# to be executed on dillon.debian.org MD=/usr/bin/markdown_py SOURCES=security_tracker glossary index contact dsa_release organization tasks tips triage HTMLS=$(patsubst %,$(DEST)/%.html,$(SOURCES)) EXTENSIONS=tables def_list toc export DEST=$(CURDIR) all: $(HTMLS) $(DEST)/%.html: % (cat header; /usr/bin/markdown_py $< $(addprefix -x ,$(EXTENSIONS)) ) > $@ .PHONY: clean all rebuild publish clean: $(HTMLS) rm $(HTMLS) rebuild: clean all ifeq "$(shell hostname) $(shell whoami)" "dillon security" publish: $(HTMLS) mv $(HTMLS) /srv/security-team.debian.org/htdocs cp style.css /srv/security-team.debian.org/htdocs cp img/* /srv/security-team.debian.org/htdocs/img static-update-component security-team.debian.org else $(warning you are not in dillon or you are not security user) endif