# Glossary CVE id : *Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures* id. In order to refer to a vulnerability, an id provided by [MITRE](#mitre) is used. This id is unique for each public vulnerability. [Website](https://cve.mitre.org/) DLA : A Security Advisory from the Debian Long Term Support team that affects older versions of Debian. [Example DLA](https://lists.debian.org/debian-lts-announce/2021/10/msg00033.html) DSA : An official Debian Security Advisory is called a DSA for short. [Example DSA](https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-5014) DTSA : An official Debian Security Advisory for the testing suite (historic, no longer in use) MITRE : The MITRE Corporation, a US based not-for-profit company, best known for maintaining the [CVE](#CVE) id system. [Website](https://www.mitre.org/) NFU : Not For Us. This designation is placed on a CVE that does not directly affect Debian. [More info on NFU](https://security-team.debian.org/security_tracker.html#issues-not-for-us-nfu) oss-security : *Open Source Software Security*. Community for open source software security research, best known for its equally named mailing list. [Website](http://oss-security.openwall.org/)