for dereferencing symlinks:
+Just uncomment it and change at will.
+### Configuring file exclusion and inclusion
+If you want some files to be ignored by bitpocket you can create
+_.bitpocket/exclude_ file and list the paths there:
+ *.avi
+ jola
+ /misio.txt
+_*.avi_ and _jola_ will be matched anywhere in path, _misio.txt_ will be
+matched at bitpocket root dir ( _~/BitPocket/misio.txt_ ).
+This exclude file is passed to `rsync` as `--exclude-from` argument, check `man
+You can set up even more advanced exclusion/inclusion rules. In all, there
+there are three files that you can create to change this configuration:
+ .bitpocket/exclude
+ .bitpocket/include
+ .bitpocket/filter
+Be aware that all the quirks from rsync exclusion/inclusion rules carry over
+into bitpocket. If you decide that you need such advanced configuration, make
+sure that you understand those rules very well, and consider double checking
+them before syncing by running `bitpocket list`.
+### Slow sync callbacks
+When syncing takes more than 10 seconds (SLOW\_SYNC\_TIME setting) bitpocket
+can fire off user provided command in background. This can be usefull to notify
+user about long sync happening, preventing him from turning off the machine
+during sync etc.
+There are 3 settings that can be enabled in _.bitpocket/config_ file:
+ # SLOW_SYNC_START_CMD="notify-send 'BitPocket sync in progress...'"
+ # SLOW_SYNC_STOP_CMD="notify-send 'BitPocket sync finished'"
+Just uncomment them and change at will.
+You can show tray icon during long sync with
+[traytor](https://github.com/sickill/traytor) and following settings:
+ SLOW_SYNC_START_CMD='~/bin/traytor -t "BitPocket syncing..." -c "xdg-open ." .bitpocket/icons & echo $! >.bitpocket/traytor.pid'
+ SLOW_SYNC_STOP_CMD='kill `cat .bitpocket/traytor.pid`'
+## Author
+* Marcin Kulik | @sickill | https://github.com/sickill | http://ku1ik.com/
+* torfason | https://github.com/torfason

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